blob: 9854d91e19e33ebd68a27bef1a669e06cf236fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
//! `run-make-support` is a support library for run-make tests. It provides command wrappers and
//! convenience utility functions to help test writers reduce duplication. The support library
//! notably is built via cargo: this means that if your test wants some non-trivial utility, such
//! as `object` or `wasmparser`, they can be re-exported and be made available through this library.
pub mod cc;
pub mod clang;
pub mod diff;
pub mod llvm_readobj;
pub mod run;
pub mod rustc;
pub mod rustdoc;
use std::env;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Output};
pub use gimli;
pub use object;
pub use regex;
pub use wasmparser;
pub use cc::{cc, extra_c_flags, extra_cxx_flags, Cc};
pub use clang::{clang, Clang};
pub use diff::{diff, Diff};
pub use llvm_readobj::{llvm_readobj, LlvmReadobj};
pub use run::{run, run_fail};
pub use rustc::{aux_build, rustc, Rustc};
pub use rustdoc::{bare_rustdoc, rustdoc, Rustdoc};
/// Path of `TMPDIR` (a temporary build directory, not under `/tmp`).
pub fn tmp_dir() -> PathBuf {
/// `TARGET`
pub fn target() -> String {
/// Check if target is windows-like.
pub fn is_windows() -> bool {
/// Check if target uses msvc.
pub fn is_msvc() -> bool {
/// Check if target uses macOS.
pub fn is_darwin() -> bool {
/// Construct a path to a static library under `$TMPDIR` given the library name. This will return a
/// path with `$TMPDIR` joined with platform-and-compiler-specific library name.
pub fn static_lib(name: &str) -> PathBuf {
pub fn python_command() -> Command {
let python_path = std::env::var("PYTHON").expect("PYTHON environment variable does not exist");
pub fn htmldocck() -> Command {
let mut python = python_command();
pub fn source_path() -> PathBuf {
std::env::var("S").expect("S variable does not exist").into()
/// Construct the static library name based on the platform.
pub fn static_lib_name(name: &str) -> String {
// See (irrelevant lines omitted):
// ```makefile
// ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
// STATICLIB = $(TMPDIR)/lib$(1).a
// else
// ifdef IS_WINDOWS
// ifdef IS_MSVC
// STATICLIB = $(TMPDIR)/$(1).lib
// else
// STATICLIB = $(TMPDIR)/lib$(1).a
// endif
// else
// STATICLIB = $(TMPDIR)/lib$(1).a
// endif
// endif
// ```
assert!(!name.contains(char::is_whitespace), "static library name cannot contain whitespace");
if is_msvc() { format!("{name}.lib") } else { format!("lib{name}.a") }
/// Construct a path to a dynamic library under `$TMPDIR` given the library name. This will return a
/// path with `$TMPDIR` joined with platform-and-compiler-specific library name.
pub fn dynamic_lib(name: &str) -> PathBuf {
/// Construct the dynamic library name based on the platform.
pub fn dynamic_lib_name(name: &str) -> String {
// See (irrelevant lines omitted):
// ```makefile
// ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
// DYLIB = $(TMPDIR)/lib$(1).dylib
// else
// ifdef IS_WINDOWS
// DYLIB = $(TMPDIR)/$(1).dll
// else
// DYLIB = $(TMPDIR)/lib$(1).so
// endif
// endif
// ```
assert!(!name.contains(char::is_whitespace), "dynamic library name cannot contain whitespace");
if is_darwin() {
} else if is_windows() {
} else {
/// Construct a path to a rust library (rlib) under `$TMPDIR` given the library name. This will return a
/// path with `$TMPDIR` joined with the library name.
pub fn rust_lib(name: &str) -> PathBuf {
/// Construct the binary name based on platform.
pub fn bin_name(name: &str) -> String {
if is_windows() { format!("{name}.exe") } else { name.to_string() }
/// Use `cygpath -w` on a path to get a Windows path string back. This assumes that `cygpath` is
/// available on the platform!
pub fn cygpath_windows<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> String {
let caller_location = std::panic::Location::caller();
let caller_line_number = caller_location.line();
let mut cygpath = Command::new("cygpath");
let output = cygpath.output().unwrap();
if !output.status.success() {
handle_failed_output(&cygpath, output, caller_line_number);
let s = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap();
// cygpath -w can attach a newline
/// Run `uname`. This assumes that `uname` is available on the platform!
