blob: c39ab954473cd6f4eed6cb3a45e473ef473cf003 [file] [log] [blame]
fn main() {
let mut i: i64;
// Expected type is an inference variable `?T`
// because the `match` is used as a statement.
// This is the "initial" type of the `coercion`.
match i {
// Add `bool` to the overall `coercion`.
0 => true,
// Necessary to cause the ICE:
1 => true,
// Suppose that we had `let _: bool = match i { ... }`.
// In that case, as the expected type would be `bool`,
// we would suggest `i == 1` as a fix.
// However, no type error happens when checking `i = 1` because `expected == ?T`,
// which will unify with `typeof(i = 1) == ()`.
// However, in #67273, we would delay the unification of this arm with the above
// because we used the hitherto accumulated coercion as opposed to the "initial" type.
2 => i = 1,
//~^ ERROR `match` arms have incompatible types
_ => (),