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.. module:: typing_extensions
Welcome to typing_extensions's documentation!
``typing_extensions`` complements the standard-library :py:mod:`typing` module,
providing runtime support for type hints as specified by :pep:`484` and subsequent
PEPs. The module serves two related purposes:
- Enable use of new type system features on older Python versions. For example,
:py:data:`typing.TypeGuard` is new in Python 3.10, but ``typing_extensions`` allows
users on previous Python versions to use it too.
- Enable experimentation with type system features proposed in new PEPs before they are accepted and
added to the :py:mod:`typing` module.
New features may be added to ``typing_extensions`` as soon as they are specified
in a PEP that has been added to the `python/peps <>`_
repository. If the PEP is accepted, the feature will then be added to the
:py:mod:`typing` module for the next CPython release. No typing PEP that
affected ``typing_extensions`` has been rejected so far, so we haven't yet
figured out how to deal with that possibility.
Bugfixes and new typing features that don't require a PEP may be added to
``typing_extensions`` once they are merged into CPython's main branch.
``typing_extensions`` also re-exports all names from the :py:mod:`typing` module,
including those that have always been present in the module. This allows users to
import names from ``typing_extensions`` without having to remember exactly when
each object was added to :py:mod:`typing`. There are a few exceptions:
:py:class:`typing.ByteString`, which is deprecated and due to be removed in Python
3.14, is not re-exported. Similarly, the ```` and ```` submodules,
which are removed in Python 3.13, are excluded.
Versioning and backwards compatibility
Starting with version 4.0.0, ``typing_extensions`` uses
`Semantic Versioning <>`_. A changelog is
maintained `on GitHub <>`_.
The major version is incremented for all backwards-incompatible changes.
Therefore, it's safe to depend
on ``typing_extensions`` like this: ``typing_extensions >=x.y, <(x+1)``,
where ``x.y`` is the first version that includes all features you need.
In view of the wide usage of ``typing_extensions`` across the ecosystem,
we are highly hesitant to break backwards compatibility, and we do not
expect to increase the major version number in the foreseeable future.
Feature releases, with version numbers of the form 4.N.0, are made at
irregular intervals when enough new features accumulate. Before a
feature release, at least one release candidate (with a version number
of the form 4.N.0rc1) should be released to give downstream users time
to test. After at least a week of testing, the new feature version
may then be released. If necessary, additional release candidates can
be added.
Bugfix releases, with version numbers of the form 4.N.1 or higher,
may be made if bugs are discovered after a feature release.
We provide no backward compatibility guarantees for prereleases (e.g.,
release candidates) and for unreleased code in our Git repository.
Before version 4.0.0, the versioning scheme loosely followed the Python
version from which features were backported; for example,
``typing_extensions`` was meant to reflect ``typing`` as of
Python 3.10.0. During this period, no changelog was maintained.
Runtime use of types
We aim for complete backwards compatibility in terms of the names we export:
code like ``from typing_extensions import X`` that works on one
typing-extensions release will continue to work on the next.
It is more difficult to maintain compatibility for users that introspect
types at runtime, as almost any detail can potentially break compatibility.
Users who introspect types should follow these guidelines to minimize
the risk of compatibility issues:
- Always check for both the :mod:`typing` and ``typing_extensions`` versions
of objects, even if they are currently the same on some Python version.
Future ``typing_extensions`` releases may re-export a separate version of
the object to backport some new feature or bugfix.
- Use public APIs like :func:`get_origin` and :func:`get_original_bases` to
access internal information about types, instead of accessing private
attributes directly. If some information is not available through a public
attribute, consider opening an issue in CPython to add such an API.
