blob: 7a6c597ca2810a2b81015ff8a4c809f9e45c3629 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Discover which template type parameters are actually used.
//! ### Why do we care?
//! C++ allows ignoring template parameters, while Rust does not. Usually we can
//! blindly stick a `PhantomData<T>` inside a generic Rust struct to make up for
//! this. That doesn't work for templated type aliases, however:
//! ```C++
//! template <typename T>
//! using Fml = int;
//! ```
//! If we generate the naive Rust code for this alias, we get:
//! ```ignore
//! pub type Fml<T> = ::std::os::raw::int;
//! ```
//! And this is rejected by `rustc` due to the unused type parameter.
//! (Aside: in these simple cases, `libclang` will often just give us the
//! aliased type directly, and we will never even know we were dealing with
//! aliases, let alone templated aliases. It's the more convoluted scenarios
//! where we get to have some fun...)
//! For such problematic template aliases, we could generate a tuple whose
//! second member is a `PhantomData<T>`. Or, if we wanted to go the extra mile,
//! we could even generate some smarter wrapper that implements `Deref`,
//! `DerefMut`, `From`, `Into`, `AsRef`, and `AsMut` to the actually aliased
//! type. However, this is still lackluster:
//! 1. Even with a billion conversion-trait implementations, using the generated
//! bindings is rather un-ergonomic.
//! 2. With either of these solutions, we need to keep track of which aliases
//! we've transformed like this in order to generate correct uses of the
//! wrapped type.
//! Given that we have to properly track which template parameters ended up used
//! for (2), we might as well leverage that information to make ergonomic
//! bindings that don't contain any unused type parameters at all, and
//! completely avoid the pain of (1).
//! ### How do we determine which template parameters are used?
//! Determining which template parameters are actually used is a trickier
//! problem than it might seem at a glance. On the one hand, trivial uses are
//! easy to detect:
//! ```C++
//! template <typename T>
//! class Foo {
//! T trivial_use_of_t;
//! };
//! ```
//! It gets harder when determining if one template parameter is used depends on
//! determining if another template parameter is used. In this example, whether
//! `U` is used depends on whether `T` is used.
//! ```C++
//! template <typename T>
//! class DoesntUseT {
//! int x;
//! };
//! template <typename U>
//! class Fml {
//! DoesntUseT<U> lololol;
//! };
//! ```
//! We can express the set of used template parameters as a constraint solving
//! problem (where the set of template parameters used by a given IR item is the
//! union of its sub-item's used template parameters) and iterate to a
//! fixed-point.
//! We use the "monotone framework" for this fix-point analysis where our
//! lattice is the powerset of the template parameters that appear in the input
//! C++ header, our join function is set union, and we use the
//! `ir::traversal::Trace` trait to implement the work-list optimization so we
//! don't have to revisit every node in the graph when for every iteration
//! towards the fix-point.
//! For a deeper introduction to the general form of this kind of analysis, see
//! [Static Program Analysis by Anders Møller and Michael I. Schwartzbach][spa].
//! [spa]:
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use super::context::{BindgenContext, ItemId};
use super::item::ItemSet;
use super::traversal::{EdgeKind, Trace};
use super::ty::{TemplateDeclaration, TypeKind};
/// An analysis in the monotone framework.
/// Implementors of this trait must maintain the following two invariants:
/// 1. The concrete data must be a member of a finite-height lattice.
/// 2. The concrete `constrain` method must be monotone: that is,
/// if `x <= y`, then `constrain(x) <= constrain(y)`.
/// If these invariants do not hold, iteration to a fix-point might never
/// complete.
/// For a simple example analysis, see the `ReachableFrom` type in the `tests`
/// module below.
pub trait MonotoneFramework: Sized + fmt::Debug {
/// The type of node in our dependency graph.
/// This is just generic (and not `ItemId`) so that we can easily unit test
/// without constructing real `Item`s and their `ItemId`s.
type Node: Copy;
/// Any extra data that is needed during computation.
/// Again, this is just generic (and not `&BindgenContext`) so that we can
/// easily unit test without constructing real `BindgenContext`s full of
/// real `Item`s and real `ItemId`s.
type Extra: Sized;
/// The final output of this analysis. Once we have reached a fix-point, we
/// convert `self` into this type, and return it as the final result of the
/// analysis.
type Output: From<Self>;
/// Construct a new instance of this analysis.
fn new(extra: Self::Extra) -> Self;
/// Get the initial set of nodes from which to start the analysis. Unless
/// you are sure of some domain-specific knowledge, this should be the
/// complete set of nodes.
fn initial_worklist(&self) -> Vec<Self::Node>;
/// Update the analysis for the given node.
