blob: e82bfd0477f74f6c7e79a5191bc55354a1fcb943 [file] [log] [blame]
mod m {
pub struct PubStruct(pub i32); //~ ERROR struct `PubStruct` is reachable but cannot be named
pub enum PubE { //~ ERROR enum `PubE` is reachable but cannot be named
pub trait PubTr { //~ ERROR trait `PubTr` is reachable but cannot be named
const C : i32 = 0;
type Alias;
fn f() {}
impl PubTr for PubStruct {
type Alias = i32;
fn f() {}
pub trait Unnameable<T> {}
impl Unnameable<m::PubStruct> for i32 {}
impl Unnameable<m::PubE> for i32 {}
impl<T> Unnameable<T> for u32 where T: m::PubTr {}
fn main() {}