Here is an example recipe for a general-purpose function that could be used for
reasonably performant runtime introspection of typing objects. The function
will be resilient against any potential changes in ``typing_extensions`` that
alter whether an object is reimplemented in ``typing_extensions``, rather than
simply being re-exported from the :mod:`typing` module::
import functools
import typing
import typing_extensions
from typing import Tuple, Any
# Use an unbounded cache for this function, for optimal performance
def get_typing_objects_by_name_of(name: str) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
result = tuple(
getattr(module, name)
# You could potentially also include mypy_extensions here,
# if your library supports mypy_extensions
for module in (typing, typing_extensions)
if hasattr(module, name)
if not result:
raise ValueError(
f"Neither typing nor typing_extensions has an object called {name!r}"
return result
# Use a cache here as well, but make it a bounded cache
# (the default cache size is 128)
def is_typing_name(obj: object, name: str) -> bool:
return any(obj is thing for thing in get_typing_objects_by_name_of(name))
Example usage::
>>> import typing, typing_extensions
>>> from functools import partial
>>> from typing_extensions import get_origin
>>> is_literal = partial(is_typing_name, name="Literal")
>>> is_literal(typing.Literal)
>>> is_literal(typing_extensions.Literal)
>>> is_literal(typing.Any)
>>> is_literal(get_origin(typing.Literal[42]))
>>> is_literal(get_origin(typing_extensions.Final[42]))
Python version support
``typing_extensions`` currently supports Python versions 3.8 and higher. In the future,
support for older Python versions will be dropped some time after that version
reaches end of life.
Module contents
As most of the features in ``typing_extensions`` exist in :py:mod:`typing`
in newer versions of Python, the documentation here is brief and focuses
on aspects that are specific to ``typing_extensions``, such as limitations
on specific Python versions.
Special typing primitives
.. data:: Annotated
See :py:data:`typing.Annotated` and :pep:`593`. In ``typing`` since 3.9.
.. versionchanged:: 4.1.0
``Annotated`` can now wrap :data:`ClassVar` and :data:`Final`.
.. data:: Any
See :py:data:`typing.Any`.
Since Python 3.11, ``typing.Any`` can be used as a base class.
``typing_extensions.Any`` supports this feature on older versions.
.. versionadded:: 4.4.0
Added to support inheritance from ``Any``.
.. data:: Concatenate
See :py:data:`typing.Concatenate` and :pep:`612`. In ``typing`` since 3.10.
The backport does not support certain operations involving ``...`` as
a parameter; see :issue:`48` and :issue:`110` for details.
.. data:: Final
See :py:data:`typing.Final` and :pep:`591`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
.. data:: Literal
See :py:data:`typing.Literal` and :pep:`586`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
:py:data:`typing.Literal` does not flatten or deduplicate parameters on Python <3.9.1, and a
caching bug was fixed in 3.10.1/3.9.8. The ``typing_extensions`` version
flattens and deduplicates parameters on all Python versions, and the caching
bug is also fixed on all versions.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
Backported the bug fixes from :pr-cpy:`29334`, :pr-cpy:`23294`, and :pr-cpy:`23383`.
.. data:: LiteralString
See :py:data:`typing.LiteralString` and :pep:`675`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. class:: NamedTuple
See :py:class:`typing.NamedTuple`.
``typing_extensions`` backports several changes
to ``NamedTuple`` on Python 3.11 and lower: in 3.11,
support for generic ``NamedTuple``\ s was added, and
in 3.12, the ``__orig_bases__`` attribute was added.
.. versionadded:: 4.3.0
Added to provide support for generic ``NamedTuple``\ s.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
Support for the ``__orig_bases__`` attribute was added.
.. versionchanged:: 4.7.0
The undocumented keyword argument syntax for creating NamedTuple classes
(``NT = NamedTuple("NT", x=int)``) is deprecated, and will be disallowed
in Python 3.15. Use the class-based syntax or the functional syntax instead.
.. versionchanged:: 4.7.0
When using the functional syntax to create a NamedTuple class, failing to
pass a value to the 'fields' parameter (``NT = NamedTuple("NT")``) is
deprecated. Passing ``None`` to the 'fields' parameter
(``NT = NamedTuple("NT", None)``) is also deprecated. Both will be
disallowed in Python 3.15. To create a NamedTuple class with zero fields,
use ``class NT(NamedTuple): pass`` or ``NT = NamedTuple("NT", [])``.
