blob: 7a7b95245d4c3d4310c57e51cb763f55bdbb8638 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Various utilities that don't depend on other modules in mypyc.irbuild."""
from typing import Dict, Any, Union, Optional
from mypy.nodes import (
ClassDef, FuncDef, Decorator, OverloadedFuncDef, StrExpr, CallExpr, RefExpr, Expression,
IntExpr, FloatExpr, Var, NameExpr, TupleExpr, UnaryExpr, BytesExpr,
def is_trait_decorator(d: Expression) -> bool:
return isinstance(d, RefExpr) and d.fullname == 'mypy_extensions.trait'
def is_trait(cdef: ClassDef) -> bool:
return any(is_trait_decorator(d) for d in cdef.decorators) or
def dataclass_decorator_type(d: Expression) -> Optional[str]:
if isinstance(d, RefExpr) and d.fullname in DATACLASS_DECORATORS:
return d.fullname.split('.')[0]
elif (isinstance(d, CallExpr)
and isinstance(d.callee, RefExpr)
and d.callee.fullname in DATACLASS_DECORATORS):
name = d.callee.fullname.split('.')[0]
if name == 'attr' and 'auto_attribs' in d.arg_names:
# Note: the mypy attrs plugin checks that the value of auto_attribs is
# not computed at runtime, so we don't need to perform that check here
auto = d.args[d.arg_names.index('auto_attribs')]
if isinstance(auto, NameExpr) and == 'True':
return 'attr-auto'
return name
return None
def is_dataclass_decorator(d: Expression) -> bool:
return dataclass_decorator_type(d) is not None
def is_dataclass(cdef: ClassDef) -> bool:
return any(is_dataclass_decorator(d) for d in cdef.decorators)
def dataclass_type(cdef: ClassDef) -> Optional[str]:
for d in cdef.decorators:
typ = dataclass_decorator_type(d)
if typ is not None:
return typ
return None
def get_mypyc_attr_literal(e: Expression) -> Any:
"""Convert an expression from a mypyc_attr decorator to a value.
Supports a pretty limited range."""
if isinstance(e, (StrExpr, IntExpr, FloatExpr)):
return e.value
elif isinstance(e, RefExpr) and e.fullname == 'builtins.True':
return True
elif isinstance(e, RefExpr) and e.fullname == 'builtins.False':
return False
elif isinstance(e, RefExpr) and e.fullname == 'builtins.None':
return None
return NotImplemented
def get_mypyc_attr_call(d: Expression) -> Optional[CallExpr]:
"""Check if an expression is a call to mypyc_attr and return it if so."""
if (
isinstance(d, CallExpr)
and isinstance(d.callee, RefExpr)
and d.callee.fullname == 'mypy_extensions.mypyc_attr'
return d
return None
def get_mypyc_attrs(stmt: Union[ClassDef, Decorator]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Collect all the mypyc_attr attributes on a class definition or a function."""
attrs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for dec in stmt.decorators:
d = get_mypyc_attr_call(dec)
if d:
for name, arg in zip(d.arg_names, d.args):
if name is None:
if isinstance(arg, StrExpr):
attrs[arg.value] = True
attrs[name] = get_mypyc_attr_literal(arg)
return attrs
def is_extension_class(cdef: ClassDef) -> bool:
if any(
not is_trait_decorator(d)
and not is_dataclass_decorator(d)
and not get_mypyc_attr_call(d)
for d in cdef.decorators
return False
return False
return False
if ( and not in (
'abc.ABCMeta', 'typing.TypingMeta', 'typing.GenericMeta')):
return False
return True
def get_func_def(op: Union[FuncDef, Decorator, OverloadedFuncDef]) -> FuncDef:
if isinstance(op, OverloadedFuncDef):
assert op.impl
op = op.impl
if isinstance(op, Decorator):
op = op.func
return op
def concrete_arg_kind(kind: ArgKind) -> ArgKind:
"""Find the concrete version of an arg kind that is being passed."""
if kind == ARG_OPT:
return ARG_POS
elif kind == ARG_NAMED_OPT:
return ARG_NAMED
return kind
def is_constant(e: Expression) -> bool:
"""Check whether we allow an expression to appear as a default value.
We don't currently properly support storing the evaluated
values for default arguments and default attribute values, so
we restrict what expressions we allow. We allow literals of
primitives types, None, and references to Final global
return (isinstance(e, (StrExpr, BytesExpr, IntExpr, FloatExpr))
or (isinstance(e, UnaryExpr) and e.op == '-'
and isinstance(e.expr, (IntExpr, FloatExpr)))
or (isinstance(e, TupleExpr)
and all(is_constant(e) for e in e.items))
or (isinstance(e, RefExpr) and e.kind == GDEF
and (e.fullname in ('builtins.True', 'builtins.False', 'builtins.None')
or (isinstance(e.node, Var) and e.node.is_final))))