blob: d44837d08efb28fc4e377554b0b1a3f450628dcd [file] [log] [blame]
// bindgen-flags: --enable-cxx-namespaces -- -std=c++11
// `Wrapper::sentry` and `sentry` should be emitted as `Wrapper_sentry` and
// `sentry` respectively, but instead `Wrapper::sentry` is named just `sentry`
// which leads to compilation errors.
// Note: if there is no namespace, then we don't run into problems. Similarly,
// making the `Wrapper::sentry` definition inline in `Wrapper`, rather than
// declared inline with an out of line definition, makes the problem go away as
// well.
namespace whatever {
template <typename, typename>
class Wrapper {
// Declaration of Wrapper::sentry
class sentry;
// Definition of Wrapper::sentry
template <typename f, typename h>
class Wrapper<f, h>::sentry {
int i_am_wrapper_sentry;
class sentry {
bool i_am_plain_sentry;
// Ok, that was the original bug report. While we're here, let's just try
// lots of different things that could go wrong and make sure we handle them
// right.
class NotTemplateWrapper {
class sentry;
class NotTemplateWrapper::sentry {
char i_am_not_template_wrapper_sentry;
class InlineNotTemplateWrapper {
class sentry {
bool i_am_inline_not_template_wrapper_sentry;
template <typename, typename>
class InlineTemplateWrapper {
class sentry {
int i_am_inline_template_wrapper_sentry;
class OuterDoubleWrapper {
class InnerDoubleWrapper {
class sentry;
class OuterDoubleWrapper::InnerDoubleWrapper::sentry {
int i_am_double_wrapper_sentry;
class OuterDoubleInlineWrapper {
class InnerDoubleInlineWrapper {
class sentry {
int i_am_double_wrapper_inline_sentry;
template <typename, typename>
class OutsideNamespaceWrapper {
class sentry;
template <typename f, typename h>
class OutsideNamespaceWrapper<f, h>::sentry {
int i_am_outside_namespace_wrapper_sentry;
class sentry {
int i_am_outside_namespace_sentry;