blob: c23d6f7384b99e93268b3b91d9266efc1bb491f2 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as lc from "vscode-languageclient";
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as ra from './lsp_ext';
import { Ctx, Disposable } from './ctx';
import { sendRequestWithRetry, isRustDocument, RustDocument, RustEditor, sleep } from './util';
interface InlayHintStyle {
decorationType: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType;
toDecoration(hint: ra.InlayHint, conv: lc.Protocol2CodeConverter): vscode.DecorationOptions;
interface InlayHintsStyles {
typeHints: InlayHintStyle;
paramHints: InlayHintStyle;
chainingHints: InlayHintStyle;
export function activateInlayHints(ctx: Ctx) {
const maybeUpdater = {
updater: null as null | HintsUpdater,
async onConfigChange() {
const anyEnabled = ctx.config.inlayHints.typeHints
|| ctx.config.inlayHints.parameterHints
|| ctx.config.inlayHints.chainingHints;
const enabled = ctx.config.inlayHints.enable && anyEnabled;
if (!enabled) return this.dispose();
await sleep(100);
if (this.updater) {
} else {
this.updater = new HintsUpdater(ctx);
dispose() {
this.updater = null;
maybeUpdater.onConfigChange, maybeUpdater, ctx.subscriptions
function createHintStyle(hintKind: "type" | "parameter" | "chaining", smallerHints: boolean): InlayHintStyle {
// U+200C is a zero-width non-joiner to prevent the editor from forming a ligature
// between code and type hints
const [pos, render] = ({
type: ["after", (label: string) => `\u{200c}: ${label}`],
parameter: ["before", (label: string) => `${label}: `],
chaining: ["after", (label: string) => `\u{200c}: ${label}`],
} as const)[hintKind];
const fg = new vscode.ThemeColor(`rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground.${hintKind}Hints`);
const bg = new vscode.ThemeColor(`rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background.${hintKind}Hints`);
return {
decorationType: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
[pos]: {
color: fg,
backgroundColor: bg,
fontStyle: "normal",
fontWeight: "normal",
textDecoration: smallerHints ? ";font-size:smaller" : "none",
toDecoration(hint: ra.InlayHint, conv: lc.Protocol2CodeConverter): vscode.DecorationOptions {
return {
range: conv.asRange(hint.range),
renderOptions: { [pos]: { contentText: render(hint.label) } }
const smallHintsStyles = {
typeHints: createHintStyle("type", true),
paramHints: createHintStyle("parameter", true),
chainingHints: createHintStyle("chaining", true),
const biggerHintsStyles = {
typeHints: createHintStyle("type", false),
paramHints: createHintStyle("parameter", false),
chainingHints: createHintStyle("chaining", false),
class HintsUpdater implements Disposable {
private sourceFiles = new Map<string, RustSourceFile>(); // map Uri -> RustSourceFile
private readonly disposables: Disposable[] = [];
private pendingDisposeDecorations: undefined | InlayHintsStyles = undefined;
private inlayHintsStyles!: InlayHintsStyles;
constructor(private readonly ctx: Ctx) {
// Set up initial cache shape
ctx.visibleRustEditors.forEach(editor => this.sourceFiles.set(
document: editor.document,
inlaysRequest: null,
cachedDecorations: null
dispose() {
this.sourceFiles.forEach(file => file.inlaysRequest?.cancel());
this.ctx.visibleRustEditors.forEach(editor => this.renderDecorations(editor, { param: [], type: [], chaining: [] }));
this.disposables.forEach(d => d.dispose());
onDidChangeTextDocument({ contentChanges, document }: vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent) {
if (contentChanges.length === 0 || !isRustDocument(document)) return;
updateInlayHintsStyles() {
const inlayHintsStyles = this.ctx.config.inlayHints.smallerHints ? smallHintsStyles : biggerHintsStyles;
if (inlayHintsStyles !== this.inlayHintsStyles) {
this.pendingDisposeDecorations = this.inlayHintsStyles;
this.inlayHintsStyles = inlayHintsStyles;
syncCacheAndRenderHints() {
this.sourceFiles.forEach((file, uri) => this.fetchHints(file).then(hints => {
if (!hints) return;
file.cachedDecorations = this.hintsToDecorations(hints);
for (const editor of this.ctx.visibleRustEditors) {
if (editor.document.uri.toString() === uri) {
this.renderDecorations(editor, file.cachedDecorations);
onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors() {
const newSourceFiles = new Map<string, RustSourceFile>();
// Rerendering all, even up-to-date editors for simplicity
this.ctx.visibleRustEditors.forEach(async editor => {
const uri = editor.document.uri.toString();
const file = this.sourceFiles.get(uri) ?? {
document: editor.document,
inlaysRequest: null,
cachedDecorations: null
newSourceFiles.set(uri, file);
// No text documents changed, so we may try to use the cache
if (!file.cachedDecorations) {
const hints = await this.fetchHints(file);
if (!hints) return;
file.cachedDecorations = this.hintsToDecorations(hints);
this.renderDecorations(editor, file.cachedDecorations);
// Cancel requests for no longer visible (disposed) source files
this.sourceFiles.forEach((file, uri) => {
if (!newSourceFiles.has(uri)) file.inlaysRequest?.cancel();
this.sourceFiles = newSourceFiles;
private renderDecorations(editor: RustEditor, decorations: InlaysDecorations) {
const { typeHints, paramHints, chainingHints } = this.inlayHintsStyles;
if (this.pendingDisposeDecorations !== undefined) {
const { typeHints, paramHints, chainingHints } = this.pendingDisposeDecorations;
editor.setDecorations(typeHints.decorationType, []);
editor.setDecorations(paramHints.decorationType, []);
editor.setDecorations(chainingHints.decorationType, []);
editor.setDecorations(typeHints.decorationType, decorations.type);
editor.setDecorations(paramHints.decorationType, decorations.param);
editor.setDecorations(chainingHints.decorationType, decorations.chaining);
private hintsToDecorations(hints: ra.InlayHint[]): InlaysDecorations {
const { typeHints, paramHints, chainingHints } = this.inlayHintsStyles;
const decorations: InlaysDecorations = { type: [], param: [], chaining: [] };
const conv = this.ctx.client.protocol2CodeConverter;
for (const hint of hints) {
switch (hint.kind) {
case ra.InlayHint.Kind.TypeHint: {
decorations.type.push(typeHints.toDecoration(hint, conv));
case ra.InlayHint.Kind.ParamHint: {
decorations.param.push(paramHints.toDecoration(hint, conv));
case ra.InlayHint.Kind.ChainingHint: {
decorations.chaining.push(chainingHints.toDecoration(hint, conv));
return decorations;
private async fetchHints(file: RustSourceFile): Promise<null | ra.InlayHint[]> {
const tokenSource = new vscode.CancellationTokenSource();
file.inlaysRequest = tokenSource;
const request = { textDocument: { uri: file.document.uri.toString() } };
return sendRequestWithRetry(this.ctx.client, ra.inlayHints, request, tokenSource.token)
.catch(_ => null)
.finally(() => {
if (file.inlaysRequest === tokenSource) {
file.inlaysRequest = null;
interface InlaysDecorations {
type: vscode.DecorationOptions[];
param: vscode.DecorationOptions[];
chaining: vscode.DecorationOptions[];
interface RustSourceFile {
* Source of the token to cancel in-flight inlay hints request if any.
inlaysRequest: null | vscode.CancellationTokenSource;
* Last applied decorations.
cachedDecorations: null | InlaysDecorations;
document: RustDocument;