blob: 24e3e623ff274ae9628292ed79d19046efb35755 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::{
hir::place::Place as HirPlace,
self, tls, BoundVar, CanonicalPolyFnSig, ClosureSizeProfileData, GenericArgKind,
GenericArgs, GenericArgsRef, Ty, UserArgs,
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxIndexMap, FxIndexSet};
use rustc_data_structures::unord::{ExtendUnord, UnordItems, UnordSet};
use rustc_errors::ErrorGuaranteed;
use rustc_hir::{
self as hir,
def::{DefKind, Res},
def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId, LocalDefIdMap},
BindingMode, ByRef, HirId, ItemLocalId, ItemLocalMap, ItemLocalSet, Mutability,
use rustc_index::IndexVec;
use rustc_macros::{HashStable, TyDecodable, TyEncodable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable};
use rustc_middle::mir::FakeReadCause;
use rustc_session::Session;
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_target::abi::{FieldIdx, VariantIdx};
use std::{collections::hash_map::Entry, hash::Hash, iter};
use super::RvalueScopes;
#[derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, HashStable)]
pub struct TypeckResults<'tcx> {
/// The `HirId::owner` all `ItemLocalId`s in this table are relative to.
pub hir_owner: OwnerId,
/// Resolved definitions for `<T>::X` associated paths and
/// method calls, including those of overloaded operators.
type_dependent_defs: ItemLocalMap<Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed>>,
/// Resolved field indices for field accesses in expressions (`S { field }`, `obj.field`)
/// or patterns (`S { field }`). The index is often useful by itself, but to learn more
/// about the field you also need definition of the variant to which the field
/// belongs, but it may not exist if it's a tuple field (`tuple.0`).
field_indices: ItemLocalMap<FieldIdx>,
/// Resolved types and indices for the nested fields' accesses of `obj.field` (expanded
/// to `obj._(1)._(2).field` in THIR). This map only stores the intermediate type
/// of `obj._(1)` and index of `_(1)._(2)`, and the type of `_(1)._(2)`, and the index of
/// `_(2).field`.
nested_fields: ItemLocalMap<Vec<(Ty<'tcx>, FieldIdx)>>,
/// Stores the types for various nodes in the AST. Note that this table
/// is not guaranteed to be populated outside inference. See
/// typeck::check::fn_ctxt for details.
node_types: ItemLocalMap<Ty<'tcx>>,
/// Stores the type parameters which were instantiated to obtain the type
/// of this node. This only applies to nodes that refer to entities
/// parameterized by type parameters, such as generic fns, types, or
/// other items.
node_args: ItemLocalMap<GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>,
/// This will either store the canonicalized types provided by the user
/// or the generic parameters that the user explicitly gave (if any) attached
/// to `id`. These will not include any inferred values. The canonical form
/// is used to capture things like `_` or other unspecified values.
/// For example, if the user wrote `foo.collect::<Vec<_>>()`, then the
/// canonical generic parameters would include only `for<X> { Vec<X> }`.
/// See also `AscribeUserType` statement in MIR.
user_provided_types: ItemLocalMap<CanonicalUserType<'tcx>>,
/// Stores the canonicalized types provided by the user. See also
/// `AscribeUserType` statement in MIR.
pub user_provided_sigs: LocalDefIdMap<CanonicalPolyFnSig<'tcx>>,
adjustments: ItemLocalMap<Vec<ty::adjustment::Adjustment<'tcx>>>,
/// Stores the actual binding mode for all instances of [`BindingMode`].
pat_binding_modes: ItemLocalMap<BindingMode>,
/// Top-level patterns whose match ergonomics need to be desugared
/// by the Rust 2021 -> 2024 migration lint.
rust_2024_migration_desugared_pats: ItemLocalSet,
/// Stores the types which were implicitly dereferenced in pattern binding modes
/// for later usage in THIR lowering. For example,
/// ```
/// match &&Some(5i32) {
/// Some(n) => {},
/// _ => {},
/// }
/// ```
/// leads to a `vec![&&Option<i32>, &Option<i32>]`. Empty vectors are not stored.
