blob: 7dbf70e388f1497e53d5e4661136efe571a78c5e [file] [log] [blame]
use core::hashmap::linear::LinearMap;
use core::io::WriterUtil;
use core::to_bytes;
use core::libc::*;
use types::*;
use clang::*;
use gen::*;
struct BindGenCtx {
match_pat: ~[~str],
link: Option<~str>,
out: @io::Writer,
name: LinearMap<CXCursor, Global>,
globals: ~[Global],
cur_glob: Global
enum ParseResult {
ParseOk(~[~str], @mut BindGenCtx),
impl Eq for CXCursor {
fn eq(&self, other: &CXCursor) -> bool {
return (self.kind as int == other.kind as int) &&
(self.xdata as int == other.xdata as int) &&
([0] as int ==[0] as int) &&
([1] as int ==[1] as int) &&
([2] as int ==[2] as int)
fn ne(&self, other: &CXCursor) -> bool {
return !self.eq(other);
impl IterBytes for CXCursor {
fn iter_bytes(&self, lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
&(self.kind as int),
&(self.xdata as int),
&([0] as int),
&([1] as int),
&([2] as int),
lsb0, f
impl ToStr for CXString {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
unsafe {
return str::raw::from_c_str(clang_getCString(*self));
fn parse_args(args: &[~str]) -> ParseResult {
let mut clang_args = ~[];
let args_len = vec::len(args);
let mut out = io::stdout();
let mut pat = ~[];
let mut link = None;
if args_len == 0u {
return CmdUsage;
let mut ix = 0u;
while ix < args_len {
match args[ix] {
~"--help" | ~"-h" => {
return CmdUsage;
~"-o" => {
if ix + 1u > args_len {
return ParseErr(~"Missing output filename");
match io::file_writer(&path::Path(args[ix + 1u]),
~[io::Create, io::Truncate]) {
result::Ok(f) => { out = f; }
result::Err(e) => { return ParseErr(e); }
ix += 2u;
~"-l" => {
if ix + 1u > args_len {
return ParseErr(~"Missing link name");
link = Some(copy args[ix + 1u]);
ix += 2u;
~"-match" => {
if ix + 1u > args_len {
return ParseErr(~"Missing match pattern");
pat.push(copy args[ix + 1u]);
ix += 2u;
_ => {
clang_args.push(copy args[ix]);
ix += 1u;
let ctx = @mut BindGenCtx { match_pat: pat,
link: link,
out: out,
name: LinearMap::new(),
globals: ~[],
cur_glob: GOther
return ParseOk(clang_args, ctx);
fn print_usage(bin: ~str) {
io::print(fmt!("Usage: %s [options] input.h", bin) +
-h or --help Display help message
-l <name> Link name of the library
-o <> Write bindings to <> (default stdout)
-match <name> Only output bindings for definitions from files
whose name contains <name>
If multiple -match options are provided, files
matching any rule are bound to.
Options other than stated above are passed to clang.
unsafe fn match_pattern(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, cursor: CXCursor) -> bool {
let file = ptr::null();
ptr::null(), ptr::null(), ptr::null());
if file as int == 0 {
return false;
if vec::is_empty(ctx.match_pat) {
return true;
let name = clang_getFileName(file).to_str();
for ctx.match_pat.each |pat| {
if str::contains(name, *pat) {
return true;
return false;
unsafe fn decl_name(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, cursor: CXCursor) -> Global {
let decl_opt =;
match decl_opt {
option::Some(decl) => { return *decl; }
None => {
let spelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor).to_str();
let decl = if cursor.kind == CXCursor_StructDecl {
let ci = mk_compinfo(spelling, true);
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_UnionDecl {
let ci = mk_compinfo(spelling, false);
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_EnumDecl {
let kind = if clang_getEnumDeclIntegerType(cursor).kind == CXType_Int {
} else {
let ei = mk_enuminfo(spelling, kind);
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_TypedefDecl {
let ti = mk_typeinfo(spelling, @mut TVoid);
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_VarDecl {
let vi = mk_varinfo(spelling, @mut TVoid);
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_FunctionDecl {
let vi = mk_varinfo(spelling, @mut TVoid);
} else {
};, decl);
return decl;
unsafe fn opaque_decl(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, decl: CXCursor) {
if ! {
let name = decl_name(ctx, decl);
unsafe fn fwd_decl(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, cursor: CXCursor, f: &fn()) {
let def = clang_getCursorDefinition(cursor);
if cursor == def {
} else if def.kind == CXCursor_NoDeclFound ||
def.kind == CXCursor_InvalidFile {
opaque_decl(ctx, cursor);
unsafe fn conv_ptr_ty(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, ty: CXType, cursor: CXCursor) -> @mut Type {
if ty.kind == CXType_Void {
return @mut TPtr(@mut TVoid)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Unexposed ||
ty.kind == CXType_FunctionProto ||