.. data:: Never
See :py:data:`typing.Never`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. class:: NewType(name, tp)
See :py:class:`typing.NewType`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
Instances of ``NewType`` were made picklable in 3.10 and an error message was
improved in 3.11; ``typing_extensions`` backports these changes.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
The improvements from Python 3.10 and 3.11 were backported.
.. data:: NoDefault
See :py:class:`typing.NoDefault`. In ``typing`` since 3.13.0.
.. versionadded:: 4.12.0
.. data:: NotRequired
See :py:data:`typing.NotRequired` and :pep:`655`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.0.0
.. class:: ParamSpec(name, *, default=NoDefault)
See :py:class:`typing.ParamSpec` and :pep:`612`. In ``typing`` since 3.10.
The ``typing_extensions`` version adds support for the
``default=`` argument from :pep:`696`.
On older Python versions, ``typing_extensions.ParamSpec`` may not work
correctly with introspection tools like :func:`get_args` and
:func:`get_origin`. Certain special cases in user-defined
:py:class:`typing.Generic`\ s are also not available (e.g., see :issue:`126`).
.. versionchanged:: 4.4.0
Added support for the ``default=`` argument.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
The implementation was changed for compatibility with Python 3.12.
.. versionchanged:: 4.8.0
Passing an ellipsis literal (``...``) to *default* now works on Python
3.10 and lower.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
The :attr:`!__default__` attribute is now set to ``None`` if
``default=None`` is passed, and to :data:`NoDefault` if no value is passed.
Previously, passing ``None`` would result in :attr:`!__default__` being set
to :py:class:`types.NoneType`, and passing no value for the parameter would
result in :attr:`!__default__` being set to ``None``.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
ParamSpecs now have a ``has_default()`` method, for compatibility
with :py:class:`typing.ParamSpec` on Python 3.13+.
.. class:: ParamSpecArgs
.. class:: ParamSpecKwargs
See :py:class:`typing.ParamSpecArgs` and :py:class:`typing.ParamSpecKwargs`.
In ``typing`` since 3.10.
.. class:: Protocol
See :py:class:`typing.Protocol` and :pep:`544`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
Python 3.12 improves the performance of runtime-checkable protocols;
``typing_extensions`` backports this improvement.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
Backported the ability to define ``__init__`` methods on Protocol classes.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
Backported changes to runtime-checkable protocols from Python 3.12,
including :pr-cpy:`103034` and :pr-cpy:`26067`.
.. versionchanged:: 4.7.0
Classes can now inherit from both :py:class:`typing.Protocol` and
``typing_extensions.Protocol`` simultaneously. Previously, this led to
:py:exc:`TypeError` being raised due to a metaclass conflict.
It is recommended to avoid doing this if possible. Not all features and
bugfixes that ``typing_extensions.Protocol`` backports from newer Python
versions are guaranteed to work if :py:class:`typing.Protocol` is also
present in a protocol class's :py:term:`method resolution order`. See
:issue:`245` for some examples.
.. data:: ReadOnly
See :pep:`705`. Indicates that a :class:`TypedDict` item may not be modified.
.. versionadded:: 4.9.0
.. data:: Required
See :py:data:`typing.Required` and :pep:`655`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.0.0
.. data:: Self
See :py:data:`typing.Self` and :pep:`673`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.0.0
.. data:: TypeAlias
See :py:data:`typing.TypeAlias` and :pep:`613`. In ``typing`` since 3.10.
.. class:: TypeAliasType(name, value, *, type_params=())
See :py:class:`typing.TypeAliasType` and :pep:`695`. In ``typing`` since 3.12.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. data:: TypeGuard
See :py:data:`typing.TypeGuard` and :pep:`647`. In ``typing`` since 3.10.
.. data:: TypeIs
See :pep:`742`. Similar to :data:`TypeGuard`, but allows more type narrowing.
.. versionadded:: 4.10.0
.. class:: TypedDict(dict, total=True)
See :py:class:`typing.TypedDict` and :pep:`589`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
``typing_extensions`` backports various bug fixes and improvements
to ``TypedDict`` on Python 3.11 and lower.