/// See:
/// <>
pat_adjustments: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>,
/// Set of reference patterns that match against a match-ergonomics inserted reference
/// (as opposed to against a reference in the scrutinee type).
skipped_ref_pats: ItemLocalSet,
/// Records the reasons that we picked the kind of each closure;
/// not all closures are present in the map.
closure_kind_origins: ItemLocalMap<(Span, HirPlace<'tcx>)>,
/// For each fn, records the "liberated" types of its arguments
/// and return type. Liberated means that all bound regions
/// (including late-bound regions) are replaced with free
/// equivalents. This table is not used in codegen (since regions
/// are erased there) and hence is not serialized to metadata.
/// This table also contains the "revealed" values for any `impl Trait`
/// that appear in the signature and whose values are being inferred
/// by this function.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use std::fmt::Debug;
/// fn foo(x: &u32) -> impl Debug { *x }
/// ```
/// The function signature here would be:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// for<'a> fn(&'a u32) -> Foo
/// ```
/// where `Foo` is an opaque type created for this function.
/// The *liberated* form of this would be
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// fn(&'a u32) -> u32
/// ```
/// Note that `'a` is not bound (it would be an `ReLateParam`) and
/// that the `Foo` opaque type is replaced by its hidden type.
liberated_fn_sigs: ItemLocalMap<ty::FnSig<'tcx>>,
/// For each FRU expression, record the normalized types of the fields
/// of the struct - this is needed because it is non-trivial to
/// normalize while preserving regions. This table is used only in
/// MIR construction and hence is not serialized to metadata.
fru_field_types: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>,
/// For every coercion cast we add the HIR node ID of the cast
/// expression to this set.
coercion_casts: ItemLocalSet,
/// Set of trait imports actually used in the method resolution.
/// This is used for warning unused imports. During type
/// checking, this `Lrc` should not be cloned: it must have a ref-count
/// of 1 so that we can insert things into the set mutably.
pub used_trait_imports: UnordSet<LocalDefId>,
/// If any errors occurred while type-checking this body,
/// this field will be set to `Some(ErrorGuaranteed)`.
pub tainted_by_errors: Option<ErrorGuaranteed>,
/// All the opaque types that have hidden types set by this function.
/// We also store the type here, so that the compiler can use it as a hint
/// for figuring out hidden types, even if they are only set in dead code
/// (which doesn't show up in MIR).
pub concrete_opaque_types: FxIndexMap<ty::OpaqueTypeKey<'tcx>, ty::OpaqueHiddenType<'tcx>>,
/// Tracks the minimum captures required for a closure;
/// see `MinCaptureInformationMap` for more details.
pub closure_min_captures: ty::MinCaptureInformationMap<'tcx>,
/// Tracks the fake reads required for a closure and the reason for the fake read.
/// When performing pattern matching for closures, there are times we don't end up
/// reading places that are mentioned in a closure (because of _ patterns). However,
/// to ensure the places are initialized, we introduce fake reads.
/// Consider these two examples:
/// ```ignore (discriminant matching with only wildcard arm)
/// let x: u8;
/// let c = || match x { _ => () };
/// ```
/// In this example, we don't need to actually read/borrow `x` in `c`, and so we don't
/// want to capture it. However, we do still want an error here, because `x` should have
/// to be initialized at the point where c is created. Therefore, we add a "fake read"
/// instead.
/// ```ignore (destructured assignments)
/// let c = || {
/// let (t1, t2) = t;
/// }
/// ```
/// In the second example, we capture the disjoint fields of `t` (`t.0` & `t.1`), but
/// we never capture `t`. This becomes an issue when we build MIR as we require
/// information on `t` in order to create place `t.0` and `t.1`. We can solve this
/// issue by fake reading `t`.
pub closure_fake_reads: LocalDefIdMap<Vec<(HirPlace<'tcx>, FakeReadCause, HirId)>>,
/// Tracks the rvalue scoping rules which defines finer scoping for rvalue expressions
/// by applying extended parameter rules.
