blob: 1afa9c7a268584db7813712cc0062e7f6e7892aa [file] [log] [blame]
//! Contains information about "passes", used to modify crate information during the documentation
//! process.
use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, DefIdSet};
use rustc_middle::middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
use rustc_session::lint;
use rustc_span::{InnerSpan, Span, DUMMY_SP};
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Range;
use self::Condition::*;
use crate::clean::{self, GetDefId, Item};
use crate::core::DocContext;
use crate::fold::{DocFolder, StripItem};
use crate::html::markdown::{find_testable_code, ErrorCodes, LangString};
mod collapse_docs;
pub use self::collapse_docs::COLLAPSE_DOCS;
mod strip_hidden;
pub use self::strip_hidden::STRIP_HIDDEN;
mod strip_private;
pub use self::strip_private::STRIP_PRIVATE;
mod strip_priv_imports;
pub use self::strip_priv_imports::STRIP_PRIV_IMPORTS;
mod unindent_comments;
pub use self::unindent_comments::UNINDENT_COMMENTS;
mod propagate_doc_cfg;
pub use self::propagate_doc_cfg::PROPAGATE_DOC_CFG;
mod collect_intra_doc_links;
pub use self::collect_intra_doc_links::COLLECT_INTRA_DOC_LINKS;
mod private_items_doc_tests;
pub use self::private_items_doc_tests::CHECK_PRIVATE_ITEMS_DOC_TESTS;
mod collect_trait_impls;
pub use self::collect_trait_impls::COLLECT_TRAIT_IMPLS;
mod check_code_block_syntax;
pub use self::check_code_block_syntax::CHECK_CODE_BLOCK_SYNTAX;
mod calculate_doc_coverage;
pub use self::calculate_doc_coverage::CALCULATE_DOC_COVERAGE;
/// A single pass over the cleaned documentation.
/// Runs in the compiler context, so it has access to types and traits and the like.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Pass {
pub name: &'static str,
pub run: fn(clean::Crate, &DocContext<'_>) -> clean::Crate,
pub description: &'static str,
/// In a list of passes, a pass that may or may not need to be run depending on options.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ConditionalPass {
pub pass: Pass,
pub condition: Condition,
/// How to decide whether to run a conditional pass.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Condition {
/// When `--document-private-items` is passed.
/// When `--document-private-items` is not passed.
/// When `--document-hidden-items` is not passed.
/// The full list of passes.
pub const PASSES: &[Pass] = &[
/// The list of passes run by default.
pub const DEFAULT_PASSES: &[ConditionalPass] = &[
ConditionalPass::new(STRIP_HIDDEN, WhenNotDocumentHidden),
ConditionalPass::new(STRIP_PRIVATE, WhenNotDocumentPrivate),
ConditionalPass::new(STRIP_PRIV_IMPORTS, WhenDocumentPrivate),
/// The list of default passes run when `--doc-coverage` is passed to rustdoc.
pub const COVERAGE_PASSES: &[ConditionalPass] = &[
ConditionalPass::new(STRIP_HIDDEN, WhenNotDocumentHidden),
ConditionalPass::new(STRIP_PRIVATE, WhenNotDocumentPrivate),
impl ConditionalPass {
pub const fn always(pass: Pass) -> Self {
Self::new(pass, Always)
pub const fn new(pass: Pass, condition: Condition) -> Self {
ConditionalPass { pass, condition }
/// A shorthand way to refer to which set of passes to use, based on the presence of
/// `--no-defaults` and `--show-coverage`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum DefaultPassOption {
/// Returns the given default set of passes.
pub fn defaults(default_set: DefaultPassOption) -> &'static [ConditionalPass] {
match default_set {
DefaultPassOption::Default => DEFAULT_PASSES,
DefaultPassOption::Coverage => COVERAGE_PASSES,
DefaultPassOption::None => &[],
/// If the given name matches a known pass, returns its information.
