blob: 034c49c3d5c69dc05a834ecddf6cd8772087e484 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Book keeping for keeping diagnostics easily in sync with the client.
pub(crate) mod to_proto;
use std::mem;
use ide::FileId;
use ide_db::FxHashMap;
use itertools::Itertools;
use nohash_hasher::{IntMap, IntSet};
use rustc_hash::FxHashSet;
use stdx::iter_eq_by;
use triomphe::Arc;
use crate::{global_state::GlobalStateSnapshot, lsp, lsp_ext, main_loop::DiagnosticsTaskKind};
pub(crate) type CheckFixes = Arc<IntMap<usize, IntMap<FileId, Vec<Fix>>>>;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct DiagnosticsMapConfig {
pub remap_prefix: FxHashMap<String, String>,
pub warnings_as_info: Vec<String>,
pub warnings_as_hint: Vec<String>,
pub check_ignore: FxHashSet<String>,
pub(crate) type DiagnosticsGeneration = usize;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct DiagnosticCollection {
// FIXME: should be IntMap<FileId, Vec<ra_id::Diagnostic>>
pub(crate) native_syntax: IntMap<FileId, (DiagnosticsGeneration, Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>)>,
pub(crate) native_semantic: IntMap<FileId, (DiagnosticsGeneration, Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>)>,
// FIXME: should be Vec<flycheck::Diagnostic>
pub(crate) check: IntMap<usize, IntMap<FileId, Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>>>,
pub(crate) check_fixes: CheckFixes,
changes: IntSet<FileId>,
/// Counter for supplying a new generation number for diagnostics.
/// This is used to keep track of when to clear the diagnostics for a given file as we compute
/// diagnostics on multiple worker threads simultaneously which may result in multiple diagnostics
/// updates for the same file in a single generation update (due to macros affecting multiple files).
generation: DiagnosticsGeneration,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Fix {
// Fixes may be triggerable from multiple ranges.
pub(crate) ranges: Vec<lsp_types::Range>,
pub(crate) action: lsp_ext::CodeAction,
impl DiagnosticCollection {
pub(crate) fn clear_check(&mut self, flycheck_id: usize) {
if let Some(it) = Arc::make_mut(&mut self.check_fixes).get_mut(&flycheck_id) {
if let Some(it) = self.check.get_mut(&flycheck_id) {
self.changes.extend(it.drain().map(|(key, _value)| key));
pub(crate) fn clear_check_all(&mut self) {
Arc::make_mut(&mut self.check_fixes).clear();
.extend(self.check.values_mut().flat_map(|it| it.drain().map(|(key, _value)| key)))
pub(crate) fn clear_native_for(&mut self, file_id: FileId) {
pub(crate) fn add_check_diagnostic(
&mut self,
flycheck_id: usize,
file_id: FileId,
diagnostic: lsp_types::Diagnostic,
fix: Option<Fix>,
) {
let diagnostics = self.check.entry(flycheck_id).or_default().entry(file_id).or_default();
for existing_diagnostic in diagnostics.iter() {
if are_diagnostics_equal(existing_diagnostic, &diagnostic) {
let check_fixes = Arc::make_mut(&mut self.check_fixes);
pub(crate) fn set_native_diagnostics(&mut self, kind: DiagnosticsTaskKind) {
let (generation, diagnostics, target) = match kind {
DiagnosticsTaskKind::Syntax(generation, diagnostics) => {
(generation, diagnostics, &mut self.native_syntax)
DiagnosticsTaskKind::Semantic(generation, diagnostics) => {
(generation, diagnostics, &mut self.native_semantic)
for (file_id, mut diagnostics) in diagnostics {
diagnostics.sort_by_key(|it| (it.range.start, it.range.end));
if let Some((old_gen, existing_diagnostics)) = target.get_mut(&file_id) {
if existing_diagnostics.len() == diagnostics.len()
&& iter_eq_by(&diagnostics, &*existing_diagnostics, |new, existing| {
