blob: 8486f03f2eb8e8502082b2384232430e1a757d61 [file] [log] [blame]
//~^ WARNING: the feature `capture_disjoint_fields` is incomplete
//~| `#[warn(incomplete_features)]` on by default
//~| see issue #53488 <>
// Check that precise paths are being reported back in the error message.
enum SingleVariant {
Point(i32, i32),
fn main() {
let mut point = SingleVariant::Point(10, -10);
let c = || {
// FIXME(project-rfc-2229#24): Change this to be a destructure pattern
// once this is fixed, to remove the warning.
if let SingleVariant::Point(ref mut x, _) = point {
//~^ WARNING: irrefutable if-let pattern
*x += 1;
let b = c;
let a = c; //~ ERROR use of moved value: `c` [E0382]