blob: 7e9594dd6bfd77fdb502e993edc8cc64cfd26ab5 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
use rustc_hir::{self as hir, def_id::DefId, definitions::DefPathData};
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_macros::HashStable;
use rustc_middle::ich::StableHashingContext;
use rustc_middle::mir;
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::{GlobalId, InterpResult, Pointer, Scalar};
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{self, TyAndLayout};
use rustc_middle::ty::{
self, query::TyCtxtAt, subst::SubstsRef, ParamEnv, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable,
use rustc_span::{Pos, Span};
use rustc_target::abi::{Align, HasDataLayout, LayoutOf, Size, TargetDataLayout};
use super::{
Immediate, MPlaceTy, Machine, MemPlace, MemPlaceMeta, Memory, Operand, Place, PlaceTy,
ScalarMaybeUninit, StackPopJump,
use crate::transform::validate::equal_up_to_regions;
use crate::util::storage::AlwaysLiveLocals;
pub struct InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> {
/// Stores the `Machine` instance.
/// Note: the stack is provided by the machine.
pub machine: M,
/// The results of the type checker, from rustc.
/// The span in this is the "root" of the evaluation, i.e., the const
/// we are evaluating (if this is CTFE).
pub tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>,
/// Bounds in scope for polymorphic evaluations.
pub(crate) param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
/// The virtual memory system.
pub memory: Memory<'mir, 'tcx, M>,
/// A cache for deduplicating vtables
pub(super) vtables:
FxHashMap<(Ty<'tcx>, Option<ty::PolyExistentialTraitRef<'tcx>>), Pointer<M::PointerTag>>,
// The Phantomdata exists to prevent this type from being `Send`. If it were sent across a thread
// boundary and dropped in the other thread, it would exit the span in the other thread.
struct SpanGuard(tracing::Span, std::marker::PhantomData<*const u8>);
impl SpanGuard {
/// By default a `SpanGuard` does nothing.
fn new() -> Self {
Self(tracing::Span::none(), std::marker::PhantomData)
/// If a span is entered, we exit the previous span (if any, normally none) and enter the
/// new span. This is mainly so we don't have to use `Option` for the `tracing_span` field of
/// `Frame` by creating a dummy span to being with and then entering it once the frame has
/// been pushed.
fn enter(&mut self, span: tracing::Span) {
// This executes the destructor on the previous instance of `SpanGuard`, ensuring that
// we never enter or exit more spans than vice versa. Unless you `mem::leak`, then we
// can't protect the tracing stack, but that'll just lead to weird logging, no actual
// problems.
*self = Self(span, std::marker::PhantomData);
self.0.with_subscriber(|(id, dispatch)| {
impl Drop for SpanGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.0.with_subscriber(|(id, dispatch)| {
/// A stack frame.
pub struct Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag = (), Extra = ()> {
// Function and callsite information
/// The MIR for the function called on this frame.
pub body: &'mir mir::Body<'tcx>,
/// The def_id and substs of the current function.
pub instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
/// Extra data for the machine.
pub extra: Extra,
// Return place and locals
/// Work to perform when returning from this function.
pub return_to_block: StackPopCleanup,
/// The location where the result of the current stack frame should be written to,
/// and its layout in the caller.
pub return_place: Option<PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>>,
/// The list of locals for this stack frame, stored in order as
/// `[return_ptr, arguments..., variables..., temporaries...]`.
/// The locals are stored as `Option<Value>`s.
/// `None` represents a local that is currently dead, while a live local
/// can either directly contain `Scalar` or refer to some part of an `Allocation`.
pub locals: IndexVec<mir::Local, LocalState<'tcx, Tag>>,
/// The span of the `tracing` crate is stored here.
/// When the guard is dropped, the span is exited. This gives us
/// a full stack trace on all tracing statements.
tracing_span: SpanGuard,
// Current position within the function
/// If this is `Err`, we are not currently executing any particular statement in
/// this frame (can happen e.g. during frame initialization, and during unwinding on
/// frames without cleanup code).
