blob: c13643c3981f4cbf841fa9ed8718e0a9f3202de4 [file] [log] [blame]
template<typename T, typename U> class Foo {
T m_member;
T* m_member_ptr;
T m_member_arr[1];
void bar(Foo<int, int> foo);
template<typename T>
class D {
typedef Foo<int, int> MyFoo;
MyFoo m_foo;
template<typename Z>
class U {
MyFoo m_nested_foo;
Z m_baz;
template<typename T>
class Rooted {
T* prev;
Rooted<void*>* next;
T ptr;
class RootedContainer {
Rooted<void*> root;
template<typename T>
class WithDtor;
typedef WithDtor<int> WithDtorIntFwd;
template<typename T>
class WithDtor {
T member;
~WithDtor() {}
class PODButContainsDtor {
WithDtorIntFwd member;
/** <div rustbindgen opaque> */
template<typename T>
class Opaque {
T member;
class POD {
Opaque<int> opaque_member;
* <div rustbindgen replaces="NestedReplaced"></div>
template<typename T>
class Nested {
T* buff;
template<typename T, typename U>
class NestedBase {
T* buff;
template<typename T>
class NestedReplaced: public NestedBase<T, int> {
template<typename T>
class Incomplete;
template<typename T>
class NestedContainer {
T c;
NestedReplaced<T> nested;
Incomplete<T> inc;
template<typename T>
class Incomplete {
T d;
class Untemplated {};
template<typename T>
class Templated {
Untemplated m_untemplated;
* If the replacement doesn't happen at the parse level the container would be
* copy and the replacement wouldn't, so this wouldn't compile.
* <div rustbindgen replaces="ReplacedWithoutDestructor"></div>
template<typename T>
class ReplacedWithDestructor {
T* buff;
~ReplacedWithDestructor() {};
template<typename T>
class ReplacedWithoutDestructor {
T* buff;
template<typename T>
class ReplacedWithoutDestructorFwd;
template<typename T>
class ShouldNotBeCopiable {
ReplacedWithoutDestructor<T> m_member;
template<typename U>
class ShouldNotBeCopiableAsWell {
ReplacedWithoutDestructorFwd<U> m_member;
* If the replacement doesn't happen at the parse level the container would be
* copy and the replacement wouldn't, so this wouldn't compile.
* <div rustbindgen replaces="ReplacedWithoutDestructorFwd"></div>
template<typename T>
class ReplacedWithDestructorDeclaredAfter {
T* buff;
~ReplacedWithDestructorDeclaredAfter() {};
template<typename T>
class TemplateWithVar {
static T var = 0;