/// If this results in changing our internal state (ie, we discovered that
/// we have not reached a fix-point and iteration should continue), return
/// `true`. Otherwise, return `false`. When `constrain` returns false for
/// all nodes in the set, we have reached a fix-point and the analysis is
/// complete.
fn constrain(&mut self, node: Self::Node) -> bool;
/// For each node `d` that depends on the given `node`'s current answer when
/// running `constrain(d)`, call `f(d)`. This informs us which new nodes to
/// queue up in the worklist when `constrain(node)` reports updated
/// information.
fn each_depending_on<F>(&self, node: Self::Node, f: F)
where F: FnMut(Self::Node);
/// Run an analysis in the monotone framework.
// TODO: This allow(...) is just temporary until we replace
// `Item::signature_contains_named_type` with
// `analyze::<UsedTemplateParameters>`.
pub fn analyze<Analysis>(extra: Analysis::Extra) -> Analysis::Output
where Analysis: MonotoneFramework
let mut analysis = Analysis::new(extra);
let mut worklist = analysis.initial_worklist();
while let Some(node) = worklist.pop() {
if analysis.constrain(node) {
analysis.each_depending_on(node, |needs_work| {
/// An analysis that finds the set of template parameters that actually end up
/// used in our generated bindings.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct UsedTemplateParameters<'a> {
ctx: &'a BindgenContext<'a>,
used: ItemSet,
dependencies: HashMap<ItemId, Vec<ItemId>>,
impl<'a> MonotoneFramework for UsedTemplateParameters<'a> {
type Node = ItemId;
type Extra = &'a BindgenContext<'a>;
type Output = ItemSet;
fn new(ctx: &'a BindgenContext<'a>) -> UsedTemplateParameters<'a> {
let mut dependencies = HashMap::new();
for item in ctx.whitelisted_items() {
// We reverse our natural IR graph edges to find dependencies
// between nodes.
let mut add_reverse_edge = |sub_item, _| {
item.trace(ctx, &mut add_reverse_edge, &());
// Additionally, whether a template instantiation's template
// arguments are used depends on whether the template declaration's
// generic template parameters are used.
.and_then(|item| item.as_type())
.map(|ty| match ty.kind() {
&TypeKind::TemplateInstantiation(decl, ref args) => {
let decl = ctx.resolve_type(decl);
let params = decl.template_params(ctx)
.expect("a template instantiation's referenced \
template declaration should have template \
for (arg, param) in args.iter().zip(params.iter()) {
_ => {}
UsedTemplateParameters {
ctx: ctx,
used: ItemSet::new(),
dependencies: dependencies,
fn initial_worklist(&self) -> Vec<Self::Node> {
fn constrain(&mut self, item: ItemId) -> bool {
let original_size = self.used.len();
item.trace(self.ctx, &mut |item, edge_kind| {
if edge_kind == EdgeKind::TemplateParameterDefinition {
// The definition of a template parameter is not considered a
// use of said template parameter. Ignore this edge.
let ty_kind = self.ctx.resolve_item(item)
.map(|ty| ty.kind());
match ty_kind {
Some(&TypeKind::Named) => {
// This is a "trivial" use of the template type parameter.
Some(&TypeKind::TemplateInstantiation(decl, ref args)) => {
// A template instantiation's concrete template argument is
// only used if the template declaration uses the
// corresponding template parameter.
let decl = self.ctx.resolve_type(decl);
let params = decl.template_params(self.ctx)
.expect("a template instantiation's referenced \
template declaration should have template \
for (arg, param) in args.iter().zip(params.iter()) {
if self.used.contains(param) {
if self.ctx.resolve_item(*arg).is_named() {
_ => return,
}, &());
let new_size = self.used.len();
new_size != original_size
fn each_depending_on<F>(&self, item: ItemId, mut f: F)
where F: FnMut(Self::Node)
if let Some(edges) = self.dependencies.get(&item) {
for item in edges {
impl<'a> From<UsedTemplateParameters<'a>> for ItemSet {
fn from(used_templ_params: UsedTemplateParameters) -> ItemSet {
mod tests {
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use super::*;
// Here we find the set of nodes that are reachable from any given
// node. This is a lattice mapping nodes to subsets of all nodes. Our join
// function is set union.
