blob: a9d315dca79e6d4d711b245a022f1d321a755c91 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A public API for more fine-grained customization of bindgen behavior.
pub use crate::ir::analysis::DeriveTrait;
pub use crate::ir::derive::CanDerive as ImplementsTrait;
pub use crate::ir::enum_ty::{EnumVariantCustomBehavior, EnumVariantValue};
pub use crate::ir::int::IntKind;
use std::fmt;
/// An enum to allow ignoring parsing of macros.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MacroParsingBehavior {
/// Ignore the macro, generating no code for it, or anything that depends on
/// it.
/// The default behavior bindgen would have otherwise.
impl Default for MacroParsingBehavior {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A trait to allow configuring different kinds of types in different
/// situations.
pub trait ParseCallbacks: fmt::Debug {
#[cfg(feature = "__cli")]
fn cli_args(&self) -> Vec<String> {
/// This function will be run on every macro that is identified.
fn will_parse_macro(&self, _name: &str) -> MacroParsingBehavior {
/// This function will run for every extern variable and function. The returned value determines
/// the name visible in the bindings.
fn generated_name_override(
_item_info: ItemInfo<'_>,
) -> Option<String> {
/// This function will run for every extern variable and function. The returned value determines
/// the link name in the bindings.
fn generated_link_name_override(
_item_info: ItemInfo<'_>,
) -> Option<String> {
/// The integer kind an integer macro should have, given a name and the
/// value of that macro, or `None` if you want the default to be chosen.
fn int_macro(&self, _name: &str, _value: i64) -> Option<IntKind> {
/// This will be run on every string macro. The callback cannot influence the further
/// treatment of the macro, but may use the value to generate additional code or configuration.
fn str_macro(&self, _name: &str, _value: &[u8]) {}
/// This will be run on every function-like macro. The callback cannot
/// influence the further treatment of the macro, but may use the value to
/// generate additional code or configuration.
/// The first parameter represents the name and argument list (including the
/// parentheses) of the function-like macro. The second parameter represents
/// the expansion of the macro as a sequence of tokens.
fn func_macro(&self, _name: &str, _value: &[&[u8]]) {}
/// This function should return whether, given an enum variant
/// name, and value, this enum variant will forcibly be a constant.
fn enum_variant_behavior(
_enum_name: Option<&str>,
_original_variant_name: &str,
_variant_value: EnumVariantValue,
) -> Option<EnumVariantCustomBehavior> {
/// Allows to rename an enum variant, replacing `_original_variant_name`.
fn enum_variant_name(
_enum_name: Option<&str>,
_original_variant_name: &str,
_variant_value: EnumVariantValue,
) -> Option<String> {
/// Allows to rename an item, replacing `_original_item_name`.
fn item_name(&self, _original_item_name: &str) -> Option<String> {
/// This will be called on every file inclusion, with the full path of the included file.
fn include_file(&self, _filename: &str) {}
/// This will be called every time `bindgen` reads an environment variable whether it has any
/// content or not.
fn read_env_var(&self, _key: &str) {}
/// This will be called to determine whether a particular blocklisted type
/// implements a trait or not. This will be used to implement traits on
/// other types containing the blocklisted type.
/// * `None`: use the default behavior
/// * `Some(ImplementsTrait::Yes)`: `_name` implements `_derive_trait`
/// * `Some(ImplementsTrait::Manually)`: any type including `_name` can't
/// derive `_derive_trait` but can implemented it manually
/// * `Some(ImplementsTrait::No)`: `_name` doesn't implement `_derive_trait`
fn blocklisted_type_implements_trait(
_name: &str,
_derive_trait: DeriveTrait,
) -> Option<ImplementsTrait> {
/// Provide a list of custom derive attributes.
/// If no additional attributes are wanted, this function should return an
/// empty `Vec`.
fn add_derives(&self, _info: &DeriveInfo<'_>) -> Vec<String> {
/// Process a source code comment.
fn process_comment(&self, _comment: &str) -> Option<String> {
/// Potentially override the visibility of a composite type field.
/// Caution: This allows overriding standard C++ visibility inferred by
/// `respect_cxx_access_specs`.
fn field_visibility(
_info: FieldInfo<'_>,
) -> Option<crate::FieldVisibilityKind> {
/// Process a function name that as exactly one `va_list` argument
/// to be wrapped as a variadic function with the wrapped static function
/// feature.
/// The returned string is new function name.
#[cfg(feature = "experimental")]
fn wrap_as_variadic_fn(&self, _name: &str) -> Option<String> {
/// Relevant information about a type to which new derive attributes will be added using
/// [`ParseCallbacks::add_derives`].
pub struct DeriveInfo<'a> {
/// The name of the type.
pub name: &'a str,
/// The kind of the type.
pub kind: TypeKind,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// The kind of the current type.
pub enum TypeKind {
/// The type is a Rust `struct`.
/// The type is a Rust `enum`.
/// The type is a Rust `union`.
/// A struct providing information about the item being passed to [`ParseCallbacks::generated_name_override`].
pub struct ItemInfo<'a> {
/// The name of the item
pub name: &'a str,
/// The kind of item
pub kind: ItemKind,
/// An enum indicating the kind of item for an ItemInfo.
pub enum ItemKind {
/// A Function
/// A Variable
/// Relevant information about a field for which visibility can be determined using
/// [`ParseCallbacks::field_visibility`].
pub struct FieldInfo<'a> {
/// The name of the type.
pub type_name: &'a str,
/// The name of the field.
pub field_name: &'a str,