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<h1><a class="header" href="#write-a-sanity-test" id="write-a-sanity-test">Write a Sanity Test</a></h1>
<p>Finally, to tie everything together, let's write a sanity test that round trips
some text through compression and decompression, and then asserts that it came
back out the same as it went in. This is a little wordy using the raw FFI
bindings, but hopefully we wouldn't usually ask people to do this, we'd provide
a nice Rust-y API on top of the raw FFI bindings for them. However, since this
is for testing the bindings directly, our sanity test will use the bindings
<p>The test data I'm round tripping are some Futurama quotes I got off the internet
and put in the <code>futurama-quotes.txt</code> file, which is read into a <code>&amp;'static str</code>
at compile time via the <code>include_str!(&quot;../futurama-quotes.txt&quot;)</code> macro
<p>Without further ado, here is the test, which should be appended to the bottom of
our <code>src/</code> file:</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::mem;
fn round_trip_compression_decompression() {
unsafe {
let input = include_str!(&quot;../futurama-quotes.txt&quot;).as_bytes();
let mut compressed_output: Vec&lt;u8&gt; = vec![0; input.len()];
let mut decompressed_output: Vec&lt;u8&gt; = vec![0; input.len()];
// Construct a compression stream.
let mut stream: bz_stream = mem::zeroed();
let result = BZ2_bzCompressInit(&amp;mut stream as *mut _,
1, // 1 x 100000 block size
4, // verbosity (4 = most verbose)
0); // default work factor
match result {
r if r == (BZ_CONFIG_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_CONFIG_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_PARAM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_MEM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_MEM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_OK as _) =&gt; {},
r =&gt; panic!(&quot;Unknown return value = {}&quot;, r),
// Compress `input` into `compressed_output`.
stream.next_in = input.as_ptr() as *mut _;
stream.avail_in = input.len() as _;
stream.next_out = compressed_output.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _;
stream.avail_out = compressed_output.len() as _;
let result = BZ2_bzCompress(&amp;mut stream as *mut _, BZ_FINISH as _);
match result {
r if r == (BZ_RUN_OK as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_RUN_OK&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_FLUSH_OK as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_FLUSH_OK&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_FINISH_OK as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_FINISH_OK&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_STREAM_END as _) =&gt; {},
r =&gt; panic!(&quot;Unknown return value = {}&quot;, r),
// Finish the compression stream.
let result = BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&amp;mut stream as *mut _);
match result {
r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_PARAM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_OK as _) =&gt; {},
r =&gt; panic!(&quot;Unknown return value = {}&quot;, r),
// Construct a decompression stream.
let mut stream: bz_stream = mem::zeroed();
let result = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&amp;mut stream as *mut _,
4, // verbosity (4 = most verbose)
0); // default small factor
match result {
r if r == (BZ_CONFIG_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_CONFIG_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_PARAM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_MEM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_MEM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_OK as _) =&gt; {},
r =&gt; panic!(&quot;Unknown return value = {}&quot;, r),
// Decompress `compressed_output` into `decompressed_output`.
stream.next_in = compressed_output.as_ptr() as *mut _;
stream.avail_in = compressed_output.len() as _;
stream.next_out = decompressed_output.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _;
stream.avail_out = decompressed_output.len() as _;
let result = BZ2_bzDecompress(&amp;mut stream as *mut _);
match result {
r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_PARAM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_DATA_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_DATA_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_DATA_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_MEM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_MEM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_OK as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_OK&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_STREAM_END as _) =&gt; {},
r =&gt; panic!(&quot;Unknown return value = {}&quot;, r),
// Close the decompression stream.
let result = BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&amp;mut stream as *mut _);
match result {
r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) =&gt; panic!(&quot;BZ_PARAM_ERROR&quot;),
r if r == (BZ_OK as _) =&gt; {},
r =&gt; panic!(&quot;Unknown return value = {}&quot;, r),
assert_eq!(input, &amp;decompressed_output[..]);
<span class="boring">}
<p>Now let's run <code>cargo test</code> again and verify that everything is linking and binding
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ cargo test
Compiling bindgen-tutorial-bzip2-sys v0.1.0
Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.54 secs
Running target/debug/deps/bindgen_tutorial_bzip2_sys-1c5626bbc4401c3a
running 15 tests
test bindgen_test_layout___darwin_pthread_handler_rec ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout___sFILE ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout___sbuf ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__bindgen_ty_1 ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__bindgen_ty_2 ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_attr_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_cond_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_condattr_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_mutex_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_once_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_rwlock_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t ... ok
test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_t ... ok
block 1: crc = 0x47bfca17, combined CRC = 0x47bfca17, size = 2857
bucket sorting ...
depth 1 has 2849 unresolved strings
depth 2 has 2702 unresolved strings
depth 4 has 1508 unresolved strings
depth 8 has 538 unresolved strings
depth 16 has 148 unresolved strings
depth 32 has 0 unresolved strings
reconstructing block ...
2857 in block, 2221 after MTF &amp; 1-2 coding, 61+2 syms in use
initial group 5, [0 .. 1], has 570 syms (25.7%)
initial group 4, [2 .. 2], has 256 syms (11.5%)
initial group 3, [3 .. 6], has 554 syms (24.9%)
initial group 2, [7 .. 12], has 372 syms (16.7%)
initial group 1, [13 .. 62], has 469 syms (21.1%)
pass 1: size is 2743, grp uses are 13 6 15 0 11
pass 2: size is 1216, grp uses are 13 7 15 0 10
pass 3: size is 1214, grp uses are 13 8 14 0 10
pass 4: size is 1213, grp uses are 13 9 13 0 10
bytes: mapping 19, selectors 17, code lengths 79, codes 1213
final combined CRC = 0x47bfca17
[1: huff+mtf rt+rld {0x47bfca17, 0x47bfca17}]
combined CRCs: stored = 0x47bfca17, computed = 0x47bfca17
test tests::round_trip_compression_decompression ... ok
test result: ok. 15 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
Doc-tests bindgen-tutorial-bzip2-sys
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
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