blob: db817b378f97c2aa77e68a2b393cc5ef0fc30494 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::usefulness::Usefulness::*;
use super::usefulness::{
compute_match_usefulness, expand_pattern, MatchArm, MatchCheckCtxt, UsefulnessReport,
use super::{PatCtxt, PatKind, PatternError};
use rustc_arena::TypedArena;
use rustc_ast::Mutability;
use rustc_errors::{error_code, struct_span_err, Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def::*;
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_hir::intravisit::{self, NestedVisitorMap, Visitor};
use rustc_hir::{HirId, Pat};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_session::lint::builtin::BINDINGS_WITH_VARIANT_NAME;
use rustc_session::lint::builtin::{IRREFUTABLE_LET_PATTERNS, UNREACHABLE_PATTERNS};
use rustc_session::parse::feature_err;
use rustc_session::Session;
use rustc_span::{sym, Span};
use std::slice;
crate fn check_match(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: DefId) {
let body_id = match def_id.as_local() {
None => return,
Some(id) => tcx.hir().body_owned_by(tcx.hir().local_def_id_to_hir_id(id)),
let mut visitor = MatchVisitor {
typeck_results: tcx.typeck_body(body_id),
param_env: tcx.param_env(def_id),
pattern_arena: TypedArena::default(),
fn create_e0004(sess: &Session, sp: Span, error_message: String) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_> {
struct_span_err!(sess, sp, E0004, "{}", &error_message)
struct MatchVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
typeck_results: &'a ty::TypeckResults<'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
pattern_arena: TypedArena<super::Pat<'tcx>>,
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for MatchVisitor<'_, 'tcx> {
type Map = intravisit::ErasedMap<'tcx>;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> NestedVisitorMap<Self::Map> {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, ex: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>) {
intravisit::walk_expr(self, ex);
if let hir::ExprKind::Match(ref scrut, ref arms, source) = ex.kind {
self.check_match(scrut, arms, source);
fn visit_local(&mut self, loc: &'tcx hir::Local<'tcx>) {
intravisit::walk_local(self, loc);
let (msg, sp) = match loc.source {
hir::LocalSource::Normal => ("local binding", Some(loc.span)),
hir::LocalSource::ForLoopDesugar => ("`for` loop binding", None),
hir::LocalSource::AsyncFn => ("async fn binding", None),
hir::LocalSource::AwaitDesugar => ("`await` future binding", None),
hir::LocalSource::AssignDesugar(_) => ("destructuring assignment binding", None),
self.check_irrefutable(&loc.pat, msg, sp);
fn visit_param(&mut self, param: &'tcx hir::Param<'tcx>) {
intravisit::walk_param(self, param);
self.check_irrefutable(&param.pat, "function argument", None);
impl PatCtxt<'_, '_> {
fn report_inlining_errors(&self, pat_span: Span) {
for error in &self.errors {
match *error {
PatternError::StaticInPattern(span) => {
self.span_e0158(span, "statics cannot be referenced in patterns")
PatternError::AssocConstInPattern(span) => {
self.span_e0158(span, "associated consts cannot be referenced in patterns")
PatternError::ConstParamInPattern(span) => {
self.span_e0158(span, "const parameters cannot be referenced in patterns")
PatternError::FloatBug => {
// FIXME(#31407) this is only necessary because float parsing is buggy
"could not evaluate float literal (see issue #31407)",
PatternError::NonConstPath(span) => {
"runtime values cannot be referenced in patterns",
fn span_e0158(&self, span: Span, text: &str) {
struct_span_err!(self.tcx.sess, span, E0158, "{}", text).emit();
impl<'tcx> MatchVisitor<'_, 'tcx> {
fn check_patterns(&mut self, pat: &Pat<'_>) {
pat.walk_always(|pat| check_borrow_conflicts_in_at_patterns(self, pat));
if !self.tcx.features().bindings_after_at {
check_legality_of_bindings_in_at_patterns(self, pat);
check_for_bindings_named_same_as_variants(self, pat);
fn lower_pattern<'p>(
cx: &mut MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
pat: &'tcx hir::Pat<'tcx>,
have_errors: &mut bool,
) -> (&'p super::Pat<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>) {
let mut patcx = PatCtxt::new(self.tcx, self.param_env, self.typeck_results);
let pattern = patcx.lower_pattern(pat);
let pattern_ty = pattern.ty;
let pattern: &_ = cx.pattern_arena.alloc(expand_pattern(pattern));
if !patcx.errors.is_empty() {
*have_errors = true;
(pattern, pattern_ty)
fn new_cx(&self, hir_id: HirId) -> MatchCheckCtxt<'_, 'tcx> {
MatchCheckCtxt {
tcx: self.tcx,
param_env: self.param_env,
module: self.tcx.parent_module(hir_id).to_def_id(),
pattern_arena: &self.pattern_arena,
fn check_match(
&mut self,
scrut: &hir::Expr<'_>,
arms: &'tcx [hir::Arm<'tcx>],
source: hir::MatchSource,
) {
for arm in arms {
// Check the arm for some things unrelated to exhaustiveness.