// This is our test graph:
// +---+ +---+
// | | | |
// | 1 | .----| 2 |
// | | | | |
// +---+ | +---+
// | | ^
// | | |
// | +---+ '------'
// '----->| |
// | 3 |
// .------| |------.
// | +---+ |
// | ^ |
// v | v
// +---+ | +---+ +---+
// | | | | | | |
// | 4 | | | 5 |--->| 6 |
// | | | | | | |
// +---+ | +---+ +---+
// | | | |
// | | | v
// | +---+ | +---+
// | | | | | |
// '----->| 7 |<-----' | 8 |
// | | | |
// +---+ +---+
// And here is the mapping from a node to the set of nodes that are
// reachable from it within the test graph:
// 1: {3,4,5,6,7,8}
// 2: {2}
// 3: {3,4,5,6,7,8}
// 4: {3,4,5,6,7,8}
// 5: {3,4,5,6,7,8}
// 6: {8}
// 7: {3,4,5,6,7,8}
// 8: {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Node(usize);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Graph(HashMap<Node, Vec<Node>>);
impl Graph {
fn make_test_graph() -> Graph {
let mut g = Graph::default();
g.0.insert(Node(1), vec![Node(3)]);
g.0.insert(Node(2), vec![Node(2)]);
g.0.insert(Node(3), vec![Node(4), Node(5)]);
g.0.insert(Node(4), vec![Node(7)]);
g.0.insert(Node(5), vec![Node(6), Node(7)]);
g.0.insert(Node(6), vec![Node(8)]);
g.0.insert(Node(7), vec![Node(3)]);
g.0.insert(Node(8), vec![]);
fn reverse(&self) -> Graph {
let mut reversed = Graph::default();
for (node, edges) in self.0.iter() {
for referent in edges.iter() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct ReachableFrom<'a> {
reachable: HashMap<Node, HashSet<Node>>,
graph: &'a Graph,
reversed: Graph,
impl<'a> MonotoneFramework for ReachableFrom<'a> {
type Node = Node;
type Extra = &'a Graph;
type Output = HashMap<Node, HashSet<Node>>;
fn new(graph: &'a Graph) -> ReachableFrom {
let reversed = graph.reverse();
ReachableFrom {
reachable: Default::default(),
graph: graph,
reversed: reversed,
fn initial_worklist(&self) -> Vec<Node> {
fn constrain(&mut self, node: Node) -> bool {
// The set of nodes reachable from a node `x` is
// reachable(x) = s_0 U s_1 U ... U reachable(s_0) U reachable(s_1) U ...
// where there exist edges from `x` to each of `s_0, s_1, ...`.
// Yes, what follows is a **terribly** inefficient set union
// implementation. Don't copy this code outside of this test!
let original_size = self.reachable.entry(node).or_insert(HashSet::new()).len();
for sub_node in self.graph.0[&node].iter() {
let sub_reachable = self.reachable
for transitive in sub_reachable {
let new_size = self.reachable[&node].len();
original_size != new_size
fn each_depending_on<F>(&self, node: Node, mut f: F)
where F: FnMut(Node)
for dep in self.reversed.0[&node].iter() {
impl<'a> From<ReachableFrom<'a>> for HashMap<Node, HashSet<Node>> {
fn from(reachable: ReachableFrom<'a>) -> Self {
fn monotone() {
let g = Graph::make_test_graph();
let reachable = analyze::<ReachableFrom>(&g);
println!("reachable = {:#?}", reachable);
fn nodes<A>(nodes: A) -> HashSet<Node>
where A: AsRef<[usize]>
let mut expected = HashMap::new();
expected.insert(Node(1), nodes([3,4,5,6,7,8]));
expected.insert(Node(2), nodes([2]));
expected.insert(Node(3), nodes([3,4,5,6,7,8]));
expected.insert(Node(4), nodes([3,4,5,6,7,8]));
expected.insert(Node(5), nodes([3,4,5,6,7,8]));
expected.insert(Node(6), nodes([8]));
expected.insert(Node(7), nodes([3,4,5,6,7,8]));
expected.insert(Node(8), nodes([]));
println!("expected = {:#?}", expected);
assert_eq!(reachable, expected);