blob: fb666550e9302694f478a3897daf78762dad0e9c [file] [log] [blame]
//! # Token Streams
//! `TokenStream`s represent syntactic objects before they are converted into ASTs.
//! A `TokenStream` is, roughly speaking, a sequence of [`TokenTree`]s,
//! which are themselves a single [`Token`] or a `Delimited` subsequence of tokens.
//! ## Ownership
//! `TokenStream`s are persistent data structures constructed as ropes with reference
//! counted-children. In general, this means that calling an operation on a `TokenStream`
//! (such as `slice`) produces an entirely new `TokenStream` from the borrowed reference to
//! the original. This essentially coerces `TokenStream`s into "views" of their subparts,
//! and a borrowed `TokenStream` is sufficient to build an owned `TokenStream` without taking
//! ownership of the original.
use crate::ast::{AttrStyle, StmtKind};
use crate::ast_traits::{HasAttrs, HasSpan, HasTokens};
use crate::token::{self, Delimiter, Nonterminal, Token, TokenKind};
use crate::AttrVec;
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
use rustc_data_structures::sync::{self, Lrc};
use rustc_macros::{Decodable, Encodable, HashStable_Generic};
use rustc_serialize::{Decodable, Encodable};
use rustc_span::{sym, Span, SpanDecoder, SpanEncoder, Symbol, DUMMY_SP};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::{cmp, fmt, iter};
/// Part of a `TokenStream`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_Generic)]
pub enum TokenTree {
/// A single token. Should never be `OpenDelim` or `CloseDelim`, because
/// delimiters are implicitly represented by `Delimited`.
Token(Token, Spacing),
/// A delimited sequence of token trees.
Delimited(DelimSpan, DelimSpacing, Delimiter, TokenStream),
// Ensure all fields of `TokenTree` are `DynSend` and `DynSync`.
fn _dummy()
Token: sync::DynSend + sync::DynSync,
Spacing: sync::DynSend + sync::DynSync,
DelimSpan: sync::DynSend + sync::DynSync,
Delimiter: sync::DynSend + sync::DynSync,
TokenStream: sync::DynSend + sync::DynSync,
impl TokenTree {
/// Checks if this `TokenTree` is equal to the other, regardless of span/spacing information.
pub fn eq_unspanned(&self, other: &TokenTree) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(TokenTree::Token(token, _), TokenTree::Token(token2, _)) => token.kind == token2.kind,
(TokenTree::Delimited(.., delim, tts), TokenTree::Delimited(.., delim2, tts2)) => {
delim == delim2 && tts.eq_unspanned(tts2)
_ => false,
/// Retrieves the `TokenTree`'s span.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
TokenTree::Token(token, _) => token.span,
TokenTree::Delimited(sp, ..) => sp.entire(),
/// Create a `TokenTree::Token` with alone spacing.
pub fn token_alone(kind: TokenKind, span: Span) -> TokenTree {
TokenTree::Token(Token::new(kind, span), Spacing::Alone)
/// Create a `TokenTree::Token` with joint spacing.
pub fn token_joint(kind: TokenKind, span: Span) -> TokenTree {
TokenTree::Token(Token::new(kind, span), Spacing::Joint)
/// Create a `TokenTree::Token` with joint-hidden spacing.
pub fn token_joint_hidden(kind: TokenKind, span: Span) -> TokenTree {
TokenTree::Token(Token::new(kind, span), Spacing::JointHidden)
pub fn uninterpolate(&self) -> Cow<'_, TokenTree> {
match self {
TokenTree::Token(token, spacing) => match token.uninterpolate() {
Cow::Owned(token) => Cow::Owned(TokenTree::Token(token, *spacing)),
Cow::Borrowed(_) => Cow::Borrowed(self),
_ => Cow::Borrowed(self),
impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for TokenStream
CTX: crate::HashStableContext,
fn hash_stable(&self, hcx: &mut CTX, hasher: &mut StableHasher) {
for sub_tt in self.trees() {
sub_tt.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
pub trait ToAttrTokenStream: sync::DynSend + sync::DynSync {
fn to_attr_token_stream(&self) -> AttrTokenStream;
impl ToAttrTokenStream for AttrTokenStream {
fn to_attr_token_stream(&self) -> AttrTokenStream {
/// A lazy version of [`TokenStream`], which defers creation
/// of an actual `TokenStream` until it is needed.