:py:class:`TypedDict` does not store runtime information
about which (if any) keys are non-required in Python 3.8, and does not
honor the ``total`` keyword with old-style ``TypedDict()`` in Python
3.9.0 and 3.9.1. :py:class:`typing.TypedDict` also does not support multiple inheritance
with :py:class:`typing.Generic` on Python <3.11, and :py:class:`typing.TypedDict` classes do not
consistently have the ``__orig_bases__`` attribute on Python <3.12. The
``typing_extensions`` backport provides all of these features and bugfixes on
all Python versions.
Historically, ``TypedDict`` has supported an alternative creation syntax
where the fields are supplied as keyword arguments (e.g.,
``TypedDict("TD", a=int, b=str)``). In CPython, this feature was deprecated
in Python 3.11 and removed in Python 3.13. ``typing_extensions.TypedDict``
raises a :py:exc:`DeprecationWarning` when this syntax is used in Python 3.12
or lower and fails with a :py:exc:`TypeError` in Python 3.13 and higher.
``typing_extensions`` supports the experimental :data:`ReadOnly` qualifier
proposed by :pep:`705`. It is reflected in the following attributes:
.. attribute:: __readonly_keys__
A :py:class:`frozenset` containing the names of all read-only keys. Keys
are read-only if they carry the :data:`ReadOnly` qualifier.
.. versionadded:: 4.9.0
.. attribute:: __mutable_keys__
A :py:class:`frozenset` containing the names of all mutable keys. Keys
are mutable if they do not carry the :data:`ReadOnly` qualifier.
.. versionadded:: 4.9.0
The experimental ``closed`` keyword argument and the special key
``__extra_items__`` proposed in :pep:`728` are supported.
When ``closed`` is unspecified or ``closed=False`` is given,
``__extra_items__`` behaves like a regular key. Otherwise, this becomes a
special key that does not show up in ``__readonly_keys__``,
``__mutable_keys__``, ``__required_keys__``, ``__optional_keys``, or
For runtime introspection, two attributes can be looked at:
.. attribute:: __closed__
A boolean flag indicating whether the current ``TypedDict`` is
considered closed. This is not inherited by the ``TypedDict``'s
.. versionadded:: 4.10.0
.. attribute:: __extra_items__
The type annotation of the extra items allowed on the ``TypedDict``.
This attribute defaults to ``None`` on a TypedDict that has itself and
all its bases non-closed. This default is different from ``type(None)``
that represents ``__extra_items__: None`` defined on a closed
If ``__extra_items__`` is not defined or inherited on a closed
``TypedDict``, this defaults to ``Never``.
.. versionadded:: 4.10.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.3.0
Added support for generic ``TypedDict``\ s.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
A :py:exc:`DeprecationWarning` is now emitted when a call-based
``TypedDict`` is constructed using keyword arguments.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
Support for the ``__orig_bases__`` attribute was added.
.. versionchanged:: 4.7.0
``TypedDict`` is now a function rather than a class.
This brings ``typing_extensions.TypedDict`` closer to the implementation
of :py:mod:`typing.TypedDict` on Python 3.9 and higher.
.. versionchanged:: 4.7.0
When using the functional syntax to create a TypedDict class, failing to
pass a value to the 'fields' parameter (``TD = TypedDict("TD")``) is
deprecated. Passing ``None`` to the 'fields' parameter
(``TD = TypedDict("TD", None)``) is also deprecated. Both will be
disallowed in Python 3.15. To create a TypedDict class with 0 fields,
use ``class TD(TypedDict): pass`` or ``TD = TypedDict("TD", {})``.
.. versionchanged:: 4.9.0
Support for the :data:`ReadOnly` qualifier was added.
.. versionchanged:: 4.10.0
The keyword argument ``closed`` and the special key ``__extra_items__``
when ``closed=True`` is given were supported.
.. class:: TypeVar(name, *constraints, bound=None, covariant=False,
contravariant=False, infer_variance=False, default=NoDefault)
See :py:class:`typing.TypeVar`.
