blob: edeb4f83c7d7e6f1bbf0fb388be057f81d7f211f [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::{Generator, GeneratorState};
use std::pin::Pin;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct AccessAction(*mut dyn FnMut());
impl AccessAction {
pub fn get(self) -> *mut dyn FnMut() {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Action {
thread_local!(pub static BOX_REGION_ARG: Cell<Action> = Cell::new(Action::Complete));
pub struct PinnedGenerator<I, A, R> {
generator: Pin<Box<dyn Generator<Yield = YieldType<I, A>, Return = R>>>,
impl<I, A, R> PinnedGenerator<I, A, R> {
pub fn new<T: Generator<Yield = YieldType<I, A>, Return = R> + 'static>(
generator: T,
) -> (I, Self) {
let mut result = PinnedGenerator { generator: Box::pin(generator) };
// Run it to the first yield to set it up
let init = match Pin::new(&mut result.generator).resume(()) {
GeneratorState::Yielded(YieldType::Initial(y)) => y,
_ => panic!(),
(init, result)
pub unsafe fn access(&mut self, closure: *mut dyn FnMut()) {
BOX_REGION_ARG.with(|i| {
// Call the generator, which in turn will call the closure in BOX_REGION_ARG
if let GeneratorState::Complete(_) = Pin::new(&mut self.generator).resume(()) {
pub fn complete(&mut self) -> R {
// Tell the generator we want it to complete, consuming it and yielding a result
BOX_REGION_ARG.with(|i| i.set(Action::Complete));
let result = Pin::new(&mut self.generator).resume(());
if let GeneratorState::Complete(r) = result { r } else { panic!() }
pub struct Marker<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T> Marker<T> {
pub unsafe fn new() -> Self {
pub enum YieldType<I, A> {
macro_rules! declare_box_region_type {
(impl $v:vis
$name: ident,
($($args:ty),*) -> ($reti:ty, $retc:ty)
) => {
$v struct $name($crate::box_region::PinnedGenerator<
for<$($lifetimes)*> fn(($($args,)*)),
impl $name {
fn new<T: ::std::ops::Generator<Yield = $yield_type, Return = $retc> + 'static>(
generator: T
) -> ($reti, Self) {
let (initial, pinned) = $crate::box_region::PinnedGenerator::new(generator);
(initial, $name(pinned))
$v fn access<F: for<$($lifetimes)*> FnOnce($($args,)*) -> R, R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R {
// Turn the FnOnce closure into *mut dyn FnMut()
// so we can pass it in to the generator using the BOX_REGION_ARG thread local
let mut r = None;
let mut f = Some(f);
let mut_f: &mut dyn for<$($lifetimes)*> FnMut(($($args,)*)) =
&mut |args| {
let f = f.take().unwrap();
r = Some(FnOnce::call_once(f, args));
let mut_f = mut_f as *mut dyn for<$($lifetimes)*> FnMut(($($args,)*));
// Get the generator to call our closure
unsafe {
// Unwrap the result
$v fn complete(mut self) -> $retc {
fn initial_yield(value: $reti) -> $yield_type {
($v:vis $name: ident, for($($lifetimes:tt)*), ($($args:ty),*) -> ($reti:ty, $retc:ty)) => {
impl $v $name,
$crate::box_region::YieldType<$reti, for<$($lifetimes)*> fn(($($args,)*))>,
($($args),*) -> ($reti, $retc)
macro_rules! box_region_allow_access {
(for($($lifetimes:tt)*), ($($args:ty),*), ($($exprs:expr),*) ) => {
loop {
match $crate::box_region::BOX_REGION_ARG.with(|i| i.get()) {
$crate::box_region::Action::Access(accessor) => {
let accessor: &mut dyn for<$($lifetimes)*> FnMut($($args),*) = unsafe {
unsafe {
let marker = $crate::box_region::Marker::<
for<$($lifetimes)*> fn(($($args,)*))
yield $crate::box_region::YieldType::Accessor(marker)
$crate::box_region::Action::Complete => break,