blob: 2cc305fbf99bd4d0e1c63053c29e4fd35e49f293 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Abstract syntax tree node classes (i.e. parse tree)."""
import os
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import (
Any, TypeVar, List, Tuple, cast, Set, Dict, Union, Optional
from mypy.lex import Token
import mypy.strconv
from mypy.visitor import NodeVisitor, StatementVisitor, ExpressionVisitor
from mypy.util import dump_tagged, short_type
class Context:
"""Base type for objects that are valid as error message locations."""
def get_line(self) -> int: pass
def get_column(self) -> int: pass
if False:
# break import cycle only needed for mypy
import mypy.types
T = TypeVar('T')
JsonDict = Dict[str, Any]
# Symbol table node kinds
# TODO rename to use more descriptive names
LDEF = 0 # type: int
GDEF = 1 # type: int
MDEF = 2 # type: int
MODULE_REF = 3 # type: int
# Type variable declared using TypeVar(...) has kind UNBOUND_TVAR. It's not
# valid as a type. A type variable is valid as a type (kind BOUND_TVAR) within
# (1) a generic class that uses the type variable as a type argument or
# (2) a generic function that refers to the type variable in its signature.
UNBOUND_TVAR = 4 # type: int
BOUND_TVAR = 5 # type: int
TYPE_ALIAS = 6 # type: int
# Placeholder for a name imported via 'from ... import'. Second phase of
# semantic will replace this the actual imported reference. This is
# needed so that we can detect whether a name has been imported during
# XXX what?
UNBOUND_IMPORTED = 7 # type: int
# Hard coded name of Enum baseclass.
ENUM_BASECLASS = "enum.Enum"
node_kinds = {
LDEF: 'Ldef',
GDEF: 'Gdef',
MDEF: 'Mdef',
MODULE_REF: 'ModuleRef',
UNBOUND_TVAR: 'UnboundTvar',
TYPE_ALIAS: 'TypeAlias',
UNBOUND_IMPORTED: 'UnboundImported',
inverse_node_kinds = {_kind: _name for _name, _kind in node_kinds.items()}
implicit_module_attrs = {'__name__': '__builtins__.str',
'__doc__': None, # depends on Python version, see
'__file__': '__builtins__.str',
'__package__': '__builtins__.str'}
type_aliases = {
'typing.List': '__builtins__.list',
'typing.Dict': '__builtins__.dict',
'typing.Set': '__builtins__.set',
reverse_type_aliases = dict((name.replace('__builtins__', 'builtins'), alias)
for alias, name in type_aliases.items()) # type: Dict[str, str]
# See [Note Literals and literal_hash] below
Key = tuple
class Node(Context):
"""Common base class for all non-type parse tree nodes."""
line = -1
column = -1
# TODO: Move to Expression
# See [Note Literals and literal_hash] below
literal = LITERAL_NO
literal_hash = None # type: Key
def __str__(self) -> str:
ans = self.accept(mypy.strconv.StrConv())
if ans is None:
return repr(self)
return ans
def set_line(self, target: Union[Token, 'Node', int], column: int = None) -> None:
"""If target is a node or token, pull line (and column) information
into this node. If column is specified, this will override any column
information coming from a node/token.
if isinstance(target, int):
self.line = target
self.line = target.line
self.column = target.column
if column is not None:
self.column = column
def get_line(self) -> int:
# TODO this should be just 'line'
return self.line
def get_column(self) -> int:
# TODO this should be just 'column'
return self.column
def accept(self, visitor: NodeVisitor[T]) -> T:
raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
class Statement(Node):
"""A statement node."""
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
class Expression(Node):
"""An expression node."""
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
# Lvalue = Union['NameExpr', 'MemberExpr', 'IndexExpr', 'SuperExpr', 'StarExpr'
# 'TupleExpr', 'ListExpr']; see #1783.
Lvalue = Expression
# [Note Literals and literal_hash]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Mypy uses the term "literal" to refer to any expression built out of