pub fn uname() -> String {
let caller_location = std::panic::Location::caller();
let caller_line_number = caller_location.line();
let mut uname = Command::new("uname");
let output = uname.output().unwrap();
if !output.status.success() {
handle_failed_output(&uname, output, caller_line_number);
fn handle_failed_output(cmd: &Command, output: Output, caller_line_number: u32) -> ! {
if output.status.success() {
eprintln!("command unexpectedly succeeded at line {caller_line_number}");
} else {
eprintln!("command failed at line {caller_line_number}");
eprintln!("output status: `{}`", output.status);
eprintln!("=== STDOUT ===\n{}\n\n", String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap());
eprintln!("=== STDERR ===\n{}\n\n", String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap());
/// Set the runtime library path as needed for running the host rustc/rustdoc/etc.
pub fn set_host_rpath(cmd: &mut Command) {
let ld_lib_path_envvar = env::var("LD_LIB_PATH_ENVVAR").unwrap();
cmd.env(&ld_lib_path_envvar, {
let mut paths = vec![];
for p in env::split_paths(&env::var(&ld_lib_path_envvar).unwrap()) {
/// Implement common helpers for command wrappers. This assumes that the command wrapper is a struct
/// containing a `cmd: Command` field and a `output` function. The provided helpers are:
/// 1. Generic argument acceptors: `arg` and `args` (delegated to [`Command`]). These are intended
/// to be *fallback* argument acceptors, when specific helpers don't make sense. Prefer to add
/// new specific helper methods over relying on these generic argument providers.
/// 2. Environment manipulation methods: `env`, `env_remove` and `env_clear`: these delegate to
/// methods of the same name on [`Command`].
/// 3. Output and execution: `output`, `run` and `run_fail` are provided. `output` waits for the
/// command to finish running and returns the process's [`Output`]. `run` and `run_fail` are
/// higher-level convenience methods which waits for the command to finish running and assert
/// that the command successfully ran or failed as expected. Prefer `run` and `run_fail` when
/// possible.
/// Example usage:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// struct CommandWrapper { cmd: Command } // <- required `cmd` field
/// impl CommandWrapper {
/// /// Get the [`Output`][::std::process::Output] of the finished process.
/// pub fn command_output(&mut self) -> Output { /* ... */ } // <- required `command_output()` method
/// }
/// crate::impl_common_helpers!(CommandWrapper);
/// impl CommandWrapper {
/// // ... additional specific helper methods
/// }
/// ```
/// [`Command`]: ::std::process::Command
/// [`Output`]: ::std::process::Output
macro_rules! impl_common_helpers {
($wrapper: ident) => {
impl $wrapper {
/// Specify an environment variable.
pub fn env<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> &mut Self
K: AsRef<::std::ffi::OsStr>,
V: AsRef<::std::ffi::OsStr>,
self.cmd.env(key, value);
/// Remove an environmental variable.
pub fn env_remove<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> &mut Self
K: AsRef<::std::ffi::OsStr>,
/// Clear all environmental variables.
pub fn env_var(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
/// Generic command argument provider. Prefer specific helper methods if possible.
/// Note that for some executables, arguments might be platform specific. For C/C++
/// compilers, arguments might be platform *and* compiler specific.
pub fn arg<S>(&mut self, arg: S) -> &mut Self
S: AsRef<::std::ffi::OsStr>,
/// Generic command arguments provider. Prefer specific helper methods if possible.
/// Note that for some executables, arguments might be platform specific. For C/C++
/// compilers, arguments might be platform *and* compiler specific.
pub fn args<S>(&mut self, args: &[S]) -> &mut Self
S: AsRef<::std::ffi::OsStr>,
/// Inspect what the underlying [`Command`][::std::process::Command] is up to the
/// current construction.
pub fn inspect<I>(&mut self, inspector: I) -> &mut Self
I: FnOnce(&::std::process::Command),
/// Run the constructed command and assert that it is successfully run.
pub fn run(&mut self) -> ::std::process::Output {
let caller_location = ::std::panic::Location::caller();
let caller_line_number = caller_location.line();
let output = self.command_output();
if !output.status.success() {
handle_failed_output(&self.cmd, output, caller_line_number);
/// Run the constructed command and assert that it does not successfully run.
pub fn run_fail(&mut self) -> ::std::process::Output {
let caller_location = ::std::panic::Location::caller();
let caller_line_number = caller_location.line();
let output = self.command_output();
if output.status.success() {
handle_failed_output(&self.cmd, output, caller_line_number);
/// Set the path where the command will be run.
pub fn current_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> &mut Self {
pub(crate) use impl_common_helpers;