if let Some(hir::Guard::IfLet(ref pat, _)) = arm.guard {
let mut cx = self.new_cx(scrut.hir_id);
for arm in arms {
if let Some(hir::Guard::IfLet(ref pat, _)) = arm.guard {
let tpat = self.lower_pattern(&mut cx, pat, &mut false).0;
check_if_let_guard(&mut cx, &tpat, pat.hir_id);
let mut have_errors = false;
let arms: Vec<_> = arms
.map(|hir::Arm { pat, guard, .. }| MatchArm {
pat: self.lower_pattern(&mut cx, pat, &mut have_errors).0,
hir_id: pat.hir_id,
has_guard: guard.is_some(),
// Bail out early if lowering failed.
if have_errors {
let scrut_ty = self.typeck_results.expr_ty_adjusted(scrut);
let report = compute_match_usefulness(&cx, &arms, scrut.hir_id, scrut_ty);
// Report unreachable arms.
report_arm_reachability(&cx, &report, source);
// Check if the match is exhaustive.
// Note: An empty match isn't the same as an empty matrix for diagnostics purposes,
// since an empty matrix can occur when there are arms, if those arms all have guards.
let is_empty_match = arms.is_empty();
let witnesses = report.non_exhaustiveness_witnesses;
if !witnesses.is_empty() {
non_exhaustive_match(&cx, scrut_ty, scrut.span, witnesses, is_empty_match);
fn check_irrefutable(&self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, origin: &str, sp: Option<Span>) {
let mut cx = self.new_cx(pat.hir_id);
let (pattern, pattern_ty) = self.lower_pattern(&mut cx, pat, &mut false);
let arms = vec![MatchArm { pat: pattern, hir_id: pat.hir_id, has_guard: false }];
let report = compute_match_usefulness(&cx, &arms, pat.hir_id, pattern_ty);
// Note: we ignore whether the pattern is unreachable (i.e. whether the type is empty). We
// only care about exhaustiveness here.
let witnesses = report.non_exhaustiveness_witnesses;
if witnesses.is_empty() {
// The pattern is irrefutable.
let joined_patterns = joined_uncovered_patterns(&witnesses);
let mut err = struct_span_err!(
"refutable pattern in {}: {} not covered",
let suggest_if_let = match &pat.kind {
hir::PatKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(None, path))
if path.segments.len() == 1 && path.segments[0].args.is_none() =>
const_not_var(&mut err, cx.tcx, pat, path);
_ => {
err.span_label(pat.span, pattern_not_covered_label(&witnesses, &joined_patterns));
if let (Some(span), true) = (sp, suggest_if_let) {
"`let` bindings require an \"irrefutable pattern\", like a `struct` or \
an `enum` with only one variant",
if let Ok(snippet) = self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(span) {
"you might want to use `if let` to ignore the variant that isn't matched",
format!("if {} {{ /* */ }}", &snippet[..snippet.len() - 1]),
"for more information, visit \",
adt_defined_here(&cx, &mut err, pattern_ty, &witnesses);
err.note(&format!("the matched value is of type `{}`", pattern_ty));
/// A path pattern was interpreted as a constant, not a new variable.
