blob: 77fe30a466087346e0638cc4ff6f329b1f2a2a6d [file] [log] [blame]
//! Set of traits which are used to emulate the inherent impls that are present in `rustc_middle`.
//! It is customary to glob-import `rustc_type_ir::inherent::*` to bring all of these traits into
//! scope when programming in interner-agnostic settings, and to avoid importing any of these
//! directly elsewhere (i.e. specify the full path for an implementation downstream).
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::ops::Deref;
use crate::fold::{TypeFoldable, TypeSuperFoldable};
use crate::visit::{Flags, TypeSuperVisitable, TypeVisitable};
use crate::{self as ty, DebugWithInfcx, Interner, UpcastFrom};
pub trait Ty<I: Interner<Ty = Self>>:
+ DebugWithInfcx<I>
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ Into<I::GenericArg>
+ Into<I::Term>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::TyKind<I>>
+ TypeSuperVisitable<I>
+ TypeSuperFoldable<I>
+ Flags
fn new_bool(interner: I) -> Self;
fn new_infer(interner: I, var: ty::InferTy) -> Self;
fn new_var(interner: I, var: ty::TyVid) -> Self;
fn new_anon_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: ty::BoundVar) -> Self;
fn new_alias(interner: I, kind: ty::AliasTyKind, alias_ty: ty::AliasTy<I>) -> Self;
pub trait Tys<I: Interner<Tys = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ IntoIterator<Item = I::Ty>
+ Deref<Target: Deref<Target = [I::Ty]>>
+ TypeVisitable<I>
fn split_inputs_and_output(self) -> (I::FnInputTys, I::Ty);
pub trait Abi<I: Interner<Abi = Self>>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq {
/// Whether this ABI is `extern "Rust"`.
fn is_rust(self) -> bool;
pub trait Safety<I: Interner<Safety = Self>>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq {
fn is_safe(self) -> bool;
fn prefix_str(self) -> &'static str;
pub trait Region<I: Interner<Region = Self>>:
+ DebugWithInfcx<I>
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ Into<I::GenericArg>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::RegionKind<I>>
+ Flags
fn new_anon_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: ty::BoundVar) -> Self;
fn new_static(interner: I) -> Self;
pub trait Const<I: Interner<Const = Self>>:
+ DebugWithInfcx<I>
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ Into<I::GenericArg>
+ Into<I::Term>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::ConstKind<I>>
+ TypeSuperVisitable<I>
+ TypeSuperFoldable<I>
+ Flags
fn new_infer(interner: I, var: ty::InferConst, ty: I::Ty) -> Self;
fn new_var(interner: I, var: ty::ConstVid, ty: I::Ty) -> Self;
fn new_anon_bound(
interner: I,
debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex,
var: ty::BoundVar,
ty: I::Ty,
) -> Self;
fn new_unevaluated(interner: I, uv: ty::UnevaluatedConst<I>, ty: I::Ty) -> Self;
fn ty(self) -> I::Ty;
pub trait GenericsOf<I: Interner<GenericsOf = Self>> {
fn count(&self) -> usize;
pub trait GenericArgs<I: Interner<GenericArgs = Self>>:
+ DebugWithInfcx<I>
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ IntoIterator<Item = I::GenericArg>
+ Deref<Target: Deref<Target = [I::GenericArg]>>
+ Default
+ TypeFoldable<I>
fn type_at(self, i: usize) -> I::Ty;
fn identity_for_item(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId) -> I::GenericArgs;
fn extend_with_error(
tcx: I,
def_id: I::DefId,
original_args: &[I::GenericArg],
) -> I::GenericArgs;
pub trait Predicate<I: Interner<Predicate = Self>>:
Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeSuperVisitable<I> + TypeSuperFoldable<I> + Flags
fn is_coinductive(self, interner: I) -> bool;
pub trait Clause<I: Interner<Clause = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
// FIXME: Remove these, uplift the `Upcast` impls.
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::TraitRef<I>>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::ProjectionPredicate<I>>>
/// Common capabilities of placeholder kinds
pub trait PlaceholderLike: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq {
fn universe(self) -> ty::UniverseIndex;
fn var(self) -> ty::BoundVar;
fn with_updated_universe(self, ui: ty::UniverseIndex) -> Self;
fn new(ui: ty::UniverseIndex, var: ty::BoundVar) -> Self;
pub trait IntoKind {
type Kind;
fn kind(self) -> Self::Kind;
pub trait BoundVarLike<I: Interner> {
fn var(self) -> ty::BoundVar;
fn assert_eq(self, var: I::BoundVarKind);