blob: ae2aa9c97ba0026c6e1acaf840d4488c2c047407 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ check-pass
// Check that inherent associated types are dispatched on the concrete Self type.
struct Select<T>(T);
impl Select<u8> {
type Projection = ();
impl Select<String> {
type Projection = bool;
struct Choose<T>(T);
struct NonCopy;
impl<T: Copy> Choose<T> {
type Result = Vec<T>;
impl Choose<NonCopy> {
type Result = ();
fn main() {
let _: Select<String>::Projection = false;
let _: Select<u8>::Projection = ();
let _: Choose<NonCopy>::Result = ();
let _: Choose<&str>::Result = vec!["…"]; // regression test for issue #108957
// Test if we use the correct `ParamEnv` when proving obligations.
pub fn parameterized<T: Copy>(x: T) {
let _: Choose<T>::Result = vec![x];