/// Details may be find in `rustc_hir_analysis::check::rvalue_scopes`.
pub rvalue_scopes: RvalueScopes,
/// Stores the predicates that apply on coroutine witness types.
/// formatting modified file tests/ui/coroutine/
pub coroutine_stalled_predicates: FxIndexSet<(ty::Predicate<'tcx>, ObligationCause<'tcx>)>,
/// We sometimes treat byte string literals (which are of type `&[u8; N]`)
/// as `&[u8]`, depending on the pattern in which they are used.
/// This hashset records all instances where we behave
/// like this to allow `const_to_pat` to reliably handle this situation.
pub treat_byte_string_as_slice: ItemLocalSet,
/// Contains the data for evaluating the effect of feature `capture_disjoint_fields`
/// on closure size.
pub closure_size_eval: LocalDefIdMap<ClosureSizeProfileData<'tcx>>,
/// Container types and field indices of `offset_of!` expressions
offset_of_data: ItemLocalMap<(Ty<'tcx>, Vec<(VariantIdx, FieldIdx)>)>,
impl<'tcx> TypeckResults<'tcx> {
pub fn new(hir_owner: OwnerId) -> TypeckResults<'tcx> {
TypeckResults {
type_dependent_defs: Default::default(),
field_indices: Default::default(),
nested_fields: Default::default(),
user_provided_types: Default::default(),
user_provided_sigs: Default::default(),
node_types: Default::default(),
node_args: Default::default(),
adjustments: Default::default(),
pat_binding_modes: Default::default(),
pat_adjustments: Default::default(),
rust_2024_migration_desugared_pats: Default::default(),
skipped_ref_pats: Default::default(),
closure_kind_origins: Default::default(),
liberated_fn_sigs: Default::default(),
fru_field_types: Default::default(),
coercion_casts: Default::default(),
used_trait_imports: Default::default(),
tainted_by_errors: None,
concrete_opaque_types: Default::default(),
closure_min_captures: Default::default(),
closure_fake_reads: Default::default(),
rvalue_scopes: Default::default(),
coroutine_stalled_predicates: Default::default(),
treat_byte_string_as_slice: Default::default(),
closure_size_eval: Default::default(),
offset_of_data: Default::default(),
/// Returns the final resolution of a `QPath` in an `Expr` or `Pat` node.
pub fn qpath_res(&self, qpath: &hir::QPath<'_>, id: HirId) -> Res {
match *qpath {
hir::QPath::Resolved(_, path) => path.res,
hir::QPath::TypeRelative(..) | hir::QPath::LangItem(..) => self
.map_or(Res::Err, |(kind, def_id)| Res::Def(kind, def_id)),
pub fn type_dependent_defs(
) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.type_dependent_defs }
pub fn type_dependent_def(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<(DefKind, DefId)> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
self.type_dependent_defs.get(&id.local_id).cloned().and_then(|r| r.ok())
pub fn type_dependent_def_id(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<DefId> {
self.type_dependent_def(id).map(|(_, def_id)| def_id)
pub fn type_dependent_defs_mut(
&mut self,
) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.type_dependent_defs }
pub fn field_indices(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, FieldIdx> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.field_indices }
pub fn field_indices_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, FieldIdx> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.field_indices }
pub fn field_index(&self, id: HirId) -> FieldIdx {
self.field_indices().get(id).cloned().expect("no index for a field")
pub fn opt_field_index(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<FieldIdx> {
pub fn nested_fields(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Vec<(Ty<'tcx>, FieldIdx)>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.nested_fields }
pub fn nested_fields_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Vec<(Ty<'tcx>, FieldIdx)>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.nested_fields }
pub fn nested_field_tys_and_indices(&self, id: HirId) -> &[(Ty<'tcx>, FieldIdx)] {
self.nested_fields().get(id).map_or(&[], Vec::as_slice)
pub fn user_provided_types(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, CanonicalUserType<'tcx>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.user_provided_types }
pub fn user_provided_types_mut(
&mut self,
) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, CanonicalUserType<'tcx>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.user_provided_types }
pub fn node_types(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Ty<'tcx>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.node_types }
pub fn node_types_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Ty<'tcx>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.node_types }
pub fn node_type(&self, id: HirId) -> Ty<'tcx> {
self.node_type_opt(id).unwrap_or_else(|| {
bug!("node_type: no type for node {}", tls::with(|tcx| tcx.hir().node_to_string(id)))
pub fn node_type_opt(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn node_args_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.node_args }
pub fn node_args(&self, id: HirId) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
self.node_args.get(&id.local_id).cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| GenericArgs::empty())
pub fn node_args_opt(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<GenericArgsRef<'tcx>> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
/// Returns the type of a pattern as a monotype. Like [`expr_ty`], this function
/// doesn't provide type parameter args.