/// This caused an irrefutable match failure in e.g. `let`.
fn const_not_var(
err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
pat: &Pat<'_>,
path: &hir::Path<'_>,
) {
let descr = path.res.descr();
format!("interpreted as {} {} pattern, not a new variable", path.res.article(), descr,),
"introduce a variable instead",
format!("{}_var", path.segments[0].ident).to_lowercase(),
// Cannot use `MachineApplicable` as it's not really *always* correct
// because there may be such an identifier in scope or the user maybe
// really wanted to match against the constant. This is quite unlikely however.
if let Some(span) = tcx.hir().res_span(path.res) {
err.span_label(span, format!("{} defined here", descr));
fn check_for_bindings_named_same_as_variants(cx: &MatchVisitor<'_, '_>, pat: &Pat<'_>) {
pat.walk_always(|p| {
if let hir::PatKind::Binding(_, _, ident, None) = p.kind {
if let Some(ty::BindByValue(hir::Mutability::Not)) =
cx.typeck_results.extract_binding_mode(cx.tcx.sess, p.hir_id, p.span)
let pat_ty = cx.typeck_results.pat_ty(p).peel_refs();
if let ty::Adt(edef, _) = pat_ty.kind() {
if edef.is_enum()
&& edef.variants.iter().any(|variant| {
variant.ident == ident && variant.ctor_kind == CtorKind::Const
|lint| {
let ty_path = cx.tcx.def_path_str(edef.did);!(
"pattern binding `{}` is named the same as one \
of the variants of the type `{}`",
ident, ty_path
"to match on the variant, qualify the path",
format!("{}::{}", ty_path, ident),
/// Checks for common cases of "catchall" patterns that may not be intended as such.
fn pat_is_catchall(pat: &super::Pat<'_>) -> bool {
use super::PatKind::*;
match &*pat.kind {
Binding { subpattern: None, .. } => true,
Binding { subpattern: Some(s), .. } | Deref { subpattern: s } => pat_is_catchall(s),
Leaf { subpatterns: s } => s.iter().all(|p| pat_is_catchall(&p.pattern)),
_ => false,
fn unreachable_pattern(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, span: Span, id: HirId, catchall: Option<Span>) {
tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(UNREACHABLE_PATTERNS, id, span, |lint| {
let mut err ="unreachable pattern");
if let Some(catchall) = catchall {
// We had a catchall pattern, hint at that.
err.span_label(span, "unreachable pattern");
err.span_label(catchall, "matches any value");
fn irrefutable_let_pattern(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, span: Span, id: HirId, source: hir::MatchSource) {
tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(IRREFUTABLE_LET_PATTERNS, id, span, |lint| {
let msg = match source {
hir::MatchSource::IfLetDesugar { .. } => "irrefutable if-let pattern",
hir::MatchSource::WhileLetDesugar => "irrefutable while-let pattern",
hir::MatchSource::IfLetGuardDesugar => "irrefutable if-let guard",
_ => bug!(),
fn check_if_let_guard<'p, 'tcx>(
cx: &mut MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
pat: &'p super::Pat<'tcx>,
pat_id: HirId,
) {
let arms = [MatchArm { pat, hir_id: pat_id, has_guard: false }];
let report = compute_match_usefulness(&cx, &arms, pat_id, pat.ty);
report_arm_reachability(&cx, &report, hir::MatchSource::IfLetGuardDesugar);
if report.non_exhaustiveness_witnesses.is_empty() {
// The match is exhaustive, i.e. the if let pattern is irrefutable.
irrefutable_let_pattern(cx.tcx, pat.span, pat_id, hir::MatchSource::IfLetGuardDesugar)
/// Report unreachable arms, if any.
fn report_arm_reachability<'p, 'tcx>(
cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
report: &UsefulnessReport<'p, 'tcx>,
source: hir::MatchSource,
) {
let mut catchall = None;
for (arm_index, (arm, is_useful)) in report.arm_usefulness.iter().enumerate() {
match is_useful {
NotUseful => {
match source {
hir::MatchSource::IfDesugar { .. } | hir::MatchSource::WhileDesugar => bug!(),
hir::MatchSource::IfLetDesugar { .. } | hir::MatchSource::WhileLetDesugar => {
// Check which arm we're on.
match arm_index {
// The arm with the user-specified pattern.