/// `Box` is here only to reduce the structure size.
pub struct LazyAttrTokenStream(Lrc<Box<dyn ToAttrTokenStream>>);
impl LazyAttrTokenStream {
pub fn new(inner: impl ToAttrTokenStream + 'static) -> LazyAttrTokenStream {
pub fn to_attr_token_stream(&self) -> AttrTokenStream {
impl fmt::Debug for LazyAttrTokenStream {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "LazyAttrTokenStream({:?})", self.to_attr_token_stream())
impl<S: SpanEncoder> Encodable<S> for LazyAttrTokenStream {
fn encode(&self, _s: &mut S) {
panic!("Attempted to encode LazyAttrTokenStream");
impl<D: SpanDecoder> Decodable<D> for LazyAttrTokenStream {
fn decode(_d: &mut D) -> Self {
panic!("Attempted to decode LazyAttrTokenStream");
impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for LazyAttrTokenStream {
fn hash_stable(&self, _hcx: &mut CTX, _hasher: &mut StableHasher) {
panic!("Attempted to compute stable hash for LazyAttrTokenStream");
/// An `AttrTokenStream` is similar to a `TokenStream`, but with extra
/// information about the tokens for attribute targets. This is used
/// during expansion to perform early cfg-expansion, and to process attributes
/// during proc-macro invocations.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub struct AttrTokenStream(pub Lrc<Vec<AttrTokenTree>>);
/// Like `TokenTree`, but for `AttrTokenStream`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub enum AttrTokenTree {
Token(Token, Spacing),
Delimited(DelimSpan, DelimSpacing, Delimiter, AttrTokenStream),
/// Stores the attributes for an attribute target,
/// along with the tokens for that attribute target.
/// See `AttributesData` for more information
impl AttrTokenStream {
pub fn new(tokens: Vec<AttrTokenTree>) -> AttrTokenStream {
/// Converts this `AttrTokenStream` to a plain `TokenStream`.
/// During conversion, `AttrTokenTree::Attributes` get 'flattened'
/// back to a `TokenStream` of the form `outer_attr attr_target`.
/// If there are inner attributes, they are inserted into the proper
/// place in the attribute target tokens.
pub fn to_tokenstream(&self) -> TokenStream {
let trees: Vec<_> = self
.flat_map(|tree| match &tree {
AttrTokenTree::Token(inner, spacing) => {
smallvec![TokenTree::Token(inner.clone(), *spacing)].into_iter()
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, stream) => {
AttrTokenTree::Attributes(data) => {
let idx = data
.partition_point(|attr| matches!(, crate::AttrStyle::Outer));
let (outer_attrs, inner_attrs) = data.attrs.split_at(idx);
let mut target_tokens: Vec<_> = data
if !inner_attrs.is_empty() {
let mut found = false;
// Check the last two trees (to account for a trailing semi)
for tree in target_tokens.iter_mut().rev().take(2) {
if let TokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, delim_tokens) = tree {
// Inner attributes are only supported on extern blocks, functions,
// impls, and modules. All of these have their inner attributes
// placed at the beginning of the rightmost outermost braced group:
// e.g. fn foo() { #![my_attr} }
// Therefore, we can insert them back into the right location
// without needing to do any extra position tracking.
// Note: Outline modules are an exception - they can
// have attributes like `#![my_attr]` at the start of a file.