/// [`expr_ty`]: TypeckResults::expr_ty
pub fn pat_ty(&self, pat: &hir::Pat<'_>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
/// Returns the type of an expression as a monotype.
/// NB (1): This is the PRE-ADJUSTMENT TYPE for the expression. That is, in
/// some cases, we insert `Adjustment` annotations such as auto-deref or
/// auto-ref. The type returned by this function does not consider such
/// adjustments. See [`Self::expr_ty_adjusted`] instead.
/// NB (2): This type doesn't provide type parameter args; e.g., if you
/// ask for the type of `id` in `id(3)`, it will return `fn(&isize) -> isize`
/// instead of `fn(ty) -> T with T = isize`.
pub fn expr_ty(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
pub fn expr_ty_opt(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
pub fn adjustments(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Vec<ty::adjustment::Adjustment<'tcx>>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.adjustments }
pub fn adjustments_mut(
&mut self,
) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Vec<ty::adjustment::Adjustment<'tcx>>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.adjustments }
pub fn expr_adjustments(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> &[ty::adjustment::Adjustment<'tcx>] {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, expr.hir_id);
self.adjustments.get(&expr.hir_id.local_id).map_or(&[], |a| &a[..])
/// Returns the type of `expr`, considering any `Adjustment`
/// entry recorded for that expression.
pub fn expr_ty_adjusted(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
self.expr_adjustments(expr).last().map_or_else(|| self.expr_ty(expr), |adj|
pub fn expr_ty_adjusted_opt(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
self.expr_adjustments(expr).last().map(|adj||| self.expr_ty_opt(expr))
pub fn is_method_call(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> bool {
// Only paths and method calls/overloaded operators have
// entries in type_dependent_defs, ignore the former here.
if let hir::ExprKind::Path(_) = expr.kind {
return false;
matches!(self.type_dependent_defs().get(expr.hir_id), Some(Ok((DefKind::AssocFn, _))))
pub fn extract_binding_mode(&self, s: &Session, id: HirId, sp: Span) -> Option<BindingMode> {
self.pat_binding_modes().get(id).copied().or_else(|| {
s.dcx().span_bug(sp, "missing binding mode");
pub fn pat_binding_modes(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, BindingMode> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.pat_binding_modes }
pub fn pat_binding_modes_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, BindingMode> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.pat_binding_modes }
pub fn pat_adjustments(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.pat_adjustments }
pub fn pat_adjustments_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.pat_adjustments }
pub fn rust_2024_migration_desugared_pats(&self) -> LocalSetInContext<'_> {
LocalSetInContext {
hir_owner: self.hir_owner,
data: &self.rust_2024_migration_desugared_pats,
pub fn rust_2024_migration_desugared_pats_mut(&mut self) -> LocalSetInContextMut<'_> {
LocalSetInContextMut {
hir_owner: self.hir_owner,
data: &mut self.rust_2024_migration_desugared_pats,
pub fn skipped_ref_pats(&self) -> LocalSetInContext<'_> {
LocalSetInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.skipped_ref_pats }
pub fn skipped_ref_pats_mut(&mut self) -> LocalSetInContextMut<'_> {
LocalSetInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.skipped_ref_pats }
/// Does the pattern recursively contain a `ref mut` binding in it?