0 => unreachable_pattern(cx.tcx, arm.pat.span, arm.hir_id, None),
// The arm with the wildcard pattern.
1 => irrefutable_let_pattern(cx.tcx, arm.pat.span, arm.hir_id, source),
_ => bug!(),
hir::MatchSource::IfLetGuardDesugar => {
assert_eq!(arm_index, 0);
unreachable_pattern(cx.tcx, arm.pat.span, arm.hir_id, None);
hir::MatchSource::ForLoopDesugar | hir::MatchSource::Normal => {
unreachable_pattern(cx.tcx, arm.pat.span, arm.hir_id, catchall);
// Unreachable patterns in try and await expressions occur when one of
// the arms are an uninhabited type. Which is OK.
hir::MatchSource::AwaitDesugar | hir::MatchSource::TryDesugar => {}
Useful(unreachables) if unreachables.is_empty() => {}
// The arm is reachable, but contains unreachable subpatterns (from or-patterns).
Useful(unreachables) => {
let mut unreachables: Vec<_> = unreachables.iter().collect();
// Emit lints in the order in which they occur in the file.
for span in unreachables {
unreachable_pattern(cx.tcx, span, arm.hir_id, None);
UsefulWithWitness(_) => bug!(),
if !arm.has_guard && catchall.is_none() && pat_is_catchall(arm.pat) {
catchall = Some(arm.pat.span);
/// Report that a match is not exhaustive.
fn non_exhaustive_match<'p, 'tcx>(
cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
scrut_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
sp: Span,
witnesses: Vec<super::Pat<'tcx>>,
is_empty_match: bool,
) {
let non_empty_enum = match scrut_ty.kind() {
ty::Adt(def, _) => def.is_enum() && !def.variants.is_empty(),
_ => false,
// In the case of an empty match, replace the '`_` not covered' diagnostic with something more
// informative.
let mut err;
if is_empty_match && !non_empty_enum {
err = create_e0004(
format!("non-exhaustive patterns: type `{}` is non-empty", scrut_ty),
} else {
let joined_patterns = joined_uncovered_patterns(&witnesses);
err = create_e0004(
format!("non-exhaustive patterns: {} not covered", joined_patterns),
err.span_label(sp, pattern_not_covered_label(&witnesses, &joined_patterns));
adt_defined_here(cx, &mut err, scrut_ty, &witnesses);
"ensure that all possible cases are being handled, \
possibly by adding wildcards or more match arms",
err.note(&format!("the matched value is of type `{}`", scrut_ty));
if (scrut_ty == cx.tcx.types.usize || scrut_ty == cx.tcx.types.isize)
&& !is_empty_match
&& witnesses.len() == 1
&& witnesses[0].is_wildcard()
"`{}` does not have a fixed maximum value, \
so a wildcard `_` is necessary to match exhaustively",
if cx.tcx.sess.is_nightly_build() {!(
"add `#![feature(precise_pointer_size_matching)]` \
to the crate attributes to enable precise `{}` matching",
fn joined_uncovered_patterns(witnesses: &[super::Pat<'_>]) -> String {
const LIMIT: usize = 3;
match witnesses {
[] => bug!(),
[witness] => format!("`{}`", witness),
[head @ .., tail] if head.len() < LIMIT => {
let head: Vec<_> = head.iter().map(<_>::to_string).collect();
format!("`{}` and `{}`", head.join("`, `"), tail)
_ => {
let (head, tail) = witnesses.split_at(LIMIT);
let head: Vec<_> = head.iter().map(<_>::to_string).collect();
format!("`{}` and {} more", head.join("`, `"), tail.len())
fn pattern_not_covered_label(witnesses: &[super::Pat<'_>], joined_patterns: &str) -> String {
format!("pattern{} {} not covered", rustc_errors::pluralize!(witnesses.len()), joined_patterns)
/// Point at the definition of non-covered `enum` variants.
