| import * as os from "os"; |
| import * as vscode from "vscode"; |
| import * as path from "path"; |
| import type * as ra from "./lsp_ext"; |
| |
| import { Cargo } from "./toolchain"; |
| import type { Ctx } from "./ctx"; |
| import { prepareEnv } from "./run"; |
| import { execute, isCargoRunnableArgs, unwrapUndefinable } from "./util"; |
| import type { Config } from "./config"; |
| |
| const debugOutput = vscode.window.createOutputChannel("Debug"); |
| |
| export async function makeDebugConfig(ctx: Ctx, runnable: ra.Runnable): Promise<void> { |
| const scope = ctx.activeRustEditor?.document.uri; |
| if (!scope) return; |
| |
| const debugConfig = await getDebugConfiguration(ctx.config, runnable, false); |
| if (!debugConfig) return; |
| |
| const wsLaunchSection = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("launch", scope); |
| const configurations = wsLaunchSection.get<any[]>("configurations") || []; |
| |
| const index = configurations.findIndex((c) => c.name === debugConfig.name); |
| if (index !== -1) { |
| const answer = await vscode.window.showErrorMessage( |
| `Launch configuration '${debugConfig.name}' already exists!`, |
| "Cancel", |
| "Update", |
| ); |
| if (answer === "Cancel") return; |
| |
| configurations[index] = debugConfig; |
| } else { |
| configurations.push(debugConfig); |
| } |
| |
| await wsLaunchSection.update("configurations", configurations); |
| } |
| |
| export async function startDebugSession(ctx: Ctx, runnable: ra.Runnable): Promise<boolean> { |
| let debugConfig: vscode.DebugConfiguration | undefined = undefined; |
| let message = ""; |
| |
| const wsLaunchSection = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("launch"); |
| const configurations = wsLaunchSection.get<any[]>("configurations") || []; |
| |
| const index = configurations.findIndex((c) => c.name === runnable.label); |
| if (-1 !== index) { |
| debugConfig = configurations[index]; |
| message = " (from launch.json)"; |
| debugOutput.clear(); |
| } else { |
| debugConfig = await getDebugConfiguration(ctx.config, runnable); |
| } |
| |
| if (!debugConfig) return false; |
| |
| debugOutput.appendLine(`Launching debug configuration${message}:`); |
| debugOutput.appendLine(JSON.stringify(debugConfig, null, 2)); |
| return vscode.debug.startDebugging(undefined, debugConfig); |
| } |
| |
| function createCommandLink(extensionId: string): string { |
| // do not remove the second quotes inside |
| // encodeURIComponent or it won't work |
| return `extension.open?${encodeURIComponent(`"${extensionId}"`)}`; |
| } |
| |
| async function getDebugConfiguration( |
| config: Config, |
| runnable: ra.Runnable, |
| inheritEnv: boolean = true, |
| ): Promise<vscode.DebugConfiguration | undefined> { |
| if (!isCargoRunnableArgs(runnable.args)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs = runnable.args; |
| |
| const debugOptions = config.debug; |
| |
| let provider: null | KnownEnginesType = null; |
| |
| if (debugOptions.engine === "auto") { |
| for (const engineId in knownEngines) { |
| const debugEngine = vscode.extensions.getExtension(engineId); |
| if (debugEngine) { |
| provider = knownEngines[engineId as keyof typeof knownEngines]; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (debugOptions.engine) { |
| const debugEngine = vscode.extensions.getExtension(debugOptions.engine); |
| if (debugEngine && Object.keys(knownEngines).includes(debugOptions.engine)) { |
| provider = knownEngines[debugOptions.engine as keyof typeof knownEngines]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!provider) { |
| const commandCCpp: string = createCommandLink("ms-vscode.cpptools"); |
| const commandCodeLLDB: string = createCommandLink("vadimcn.vscode-lldb"); |
| const commandNativeDebug: string = createCommandLink("webfreak.debug"); |
| |
| await vscode.window.showErrorMessage( |
| `Install [CodeLLDB](command:${commandCodeLLDB} "Open CodeLLDB")` + |
| `, [C/C++](command:${commandCCpp} "Open C/C++") ` + |
| `or [Native Debug](command:${commandNativeDebug} "Open Native Debug") for debugging.`, |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| debugOutput.clear(); |
| if (config.debug.openDebugPane) { |