pub fn find_pass(pass_name: &str) -> Option<Pass> {
PASSES.iter().find(|p| == pass_name).copied()
struct Stripper<'a> {
retained: &'a mut DefIdSet,
access_levels: &'a AccessLevels<DefId>,
update_retained: bool,
impl<'a> DocFolder for Stripper<'a> {
fn fold_item(&mut self, i: Item) -> Option<Item> {
match i.inner {
clean::StrippedItem(..) => {
// We need to recurse into stripped modules to strip things
// like impl methods but when doing so we must not add any
// items to the `retained` set.
debug!("Stripper: recursing into stripped {:?} {:?}", i.type_(),;
let old = mem::replace(&mut self.update_retained, false);
let ret = self.fold_item_recur(i);
self.update_retained = old;
return ret;
// These items can all get re-exported
| clean::TypedefItem(..)
| clean::StaticItem(..)
| clean::StructItem(..)
| clean::EnumItem(..)
| clean::TraitItem(..)
| clean::FunctionItem(..)
| clean::VariantItem(..)
| clean::MethodItem(..)
| clean::ForeignFunctionItem(..)
| clean::ForeignStaticItem(..)
| clean::ConstantItem(..)
| clean::UnionItem(..)
| clean::AssocConstItem(..)
| clean::TraitAliasItem(..)
| clean::ForeignTypeItem => {
if i.def_id.is_local() {
if !self.access_levels.is_exported(i.def_id) {
debug!("Stripper: stripping {:?} {:?}", i.type_(),;
return None;
clean::StructFieldItem(..) => {
if i.visibility != clean::Public {
return StripItem(i).strip();
clean::ModuleItem(..) => {
if i.def_id.is_local() && i.visibility != clean::Public {
debug!("Stripper: stripping module {:?}",;
let old = mem::replace(&mut self.update_retained, false);
let ret = StripItem(self.fold_item_recur(i).unwrap()).strip();
self.update_retained = old;
return ret;
// handled in the `strip-priv-imports` pass
clean::ExternCrateItem(..) | clean::ImportItem(..) => {}
clean::ImplItem(..) => {}
// tymethods/macros have no control over privacy
clean::MacroItem(..) | clean::TyMethodItem(..) => {}
// Proc-macros are always public
clean::ProcMacroItem(..) => {}
// Primitives are never stripped
clean::PrimitiveItem(..) => {}
// Associated types are never stripped
clean::AssocTypeItem(..) => {}
// Keywords are never stripped
clean::KeywordItem(..) => {}
let fastreturn = match i.inner {
// nothing left to do for traits (don't want to filter their
// methods out, visibility controlled by the trait)
clean::TraitItem(..) => true,
// implementations of traits are always public.
clean::ImplItem(ref imp) if imp.trait_.is_some() => true,
// Struct variant fields have inherited visibility
clean::VariantItem(clean::Variant { kind: clean::VariantKind::Struct(..) }) => true,
_ => false,
let i = if fastreturn {
if self.update_retained {
return Some(i);
} else {
if let Some(ref i) = i {
if self.update_retained {
// This stripper discards all impls which reference stripped items
struct ImplStripper<'a> {
retained: &'a DefIdSet,
impl<'a> DocFolder for ImplStripper<'a> {
fn fold_item(&mut self, i: Item) -> Option<Item> {
if let clean::ImplItem(ref imp) = i.inner {
// emptied none trait impls can be stripped
if imp.trait_.is_none() && imp.items.is_empty() {
return None;
if let Some(did) = imp.for_.def_id() {
if did.is_local() && !imp.for_.is_generic() && !self.retained.contains(&did) {
debug!("ImplStripper: impl item for stripped type; removing");
return None;
if let Some(did) = imp.trait_.def_id() {
if did.is_local() && !self.retained.contains(&did) {
debug!("ImplStripper: impl item for stripped trait; removing");
return None;
if let Some(generics) = imp.trait_.as_ref().and_then(|t| t.generics()) {
for typaram in generics {
if let Some(did) = typaram.def_id() {
if did.is_local() && !self.retained.contains(&did) {
"ImplStripper: stripped item in trait's generics; \
removing impl"
return None;
// This stripper discards all private import statements (`use`, `extern crate`)
struct ImportStripper;
impl DocFolder for ImportStripper {
fn fold_item(&mut self, i: Item) -> Option<Item> {
match i.inner {
clean::ExternCrateItem(..) | clean::ImportItem(..) if i.visibility != clean::Public => {
_ => self.fold_item_recur(i),
pub fn look_for_tests<'tcx>(
cx: &DocContext<'tcx>,
dox: &str,
item: &Item,
check_missing_code: bool,
) {
let hir_id = match cx.as_local_hir_id(item.def_id) {
Some(hir_id) => hir_id,
None => {
// If non-local, no need to check anything.
