blob: b0c5b16a197008c696acb821ac2d89a0798d8b01 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script can check that an expected json blob is a subset of what actually gets produced.
# The comparison is independent of the value of IDs (which are unstable) and instead uses their
# relative ordering to check them against eachother by looking them up in their respective blob's
# `index` or `paths` mappings. To add a new test run `rustdoc --output-format json -o .`
# and then create `yourtest.expected` by stripping unnecessary details from `yourtest.json`. If
# you're on windows, replace `\` with `/`.
import copy
import sys
import json
import types
# Used instead of the string ids when used as references.
# Not used as keys in `index` or `paths`
class ID(str):
class SubsetException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, trace):
self.msg = msg
self.trace = msg
super().__init__("{}: {}".format(trace, msg))
def check_subset(expected_main, actual_main, base_dir):
expected_index = expected_main["index"]
expected_paths = expected_main["paths"]
actual_index = actual_main["index"]
actual_paths = actual_main["paths"]
already_checked = set()
def _check_subset(expected, actual, trace):
expected_type = type(expected)
actual_type = type(actual)
if actual_type is str:
actual = normalize(actual).replace(base_dir, "$TEST_BASE_DIR")
if expected_type is not actual_type:
raise SubsetException(
"expected type `{}`, got `{}`".format(expected_type, actual_type), trace
if expected_type in (int, bool, str) and expected != actual:
raise SubsetException("expected `{}`, got: `{}`".format(expected, actual), trace)
if expected_type is dict:
for key in expected:
if key not in actual:
raise SubsetException(
"Key `{}` not found in output".format(key), trace
new_trace = copy.deepcopy(trace)
_check_subset(expected[key], actual[key], new_trace)
elif expected_type is list:
expected_elements = len(expected)
actual_elements = len(actual)
if expected_elements != actual_elements:
raise SubsetException(
"Found {} items, expected {}".format(
expected_elements, actual_elements
for expected, actual in zip(expected, actual):
new_trace = copy.deepcopy(trace)
_check_subset(expected, actual, new_trace)
elif expected_type is ID and expected not in already_checked:
expected_index.get(expected, {}), actual_index.get(actual, {}), trace
expected_paths.get(expected, {}), actual_paths.get(actual, {}), trace
_check_subset(expected_main["root"], actual_main["root"], [])
def rustdoc_object_hook(obj):
# No need to convert paths, index and external_crates keys to ids, since
# they are the target of resolution, and never a source itself.
if "id" in obj and obj["id"]:
obj["id"] = ID(obj["id"])
if "root" in obj:
obj["root"] = ID(obj["root"])
if "items" in obj:
obj["items"] = [ID(id) for id in obj["items"]]
if "variants" in obj:
obj["variants"] = [ID(id) for id in obj["variants"]]
if "fields" in obj:
obj["fields"] = [ID(id) for id in obj["fields"]]
if "impls" in obj:
obj["impls"] = [ID(id) for id in obj["impls"]]
if "implementors" in obj:
obj["implementors"] = [ID(id) for id in obj["implementors"]]
if "links" in obj:
obj["links"] = {s: ID(id) for s, id in obj["links"]}
if "variant_kind" in obj and obj["variant_kind"] == "struct":
obj["variant_inner"] = [ID(id) for id in obj["variant_inner"]]
return obj
def main(expected_fpath, actual_fpath, base_dir):
"checking that {} is a logical subset of {}".format(
expected_fpath, actual_fpath
with open(expected_fpath) as expected_file:
expected_main = json.load(expected_file, object_hook=rustdoc_object_hook)
with open(actual_fpath) as actual_file:
actual_main = json.load(actual_file, object_hook=rustdoc_object_hook)
check_subset(expected_main, actual_main, base_dir)
print("all checks passed")
def normalize(s):
return s.replace('\\', '/')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print("Usage: ` expected.json actual.json test-dir`")
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], normalize(sys.argv[3]))