/// We basically abuse `Result` as `Either`.
pub(super) loc: Result<mir::Location, Span>,
/// What we store about a frame in an interpreter backtrace.
pub struct FrameInfo<'tcx> {
pub instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
pub span: Span,
pub lint_root: Option<hir::HirId>,
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, HashStable)] // Miri debug-prints these
pub enum StackPopCleanup {
/// Jump to the next block in the caller, or cause UB if None (that's a function
/// that may never return). Also store layout of return place so
/// we can validate it at that layout.
/// `ret` stores the block we jump to on a normal return, while `unwind`
/// stores the block used for cleanup during unwinding.
Goto { ret: Option<mir::BasicBlock>, unwind: Option<mir::BasicBlock> },
/// Just do nothing: Used by Main and for the `box_alloc` hook in miri.
/// `cleanup` says whether locals are deallocated. Static computation
/// wants them leaked to intern what they need (and just throw away
/// the entire `ecx` when it is done).
None { cleanup: bool },
/// State of a local variable including a memoized layout
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, HashStable)]
pub struct LocalState<'tcx, Tag = ()> {
pub value: LocalValue<Tag>,
/// Don't modify if `Some`, this is only used to prevent computing the layout twice
pub layout: Cell<Option<TyAndLayout<'tcx>>>,
/// Current value of a local variable
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, HashStable)] // Miri debug-prints these
pub enum LocalValue<Tag = ()> {
/// This local is not currently alive, and cannot be used at all.
/// This local is alive but not yet initialized. It can be written to
/// but not read from or its address taken. Locals get initialized on
/// first write because for unsized locals, we do not know their size
/// before that.
/// A normal, live local.
/// Mostly for convenience, we re-use the `Operand` type here.
/// This is an optimization over just always having a pointer here;
/// we can thus avoid doing an allocation when the local just stores
/// immediate values *and* never has its address taken.
impl<'tcx, Tag: Copy + 'static> LocalState<'tcx, Tag> {
/// Read the local's value or error if the local is not yet live or not live anymore.
/// Note: This may only be invoked from the `Machine::access_local` hook and not from
/// anywhere else. You may be invalidating machine invariants if you do!
pub fn access(&self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Operand<Tag>> {
match self.value {
LocalValue::Dead => throw_ub!(DeadLocal),
LocalValue::Uninitialized => {
bug!("The type checker should prevent reading from a never-written local")
LocalValue::Live(val) => Ok(val),
/// Overwrite the local. If the local can be overwritten in place, return a reference
/// to do so; otherwise return the `MemPlace` to consult instead.
/// Note: This may only be invoked from the `Machine::access_local_mut` hook and not from
/// anywhere else. You may be invalidating machine invariants if you do!
pub fn access_mut(
&mut self,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Result<&mut LocalValue<Tag>, MemPlace<Tag>>> {
match self.value {
LocalValue::Dead => throw_ub!(DeadLocal),
LocalValue::Live(Operand::Indirect(mplace)) => Ok(Err(mplace)),
ref mut
local @ (LocalValue::Live(Operand::Immediate(_)) | LocalValue::Uninitialized) => {
impl<'mir, 'tcx, Tag> Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag> {
pub fn with_extra<Extra>(self, extra: Extra) -> Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, Extra> {
Frame {
body: self.body,
instance: self.instance,
return_to_block: self.return_to_block,
return_place: self.return_place,
locals: self.locals,
loc: self.loc,
tracing_span: self.tracing_span,
impl<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, Extra> Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, Extra> {
/// Return the `SourceInfo` of the current instruction.
pub fn current_source_info(&self) -> Option<&mir::SourceInfo> {
self.loc.ok().map(|loc| self.body.source_info(loc))
pub fn current_span(&self) -> Span {
match self.loc {
Ok(loc) => self.body.source_info(loc).span,
Err(span) => span,
impl<'tcx> fmt::Display for FrameInfo<'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
if tcx.def_key(self.instance.def_id())
== DefPathData::ClosureExpr
write!(f, "inside closure")?;
} else {
write!(f, "inside `{}`", self.instance)?;
if !self.span.is_dummy() {
let lo = tcx.sess.source_map().lookup_char_pos(self.span.lo());
write!(f, " at {}:{}:{}",, lo.line, lo.col.to_usize() + 1)?;
impl<'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> HasDataLayout for InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
fn data_layout(&self) -> &TargetDataLayout {
impl<'mir, 'tcx, M> layout::HasTyCtxt<'tcx> for InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>
M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>,
fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
impl<'mir, 'tcx, M> layout::HasParamEnv<'tcx> for InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>
M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>,
fn param_env(&self) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx> {
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> LayoutOf for InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
type Ty = Ty<'tcx>;
type TyAndLayout = InterpResult<'tcx, TyAndLayout<'tcx>>;
fn layout_of(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Self::TyAndLayout {
.map_err(|layout| err_inval!(Layout(layout)).into())
/// Test if it is valid for a MIR assignment to assign `src`-typed place to `dest`-typed value.