// Support for custom attributes in this position is not
// properly implemented - we always synthesize fake tokens,
// so we never reach this code.
let mut stream = TokenStream::default();
for inner_attr in inner_attrs {
*tree = TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *spacing, *delim, stream);
found = true;
"Failed to find trailing delimited group in: {target_tokens:?}"
let mut flat: SmallVec<[_; 1]> =
SmallVec::with_capacity(target_tokens.len() + outer_attrs.len());
for attr in outer_attrs {
/// Stores the tokens for an attribute target, along
/// with its attributes.
/// This is constructed during parsing when we need to capture
/// tokens.
/// For example, `#[cfg(FALSE)] struct Foo {}` would
/// have an `attrs` field containing the `#[cfg(FALSE)]` attr,
/// and a `tokens` field storing the (unparsed) tokens `struct Foo {}`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub struct AttributesData {
/// Attributes, both outer and inner.
/// These are stored in the original order that they were parsed in.
pub attrs: AttrVec,
/// The underlying tokens for the attribute target that `attrs`
/// are applied to
pub tokens: LazyAttrTokenStream,
/// A `TokenStream` is an abstract sequence of tokens, organized into [`TokenTree`]s.
/// The goal is for procedural macros to work with `TokenStream`s and `TokenTree`s
/// instead of a representation of the abstract syntax tree.
/// Today's `TokenTree`s can still contain AST via `token::Interpolated` for
/// backwards compatibility.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub struct TokenStream(pub(crate) Lrc<Vec<TokenTree>>);
/// Indicates whether a token can join with the following token to form a
/// compound token. Used for conversions to `proc_macro::Spacing`. Also used to
/// guide pretty-printing, which is where the `JointHidden` value (which isn't
/// part of `proc_macro::Spacing`) comes in useful.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_Generic)]
pub enum Spacing {
/// The token cannot join with the following token to form a compound
/// token.
/// In token streams parsed from source code, the compiler will use `Alone`
/// for any token immediately followed by whitespace, a non-doc comment, or
/// EOF.
/// When constructing token streams within the compiler, use this for each
/// token that (a) should be pretty-printed with a space after it, or (b)
/// is the last token in the stream. (In the latter case the choice of
/// spacing doesn't matter because it is never used for the last token. We
/// arbitrarily use `Alone`.)
/// Converts to `proc_macro::Spacing::Alone`, and
/// `proc_macro::Spacing::Alone` converts back to this.
/// The token can join with the following token to form a compound token.
/// In token streams parsed from source code, the compiler will use `Joint`
/// for any token immediately followed by punctuation (as determined by
/// `Token::is_punct`).
/// When constructing token streams within the compiler, use this for each
/// token that (a) should be pretty-printed without a space after it, and
/// (b) is followed by a punctuation token.
/// Converts to `proc_macro::Spacing::Joint`, and
/// `proc_macro::Spacing::Joint` converts back to this.
/// The token can join with the following token to form a compound token,
/// but this will not be visible at the proc macro level. (This is what the
/// `Hidden` means; see below.)
/// In token streams parsed from source code, the compiler will use
/// `JointHidden` for any token immediately followed by anything not
/// covered by the `Alone` and `Joint` cases: an identifier, lifetime,
/// literal, delimiter, doc comment.
/// When constructing token streams, use this for each token that (a)
/// should be pretty-printed without a space after it, and (b) is followed
/// by a non-punctuation token.
/// Converts to `proc_macro::Spacing::Alone`, but
/// `proc_macro::Spacing::Alone` converts back to `token::Spacing::Alone`.
/// Because of that, pretty-printing of `TokenStream`s produced by proc
/// macros is unavoidably uglier (with more whitespace between tokens) than
/// pretty-printing of `TokenStream`'s produced by other means (i.e. parsed
/// source code, internally constructed token streams, and token streams
/// produced by declarative macros).
impl TokenStream {
/// Given a `TokenStream` with a `Stream` of only two arguments, return a new `TokenStream`
/// separating the two arguments with a comma for diagnostic suggestions.
