blob: 9fafb1f36cae624e18dcbde55d9f41355bd37227 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Test cases for the command line.
To begin we test that "mypy <directory>[/]" always recurses down the
whole tree.
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from mypy.test.config import test_temp_dir, PREFIX
from import DataDrivenTestCase, DataSuite
from mypy.test.helpers import (
assert_string_arrays_equal, normalize_error_messages, check_test_output_files
# Path to Python 3 interpreter
python3_path = sys.executable
# Files containing test case descriptions.
cmdline_files = [
class PythonCmdlineSuite(DataSuite):
files = cmdline_files
native_sep = True
def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None:
for step in [1] + sorted(testcase.output2):
test_python_cmdline(testcase, step)
def test_python_cmdline(testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, step: int) -> None:
assert testcase.old_cwd is not None, "test was not properly set up"
# Write the program to a file.
program = ''
program_path = os.path.join(test_temp_dir, program)
with open(program_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as file:
for s in testcase.input:
args = parse_args(testcase.input[0])
custom_cwd = parse_cwd(testcase.input[1]) if len(testcase.input) > 1 else None
if '--error-summary' not in args:
# Type check the program.
fixed = [python3_path, '-m', 'mypy']
env = os.environ.copy()
env.pop('COLUMNS', None)
process = subprocess.Popen(fixed + args,
custom_cwd or ""
outb, errb = process.communicate()
result = process.returncode
# Split output into lines.
out = [s.rstrip('\n\r') for s in str(outb, 'utf8').splitlines()]
err = [s.rstrip('\n\r') for s in str(errb, 'utf8').splitlines()]
if "PYCHARM_HOSTED" in os.environ:
for pos, line in enumerate(err):
if line.startswith('pydev debugger: '):
# Delete the attaching debugger message itself, plus the extra newline added.
del err[pos:pos + 2]
# Remove temp file.
# Compare actual output to expected.
if testcase.output_files:
# Ignore stdout, but we insist on empty stderr and zero status.
if err or result:
raise AssertionError(
'Expected zero status and empty stderr%s, got %d and\n%s' %
(' on step %d' % step if testcase.output2 else '',
result, '\n'.join(err + out)))
check_test_output_files(testcase, step)
if testcase.normalize_output:
out = normalize_error_messages(err + out)
obvious_result = 1 if out else 0
if obvious_result != result:
out.append('== Return code: {}'.format(result))
expected_out = testcase.output if step == 1 else testcase.output2[step]
# Strip "tmp/" out of the test so that # E: works...
expected_out = [s.replace("tmp" + os.sep, "") for s in expected_out]
assert_string_arrays_equal(expected_out, out,
'Invalid output ({}, line {}){}'.format(
testcase.file, testcase.line,
' on step %d' % step if testcase.output2 else ''))
def parse_args(line: str) -> List[str]:
"""Parse the first line of the program for the command line.
This should have the form
# cmd: mypy <options>
For example:
# cmd: mypy pkg/
m = re.match('# cmd: mypy (.*)$', line)
if not m:
return [] # No args; mypy will spit out an error.
def parse_cwd(line: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Parse the second line of the program for the command line.
This should have the form
# cwd: <directory>
For example:
# cwd: main/subdir
m = re.match('# cwd: (.*)$', line)
return if m else None