blob: b329a7acb583413635cc239c8f12f1228f4c5d8f [file] [log] [blame]
//@ compile-flags: -Zunstable-options
//@ check-pass
// A shared dependency, where the public side reexports the same item as a
// direct private dependency.
// shared_direct_private
// /\
// (public) / | (PRIVATE)
// / |
// reexport |
// \ |
// (public) \ /
// \/
// shared
#![crate_type = "lib"]
extern crate shared;
extern crate reexport;
// FIXME: Should this trigger?
// One could make an argument that I said I want "reexport" to be public, and
// since "reexport" says "shared_direct_private" is public, then it should
// transitively be public for me. However, as written, this is explicitly
// referring to a dependency that is marked "private", which I think is
// confusing.
pub fn leaks_priv() -> shared::Shared {
pub fn leaks_pub() -> reexport::Shared {