| debugOutput.show(true); |
| } |
| // folder exists or RA is not active. |
| // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion |
| const workspaceFolders = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders!; |
| const isMultiFolderWorkspace = workspaceFolders.length > 1; |
| const firstWorkspace = workspaceFolders[0]; |
| const maybeWorkspace = |
| !isMultiFolderWorkspace || !runnableArgs.workspaceRoot |
| ? firstWorkspace |
| : workspaceFolders.find((w) => runnableArgs.workspaceRoot?.includes(w.uri.fsPath)) || |
| firstWorkspace; |
| |
| const workspace = unwrapUndefinable(maybeWorkspace); |
| let wsFolder = path.normalize(workspace.uri.fsPath); |
| if (os.platform() === "win32") { |
| // in windows, the drive letter can vary in casing for VSCode, so we gotta normalize that first |
| wsFolder = wsFolder.replace(/^[a-z]:\\/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()); |
| } |
| |
| const workspaceQualifier = isMultiFolderWorkspace ? `:${workspace.name}` : ""; |
| function simplifyPath(p: string): string { |
| // in windows, the drive letter can vary in casing for VSCode, so we gotta normalize that first |
| if (os.platform() === "win32") { |
| p = p.replace(/^[a-z]:\\/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()); |
| } |
| // see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/pull/5513#issuecomment-663458818 for why this is needed |
| return path.normalize(p).replace(wsFolder, `\${workspaceFolder${workspaceQualifier}}`); |
| } |
| |
| const env = prepareEnv(inheritEnv, runnable.label, runnableArgs, config.runnablesExtraEnv); |
| const executable = await getDebugExecutable(runnableArgs, env); |
| let sourceFileMap = debugOptions.sourceFileMap; |
| if (sourceFileMap === "auto") { |
| sourceFileMap = {}; |
| await discoverSourceFileMap(sourceFileMap, env, wsFolder); |
| } |
| |
| const debugConfig = getDebugConfig( |
| provider, |
| simplifyPath, |
| runnable, |
| runnableArgs, |
| executable, |
| env, |
| sourceFileMap, |
| ); |
| if (debugConfig.type in debugOptions.engineSettings) { |
| const settingsMap = (debugOptions.engineSettings as any)[debugConfig.type]; |
| for (var key in settingsMap) { |
| debugConfig[key] = settingsMap[key]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (debugConfig.name === "run binary") { |
| // The LSP side: crates\rust-analyzer\src\main_loop\handlers.rs, |
| // fn to_lsp_runnable(...) with RunnableKind::Bin |
| debugConfig.name = `run ${path.basename(executable)}`; |
| } |
| |
| const cwd = debugConfig["cwd"]; |
| if (cwd) { |
| debugConfig["cwd"] = simplifyPath(cwd); |
| } |
| |
| return debugConfig; |
| } |
| |
| async function discoverSourceFileMap( |
| sourceFileMap: Record<string, string>, |
| env: Record<string, string>, |
| cwd: string, |
| ) { |
| const sysroot = env["RUSTC_TOOLCHAIN"]; |
| if (sysroot) { |
| // let's try to use the default toolchain |
| const data = await execute(`rustc -V -v`, { cwd, env }); |
| const rx = /commit-hash:\s(.*)$/m; |
| |
| const commitHash = rx.exec(data)?.[1]; |
| if (commitHash) { |
| const rustlib = path.normalize(sysroot + "/lib/rustlib/src/rust"); |
| sourceFileMap[`/rustc/${commitHash}/`] = rustlib; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| type PropertyFetcher<Config, Input, Key extends keyof Config> = ( |
| input: Input, |
| ) => [Key, Config[Key]]; |
| |
| type DebugConfigProvider<Type extends string, DebugConfig extends BaseDebugConfig<Type>> = { |
| executableProperty: keyof DebugConfig; |
| environmentProperty: PropertyFetcher<DebugConfig, Record<string, string>, keyof DebugConfig>; |
| runnableArgsProperty: PropertyFetcher<DebugConfig, ra.CargoRunnableArgs, keyof DebugConfig>; |
| sourceFileMapProperty?: keyof DebugConfig; |
| type: Type; |
| additional?: Record<string, unknown>; |
| }; |
| |
| type KnownEnginesType = (typeof knownEngines)[keyof typeof knownEngines]; |
| const knownEngines: { |
| "vadimcn.vscode-lldb": DebugConfigProvider<"lldb", CodeLldbDebugConfig>; |
| "ms-vscode.cpptools": DebugConfigProvider<"cppvsdbg" | "cppdbg", CCppDebugConfig>; |
| "webfreak.debug": DebugConfigProvider<"gdb", NativeDebugConfig>; |
| } = { |
| "vadimcn.vscode-lldb": { |
