blob: 7d01c88f31ba51a59cab47dd815977674a229836 [file] [log] [blame]
// This test ensures that there is no macro duplicates in the sidebar.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/macro.a.html"
// Waiting for the elements in the sidebar to be rendered.
wait-for: ".sidebar-elems .macro"
// Check there is only one macro named "a" listed in the sidebar.
assert-count: (
"//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//li/a[text()='a']",
// Check there is only one macro named "b" listed in the sidebar.
assert-count: (
"//*[@class='sidebar-elems']//*[@class='block macro']//li/a[text()='b']",