# the following:
# * Plain literal expressions, like `1` (integer, float, string, etc.)
# * Compound literal expressions, like `(lit1, lit2)` (list, dict,
# set, or tuple)
# * Operator expressions, like `lit1 + lit2`
# * Variable references, like `x`
# * Member references, like `lit.m`
# * Index expressions, like `lit[0]`
# A typical "literal" looks like `x[(i,j+1)].m`.
# An expression that is a literal has a `literal_hash`, with the
# following properties.
# * `literal_hash` is a Key: a tuple containing basic data types and
# possibly other Keys. So it can be used as a key in a dictionary
# that will be compared by value (as opposed to the Node itself,
# which is compared by identity).
# * Two expressions have equal `literal_hash`es if and only if they
# are syntactically equal expressions. (NB: Actually, we also
# identify as equal expressions like `3` and `3.0`; is this a good
# idea?)
# * The elements of `literal_hash` that are tuples are exactly the
# subexpressions of the original expression (e.g. the base and index
# of an index expression, or the operands of an operator expression).
class SymbolNode(Node):
# Nodes that can be stored in a symbol table.
# TODO do not use methods for these
def name(self) -> str: pass
def fullname(self) -> str: pass
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict: pass
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'SymbolNode':
classname = data['.class']
glo = globals()
if classname in glo:
cl = glo[classname]
if issubclass(cl, cls) and 'deserialize' in cl.__dict__:
return cl.deserialize(data)
raise NotImplementedError('unexpected .class {}'.format(classname))
class MypyFile(SymbolNode):
"""The abstract syntax tree of a single source file."""
# Module name ('__main__' for initial file)
_name = None # type: str
# Fully qualified module name
_fullname = None # type: str
# Path to the file (None if not known)
path = ''
# Top-level definitions and statements
defs = None # type: List[Statement]
# Is there a UTF-8 BOM at the start?
is_bom = False
names = None # type: SymbolTable
# All import nodes within the file (also ones within functions etc.)
imports = None # type: List[ImportBase]
# Lines to ignore when checking
ignored_lines = None # type: Set[int]
# Is this file represented by a stub file (.pyi)?
is_stub = False
def __init__(self,
defs: List[Statement],
imports: List['ImportBase'],
is_bom: bool = False,
ignored_lines: Set[int] = None) -> None:
self.defs = defs
self.line = 1 # Dummy line number
self.imports = imports
self.is_bom = is_bom
if ignored_lines:
self.ignored_lines = ignored_lines
self.ignored_lines = set()
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def fullname(self) -> str:
return self._fullname
def accept(self, visitor: NodeVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_mypy_file(self)
def is_package_init_file(self) -> bool:
return not (self.path is None) and len(self.path) != 0 \
and os.path.basename(self.path).startswith('__init__.')
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
return {'.class': 'MypyFile',
'_name': self._name,
'_fullname': self._fullname,
'names': self.names.serialize(self._fullname),
'is_stub': self.is_stub,
'path': self.path,
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'MypyFile':
assert data['.class'] == 'MypyFile', data
tree = MypyFile([], [])
tree._name = data['_name']
tree._fullname = data['_fullname']
tree.names = SymbolTable.deserialize(data['names'])
tree.is_stub = data['is_stub']
tree.path = data['path']
return tree
class ImportBase(Statement):
"""Base class for all import statements."""
is_unreachable = False # Set by semanal.FirstPass if inside `if False` etc.
is_top_level = False # Ditto if outside any class or def
is_mypy_only = False # Ditto if inside `if TYPE_CHECKING` or `if MYPY`
# If an import replaces existing definitions, we construct dummy assignment
# statements that assign the imported names to the names in the current scope,
# for type checking purposes. Example:
# x = 1
# from m import x <-- add assignment representing "x = m.x"
assignments = None # type: List[AssignmentStmt]
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.assignments = []
class Import(ImportBase):
"""import m [as n]"""
ids = None # type: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] # (module id, as id)
def __init__(self, ids: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]) -> None:
self.ids = ids
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_import(self)
class ImportFrom(ImportBase):
"""from m import x [as y], ..."""
id = None # type: str
relative = None # type: int
names = None # type: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] # Tuples (name, as name)
def __init__(self, id: str, relative: int, names: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]) -> None:
super().__init__() = id
self.names = names
self.relative = relative
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_import_from(self)
class ImportAll(ImportBase):
"""from m import *"""
id = None # type: str
relative = None # type: int
def __init__(self, id: str, relative: int) -> None:
super().__init__() = id
self.relative = relative
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_import_all(self)
class FuncBase(Node):
"""Abstract base class for function-like nodes"""
# Type signature. This is usually CallableType or Overloaded, but it can be something else for
# decorated functions/
type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# If method, reference to TypeInfo
info = None # type: TypeInfo
is_property = False
_fullname = None # type: str # Name with module prefix
def name(self) -> str: pass
def fullname(self) -> str:
return self._fullname
class OverloadedFuncDef(FuncBase, SymbolNode, Statement):
"""A logical node representing all the variants of an overloaded function.
This node has no explicit representation in the source program.
