blob: 657885399888cb87cf1e3b443849e2678d0e2970 [file] [log] [blame]
// bindgen-flags: --enable-cxx-namespaces
void top_level();
namespace whatever {
typedef int whatever_int_t;
void in_whatever();
namespace {
namespace empty {}
void foo();
struct A {
whatever::whatever_int_t b;
int lets_hope_this_works();
template<typename T>
class C: public A {
T m_c;
T* m_c_ptr;
T m_c_arr[10];
class C<int>;
namespace w {
typedef unsigned int whatever_int_t;
template<typename T>
class D {
C<T> m_c;
whatever_int_t heh(); // this should return w::whatever_int_t, and not whatever::whatever_int_t
C<int> foo();
C<float> barr(); // <- This is the problematic one