blob: 0ef4aa424d83a3ea708155e87a0b73b628e46815 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ ignore-msvc
//@ needs-unwind
//@ compile-flags: -O -C no-prepopulate-passes
struct S;
impl Drop for S {
fn drop(&mut self) {
fn might_unwind() {
// CHECK-LABEL: @test
pub fn test() {
let _s = S;
// Check that the personality slot alloca gets a lifetime start in each cleanup block, not just
// in the first one.
// CHECK: [[SLOT:%[0-9]+]] = alloca [{{[0-9]+}} x i8]
// CHECK-LABEL: cleanup:
// CHECK: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.{{.*}}({{.*}})
// CHECK-LABEL: cleanup1:
// CHECK: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.{{.*}}({{.*}})
let _t = S;