/// This test should be symmetric, as it is primarily about layout compatibility.
pub(super) fn mir_assign_valid_types<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
param_env: ParamEnv<'tcx>,
src: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
dest: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
// Type-changing assignments can happen when subtyping is used. While
// all normal lifetimes are erased, higher-ranked types with their
// late-bound lifetimes are still around and can lead to type
// differences. So we compare ignoring lifetimes.
if equal_up_to_regions(tcx, param_env, src.ty, dest.ty) {
// Make sure the layout is equal, too -- just to be safe. Miri really
// needs layout equality. For performance reason we skip this check when
// the types are equal. Equal types *can* have different layouts when
// enum downcast is involved (as enum variants carry the type of the
// enum), but those should never occur in assignments.
if cfg!(debug_assertions) || src.ty != dest.ty {
assert_eq!(src.layout, dest.layout);
} else {
/// Use the already known layout if given (but sanity check in debug mode),
/// or compute the layout.
#[cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), inline(always))]
pub(super) fn from_known_layout<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>,
param_env: ParamEnv<'tcx>,
known_layout: Option<TyAndLayout<'tcx>>,
compute: impl FnOnce() -> InterpResult<'tcx, TyAndLayout<'tcx>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, TyAndLayout<'tcx>> {
match known_layout {
None => compute(),
Some(known_layout) => {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let check_layout = compute()?;
if !mir_assign_valid_types(tcx.tcx, param_env, check_layout, known_layout) {
"expected type differs from actual type.\nexpected: {:?}\nactual: {:?}",
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
pub fn new(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
root_span: Span,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
machine: M,
memory_extra: M::MemoryExtra,
) -> Self {
InterpCx {
memory: Memory::new(tcx, memory_extra),
vtables: FxHashMap::default(),
pub fn cur_span(&self) -> Span {
self.stack().last().map_or(self.tcx.span, |f| f.current_span())
pub fn force_ptr(
scalar: Scalar<M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<M::PointerTag>> {
pub fn force_bits(
scalar: Scalar<M::PointerTag>,
size: Size,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, u128> {
self.memory.force_bits(scalar, size)
/// Call this to turn untagged "global" pointers (obtained via `tcx`) into
/// the machine pointer to the allocation. Must never be used
/// for any other pointers, nor for TLS statics.
/// Using the resulting pointer represents a *direct* access to that memory
/// (e.g. by directly using a `static`),
/// as opposed to access through a pointer that was created by the program.
/// This function can fail only if `ptr` points to an `extern static`.
pub fn global_base_pointer(&self, ptr: Pointer) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<M::PointerTag>> {
pub(crate) fn stack(&self) -> &[Frame<'mir, 'tcx, M::PointerTag, M::FrameExtra>] {
pub(crate) fn stack_mut(
&mut self,
) -> &mut Vec<Frame<'mir, 'tcx, M::PointerTag, M::FrameExtra>> {
pub fn frame_idx(&self) -> usize {
let stack = self.stack();
stack.len() - 1
pub fn frame(&self) -> &Frame<'mir, 'tcx, M::PointerTag, M::FrameExtra> {
self.stack().last().expect("no call frames exist")
pub fn frame_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Frame<'mir, 'tcx, M::PointerTag, M::FrameExtra> {
self.stack_mut().last_mut().expect("no call frames exist")
pub(super) fn body(&self) -> &'mir mir::Body<'tcx> {
pub fn sign_extend(&self, value: u128, ty: TyAndLayout<'_>) -> u128 {
pub fn truncate(&self, value: u128, ty: TyAndLayout<'_>) -> u128 {
pub fn type_is_sized(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
ty.is_sized(self.tcx, self.param_env)
pub fn type_is_freeze(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
ty.is_freeze(self.tcx, self.param_env)
pub fn load_mir(
instance: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>,
promoted: Option<mir::Promoted>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, &'tcx mir::Body<'tcx>> {
// do not continue if typeck errors occurred (can only occur in local crate)
let def = instance.with_opt_param();
if let Some(def) = def.as_local() {
if self.tcx.has_typeck_results(def.did) {
if let Some(error_reported) = self.tcx.typeck_opt_const_arg(def).tainted_by_errors {
trace!("load mir(instance={:?}, promoted={:?})", instance, promoted);
if let Some(promoted) = promoted {
return Ok(&self.tcx.promoted_mir_opt_const_arg(def)[promoted]);
M::load_mir(self, instance)
/// Call this on things you got out of the MIR (so it is as generic as the current
/// stack frame), to bring it into the proper environment for this interpreter.