/// This is used to determined whether a `deref` pattern should emit a `Deref`
/// or `DerefMut` call for its pattern scrutinee.
/// This is computed from the typeck results since we want to make
/// sure to apply any match-ergonomics adjustments, which we cannot
/// determine from the HIR alone.
pub fn pat_has_ref_mut_binding(&self, pat: &hir::Pat<'_>) -> bool {
let mut has_ref_mut = false;
pat.walk(|pat| {
if let hir::PatKind::Binding(_, id, _, _) = pat.kind
&& let Some(BindingMode(ByRef::Yes(Mutability::Mut), _)) =
has_ref_mut = true;
// No need to continue recursing
} else {
/// For a given closure, returns the iterator of `ty::CapturedPlace`s that are captured
/// by the closure.
pub fn closure_min_captures_flattened(
closure_def_id: LocalDefId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ty::CapturedPlace<'tcx>> {
.map(|closure_min_captures| closure_min_captures.values().flat_map(|v| v.iter()))
pub fn closure_kind_origins(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, (Span, HirPlace<'tcx>)> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.closure_kind_origins }
pub fn closure_kind_origins_mut(
&mut self,
) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, (Span, HirPlace<'tcx>)> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.closure_kind_origins }
pub fn liberated_fn_sigs(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, ty::FnSig<'tcx>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.liberated_fn_sigs }
pub fn liberated_fn_sigs_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, ty::FnSig<'tcx>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.liberated_fn_sigs }
pub fn fru_field_types(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.fru_field_types }
pub fn fru_field_types_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.fru_field_types }
pub fn is_coercion_cast(&self, hir_id: HirId) -> bool {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, hir_id);
pub fn set_coercion_cast(&mut self, id: ItemLocalId) {
pub fn coercion_casts(&self) -> &ItemLocalSet {
pub fn offset_of_data(
) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, (Ty<'tcx>, Vec<(VariantIdx, FieldIdx)>)> {
LocalTableInContext { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &self.offset_of_data }
pub fn offset_of_data_mut(
&mut self,
) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, (Ty<'tcx>, Vec<(VariantIdx, FieldIdx)>)> {
LocalTableInContextMut { hir_owner: self.hir_owner, data: &mut self.offset_of_data }
/// Validate that the given HirId (respectively its `local_id` part) can be
/// safely used as a key in the maps of a TypeckResults. For that to be
/// the case, the HirId must have the same `owner` as all the other IDs in
/// this table (signified by `hir_owner`). Otherwise the HirId
/// would be in a different frame of reference and using its `local_id`
/// would result in lookup errors, or worse, in silently wrong data being
/// stored/returned.