The ``typing_extensions`` version adds support for the
``default=`` argument from :pep:`696`, as well as the
``infer_variance=`` argument from :pep:`695` (also available
in Python 3.12).
.. versionadded:: 4.4.0
Added in order to support the new ``default=`` and
``infer_variance=`` arguments.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
The implementation was changed for compatibility with Python 3.12.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
The :attr:`!__default__` attribute is now set to ``None`` if
``default=None`` is passed, and to :data:`NoDefault` if no value is passed.
Previously, passing ``None`` would result in :attr:`!__default__` being set
to :py:class:`types.NoneType`, and passing no value for the parameter would
result in :attr:`!__default__` being set to ``None``.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
TypeVars now have a ``has_default()`` method, for compatibility
with :py:class:`typing.TypeVar` on Python 3.13+.
.. class:: TypeVarTuple(name, *, default=NoDefault)
See :py:class:`typing.TypeVarTuple` and :pep:`646`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
The ``typing_extensions`` version adds support for the
``default=`` argument from :pep:`696`.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.4.0
Added support for the ``default=`` argument.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
The implementation was changed for compatibility with Python 3.12.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
The :attr:`!__default__` attribute is now set to ``None`` if
``default=None`` is passed, and to :data:`NoDefault` if no value is passed.
Previously, passing ``None`` would result in :attr:`!__default__` being set
to :py:class:`types.NoneType`, and passing no value for the parameter would
result in :attr:`!__default__` being set to ``None``.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
TypeVarTuples now have a ``has_default()`` method, for compatibility
with :py:class:`typing.TypeVarTuple` on Python 3.13+.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
It is now disallowed to use a `TypeVar` with a default value after a
`TypeVarTuple` in a type parameter list. This matches the CPython
implementation of PEP 696 on Python 3.13+.
.. data:: Unpack
See :py:data:`typing.Unpack` and :pep:`646`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
In Python 3.12, the ``repr()`` was changed as a result of :pep:`692`.
``typing_extensions`` backports this change.
Generic type aliases involving ``Unpack`` may not work correctly on
Python 3.10 and lower; see :issue:`103` for details.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
Backport ``repr()`` changes from Python 3.12.
Abstract Base Classes
.. class:: Buffer
See :py:class:``. Added to the standard library
in Python 3.12.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. class:: SupportsAbs
See :py:class:`typing.SupportsAbs`.
``typing_extensions`` backports a more performant version of this
protocol on Python 3.11 and lower.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. class:: SupportsBytes
See :py:class:`typing.SupportsBytes`.
``typing_extensions`` backports a more performant version of this
protocol on Python 3.11 and lower.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. class:: SupportsComplex
See :py:class:`typing.SupportsComplex`.
``typing_extensions`` backports a more performant version of this
protocol on Python 3.11 and lower.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. class:: SupportsFloat
See :py:class:`typing.SupportsFloat`.
``typing_extensions`` backports a more performant version of this
protocol on Python 3.11 and lower.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. class:: SupportsIndex
See :py:class:`typing.SupportsIndex`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
``typing_extensions`` backports a more performant version of this
protocol on Python 3.11 and lower.
.. versionchanged:: 4.6.0
Backported the performance improvements from Python 3.12.
.. class:: SupportsInt
See :py:class:`typing.SupportsInt`.
``typing_extensions`` backports a more performant version of this
protocol on Python 3.11 and lower.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. class:: SupportsRound
See :py:class:`typing.SupportsRound`.
``typing_extensions`` backports a more performant version of this
protocol on Python 3.11 and lower.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. decorator:: dataclass_transform(*, eq_default=False, order_default=False,
kw_only_default=False, frozen_default=False,
field_specifiers=(), **kwargs)
See :py:func:`typing.dataclass_transform` and :pep:`681`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
Python 3.12 adds the ``frozen_default`` parameter; ``typing_extensions``
backports this parameter.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.2.0
The ``field_descriptors`` parameter was renamed to ``field_specifiers``.
For compatibility, the decorator now accepts arbitrary keyword arguments.
.. versionchanged:: 4.5.0
The ``frozen_default`` parameter was added.