pub(super) fn subst_from_current_frame_and_normalize_erasing_regions<T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>>(
value: T,
) -> T {
self.subst_from_frame_and_normalize_erasing_regions(self.frame(), value)
/// Call this on things you got out of the MIR (so it is as generic as the provided
/// stack frame), to bring it into the proper environment for this interpreter.
pub(super) fn subst_from_frame_and_normalize_erasing_regions<T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>>(
frame: &Frame<'mir, 'tcx, M::PointerTag, M::FrameExtra>,
value: T,
) -> T {
frame.instance.subst_mir_and_normalize_erasing_regions(*self.tcx, self.param_env, value)
/// The `substs` are assumed to already be in our interpreter "universe" (param_env).
pub(super) fn resolve(
def: ty::WithOptConstParam<DefId>,
substs: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ty::Instance<'tcx>> {
trace!("resolve: {:?}, {:#?}", def, substs);
trace!("param_env: {:#?}", self.param_env);
trace!("substs: {:#?}", substs);
match ty::Instance::resolve_opt_const_arg(*self.tcx, self.param_env, def, substs) {
Ok(Some(instance)) => Ok(instance),
Ok(None) => throw_inval!(TooGeneric),
// FIXME(eddyb) this could be a bit more specific than `AlreadyReported`.
Err(error_reported) => throw_inval!(AlreadyReported(error_reported)),
pub fn layout_of_local(
frame: &Frame<'mir, 'tcx, M::PointerTag, M::FrameExtra>,
local: mir::Local,
layout: Option<TyAndLayout<'tcx>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, TyAndLayout<'tcx>> {
// `const_prop` runs into this with an invalid (empty) frame, so we
// have to support that case (mostly by skipping all caching).
match frame.locals.get(local).and_then(|state| state.layout.get()) {
None => {
let layout = from_known_layout(self.tcx, self.param_env, layout, || {
let local_ty = frame.body.local_decls[local].ty;
let local_ty =
self.subst_from_frame_and_normalize_erasing_regions(frame, local_ty);
if let Some(state) = frame.locals.get(local) {
// Layouts of locals are requested a lot, so we cache them.
Some(layout) => Ok(layout),
/// Returns the actual dynamic size and alignment of the place at the given type.
/// Only the "meta" (metadata) part of the place matters.
/// This can fail to provide an answer for extern types.
pub(super) fn size_and_align_of(
metadata: MemPlaceMeta<M::PointerTag>,
layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<(Size, Align)>> {
if !layout.is_unsized() {
return Ok(Some((layout.size, layout.align.abi)));
match layout.ty.kind() {
ty::Adt(..) | ty::Tuple(..) => {
// First get the size of all statically known fields.
// Don't use type_of::sizing_type_of because that expects t to be sized,
// and it also rounds up to alignment, which we want to avoid,
// as the unsized field's alignment could be smaller.
assert!(layout.fields.count() > 0);
trace!("DST layout: {:?}", layout);
let sized_size = layout.fields.offset(layout.fields.count() - 1);
let sized_align = layout.align.abi;
"DST {} statically sized prefix size: {:?} align: {:?}",
// Recurse to get the size of the dynamically sized field (must be
// the last field). Can't have foreign types here, how would we
// adjust alignment and size for them?
let field = layout.field(self, layout.fields.count() - 1)?;
let (unsized_size, unsized_align) = match self.size_and_align_of(metadata, field)? {
Some(size_and_align) => size_and_align,
None => {
// A field with extern type. If this field is at offset 0, we behave
// like the underlying extern type.