are_diagnostics_equal(new, existing)
// don't signal an update if the diagnostics are the same
if *old_gen < generation || generation == 0 {
target.insert(file_id, (generation, diagnostics));
} else {
// FIXME: Doing the merge step of a merge sort here would be a bit more performant
// but eh
existing_diagnostics.sort_by_key(|it| (it.range.start, it.range.end))
} else {
target.insert(file_id, (generation, diagnostics));
pub(crate) fn diagnostics_for(
file_id: FileId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &lsp_types::Diagnostic> {
let native_syntax = self.native_syntax.get(&file_id).into_iter().flat_map(|(_, d)| d);
let native_semantic = self.native_semantic.get(&file_id).into_iter().flat_map(|(_, d)| d);
let check = self.check.values().filter_map(move |it| it.get(&file_id)).flatten();
pub(crate) fn take_changes(&mut self) -> Option<IntSet<FileId>> {
if self.changes.is_empty() {
return None;
Some(mem::take(&mut self.changes))
pub(crate) fn next_generation(&mut self) -> usize {
self.generation += 1;
fn are_diagnostics_equal(left: &lsp_types::Diagnostic, right: &lsp_types::Diagnostic) -> bool {
left.source == right.source
&& left.severity == right.severity
&& left.range == right.range
&& left.message == right.message
pub(crate) enum NativeDiagnosticsFetchKind {
pub(crate) fn fetch_native_diagnostics(
snapshot: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
subscriptions: std::sync::Arc<[FileId]>,
slice: std::ops::Range<usize>,
kind: NativeDiagnosticsFetchKind,
) -> Vec<(FileId, Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>)> {
let _p = tracing::info_span!("fetch_native_diagnostics").entered();
let _ctx = stdx::panic_context::enter("fetch_native_diagnostics".to_owned());
let convert_diagnostic =
|line_index: &crate::line_index::LineIndex, d: ide::Diagnostic| lsp_types::Diagnostic {
range: lsp::to_proto::range(line_index, d.range.range),
severity: Some(lsp::to_proto::diagnostic_severity(d.severity)),
code: Some(lsp_types::NumberOrString::String(d.code.as_str().to_owned())),
code_description: Some(lsp_types::CodeDescription {
href: lsp_types::Url::parse(&d.code.url()).unwrap(),
source: Some("rust-analyzer".to_owned()),
message: d.message,
related_information: None,
tags: d.unused.then(|| vec![lsp_types::DiagnosticTag::UNNECESSARY]),
data: None,
// the diagnostics produced may point to different files not requested by the concrete request,
// put those into here and filter later
let mut odd_ones = Vec::new();
let mut diagnostics = subscriptions[slice]
.filter_map(|file_id| {
let line_index = snapshot.file_line_index(file_id).ok()?;
let source_root = snapshot.analysis.source_root_id(file_id).ok()?;
let config = &snapshot.config.diagnostics(Some(source_root));
let diagnostics = match kind {
NativeDiagnosticsFetchKind::Syntax => {
snapshot.analysis.syntax_diagnostics(config, file_id).ok()?
NativeDiagnosticsFetchKind::Semantic => snapshot
.semantic_diagnostics(config, ide::AssistResolveStrategy::None, file_id)
let diagnostics = diagnostics
.filter_map(|d| {
if d.range.file_id == file_id {
Some(convert_diagnostic(&line_index, d))
} else {
Some((file_id, diagnostics))
// Add back any diagnostics that point to files we are subscribed to
for (file_id, group) in odd_ones
.sorted_by_key(|it| it.range.file_id)
.group_by(|it| it.range.file_id)
if !subscriptions.contains(&file_id) {
let Some((_, diagnostics)) = diagnostics.iter_mut().find(|&&mut (id, _)| id == file_id)
else {
let Some(line_index) = snapshot.file_line_index(file_id).ok() else {
for diagnostic in group {
diagnostics.push(convert_diagnostic(&line_index, diagnostic));