pub fn add_comma(&self) -> Option<(TokenStream, Span)> {
// Used to suggest if a user writes `foo!(a b);`
let mut suggestion = None;
let mut iter = self.0.iter().enumerate().peekable();
while let Some((pos, ts)) = {
if let Some((_, next)) = iter.peek() {
let sp = match (&ts, &next) {
(_, TokenTree::Token(Token { kind: token::Comma, .. }, _)) => continue,
TokenTree::Token(token_left, Spacing::Alone),
TokenTree::Token(token_right, _),
) if ((token_left.is_ident() && !token_left.is_reserved_ident())
|| token_left.is_lit())
&& ((token_right.is_ident() && !token_right.is_reserved_ident())
|| token_right.is_lit()) =>
(TokenTree::Delimited(sp, ..), _) => sp.entire(),
_ => continue,
let sp = sp.shrink_to_hi();
let comma = TokenTree::token_alone(token::Comma, sp);
suggestion = Some((pos, comma, sp));
if let Some((pos, comma, sp)) = suggestion {
let mut new_stream = Vec::with_capacity(self.0.len() + 1);
let parts = self.0.split_at(pos + 1);
return Some((TokenStream::new(new_stream), sp));
impl FromIterator<TokenTree> for TokenStream {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = TokenTree>>(iter: I) -> Self {
impl Eq for TokenStream {}
impl PartialEq<TokenStream> for TokenStream {
fn eq(&self, other: &TokenStream) -> bool {
impl TokenStream {
pub fn new(streams: Vec<TokenTree>) -> TokenStream {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn trees(&self) -> RefTokenTreeCursor<'_> {
pub fn into_trees(self) -> TokenTreeCursor {
/// Compares two `TokenStream`s, checking equality without regarding span information.
pub fn eq_unspanned(&self, other: &TokenStream) -> bool {
let mut t1 = self.trees();
let mut t2 = other.trees();
for (t1, t2) in iter::zip(&mut t1, &mut t2) {
if !t1.eq_unspanned(t2) {
return false;
} &&
/// Create a token stream containing a single token with alone spacing. The
/// spacing used for the final token in a constructed stream doesn't matter
/// because it's never used. In practice we arbitrarily use
/// `Spacing::Alone`.
pub fn token_alone(kind: TokenKind, span: Span) -> TokenStream {
TokenStream::new(vec![TokenTree::token_alone(kind, span)])
pub fn from_ast(node: &(impl HasAttrs + HasSpan + HasTokens + fmt::Debug)) -> TokenStream {
let Some(tokens) = node.tokens() else {
panic!("missing tokens for node at {:?}: {:?}", node.span(), node);
let attrs = node.attrs();
let attr_stream = if attrs.is_empty() {
} else {
let attr_data =
AttributesData { attrs: attrs.iter().cloned().collect(), tokens: tokens.clone() };
pub fn from_nonterminal_ast(nt: &Nonterminal) -> TokenStream {
match nt {
Nonterminal::NtItem(item) => TokenStream::from_ast(item),
Nonterminal::NtBlock(block) => TokenStream::from_ast(block),
Nonterminal::NtStmt(stmt) if let StmtKind::Empty = stmt.kind => {
// FIXME: Properly collect tokens for empty statements.