ty.kind == CXType_FunctionNoProto {
let ret_ty = clang_getResultType(ty);
let decl = clang_getTypeDeclaration(ty);
return if ret_ty.kind != CXType_Invalid {
let arg_n = clang_getNumArgTypes(ty) as uint;
let args_lst = do vec::from_fn(arg_n) |i| {
(~"", conv_ty(ctx, clang_getArgType(ty, i as c_uint), cursor))
let varargs = clang_isFunctionTypeVariadic(ty) as int != 0;
let ret_ty = conv_ty(ctx, clang_getResultType(ty), cursor);
@mut TFunc(ret_ty, args_lst, varargs)
} else if decl.kind != CXCursor_NoDeclFound {
@mut TPtr(conv_decl_ty(ctx, decl))
} else {
@mut TPtr(@mut TVoid)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Typedef {
let decl = clang_getTypeDeclaration(ty);
let def_ty = clang_getTypedefDeclUnderlyingType(decl);
if def_ty.kind == CXType_FunctionProto ||
def_ty.kind == CXType_FunctionNoProto {
return @mut TPtr(conv_ptr_ty(ctx, def_ty, cursor));
return @mut TPtr(conv_ty(ctx, ty, cursor));
unsafe fn conv_decl_ty(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, cursor: CXCursor) -> @mut Type {
return if cursor.kind == CXCursor_StructDecl {
let decl = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
let ci = global_compinfo(decl);
@mut TComp(ci)
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_UnionDecl {
let decl = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
let ci = global_compinfo(decl);
@mut TComp(ci)
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_EnumDecl {
let decl = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
let ei = global_enuminfo(decl);
@mut TEnum(ei)
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_TypedefDecl {
let decl = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
let ti = global_typeinfo(decl);
@mut TNamed(ti)
} else {
@mut TVoid
unsafe fn conv_ty(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, ty: CXType, cursor: CXCursor) -> @mut Type {
return if ty.kind == CXType_Bool {
@mut TInt(IBool)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_SChar ||
ty.kind == CXType_Char_S {
@mut TInt(ISChar)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_UChar ||
ty.kind == CXType_Char_U {
@mut TInt(IUChar)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_UShort {
@mut TInt(IUShort)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_UInt {
@mut TInt(IUInt)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_ULong {
@mut TInt(IULong)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_ULongLong {
@mut TInt(IULongLong)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Short {
@mut TInt(IShort)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Int {
@mut TInt(IInt)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Long {
@mut TInt(ILong)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_LongLong {
@mut TInt(ILongLong)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Float {
@mut TFloat(FFloat)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Double {
@mut TFloat(FDouble)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_LongDouble {
@mut TFloat(FDouble)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Pointer {
conv_ptr_ty(ctx, clang_getPointeeType(ty), cursor)
} else if ty.kind == CXType_Record ||
ty.kind == CXType_Typedef ||
ty.kind == CXType_Unexposed ||
ty.kind == CXType_Enum {
conv_decl_ty(ctx, clang_getTypeDeclaration(ty))
} else if ty.kind == CXType_ConstantArray {
let a_ty = conv_ty(ctx, clang_getArrayElementType(ty), cursor);
let size = clang_getArraySize(ty) as uint;
@mut TArray(a_ty, size)
} else {
@mut TVoid
unsafe fn opaque_ty(ctx: @mut BindGenCtx, ty: CXType) {
if ty.kind == CXType_Record || ty.kind == CXType_Enum {
let decl = clang_getTypeDeclaration(ty);
let def = clang_getCursorDefinition(decl);
if def.kind == CXCursor_NoDeclFound ||
def.kind == CXCursor_InvalidFile {
opaque_decl(ctx, decl);
extern fn visit_struct(+cursor: CXCursor,
+_parent: CXCursor,
data: CXClientData) -> c_uint {
unsafe {
let ctx = *(data as *@mut BindGenCtx);
if cursor.kind == CXCursor_FieldDecl {
let ci = global_compinfo(ctx.cur_glob);
let ty = conv_ty(ctx, clang_getCursorType(cursor), cursor);
let name = clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor).to_str();
let field = mk_fieldinfo(name, ty, ci);
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
extern fn visit_union(+cursor: CXCursor,
+_parent: CXCursor,
data: CXClientData) -> c_uint {
unsafe {
let ctx = *(data as *@mut BindGenCtx);
if cursor.kind == CXCursor_FieldDecl {
let ci = global_compinfo(ctx.cur_glob);
let ty = conv_ty(ctx, clang_getCursorType(cursor), cursor);
let name = clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor).to_str();