.. decorator:: deprecated(msg, *, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1)
See :pep:`702`. In the :mod:`warnings` module since Python 3.13.
.. versionadded:: 4.5.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.9.0
Inheriting from a deprecated class now also raises a runtime
.. decorator:: final
See :py:func:`` and :pep:`591`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
Since Python 3.11, this decorator supports runtime introspection
by setting the ``__final__`` attribute wherever possible; ````
backports this feature.
.. versionchanged:: 4.1.0
The decorator now attempts to set the ``__final__`` attribute on decorated objects.
.. decorator:: overload
See :py:func:`typing.overload`.
Since Python 3.11, this decorator supports runtime introspection
through :func:`get_overloads`; ``typing_extensions.overload``
backports this feature.
.. versionchanged:: 4.2.0
Introspection support via :func:`get_overloads` was added.
.. decorator:: override
See :py:func:`typing.override` and :pep:`698`. In ``typing`` since 3.12.
.. versionadded:: 4.4.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.5.0
The decorator now attempts to set the ``__override__`` attribute on the decorated
.. decorator:: runtime_checkable
See :py:func:`typing.runtime_checkable`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
In Python 3.12, the performance of runtime-checkable protocols was
improved, and ``typing_extensions`` backports these performance
.. function:: assert_never(arg)
See :py:func:`typing.assert_never`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. function:: assert_type(val, typ)
See :py:func:`typing.assert_type`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.2.0
.. function:: clear_overloads()
See :py:func:`typing.clear_overloads`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.2.0
.. function:: get_annotations(obj, *, globals=None, locals=None, eval_str=False, format=Format.VALUE)
See :py:func:`inspect.get_annotations`. In the standard library since Python 3.10.
``typing_extensions`` adds the keyword argument ``format``, as specified
by :pep:`649`. The supported formats are listed in the :class:`Format` enum.
The default format, :attr:`Format.VALUE`, behaves the same across all versions.
For the other two formats, ``typing_extensions`` provides a rough approximation
of the :pep:`649` behavior on versions of Python that do not support it.
The purpose of this backport is to allow users who would like to use
:attr:`Format.FORWARDREF` or :attr:`Format.SOURCE` semantics once
:pep:`649` is implemented, but who also
want to support earlier Python versions, to simply write::
typing_extensions.get_annotations(obj, format=Format.FORWARDREF)
.. versionadded:: 4.13.0
.. function:: get_args(tp)
See :py:func:`typing.get_args`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
This function was changed in 3.9 and 3.10 to deal with :data:`Annotated`
and :class:`ParamSpec` correctly; ``typing_extensions`` backports these
.. function:: get_origin(tp)
See :py:func:`typing.get_origin`. In ``typing`` since 3.8.
This function was changed in 3.9 and 3.10 to deal with :data:`Annotated`
and :class:`ParamSpec` correctly; ``typing_extensions`` backports these
.. function:: get_original_bases(cls)
See :py:func:`types.get_original_bases`. Added to the standard library
in Python 3.12.
This function should always produce correct results when called on classes
constructed using features from ``typing_extensions``. However, it may
produce incorrect results when called on some :py:class:`NamedTuple` or
:py:class:`TypedDict` classes on Python <=3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.6.0
.. function:: get_overloads(func)
See :py:func:`typing.get_overloads`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
Before Python 3.11, this works only with overloads created through
:func:`overload`, not with :py:func:`typing.overload`.
.. versionadded:: 4.2.0
.. function:: get_protocol_members(tp)
Return the set of members defined in a :class:`Protocol`. This works with protocols
defined using either :class:`typing.Protocol` or :class:`typing_extensions.Protocol`.
>>> from typing_extensions import Protocol, get_protocol_members
>>> class P(Protocol):
... def a(self) -> str: ...
... b: int
>>> get_protocol_members(P)
frozenset({'a', 'b'})
Raise :py:exc:`TypeError` for arguments that are not Protocols.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. function:: get_type_hints(obj, globalns=None, localns=None, include_extras=False)
See :py:func:`typing.get_type_hints`.
