blob: 9bfccfd8f1254b33b3fb5a85089df2e0b2239777 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -xeu
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
# Regenerate the test headers' bindings in debug and release modes, and assert
# that we always get the expected generated bindings.
cargo test --features "$BINDGEN_FEATURES assert_no_dangling_items"
cargo test --release --features "$BINDGEN_FEATURES assert_no_dangling_items"
# Now test the expectations' size and alignment tests.
pushd tests/expectations
cargo test
cargo test --release
# And finally, test our example bindgen + integration template project.
cd bindgen-integration
cargo test --features "$BINDGEN_FEATURES"
cargo test --release --features "$BINDGEN_FEATURES"