fn adt_defined_here(
cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'_, '_>,
err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>,
ty: Ty<'_>,
witnesses: &[super::Pat<'_>],
) {
let ty = ty.peel_refs();
if let ty::Adt(def, _) = ty.kind() {
if let Some(sp) = cx.tcx.hir().span_if_local(def.did) {
err.span_label(sp, format!("`{}` defined here", ty));
if witnesses.len() < 4 {
for sp in maybe_point_at_variant(ty, &witnesses) {
err.span_label(sp, "not covered");
fn maybe_point_at_variant(ty: Ty<'_>, patterns: &[super::Pat<'_>]) -> Vec<Span> {
let mut covered = vec![];
if let ty::Adt(def, _) = ty.kind() {
// Don't point at variants that have already been covered due to other patterns to avoid
// visual clutter.
for pattern in patterns {
use PatKind::{AscribeUserType, Deref, Leaf, Or, Variant};
match &*pattern.kind {
AscribeUserType { subpattern, .. } | Deref { subpattern } => {
covered.extend(maybe_point_at_variant(ty, slice::from_ref(&subpattern)));
Variant { adt_def, variant_index, subpatterns, .. } if adt_def.did == def.did => {
let sp = def.variants[*variant_index].ident.span;
if covered.contains(&sp) {
let pats = subpatterns
.map(|field_pattern| field_pattern.pattern.clone())
covered.extend(maybe_point_at_variant(ty, &pats));
Leaf { subpatterns } => {
let pats = subpatterns
.map(|field_pattern| field_pattern.pattern.clone())
covered.extend(maybe_point_at_variant(ty, &pats));
Or { pats } => {
let pats = pats.iter().cloned().collect::<Box<[_]>>();
covered.extend(maybe_point_at_variant(ty, &pats));
_ => {}
/// Check if a by-value binding is by-value. That is, check if the binding's type is not `Copy`.
fn is_binding_by_move(cx: &MatchVisitor<'_, '_>, hir_id: HirId, span: Span) -> bool {
!cx.typeck_results.node_type(hir_id).is_copy_modulo_regions(, cx.param_env)
/// Check that there are no borrow or move conflicts in `binding @ subpat` patterns.
/// For example, this would reject:
/// - `ref x @ Some(ref mut y)`,
/// - `ref mut x @ Some(ref y)`,
/// - `ref mut x @ Some(ref mut y)`,
/// - `ref mut? x @ Some(y)`, and
/// - `x @ Some(ref mut? y)`.
/// This analysis is *not* subsumed by NLL.
fn check_borrow_conflicts_in_at_patterns(cx: &MatchVisitor<'_, '_>, pat: &Pat<'_>) {
// Extract `sub` in `binding @ sub`.
let (name, sub) = match &pat.kind {
hir::PatKind::Binding(.., name, Some(sub)) => (*name, sub),
_ => return,
let binding_span = pat.span.with_hi(name.span.hi());
let typeck_results = cx.typeck_results;
let sess = cx.tcx.sess;
// Get the binding move, extract the mutability if by-ref.
let mut_outer = match typeck_results.extract_binding_mode(sess, pat.hir_id, pat.span) {
Some(ty::BindByValue(_)) if is_binding_by_move(cx, pat.hir_id, pat.span) => {
// We have `x @ pat` where `x` is by-move. Reject all borrows in `pat`.
let mut conflicts_ref = Vec::new();
sub.each_binding(|_, hir_id, span, _| {
match typeck_results.extract_binding_mode(sess, hir_id, span) {
Some(ty::BindByValue(_)) | None => {}
Some(ty::BindByReference(_)) => conflicts_ref.push(span),
if !conflicts_ref.is_empty() {
let occurs_because = format!(
"move occurs because `{}` has type `{}` which does not implement the `Copy` trait",
sess.struct_span_err(pat.span, "borrow of moved value")
.span_label(binding_span, format!("value moved into `{}` here", name))
.span_label(binding_span, occurs_because)
.span_labels(conflicts_ref, "value borrowed here after move")
Some(ty::BindByValue(_)) | None => return,
Some(ty::BindByReference(m)) => m,
// We now have `ref $mut_outer binding @ sub` (semantically).