// FIXME: Once we have made decisions for how to handle size and alignment
// of `extern type`, this should be adapted. It is just a temporary hack
// to get some code to work that probably ought to work.
if sized_size == Size::ZERO {
return Ok(None);
} else {
"Fields cannot be extern types, unless they are at offset 0"
// FIXME (#26403, #27023): We should be adding padding
// to `sized_size` (to accommodate the `unsized_align`
// required of the unsized field that follows) before
// summing it with `sized_size`. (Note that since #26403
// is unfixed, we do not yet add the necessary padding
// here. But this is where the add would go.)
// Return the sum of sizes and max of aligns.
let size = sized_size + unsized_size; // `Size` addition
// Choose max of two known alignments (combined value must
// be aligned according to more restrictive of the two).
let align = sized_align.max(unsized_align);
// Issue #27023: must add any necessary padding to `size`
// (to make it a multiple of `align`) before returning it.
let size = size.align_to(align);
// Check if this brought us over the size limit.
if size.bytes() >= self.tcx.data_layout.obj_size_bound() {
throw_ub!(InvalidMeta("total size is bigger than largest supported object"));
Ok(Some((size, align)))
ty::Dynamic(..) => {
let vtable = metadata.unwrap_meta();
// Read size and align from vtable (already checks size).
ty::Slice(_) | ty::Str => {
let len = metadata.unwrap_meta().to_machine_usize(self)?;
let elem = layout.field(self, 0)?;
// Make sure the slice is not too big.
let size = elem.size.checked_mul(len, self).ok_or_else(|| {
err_ub!(InvalidMeta("slice is bigger than largest supported object"))
Ok(Some((size, elem.align.abi)))
ty::Foreign(_) => Ok(None),
_ => span_bug!(self.cur_span(), "size_and_align_of::<{:?}> not supported", layout.ty),
pub fn size_and_align_of_mplace(
mplace: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<(Size, Align)>> {
self.size_and_align_of(mplace.meta, mplace.layout)
pub fn push_stack_frame(
&mut self,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
body: &'mir mir::Body<'tcx>,
return_place: Option<PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>>,
return_to_block: StackPopCleanup,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
// first push a stack frame so we have access to the local substs
let pre_frame = Frame {
loc: Err(body.span), // Span used for errors caused during preamble.
// empty local array, we fill it in below, after we are inside the stack frame and
// all methods actually know about the frame
locals: IndexVec::new(),
tracing_span: SpanGuard::new(),
extra: (),
let frame = M::init_frame_extra(self, pre_frame)?;
// Make sure all the constants required by this frame evaluate successfully (post-monomorphization check).
for const_ in &body.required_consts {
let span = const_.span;
let const_ =
self.const_to_op(const_, None).map_err(|err| {
// If there was an error, set the span of the current frame to this constant.
// Avoiding doing this when evaluation succeeds.
self.frame_mut().loc = Err(span);
// Locals are initially uninitialized.
let dummy = LocalState { value: LocalValue::Uninitialized, layout: Cell::new(None) };
let mut locals = IndexVec::from_elem(dummy, &body.local_decls);
// Now mark those locals as dead that we do not want to initialize
// Mark locals that use `Storage*` annotations as dead on function entry.
let always_live = AlwaysLiveLocals::new(self.body());
for local in locals.indices() {
if !always_live.contains(local) {
locals[local].value = LocalValue::Dead;
// done
self.frame_mut().locals = locals;
self.frame_mut().loc = Ok(mir::Location::START);
let span = info_span!("frame", "{}", instance);
/// Jump to the given block.
pub fn go_to_block(&mut self, target: mir::BasicBlock) {
self.frame_mut().loc = Ok(mir::Location { block: target, statement_index: 0 });
/// *Return* to the given `target` basic block.
/// Do *not* use for unwinding! Use `unwind_to_block` instead.
