blob: 13439c45f87aef5837e01771b4f5716fed148d42 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::path::PathBuf;
use crate::RegexSet;
/// Trait used to turn [`crate::BindgenOptions`] fields into CLI args.
pub(super) trait AsArgs {
fn as_args(&self, args: &mut Vec<String>, flag: &str);
/// If the `bool` is `true`, `flag` is pushed into `args`.
/// be careful about the truth value of the field as some options, like `--no-layout-tests`, are
/// actually negations of the fields.
impl AsArgs for bool {
fn as_args(&self, args: &mut Vec<String>, flag: &str) {
if *self {
/// Iterate over all the items of the `RegexSet` and push `flag` followed by the item into `args`
/// for each item.
impl AsArgs for RegexSet {
fn as_args(&self, args: &mut Vec<String>, flag: &str) {
for item in self.get_items() {
args.extend_from_slice(&[flag.to_owned(), item.clone()]);
/// If the `Option` is `Some(value)`, push `flag` followed by `value`.
impl AsArgs for Option<String> {
fn as_args(&self, args: &mut Vec<String>, flag: &str) {
if let Some(string) = self {
args.extend_from_slice(&[flag.to_owned(), string.clone()]);
/// If the `Option` is `Some(path)`, push `flag` followed by the [`std::path::Path::display`]
/// representation of `path`.
impl AsArgs for Option<PathBuf> {
fn as_args(&self, args: &mut Vec<String>, flag: &str) {
if let Some(path) = self {