// Recurse into each binding in `sub` and find mutability or move conflicts.
let mut conflicts_move = Vec::new();
let mut conflicts_mut_mut = Vec::new();
let mut conflicts_mut_ref = Vec::new();
sub.each_binding(|_, hir_id, span, name| {
match typeck_results.extract_binding_mode(sess, hir_id, span) {
Some(ty::BindByReference(mut_inner)) => match (mut_outer, mut_inner) {
(Mutability::Not, Mutability::Not) => {} // Both sides are `ref`.
(Mutability::Mut, Mutability::Mut) => conflicts_mut_mut.push((span, name)), // 2x `ref mut`.
_ => conflicts_mut_ref.push((span, name)), // `ref` + `ref mut` in either direction.
Some(ty::BindByValue(_)) if is_binding_by_move(cx, hir_id, span) => {
conflicts_move.push((span, name)) // `ref mut?` + by-move conflict.
Some(ty::BindByValue(_)) | None => {} // `ref mut?` + by-copy is fine.
// Report errors if any.
if !conflicts_mut_mut.is_empty() {
// Report mutability conflicts for e.g. `ref mut x @ Some(ref mut y)`.
let mut err = sess
.struct_span_err(pat.span, "cannot borrow value as mutable more than once at a time");
err.span_label(binding_span, format!("first mutable borrow, by `{}`, occurs here", name));
for (span, name) in conflicts_mut_mut {
err.span_label(span, format!("another mutable borrow, by `{}`, occurs here", name));
for (span, name) in conflicts_mut_ref {
err.span_label(span, format!("also borrowed as immutable, by `{}`, here", name));
for (span, name) in conflicts_move {
err.span_label(span, format!("also moved into `{}` here", name));
} else if !conflicts_mut_ref.is_empty() {
// Report mutability conflicts for e.g. `ref x @ Some(ref mut y)` or the converse.
let (primary, also) = match mut_outer {
Mutability::Mut => ("mutable", "immutable"),
Mutability::Not => ("immutable", "mutable"),
let msg =
format!("cannot borrow value as {} because it is also borrowed as {}", also, primary);
let mut err = sess.struct_span_err(pat.span, &msg);
err.span_label(binding_span, format!("{} borrow, by `{}`, occurs here", primary, name));
for (span, name) in conflicts_mut_ref {
err.span_label(span, format!("{} borrow, by `{}`, occurs here", also, name));
for (span, name) in conflicts_move {
err.span_label(span, format!("also moved into `{}` here", name));
} else if !conflicts_move.is_empty() {
// Report by-ref and by-move conflicts, e.g. `ref x @ y`.
let mut err =
sess.struct_span_err(pat.span, "cannot move out of value because it is borrowed");
err.span_label(binding_span, format!("value borrowed, by `{}`, here", name));
for (span, name) in conflicts_move {
err.span_label(span, format!("value moved into `{}` here", name));
/// Forbids bindings in `@` patterns. This used to be is necessary for memory safety,
/// because of the way rvalues were handled in the borrow check. (See issue #14587.)
fn check_legality_of_bindings_in_at_patterns(cx: &MatchVisitor<'_, '_>, pat: &Pat<'_>) {
AtBindingPatternVisitor { cx, bindings_allowed: true }.visit_pat(pat);
struct AtBindingPatternVisitor<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
cx: &'a MatchVisitor<'b, 'tcx>,
bindings_allowed: bool,
impl<'v> Visitor<'v> for AtBindingPatternVisitor<'_, '_, '_> {
type Map = intravisit::ErasedMap<'v>;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> NestedVisitorMap<Self::Map> {
fn visit_pat(&mut self, pat: &Pat<'_>) {
match pat.kind {
hir::PatKind::Binding(.., ref subpat) => {
if !self.bindings_allowed {
"pattern bindings after an `@` are unstable",
if subpat.is_some() {
let bindings_were_allowed = self.bindings_allowed;
self.bindings_allowed = false;
intravisit::walk_pat(self, pat);
self.bindings_allowed = bindings_were_allowed;
_ => intravisit::walk_pat(self, pat),