In Python 3.11, this function was changed to support the new
:py:data:`typing.Required` and :py:data:`typing.NotRequired`.
``typing_extensions`` backports these fixes.
.. versionchanged:: 4.1.0
Interaction with :data:`Required` and :data:`NotRequired`.
.. versionchanged:: 4.11.0
When ``include_extra=False``, ``get_type_hints()`` now strips
:data:`ReadOnly` from the annotation.
.. function:: is_protocol(tp)
Determine if a type is a :class:`Protocol`. This works with protocols
defined using either :py:class:`typing.Protocol` or :class:`typing_extensions.Protocol`.
For example::
class P(Protocol):
def a(self) -> str: ...
b: int
is_protocol(P) # => True
is_protocol(int) # => False
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. function:: is_typeddict(tp)
See :py:func:`typing.is_typeddict`. In ``typing`` since 3.10.
On versions where :class:`TypedDict` is not the same as
:py:class:`typing.TypedDict`, this function recognizes
``TypedDict`` classes created through either mechanism.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.7.0
:func:`is_typeddict` now returns ``False`` when called with
:data:`TypedDict` itself as the argument, consistent with the
behavior of :py:func:`typing.is_typeddict`.
.. function:: reveal_type(obj)
See :py:func:`typing.reveal_type`. In ``typing`` since 3.11.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
.. class:: Format
The formats for evaluating annotations introduced by :pep:`649`.
Members of this enum can be passed as the *format* argument
to :func:`get_annotations`.
The final place of this enum in the standard library has not yet
been determined (see :pep:`649` and :pep:`749`), but the names
and integer values are stable and will continue to work.
.. attribute:: VALUE
Equal to 1. The default value. The function will return the conventional Python values
for the annotations. This format is identical to the return value for
the function under earlier versions of Python.
.. attribute:: FORWARDREF
Equal to 2. When :pep:`649` is implemented, this format will attempt to return the
conventional Python values for the annotations. However, if it encounters
an undefined name, it dynamically creates a proxy object (a ForwardRef)
that substitutes for that value in the expression.
``typing_extensions`` emulates this value on versions of Python which do
not support :pep:`649` by returning the same value as for ``VALUE`` semantics.
.. attribute:: SOURCE
Equal to 3. When :pep:`649` is implemented, this format will produce an annotation
dictionary where the values have been replaced by strings containing
an approximation of the original source code for the annotation expressions.
``typing_extensions`` emulates this by evaluating the annotations using
``VALUE`` semantics and then stringifying the results.
.. versionadded:: 4.13.0
Annotation metadata
.. class:: Doc(documentation, /)
Define the documentation of a type annotation using :data:`Annotated`, to be
used in class attributes, function and method parameters, return values,
and variables.
The value should be a positional-only string literal to allow static tools
like editors and documentation generators to use it.
This complements docstrings.
The string value passed is available in the attribute ``documentation``.
>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, Doc
>>> def hi(to: Annotated[str, Doc("Who to say hi to")]) -> None: ...
.. versionadded:: 4.8.0
See :pep:`727`.
.. attribute:: documentation
The documentation string passed to :class:`Doc`.
Capsule objects
.. class:: CapsuleType
The type of :py:ref:`capsule objects <capsules>`.
See :py:class:`types.CapsuleType`, where it has existed since Python 3.13.
Note that this may not exist on all implementations of Python; it is only
guaranteed to exist on CPython.
.. versionadded:: 4.12.0
Pure aliases
Most of these are simply re-exported from the :mod:`typing` module on all supported
versions of Python, but all are listed here for completeness.
.. class:: AbstractSet
See :py:class:`typing.AbstractSet`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. data:: AnyStr
See :py:data:`typing.AnyStr`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: AsyncContextManager
See :py:class:`typing.AsyncContextManager`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.4 and 3.6.2.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
``AsyncContextManager`` now has an optional second parameter, defaulting to
``Optional[bool]``, signifying the return type of the ``__aexit__`` method.
.. class:: AsyncGenerator
See :py:class:`typing.AsyncGenerator`. In ``typing`` since 3.6.1.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
The second type parameter is now optional (it defaults to ``None``).