struct Tests {
found_tests: usize,
impl crate::test::Tester for Tests {
fn add_test(&mut self, _: String, _: LangString, _: usize) {
self.found_tests += 1;
let mut tests = Tests { found_tests: 0 };
find_testable_code(&dox, &mut tests, ErrorCodes::No, false);
if check_missing_code && tests.found_tests == 0 {
let sp = span_of_attrs(&item.attrs).unwrap_or(item.source.span());
cx.tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(lint::builtin::MISSING_DOC_CODE_EXAMPLES, hir_id, sp, |lint| {"missing code example in this documentation").emit()
} else if !check_missing_code
&& tests.found_tests > 0
&& !cx.renderinfo.borrow().access_levels.is_public(item.def_id)
|lint|"documentation test in private item").emit(),
/// Returns a span encompassing all the given attributes.
crate fn span_of_attrs(attrs: &clean::Attributes) -> Option<Span> {
if attrs.doc_strings.is_empty() {
return None;
let start = attrs.doc_strings[0].span();
if start == DUMMY_SP {
return None;
let end = attrs.doc_strings.last().expect("no doc strings provided").span();
/// Attempts to match a range of bytes from parsed markdown to a `Span` in the source code.
/// This method will return `None` if we cannot construct a span from the source map or if the
/// attributes are not all sugared doc comments. It's difficult to calculate the correct span in
/// that case due to escaping and other source features.
crate fn source_span_for_markdown_range(
cx: &DocContext<'_>,
markdown: &str,
md_range: &Range<usize>,
attrs: &clean::Attributes,
) -> Option<Span> {
let is_all_sugared_doc = attrs.doc_strings.iter().all(|frag| match frag {
clean::DocFragment::SugaredDoc(..) => true,
_ => false,
if !is_all_sugared_doc {
return None;
let snippet = cx.sess().source_map().span_to_snippet(span_of_attrs(attrs)?).ok()?;
let starting_line = markdown[..md_range.start].matches('\n').count();
let ending_line = starting_line + markdown[md_range.start..md_range.end].matches('\n').count();
// We use `split_terminator('\n')` instead of `lines()` when counting bytes so that we treat
// CRLF and LF line endings the same way.
let mut src_lines = snippet.split_terminator('\n');
let md_lines = markdown.split_terminator('\n');
// The number of bytes from the source span to the markdown span that are not part
// of the markdown, like comment markers.
let mut start_bytes = 0;
let mut end_bytes = 0;
'outer: for (line_no, md_line) in md_lines.enumerate() {
loop {
let source_line ="could not find markdown in source");
match source_line.find(md_line) {
Some(offset) => {
if line_no == starting_line {
start_bytes += offset;
if starting_line == ending_line {
break 'outer;
} else if line_no == ending_line {
end_bytes += offset;
break 'outer;
} else if line_no < starting_line {
start_bytes += source_line.len() - md_line.len();
} else {
end_bytes += source_line.len() - md_line.len();
None => {
// Since this is a source line that doesn't include a markdown line,
// we have to count the newline that we split from earlier.
if line_no <= starting_line {
start_bytes += source_line.len() + 1;
} else {
end_bytes += source_line.len() + 1;
md_range.start + start_bytes,
md_range.end + start_bytes + end_bytes,