| type: "lldb", |
| executableProperty: "program", |
| environmentProperty: (env) => ["env", env], |
| runnableArgsProperty: (runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs) => [ |
| "args", |
| runnableArgs.executableArgs, |
| ], |
| sourceFileMapProperty: "sourceMap", |
| additional: { |
| sourceLanguages: ["rust"], |
| }, |
| }, |
| "ms-vscode.cpptools": { |
| type: os.platform() === "win32" ? "cppvsdbg" : "cppdbg", |
| executableProperty: "program", |
| environmentProperty: (env) => [ |
| "environment", |
| Object.entries(env).map((entry) => ({ |
| name: entry[0], |
| value: entry[1], |
| })), |
| ], |
| runnableArgsProperty: (runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs) => [ |
| "args", |
| runnableArgs.executableArgs, |
| ], |
| sourceFileMapProperty: "sourceFileMap", |
| additional: { |
| osx: { |
| MIMode: "lldb", |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| "webfreak.debug": { |
| type: "gdb", |
| executableProperty: "target", |
| runnableArgsProperty: (runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs) => [ |
| "arguments", |
| quote(runnableArgs.executableArgs), |
| ], |
| environmentProperty: (env) => ["env", env], |
| additional: { |
| valuesFormatting: "prettyPrinters", |
| }, |
| }, |
| }; |
| |
| async function getDebugExecutable( |
| runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs, |
| env: Record<string, string>, |
| ): Promise<string> { |
| const cargo = new Cargo(runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || ".", debugOutput, env); |
| const executable = await cargo.executableFromArgs(runnableArgs); |
| |
| // if we are here, there were no compilation errors. |
| return executable; |
| } |
| |
| type BaseDebugConfig<type extends string> = { |
| type: type; |
| request: "launch"; |
| name: string; |
| cwd: string; |
| }; |
| |
| function getDebugConfig( |
| provider: KnownEnginesType, |
| simplifyPath: (p: string) => string, |
| runnable: ra.Runnable, |
| runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs, |
| executable: string, |
| env: Record<string, string>, |
| sourceFileMap?: Record<string, string>, |
| ): vscode.DebugConfiguration { |
| const { |
| environmentProperty, |
| executableProperty, |
| runnableArgsProperty, |
| type, |
| additional, |
| sourceFileMapProperty, |
| } = provider; |
| const [envProperty, envValue] = environmentProperty(env); |
| const [argsProperty, argsValue] = runnableArgsProperty(runnableArgs); |
| return { |
| type, |
| request: "launch", |
| name: runnable.label, |
| cwd: simplifyPath(runnable.args.cwd || runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || "."), |
| [executableProperty]: simplifyPath(executable), |
| [envProperty]: envValue, |
| [argsProperty]: argsValue, |
| ...(sourceFileMapProperty ? { [sourceFileMapProperty]: sourceFileMap } : {}), |
| ...additional, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| type CCppDebugConfig = { |
| program: string; |
| args: string[]; |
| sourceFileMap: Record<string, string> | undefined; |
| environment: { |
| name: string; |
| value: string; |
| }[]; |
| // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/16901#issuecomment-2024486941 |
| osx: { |
| MIMode: "lldb"; |
| }; |
| } & BaseDebugConfig<"cppvsdbg" | "cppdbg">; |
| |
| type CodeLldbDebugConfig = { |
| program: string; |
| args: string[]; |
| sourceMap: Record<string, string> | undefined; |
| sourceLanguages: ["rust"]; |
| env: Record<string, string>; |
| } & BaseDebugConfig<"lldb">; |
| |
| type NativeDebugConfig = { |
| target: string; |
| // See https://github.com/WebFreak001/code-debug/issues/359 |
| arguments: string; |
| env: Record<string, string>; |
| valuesFormatting: "prettyPrinters"; |
| } & BaseDebugConfig<"gdb">; |
| |
| // Based on https://github.com/ljharb/shell-quote/blob/main/quote.js |
| function quote(xs: string[]) { |
| return xs |
| .map(function (s) { |
| if (/["\s]/.test(s) && !/'/.test(s)) { |
| return "'" + s.replace(/(['\\])/g, "\\$1") + "'"; |
| } |
| if (/["'\s]/.test(s)) { |
| return '"' + s.replace(/(["\\$`!])/g, "\\$1") + '"'; |
| } |
| return s.replace(/([A-Za-z]:)?([#!"$&'()*,:;<=>?@[\\\]^`{|}])/g, "$1\\$2"); |
| }) |
| .join(" "); |
| } |