/// If `target` is `None`, that indicates the function cannot return, so we raise UB.
pub fn return_to_block(&mut self, target: Option<mir::BasicBlock>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
if let Some(target) = target {
} else {
/// *Unwind* to the given `target` basic block.
/// Do *not* use for returning! Use `return_to_block` instead.
/// If `target` is `None`, that indicates the function does not need cleanup during
/// unwinding, and we will just keep propagating that upwards.
pub fn unwind_to_block(&mut self, target: Option<mir::BasicBlock>) {
self.frame_mut().loc = match target {
Some(block) => Ok(mir::Location { block, statement_index: 0 }),
None => Err(self.frame_mut().body.span),
/// Pops the current frame from the stack, deallocating the
/// memory for allocated locals.
/// If `unwinding` is `false`, then we are performing a normal return
/// from a function. In this case, we jump back into the frame of the caller,
/// and continue execution as normal.
/// If `unwinding` is `true`, then we are in the middle of a panic,
/// and need to unwind this frame. In this case, we jump to the
/// `cleanup` block for the function, which is responsible for running
/// `Drop` impls for any locals that have been initialized at this point.
/// The cleanup block ends with a special `Resume` terminator, which will
/// cause us to continue unwinding.
pub(super) fn pop_stack_frame(&mut self, unwinding: bool) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
"popping stack frame ({})",
if unwinding { "during unwinding" } else { "returning from function" }
// Sanity check `unwinding`.
match self.frame().loc {
Ok(loc) => self.body().basic_blocks()[loc.block].is_cleanup,
Err(_) => true,
if unwinding && self.frame_idx() == 0 {
throw_ub_format!("unwinding past the topmost frame of the stack");
let frame =
self.stack_mut().pop().expect("tried to pop a stack frame, but there were none");
if !unwinding {
// Copy the return value to the caller's stack frame.
if let Some(return_place) = frame.return_place {
let op = self.access_local(&frame, mir::RETURN_PLACE, None)?;
self.copy_op_transmute(op, return_place)?;
trace!("{:?}", self.dump_place(*return_place));
} else {
// Now where do we jump next?
// Usually we want to clean up (deallocate locals), but in a few rare cases we don't.
// In that case, we return early. We also avoid validation in that case,
// because this is CTFE and the final value will be thoroughly validated anyway.
let (cleanup, next_block) = match frame.return_to_block {
StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret, unwind } => {
(true, Some(if unwinding { unwind } else { ret }))
StackPopCleanup::None { cleanup, .. } => (cleanup, None),
if !cleanup {
assert!(self.stack().is_empty(), "only the topmost frame should ever be leaked");
assert!(next_block.is_none(), "tried to skip cleanup when we have a next block!");
assert!(!unwinding, "tried to skip cleanup during unwinding");
// Leak the locals, skip validation, skip machine hook.
return Ok(());
// Cleanup: deallocate all locals that are backed by an allocation.
for local in &frame.locals {
if M::after_stack_pop(self, frame, unwinding)? == StackPopJump::NoJump {
// The hook already did everything.
// We want to skip the `info!` below, hence early return.
return Ok(());
// Normal return, figure out where to jump.
if unwinding {
// Follow the unwind edge.
let unwind = next_block.expect("Encountered StackPopCleanup::None when unwinding!");
} else {
// Follow the normal return edge.
if let Some(ret) = next_block {
/// Mark a storage as live, killing the previous content.
pub fn storage_live(&mut self, local: mir::Local) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
assert!(local != mir::RETURN_PLACE, "Cannot make return place live");
trace!("{:?} is now live", local);
let local_val = LocalValue::Uninitialized;
// StorageLive expects the local to be dead, and marks it live.
let old = mem::replace(&mut self.frame_mut().locals[local].value, local_val);
if !matches!(old, LocalValue::Dead) {
throw_ub_format!("StorageLive on a local that was already live");
pub fn storage_dead(&mut self, local: mir::Local) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
assert!(local != mir::RETURN_PLACE, "Cannot make return place dead");
trace!("{:?} is now dead", local);
// It is entirely okay for this local to be already dead (at least that's how we currently generate MIR)
let old = mem::replace(&mut self.frame_mut().locals[local].value, LocalValue::Dead);
fn deallocate_local(&mut self, local: LocalValue<M::PointerTag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
if let LocalValue::Live(Operand::Indirect(MemPlace { ptr, .. })) = local {
// All locals have a backing allocation, even if the allocation is empty
// due to the local having ZST type.