.. class:: AsyncIterable
See :py:class:`typing.AsyncIterable`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
.. class:: AsyncIterator
See :py:class:`typing.AsyncIterator`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
.. class:: Awaitable
See :py:class:`typing.Awaitable`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
.. class:: BinaryIO
See :py:class:`typing.BinaryIO`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. data:: Callable
See :py:data:`typing.Callable`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: ChainMap
See :py:class:`typing.ChainMap`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.4 and 3.6.1.
.. data:: ClassVar
See :py:data:`typing.ClassVar` and :pep:`526`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.3.
.. class:: Collection
See :py:class:`typing.Collection`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Container
See :py:class:`typing.Container`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: ContextManager
See :py:class:`typing.ContextManager`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.4.
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
``ContextManager`` now has an optional second parameter, defaulting to
``Optional[bool]``, signifying the return type of the ``__exit__`` method.
.. class:: Coroutine
See :py:class:`typing.Coroutine`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.3.
.. class:: Counter
See :py:class:`typing.Counter`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.4 and 3.6.1.
.. class:: DefaultDict
See :py:class:`typing.DefaultDict`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
.. class:: Deque
See :py:class:`typing.Deque`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.4 and 3.6.1.
.. class:: Dict
See :py:class:`typing.Dict`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: ForwardRef
See :py:class:`typing.ForwardRef`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: FrozenSet
See :py:class:`typing.FrozenSet`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Generator
See :py:class:`typing.Generator`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.12.0
The second type and third type parameters are now optional
(they both default to ``None``).
.. class:: Generic
See :py:class:`typing.Generic`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Hashable
See :py:class:`typing.Hashable`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: IO
See :py:class:`typing.IO`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: ItemsView
See :py:class:`typing.ItemsView`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Iterable
See :py:class:`typing.Iterable`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Iterator
See :py:class:`typing.Iterator`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: KeysView
See :py:class:`typing.KeysView`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: List
See :py:class:`typing.List`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Mapping
See :py:class:`typing.Mapping`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: MappingView
See :py:class:`typing.MappingView`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Match
See :py:class:`typing.Match`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: MutableMapping
See :py:class:`typing.MutableMapping`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: MutableSequence
See :py:class:`typing.MutableSequence`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: MutableSet
See :py:class:`typing.MutableSet`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. data:: NoReturn
See :py:data:`typing.NoReturn`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.4 and 3.6.2.
.. data:: Optional
See :py:data:`typing.Optional`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: OrderedDict
See :py:class:`typing.OrderedDict`. In ``typing`` since 3.7.2.
.. class:: Pattern
See :py:class:`typing.Pattern`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Reversible
See :py:class:`typing.Reversible`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Sequence
See :py:class:`typing.Sequence`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Set
See :py:class:`typing.Set`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Sized
See :py:class:`typing.Sized`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Text
See :py:class:`typing.Text`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
.. class:: TextIO
See :py:class:`typing.TextIO`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. data:: Tuple
See :py:data:`typing.Tuple`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: Type
See :py:class:`typing.Type`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
See :py:data:`typing.TYPE_CHECKING`. In ``typing`` since 3.5.2.
.. data:: Union
See :py:data:`typing.Union`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. class:: ValuesView
See :py:class:`typing.ValuesView`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. function:: cast
See :py:func:`typing.cast`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. decorator:: no_type_check
See :py:func:`typing.no_type_check`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
.. decorator:: no_type_check_decorator
See :py:func:`typing.no_type_check_decorator`.
.. versionadded:: 4.7.0
``typing_extensions`` is among the most widely used packages in the
Python ecosystem. Therefore, we take security seriously and strive
to use a transparent, secure release process.
We commit to the following in order to keep the package secure in the
* ``typing_extensions`` will never include any native extensions, only
pure Python code.
* ``typing_extensions`` will not have any third-party dependencies.
* We will follow best practices for a secure release process.
If you have any feedback on our security process, please `open an issue
<>`__. To report
an issue privately, use `GitHub's private reporting feature