Auto merge of #60785 - alexcrichton:error-type-id-destabilize-stable, r=pietroalbini

[stable] Destabilize the `Error::type_id` function

This commit destabilizes the `Error::type_id` function in the standard library.
This does so by effectively reverting #58048, restoring the `#[unstable]`
attribute. The security mailing list has recently been notified of a
vulnerability relating to the stabilization of this function. First stabilized
in Rust 1.34.0, a stable function here allows users to implement a custom
return value for this function:

    struct MyType;

    impl Error for MyType {
	fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId {
	    // Enable safe casting to `String` by accident.

This, when combined with the `Error::downcast` family of functions, allows
safely casting a type to any other type, clearly a memory safety issue! A
formal announcement has been made to the [security mailing list](!topic/rustlang-security-announcements/aZabeCMUv70) as well as [the blog](

This commit simply destabilizes the `Error::type_id` which, although breaking
for users since Rust 1.34.0, is hoped to have little impact and has been deemed
sufficient to mitigate this issue for the stable channel. The long-term fate of
the `Error::type_id` API will be discussed at #60784.