let ptr = ptr.assert_ptr();
trace!("deallocating local: {:?}", self.memory.dump_alloc(ptr.alloc_id));
pub fn eval_to_allocation(
gid: GlobalId<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
// For statics we pick `ParamEnv::reveal_all`, because statics don't have generics
// and thus don't care about the parameter environment. While we could just use
// `self.param_env`, that would mean we invoke the query to evaluate the static
// with different parameter environments, thus causing the static to be evaluated
// multiple times.
let param_env = if self.tcx.is_static(gid.instance.def_id()) {
} else {
let val = self.tcx.eval_to_allocation_raw(param_env.and(gid))?;
pub fn dump_place(&'a self, place: Place<M::PointerTag>) -> PlacePrinter<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
PlacePrinter { ecx: self, place }
pub fn generate_stacktrace(&self) -> Vec<FrameInfo<'tcx>> {
let mut frames = Vec::new();
for frame in self.stack().iter().rev() {
let lint_root = frame.current_source_info().and_then(|source_info| {
match &frame.body.source_scopes[source_info.scope].local_data {
mir::ClearCrossCrate::Set(data) => Some(data.lint_root),
mir::ClearCrossCrate::Clear => None,
let span = frame.current_span();
frames.push(FrameInfo { span, instance: frame.instance, lint_root });
trace!("generate stacktrace: {:#?}", frames);
/// Helper struct for the `dump_place` function.
pub struct PlacePrinter<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> {
ecx: &'a InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>,
place: Place<M::PointerTag>,
impl<'a, 'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> std::fmt::Debug
for PlacePrinter<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M>
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match {
Place::Local { frame, local } => {
let mut allocs = Vec::new();
write!(fmt, "{:?}", local)?;
if frame != self.ecx.frame_idx() {
write!(fmt, " ({} frames up)", self.ecx.frame_idx() - frame)?;
write!(fmt, ":")?;
match self.ecx.stack()[frame].locals[local].value {
LocalValue::Dead => write!(fmt, " is dead")?,
LocalValue::Uninitialized => write!(fmt, " is uninitialized")?,
LocalValue::Live(Operand::Indirect(mplace)) => match mplace.ptr {
Scalar::Ptr(ptr) => {
" by align({}){} ref:",
match mplace.meta {
MemPlaceMeta::Meta(meta) => format!(" meta({:?})", meta),
MemPlaceMeta::Poison | MemPlaceMeta::None => String::new(),
ptr => write!(fmt, " by integral ref: {:?}", ptr)?,
LocalValue::Live(Operand::Immediate(Immediate::Scalar(val))) => {
write!(fmt, " {:?}", val)?;
if let ScalarMaybeUninit::Scalar(Scalar::Ptr(ptr)) = val {
LocalValue::Live(Operand::Immediate(Immediate::ScalarPair(val1, val2))) => {
write!(fmt, " ({:?}, {:?})", val1, val2)?;
if let ScalarMaybeUninit::Scalar(Scalar::Ptr(ptr)) = val1 {
if let ScalarMaybeUninit::Scalar(Scalar::Ptr(ptr)) = val2 {
write!(fmt, ": {:?}", self.ecx.memory.dump_allocs(allocs))
Place::Ptr(mplace) => match mplace.ptr {
Scalar::Ptr(ptr) => write!(
"by align({}) ref: {:?}",
ptr => write!(fmt, " integral by ref: {:?}", ptr),
impl<'ctx, 'mir, 'tcx, Tag, Extra> HashStable<StableHashingContext<'ctx>>
for Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, Extra>
Extra: HashStable<StableHashingContext<'ctx>>,
Tag: HashStable<StableHashingContext<'ctx>>,
fn hash_stable(&self, hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'ctx>, hasher: &mut StableHasher) {
// Exhaustive match on fields to make sure we forget no field.
let Frame {
tracing_span: _,
} = self;
body.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
instance.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
return_to_block.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
return_place.as_ref().map(|r| &**r).hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
locals.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
loc.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
extra.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);