blob: 8a82a5a58cf9be0614ff03ccc13af4e1284912ac [file] [log] [blame]
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import type * as lc from "vscode-languageclient";
import * as ra from "./lsp_ext";
import * as tasks from "./tasks";
import type { CtxInit } from "./ctx";
import { makeDebugConfig } from "./debug";
import type { Config, RunnableEnvCfg, RunnableEnvCfgItem } from "./config";
import type { LanguageClient } from "vscode-languageclient/node";
import { unwrapUndefinable, type RustEditor } from "./util";
const quickPickButtons = [
{ iconPath: new vscode.ThemeIcon("save"), tooltip: "Save as a launch.json configuration." },
export async function selectRunnable(
ctx: CtxInit,
prevRunnable?: RunnableQuickPick,
debuggeeOnly = false,
showButtons: boolean = true,
): Promise<RunnableQuickPick | undefined> {
const editor = ctx.activeRustEditor;
if (!editor) return;
// show a placeholder while we get the runnables from the server
const quickPick = vscode.window.createQuickPick();
quickPick.title = "Select Runnable";
if (showButtons) {
quickPick.buttons = quickPickButtons;
quickPick.items = [{ label: "Looking for runnables..." }];
quickPick.activeItems = [];;
const runnables = await getRunnables(ctx.client, editor, prevRunnable, debuggeeOnly);
if (runnables.length === 0) {
// it is the debug case, run always has at least 'cargo check ...'
// see crates\rust-analyzer\src\handlers\, handle_runnables
await vscode.window.showErrorMessage("There's no debug target!");
// clear the list before we hook up listeners to avoid invoking them
// if the user happens to accept the placeholder item
quickPick.items = [];
return await populateAndGetSelection(
quickPick as vscode.QuickPick<RunnableQuickPick>,
export class RunnableQuickPick implements vscode.QuickPickItem {
public label: string;
public description?: string | undefined;
public detail?: string | undefined;
public picked?: boolean | undefined;
constructor(public runnable: ra.Runnable) {
this.label = runnable.label;
export function prepareBaseEnv(
inheritEnv: boolean,
base?: Record<string, string>,
): Record<string, string> {
const env: Record<string, string> = { RUST_BACKTRACE: "short" };
if (inheritEnv) {
Object.assign(env, process.env);
if (base) {
Object.assign(env, base);
return env;
export function prepareEnv(
inheritEnv: boolean,
label: string,
runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs,
runnableEnvCfg?: RunnableEnvCfg,
): Record<string, string> {
const env = prepareBaseEnv(inheritEnv, runnableArgs.environment);
const platform = process.platform;
const checkPlatform = (it: RunnableEnvCfgItem) => {
if (it.platform) {
const platforms = Array.isArray(it.platform) ? it.platform : [it.platform];
return platforms.indexOf(platform) >= 0;
return true;
if (runnableEnvCfg) {
if (Array.isArray(runnableEnvCfg)) {
for (const it of runnableEnvCfg) {
const masked = !it.mask || new RegExp(it.mask).test(label);
if (masked && checkPlatform(it)) {
Object.assign(env, it.env);
} else {
Object.assign(env, runnableEnvCfg);
return env;
export async function createTaskFromRunnable(
runnable: ra.Runnable,
config: Config,
): Promise<vscode.Task> {
const target = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.[0];
let definition: tasks.TaskDefinition;
let options;
let cargo = "cargo";
if (runnable.kind === "cargo") {
const runnableArgs = runnable.args;
let args = createCargoArgs(runnableArgs);
if (runnableArgs.overrideCargo) {
// Split on spaces to allow overrides like "wrapper cargo".
const cargoParts = runnableArgs.overrideCargo.split(" ");
cargo = unwrapUndefinable(cargoParts[0]);
args = [...cargoParts.slice(1), ...args];
definition = {
type: tasks.CARGO_TASK_TYPE,
command: unwrapUndefinable(args[0]),
args: args.slice(1),
options = {
cwd: runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || ".",
env: prepareEnv(true, runnable.label, runnableArgs, config.runnablesExtraEnv),
} else {
const runnableArgs = runnable.args;
definition = {
type: tasks.SHELL_TASK_TYPE,
command: runnableArgs.program,
args: runnableArgs.args,
options = {
cwd: runnableArgs.cwd,
env: prepareBaseEnv(true),
const exec = await tasks.targetToExecution(definition, options, cargo);
const task = await tasks.buildRustTask(
task.presentationOptions.clear = true;
// Sadly, this doesn't prevent focus stealing if the terminal is currently
// hidden, and will become revealed due to task execution.
task.presentationOptions.focus = false;
return task;
export function createCargoArgs(runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs): string[] {
const args = [...runnableArgs.cargoArgs]; // should be a copy!
if (runnableArgs.executableArgs.length > 0) {
args.push("--", ...runnableArgs.executableArgs);
return args;
async function getRunnables(
client: LanguageClient,
editor: RustEditor,
prevRunnable?: RunnableQuickPick,
debuggeeOnly = false,
): Promise<RunnableQuickPick[]> {
const textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString(),
const runnables = await client.sendRequest(ra.runnables, {
position: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(,
const items: RunnableQuickPick[] = [];
if (prevRunnable) {
for (const r of runnables) {
if (prevRunnable && JSON.stringify(prevRunnable.runnable) === JSON.stringify(r)) {
if (debuggeeOnly && r.label.startsWith("doctest")) {
items.push(new RunnableQuickPick(r));
return items;
async function populateAndGetSelection(
quickPick: vscode.QuickPick<RunnableQuickPick>,
runnables: RunnableQuickPick[],
ctx: CtxInit,
showButtons: boolean,
): Promise<RunnableQuickPick | undefined> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const disposables: vscode.Disposable[] = [];
const close = (result?: RunnableQuickPick) => {
disposables.forEach((d) => d.dispose());
quickPick.onDidHide(() => close()),
quickPick.onDidAccept(() => close(quickPick.selectedItems[0] as RunnableQuickPick)),
quickPick.onDidTriggerButton(async (_button) => {
const runnable = unwrapUndefinable(
quickPick.activeItems[0] as RunnableQuickPick,
await makeDebugConfig(ctx, runnable);
quickPick.onDidChangeActive((activeList) => {
if (showButtons && activeList.length > 0) {
const active = unwrapUndefinable(activeList[0]);
if (active.label.startsWith("cargo")) {
// save button makes no sense for `cargo test` or `cargo check`
quickPick.buttons = [];
} else if (quickPick.buttons.length === 0) {
quickPick.buttons = quickPickButtons;
// populate the list with the actual runnables
quickPick.items = runnables;