blob: bbf2126f70a3b615dc1bf0871a2da191f37e2a4a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Determining which types has float.
use super::{generate_dependencies, ConstrainResult, MonotoneFramework};
use crate::ir::comp::Field;
use crate::ir::comp::FieldMethods;
use crate::ir::context::{BindgenContext, ItemId};
use crate::ir::traversal::EdgeKind;
use crate::ir::ty::TypeKind;
use crate::{HashMap, HashSet};
/// An analysis that finds for each IR item whether it has float or not.
/// We use the monotone constraint function `has_float`,
/// defined as follows:
/// * If T is float or complex float, T trivially has.
/// * If T is a type alias, a templated alias or an indirection to another type,
/// it has float if the type T refers to has.
/// * If T is a compound type, it has float if any of base memter or field
/// has.
/// * If T is an instantiation of an abstract template definition, T has
/// float if any of the template arguments or template definition
/// has.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct HasFloat<'ctx> {
ctx: &'ctx BindgenContext,
// The incremental result of this analysis's computation. Everything in this
// set has float.
has_float: HashSet<ItemId>,
// Dependencies saying that if a key ItemId has been inserted into the
// `has_float` set, then each of the ids in Vec<ItemId> need to be
// considered again.
// This is a subset of the natural IR graph with reversed edges, where we
// only include the edges from the IR graph that can affect whether a type
// has float or not.
dependencies: HashMap<ItemId, Vec<ItemId>>,
impl<'ctx> HasFloat<'ctx> {
fn consider_edge(kind: EdgeKind) -> bool {
match kind {
EdgeKind::BaseMember |
EdgeKind::Field |
EdgeKind::TypeReference |
EdgeKind::VarType |
EdgeKind::TemplateArgument |
EdgeKind::TemplateDeclaration |
EdgeKind::TemplateParameterDefinition => true,
EdgeKind::Constructor |
EdgeKind::Destructor |
EdgeKind::FunctionReturn |
EdgeKind::FunctionParameter |
EdgeKind::InnerType |
EdgeKind::InnerVar |
EdgeKind::Method => false,
EdgeKind::Generic => false,
fn insert<Id: Into<ItemId>>(&mut self, id: Id) -> ConstrainResult {
let id = id.into();
trace!("inserting {:?} into the has_float set", id);
let was_not_already_in_set = self.has_float.insert(id);
"We shouldn't try and insert {:?} twice because if it was \
already in the set, `constrain` should have exited early.",
impl<'ctx> MonotoneFramework for HasFloat<'ctx> {
type Node = ItemId;
type Extra = &'ctx BindgenContext;
type Output = HashSet<ItemId>;
fn new(ctx: &'ctx BindgenContext) -> HasFloat<'ctx> {
let has_float = HashSet::default();
let dependencies = generate_dependencies(ctx, Self::consider_edge);
HasFloat {
fn initial_worklist(&self) -> Vec<ItemId> {
fn constrain(&mut self, id: ItemId) -> ConstrainResult {
trace!("constrain: {:?}", id);
if self.has_float.contains(&id) {
trace!(" already know it do not have float");
return ConstrainResult::Same;
let item = self.ctx.resolve_item(id);
let ty = match item.as_type() {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => {
trace!(" not a type; ignoring");
return ConstrainResult::Same;
match *ty.kind() {
TypeKind::Void |
TypeKind::NullPtr |
TypeKind::Int(..) |
TypeKind::Function(..) |
TypeKind::Enum(..) |
TypeKind::Reference(..) |
TypeKind::TypeParam |
TypeKind::Opaque |
TypeKind::Pointer(..) |
TypeKind::UnresolvedTypeRef(..) |
TypeKind::ObjCInterface(..) |
TypeKind::ObjCId |
TypeKind::ObjCSel => {
trace!(" simple type that do not have float");
TypeKind::Float(..) | TypeKind::Complex(..) => {
trace!(" float type has float");
TypeKind::Array(t, _) => {
if self.has_float.contains(&t.into()) {
" Array with type T that has float also has float"
return self.insert(id);
trace!(" Array with type T that do not have float also do not have float");
TypeKind::Vector(t, _) => {
if self.has_float.contains(&t.into()) {
" Vector with type T that has float also has float"
return self.insert(id);
trace!(" Vector with type T that do not have float also do not have float");
TypeKind::ResolvedTypeRef(t) |
TypeKind::TemplateAlias(t, _) |
TypeKind::Alias(t) |
TypeKind::BlockPointer(t) => {
if self.has_float.contains(&t.into()) {
" aliases and type refs to T which have float \
also have float"
} else {
trace!(" aliases and type refs to T which do not have float \
also do not have floaarrayt");
TypeKind::Comp(ref info) => {
let bases_have = info
.any(|base| self.has_float.contains(&base.ty.into()));
if bases_have {
trace!(" bases have float, so we also have");
return self.insert(id);
let fields_have = info.fields().iter().any(|f| match *f {
Field::DataMember(ref data) => {
Field::Bitfields(ref bfu) => bfu
.any(|b| self.has_float.contains(&b.ty().into())),
if fields_have {
trace!(" fields have float, so we also have");
return self.insert(id);
trace!(" comp doesn't have float");
TypeKind::TemplateInstantiation(ref template) => {
let args_have = template
.any(|arg| self.has_float.contains(&arg.into()));
if args_have {
" template args have float, so \
insantiation also has float"
return self.insert(id);
let def_has = self
if def_has {
" template definition has float, so \
insantiation also has"
return self.insert(id);
trace!(" template instantiation do not have float");
fn each_depending_on<F>(&self, id: ItemId, mut f: F)
F: FnMut(ItemId),
if let Some(edges) = self.dependencies.get(&id) {
for item in edges {
trace!("enqueue {:?} into worklist", item);
impl<'ctx> From<HasFloat<'ctx>> for HashSet<ItemId> {
fn from(analysis: HasFloat<'ctx>) -> Self {