TokenStream::token_alone(token::Semi, stmt.span)
Nonterminal::NtStmt(stmt) => TokenStream::from_ast(stmt),
Nonterminal::NtPat(pat) => TokenStream::from_ast(pat),
Nonterminal::NtTy(ty) => TokenStream::from_ast(ty),
Nonterminal::NtMeta(attr) => TokenStream::from_ast(attr),
Nonterminal::NtPath(path) => TokenStream::from_ast(path),
Nonterminal::NtVis(vis) => TokenStream::from_ast(vis),
Nonterminal::NtExpr(expr) | Nonterminal::NtLiteral(expr) => TokenStream::from_ast(expr),
fn flatten_token(token: &Token, spacing: Spacing) -> TokenTree {
match token.kind {
token::NtIdent(ident, is_raw) => {
TokenTree::Token(Token::new(token::Ident(, is_raw), ident.span), spacing)
token::NtLifetime(ident) => TokenTree::Delimited(
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::JointHidden, spacing),
TokenStream::token_alone(token::Lifetime(, ident.span),
token::Interpolated(ref nt) => TokenTree::Delimited(
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::JointHidden, spacing),
_ => TokenTree::Token(token.clone(), spacing),
fn flatten_token_tree(tree: &TokenTree) -> TokenTree {
match tree {
TokenTree::Token(token, spacing) => TokenStream::flatten_token(token, *spacing),
TokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, tts) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *spacing, *delim, tts.flattened())
pub fn flattened(&self) -> TokenStream {
fn can_skip(stream: &TokenStream) -> bool {
stream.trees().all(|tree| match tree {
TokenTree::Token(token, _) => !matches!(
token::NtIdent(..) | token::NtLifetime(..) | token::Interpolated(..)
TokenTree::Delimited(.., inner) => can_skip(inner),
if can_skip(self) {
return self.clone();
self.trees().map(|tree| TokenStream::flatten_token_tree(tree)).collect()
// If `vec` is not empty, try to glue `tt` onto its last token. The return
// value indicates if gluing took place.
fn try_glue_to_last(vec: &mut Vec<TokenTree>, tt: &TokenTree) -> bool {
if let Some(TokenTree::Token(last_tok, Spacing::Joint | Spacing::JointHidden)) = vec.last()
&& let TokenTree::Token(tok, spacing) = tt
&& let Some(glued_tok) = last_tok.glue(tok)
// ...then overwrite the last token tree in `vec` with the
// glued token, and skip the first token tree from `stream`.
*vec.last_mut().unwrap() = TokenTree::Token(glued_tok, *spacing);
} else {
/// Push `tt` onto the end of the stream, possibly gluing it to the last
/// token. Uses `make_mut` to maximize efficiency.
pub fn push_tree(&mut self, tt: TokenTree) {
let vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(&mut self.0);
if Self::try_glue_to_last(vec_mut, &tt) {
// nothing else to do
} else {
/// Push `stream` onto the end of the stream, possibly gluing the first
/// token tree to the last token. (No other token trees will be glued.)
/// Uses `make_mut` to maximize efficiency.
pub fn push_stream(&mut self, stream: TokenStream) {
let vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(&mut self.0);
let stream_iter = stream.0.iter().cloned();
if let Some(first) = stream.0.first()
&& Self::try_glue_to_last(vec_mut, first)
// Now skip the first token tree from `stream`.
} else {
// Append all of `stream`.
pub fn chunks(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> core::slice::Chunks<'_, TokenTree> {
/// Desugar doc comments like `/// foo` in the stream into `#[doc =
/// r"foo"]`. Modifies the `TokenStream` via `Lrc::make_mut`, but as little
/// as possible.
pub fn desugar_doc_comments(&mut self) {
if let Some(desugared_stream) = desugar_inner(self.clone()) {
*self = desugared_stream;
// The return value is `None` if nothing in `stream` changed.
fn desugar_inner(mut stream: TokenStream) -> Option<TokenStream> {
let mut i = 0;
let mut modified = false;
while let Some(tt) = stream.0.get(i) {
match tt {
Token { kind: token::DocComment(_, attr_style, data), span },
) => {
let desugared = desugared_tts(attr_style, data, span);
let desugared_len = desugared.len();
Lrc::make_mut(&mut stream.0).splice(i..i + 1, desugared);
modified = true;
i += desugared_len;
&TokenTree::Token(..) => i += 1,
&TokenTree::Delimited(sp, spacing, delim, ref delim_stream) => {
if let Some(desugared_delim_stream) = desugar_inner(delim_stream.clone()) {
let new_tt =
TokenTree::Delimited(sp, spacing, delim, desugared_delim_stream);
Lrc::make_mut(&mut stream.0)[i] = new_tt;
modified = true;
i += 1;
if modified { Some(stream) } else { None }
fn desugared_tts(attr_style: AttrStyle, data: Symbol, span: Span) -> Vec<TokenTree> {
// Searches for the occurrences of `"#*` and returns the minimum number of `#`s
// required to wrap the text. E.g.