let field = mk_fieldinfo(name, ty, ci);
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
extern fn visit_enum(+cursor: CXCursor,
+_parent: CXCursor,
data: CXClientData) -> c_uint {
unsafe {
let ctx = *(data as *@mut BindGenCtx);
if cursor.kind == CXCursor_EnumConstantDecl {
let ei = global_enuminfo(ctx.cur_glob);
let name = clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor).to_str();
let val = clang_getEnumConstantDeclValue(cursor) as int;
let item = mk_enumitem(name, val, ei);
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
extern fn visit_top(+cursor: CXCursor,
+_parent: CXCursor,
data: CXClientData) -> c_uint {
unsafe {
let ctx = *(data as *@mut BindGenCtx);
if !match_pattern(ctx, cursor) {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
if cursor.kind == CXCursor_StructDecl {
do fwd_decl(ctx, cursor) || {
let decl = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
let ci = global_compinfo(decl);
ctx.cur_glob = GComp(ci);
clang_visitChildren(cursor, visit_struct, data);
return CXChildVisit_Recurse;
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_UnionDecl {
do fwd_decl(ctx, cursor) || {
let decl = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
let ci = global_compinfo(decl);
ctx.cur_glob = GComp(ci);
clang_visitChildren(cursor, visit_union, data);
return CXChildVisit_Recurse;
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_EnumDecl {
do fwd_decl(ctx, cursor) || {
let decl = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
let ei = global_enuminfo(decl);
ctx.cur_glob = GEnum(ei);
clang_visitChildren(cursor, visit_enum, data);
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_FunctionDecl {
let linkage = clang_getCursorLinkage(cursor);
if linkage != CXLinkage_External && linkage != CXLinkage_UniqueExternal {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
if {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
let arg_n = clang_Cursor_getNumArguments(cursor) as uint;
let args_lst = do vec::from_fn(arg_n) |i| {
let arg = clang_Cursor_getArgument(cursor, i as c_uint);
let arg_name = clang_getCursorSpelling(arg).to_str();
(arg_name, conv_ty(ctx, clang_getCursorType(arg), cursor))
let ty = clang_getCursorType(cursor);
let varargs = clang_isFunctionTypeVariadic(ty) as int != 0;
let ret_ty = conv_ty(ctx, clang_getCursorResultType(cursor), cursor);
let func = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
global_varinfo(func).ty = @mut TFunc(ret_ty, args_lst, varargs);
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_VarDecl {
let linkage = clang_getCursorLinkage(cursor);
if linkage != CXLinkage_External && linkage != CXLinkage_UniqueExternal {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
if {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
let ty = conv_ty(ctx, clang_getCursorType(cursor), cursor);
let var = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
global_varinfo(var).ty = ty;
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_TypedefDecl {
if {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
let mut under_ty = clang_getTypedefDeclUnderlyingType(cursor);
if under_ty.kind == CXType_Unexposed {
under_ty = clang_getCanonicalType(under_ty);
let ty = conv_ty(ctx, under_ty, cursor);
let typedef = decl_name(ctx, cursor);
global_typeinfo(typedef).ty = ty;
opaque_ty(ctx, under_ty);
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
} else if cursor.kind == CXCursor_FieldDecl {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
return CXChildVisit_Recurse;
fn main() {
unsafe {
let mut bind_args = os::args();
let bin = bind_args.shift();
match parse_args(bind_args) {
ParseErr(e) => { fail!(e); }
CmdUsage => { print_usage(bin); }
ParseOk(clang_args, ctx) => {
let ix = clang_createIndex(0 as c_int, 1 as c_int);
if ix as int == 0 {
fail!(~"clang failed to create index");
let c_args = do |s| {
str::as_c_str(*s, |b| b )
let unit = clang_parseTranslationUnit(
ix, ptr::null(),
vec::len(c_args) as c_int,
0 as c_uint, 0 as c_uint
if unit as int == 0 {
fail!(~"No input files given");
let mut c_err = false;
let diag_num = clang_getNumDiagnostics(unit) as uint;
for uint::range(0, diag_num) |i| {
let diag = clang_getDiagnostic(unit, i as c_uint);
diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions()
if clang_getDiagnosticSeverity(diag) >= CXDiagnostic_Error {
c_err = true
if c_err {
let cursor = clang_getTranslationUnitCursor(unit);
clang_visitChildren(cursor, visit_top,
ptr::to_unsafe_ptr(&ctx) as CXClientData);
gen_rs(ctx.out, &, ctx.globals);