blob: 1404a45f4d2db920a8407ac895f31236eb67fee7 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A pass that eliminates branches on uninhabited or unreachable enum variants.
use crate::MirPass;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_middle::bug;
use rustc_middle::mir::patch::MirPatch;
use rustc_middle::mir::{
BasicBlock, BasicBlockData, BasicBlocks, Body, Local, Operand, Rvalue, StatementKind,
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::TyAndLayout;
use rustc_middle::ty::{Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_target::abi::{Abi, Variants};
pub struct UnreachableEnumBranching;
fn get_discriminant_local(terminator: &TerminatorKind<'_>) -> Option<Local> {
if let TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { discr: Operand::Move(p), .. } = terminator {
} else {
/// If the basic block terminates by switching on a discriminant, this returns the `Ty` the
/// discriminant is read from. Otherwise, returns None.
fn get_switched_on_type<'tcx>(
block_data: &BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
body: &Body<'tcx>,
) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
// Only bother checking blocks which terminate by switching on a local.
let local = get_discriminant_local(&terminator.kind)?;
let stmt_before_term = block_data.statements.last()?;
if let StatementKind::Assign(box (l, Rvalue::Discriminant(place))) = stmt_before_term.kind
&& l.as_local() == Some(local)
let ty = place.ty(body, tcx).ty;
if ty.is_enum() {
return Some(ty);
fn variant_discriminants<'tcx>(
layout: &TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
) -> FxHashSet<u128> {
match &layout.variants {
Variants::Single { index } => {
let mut res = FxHashSet::default();
ty.discriminant_for_variant(tcx, *index)
.map_or(index.as_u32() as u128, |discr| discr.val),
Variants::Multiple { variants, .. } => variants
.filter_map(|(idx, layout)| {
(layout.abi != Abi::Uninhabited)
.then(|| ty.discriminant_for_variant(tcx, idx).unwrap().val)
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for UnreachableEnumBranching {
fn is_enabled(&self, sess: &rustc_session::Session) -> bool {
sess.mir_opt_level() > 0
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
trace!("UnreachableEnumBranching starting for {:?}", body.source);
let mut unreachable_targets = Vec::new();
let mut patch = MirPatch::new(body);
for (bb, bb_data) in body.basic_blocks.iter_enumerated() {
trace!("processing block {:?}", bb);
if bb_data.is_cleanup {
let Some(discriminant_ty) = get_switched_on_type(bb_data, tcx, body) else { continue };
let layout = tcx.layout_of(
let mut allowed_variants = if let Ok(layout) = layout {
// Find allowed variants based on uninhabited.
variant_discriminants(&layout, discriminant_ty, tcx)
} else if let Some(variant_range) = discriminant_ty.variant_range(tcx) {
// If there are some generics, we can still get the allowed variants.
.map(|variant| {
discriminant_ty.discriminant_for_variant(tcx, variant).unwrap().val
} else {
trace!("allowed_variants = {:?}", allowed_variants);
let TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { targets, discr } = &bb_data.terminator().kind else {
for (index, (val, _)) in targets.iter().enumerate() {
if !allowed_variants.remove(&val) {
let otherwise_is_empty_unreachable =
fn check_successors(basic_blocks: &BasicBlocks<'_>, bb: BasicBlock) -> bool {
// After resolving,
// We can remove this check.
// The main issue here is that `early-tailduplication` causes compile time overhead
// and potential performance problems.
// Simply put, when encounter a switch (indirect branch) statement,
// `early-tailduplication` tries to duplicate the switch branch statement with BB
// into (each) predecessors. This makes CFG very complex.
// We can understand it as it transforms the following code
// ```rust
// match a { ... many cases };
// match b { ... many cases };
// ```
// into
// ```rust
// match a { ... many match b { goto BB cases } }
// ... BB cases
// ```
// Abandon this transformation when it is possible (the best effort)
// to encounter the problem.
let mut successors = basic_blocks[bb].terminator().successors();
let Some(first_successor) = else { return true };
if {
return true;
if let TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } =
return false;
// If and only if there is a variant that does not have a branch set,
// change the current of otherwise as the variant branch and set otherwise to unreachable.
// It transforms following code
// ```rust
// match c {
// Ordering::Less => 1,
// Ordering::Equal => 2,
// _ => 3,
// }
// ```
// to
// ```rust
// match c {
// Ordering::Less => 1,
// Ordering::Equal => 2,
// Ordering::Greater => 3,
// }
// ```
let otherwise_is_last_variant = !otherwise_is_empty_unreachable
&& allowed_variants.len() == 1
// Despite the LLVM issue, we hope that small enum can still be transformed.
// This is valuable for both `a <= b` and `if let Some/Ok(v)`.
&& (targets.all_targets().len() <= 3
|| check_successors(&body.basic_blocks, targets.otherwise()));
let replace_otherwise_to_unreachable = otherwise_is_last_variant
|| (!otherwise_is_empty_unreachable && allowed_variants.is_empty());
if unreachable_targets.is_empty() && !replace_otherwise_to_unreachable {
let unreachable_block = patch.unreachable_no_cleanup_block();
let mut targets = targets.clone();
if replace_otherwise_to_unreachable {
if otherwise_is_last_variant {
// We have checked that `allowed_variants` has only one element.
let last_variant = *allowed_variants.iter().next().unwrap();
targets.add_target(last_variant, targets.otherwise());
for index in unreachable_targets.iter() {
targets.all_targets_mut()[*index] = unreachable_block;
patch.patch_terminator(bb, TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { targets, discr: discr.clone() });