// - `abc d` is wrapped as `r"abc d"` (num_of_hashes = 0)
// - `abc "d"` is wrapped as `r#"abc "d""#` (num_of_hashes = 1)
// - `abc "##d##"` is wrapped as `r###"abc ##"d"##"###` (num_of_hashes = 3)
let mut num_of_hashes = 0;
let mut count = 0;
for ch in data.as_str().chars() {
count = match ch {
'"' => 1,
'#' if count > 0 => count + 1,
_ => 0,
num_of_hashes = cmp::max(num_of_hashes, count);
// `/// foo` becomes `[doc = r"foo"]`.
let delim_span = DelimSpan::from_single(span);
let body = TokenTree::Delimited(
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::JointHidden, Spacing::Alone),
TokenTree::token_alone(token::Ident(sym::doc, token::IdentIsRaw::No), span),
TokenTree::token_alone(token::Eq, span),
TokenKind::lit(token::StrRaw(num_of_hashes), data, None),
if attr_style == AttrStyle::Inner {
TokenTree::token_joint(token::Pound, span),
TokenTree::token_alone(token::Not, span),
} else {
vec![TokenTree::token_alone(token::Pound, span), body]
/// By-reference iterator over a [`TokenStream`], that produces `&TokenTree`
/// items.
pub struct RefTokenTreeCursor<'t> {
stream: &'t TokenStream,
index: usize,
impl<'t> RefTokenTreeCursor<'t> {
fn new(stream: &'t TokenStream) -> Self {
RefTokenTreeCursor { stream, index: 0 }
pub fn look_ahead(&self, n: usize) -> Option<&TokenTree> { + n)
impl<'t> Iterator for RefTokenTreeCursor<'t> {
type Item = &'t TokenTree;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'t TokenTree> {|tree| {
self.index += 1;
/// Owning by-value iterator over a [`TokenStream`], that produces `&TokenTree`
/// items.
/// Doesn't impl `Iterator` because Rust doesn't permit an owning iterator to
/// return `&T` from `next`; the need for an explicit lifetime in the `Item`
/// associated type gets in the way. Instead, use `next_ref` (which doesn't
/// involve associated types) for getting individual elements, or
/// `RefTokenTreeCursor` if you really want an `Iterator`, e.g. in a `for`
/// loop.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TokenTreeCursor {
pub stream: TokenStream,
index: usize,
impl TokenTreeCursor {
fn new(stream: TokenStream) -> Self {
TokenTreeCursor { stream, index: 0 }
pub fn next_ref(&mut self) -> Option<&TokenTree> {|tree| {
self.index += 1;
pub fn look_ahead(&self, n: usize) -> Option<&TokenTree> { + n)
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_Generic)]
pub struct DelimSpan {
pub open: Span,
pub close: Span,
impl DelimSpan {
pub fn from_single(sp: Span) -> Self {
DelimSpan { open: sp, close: sp }
pub fn from_pair(open: Span, close: Span) -> Self {
DelimSpan { open, close }
pub fn dummy() -> Self {
pub fn entire(self) -> Span {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_Generic)]
pub struct DelimSpacing {
pub open: Spacing,
pub close: Spacing,
impl DelimSpacing {
pub fn new(open: Spacing, close: Spacing) -> DelimSpacing {
DelimSpacing { open, close }
// Some types are used a lot. Make sure they don't unintentionally get bigger.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
mod size_asserts {
use super::*;
use rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size;
// tidy-alphabetical-start
static_assert_size!(AttrTokenStream, 8);
static_assert_size!(AttrTokenTree, 32);
static_assert_size!(LazyAttrTokenStream, 8);
static_assert_size!(TokenStream, 8);
static_assert_size!(TokenTree, 32);
// tidy-alphabetical-end