fn validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(hir_owner: OwnerId, hir_id: HirId) {
if hir_id.owner != hir_owner {
invalid_hir_id_for_typeck_results(hir_owner, hir_id);
fn invalid_hir_id_for_typeck_results(hir_owner: OwnerId, hir_id: HirId) {
ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
"node {} cannot be placed in TypeckResults with hir_owner {:?}",
pub struct LocalTableInContext<'a, V> {
hir_owner: OwnerId,
data: &'a ItemLocalMap<V>,
impl<'a, V> LocalTableInContext<'a, V> {
pub fn contains_key(&self, id: HirId) -> bool {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn get(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<&'a V> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn items(
&'a self,
) -> UnordItems<(hir::ItemLocalId, &'a V), impl Iterator<Item = (hir::ItemLocalId, &'a V)>>
{|(id, value)| (*id, value))
pub fn items_in_stable_order(&self) -> Vec<(ItemLocalId, &'a V)> {|(&k, v)| (k, v)).into_sorted_stable_ord_by_key(|(k, _)| k)
impl<'a, V> ::std::ops::Index<HirId> for LocalTableInContext<'a, V> {
type Output = V;
fn index(&self, key: HirId) -> &V {
self.get(key).expect("LocalTableInContext: key not found")
pub struct LocalTableInContextMut<'a, V> {
hir_owner: OwnerId,
data: &'a mut ItemLocalMap<V>,
impl<'a, V> LocalTableInContextMut<'a, V> {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, id: HirId) -> Option<&mut V> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn get(&mut self, id: HirId) -> Option<&V> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn entry(&mut self, id: HirId) -> Entry<'_, hir::ItemLocalId, V> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn insert(&mut self, id: HirId, val: V) -> Option<V> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);, val)
pub fn remove(&mut self, id: HirId) -> Option<V> {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn extend(&mut self, items: UnordItems<(HirId, V), impl Iterator<Item = (HirId, V)>>) {|(id, value)| {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
(id.local_id, value)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct LocalSetInContext<'a> {
hir_owner: OwnerId,
data: &'a ItemLocalSet,
impl<'a> LocalSetInContext<'a> {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn contains(&self, id: hir::HirId) -> bool {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub struct LocalSetInContextMut<'a> {
hir_owner: OwnerId,
data: &'a mut ItemLocalSet,
impl<'a> LocalSetInContextMut<'a> {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn contains(&self, id: hir::HirId) -> bool {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn insert(&mut self, id: hir::HirId) -> bool {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
pub fn remove(&mut self, id: hir::HirId) -> bool {
validate_hir_id_for_typeck_results(self.hir_owner, id);
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
#[debug_format = "UserType({})"]
pub struct UserTypeAnnotationIndex {
const START_INDEX = 0;
/// Mapping of type annotation indices to canonical user type annotations.
pub type CanonicalUserTypeAnnotations<'tcx> =
IndexVec<UserTypeAnnotationIndex, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation<'tcx>>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub struct CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation<'tcx> {
pub user_ty: Box<CanonicalUserType<'tcx>>,
pub span: Span,
pub inferred_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
/// Canonical user type annotation.
pub type CanonicalUserType<'tcx> = Canonical<'tcx, UserType<'tcx>>;
/// A user-given type annotation attached to a constant. These arise
/// from constants that are named via paths, like `Foo::<A>::new` and
/// so forth.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable)]
#[derive(Eq, Hash, HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum UserType<'tcx> {
/// The canonical type is the result of `type_of(def_id)` with the
/// given generic parameters applied.
TypeOf(DefId, UserArgs<'tcx>),
pub trait IsIdentity {
fn is_identity(&self) -> bool;
impl<'tcx> IsIdentity for CanonicalUserType<'tcx> {
/// Returns `true` if this represents the generic parameters of the form `[?0, ?1, ?2]`,
/// i.e., each thing is mapped to a canonical variable with the same index.
fn is_identity(&self) -> bool {
match self.value {
UserType::Ty(_) => false,
UserType::TypeOf(_, user_args) => {
if user_args.user_self_ty.is_some() {
return false;
iter::zip(user_args.args, BoundVar::ZERO..).all(|(kind, cvar)| {
match kind.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => match ty.kind() {
ty::Bound(debruijn, b) => {
// We only allow a `ty::INNERMOST` index in generic parameters.
assert_eq!(*debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
cvar == b.var
_ => false,
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(r) => match *r {
ty::ReBound(debruijn, br) => {
// We only allow a `ty::INNERMOST` index in generic parameters.
assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
cvar == br.var
_ => false,
GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => match ct.kind() {
ty::ConstKind::Bound(debruijn, b) => {
// We only allow a `ty::INNERMOST` index in generic parameters.
assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
cvar == b
_ => false,
impl<'tcx> std::fmt::Display for UserType<'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Ty(arg0) => {
ty::print::with_no_trimmed_paths!(write!(f, "Ty({})", arg0))
Self::TypeOf(arg0, arg1) => write!(f, "TypeOf({:?}, {:?})", arg0, arg1),