Overloaded variants must be consecutive in the source file.
items = None # type: List[Decorator]
def __init__(self, items: List['Decorator']) -> None:
self.items = items
def name(self) -> str:
return self.items[0]
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_overloaded_func_def(self)
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
return {'.class': 'OverloadedFuncDef',
'items': [i.serialize() for i in self.items],
'type': None if self.type is None else self.type.serialize(),
'fullname': self._fullname,
'is_property': self.is_property,
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'OverloadedFuncDef':
assert data['.class'] == 'OverloadedFuncDef'
res = OverloadedFuncDef([Decorator.deserialize(d) for d in data['items']])
if data.get('type') is not None:
res.type = mypy.types.Type.deserialize(data['type'])
res._fullname = data['fullname']
res.is_property = data['is_property']
# NOTE: will be set in the fixup phase.
return res
class Argument(Node):
"""A single argument in a FuncItem."""
variable = None # type: Var
type_annotation = None # type: Optional[mypy.types.Type]
initializer = None # type: Optional[Expression]
kind = None # type: int
initialization_statement = None # type: Optional[AssignmentStmt]
def __init__(self, variable: 'Var', type_annotation: 'Optional[mypy.types.Type]',
initializer: Optional[Expression], kind: int,
initialization_statement: Optional['AssignmentStmt'] = None) -> None:
self.variable = variable
self.type_annotation = type_annotation
self.initializer = initializer
self.initialization_statement = initialization_statement
if not self.initialization_statement:
self.initialization_statement = self._initialization_statement()
self.kind = kind
def _initialization_statement(self) -> Optional['AssignmentStmt']:
"""Convert the initializer into an assignment statement.
if not self.initializer:
return None
rvalue = self.initializer
lvalue = NameExpr(
assign = AssignmentStmt([lvalue], rvalue)
return assign
def set_line(self, target: Union[Token, Node, int], column: int = None) -> None:
super().set_line(target, column)
if self.initializer:
self.initializer.set_line(self.line, self.column)
self.variable.set_line(self.line, self.column)
if self.initialization_statement:
self.initialization_statement.set_line(self.line, self.column)
self.initialization_statement.lvalues[0].set_line(self.line, self.column)
class FuncItem(FuncBase):
arguments = [] # type: List[Argument]
arg_names = [] # type: List[str]
arg_kinds = [] # type: List[int]
# Minimum number of arguments
min_args = 0
# Maximum number of positional arguments, -1 if no explicit limit (*args not included)
max_pos = 0
body = None # type: Block
# Is this an overload variant of function with more than one overload variant?
is_overload = False
is_generator = False # Contains a yield statement?
is_coroutine = False # Defined using 'async def' syntax?
is_awaitable_coroutine = False # Decorated with '@{typing,asyncio}.coroutine'?
is_static = False # Uses @staticmethod?
is_class = False # Uses @classmethod?
# Variants of function with type variables with values expanded
expanded = None # type: List[FuncItem]
'is_overload', 'is_generator', 'is_coroutine', 'is_awaitable_coroutine',
'is_static', 'is_class',
def __init__(self, arguments: List[Argument], body: 'Block',
typ: 'mypy.types.FunctionLike' = None) -> None:
self.arguments = arguments
self.arg_names = [ for arg in self.arguments]
self.arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in self.arguments]
self.max_pos = self.arg_kinds.count(ARG_POS) + self.arg_kinds.count(ARG_OPT)
self.body = body
self.type = typ
self.expanded = []
self.min_args = 0
for i in range(len(self.arguments)):
if self.arguments[i] is None and i < self.max_fixed_argc():
self.min_args = i + 1
def max_fixed_argc(self) -> int:
return self.max_pos
def set_line(self, target: Union[Token, Node, int], column: int = None) -> None:
super().set_line(target, column)
for arg in self.arguments:
arg.set_line(self.line, self.column)
def is_dynamic(self) -> bool:
return self.type is None
class FuncDef(FuncItem, SymbolNode, Statement):
"""Function definition.
This is a non-lambda function defined using 'def'.
is_decorated = False
is_conditional = False # Defined conditionally (within block)?
is_abstract = False
is_property = False
original_def = None # type: Union[None, FuncDef, Var] # Original conditional definition
FLAGS = FuncItem.FLAGS + [
'is_decorated', 'is_conditional', 'is_abstract', 'is_property'
def __init__(self,
name: str, # Function name
arguments: List[Argument],
body: 'Block',
typ: 'mypy.types.FunctionLike' = None) -> None:
super().__init__(arguments, body, typ)
self._name = name
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_func_def(self)
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
# We're deliberating omitting arguments and storing only arg_names and
# arg_kinds for space-saving reasons (arguments is not used in later
# stages of mypy).
# TODO: After a FuncDef is deserialized, the only time we use `arg_names`
# and `arg_kinds` is when `type` is None and we need to infer a type. Can
# we store the inferred type ahead of time?
return {'.class': 'FuncDef',
'name': self._name,
'fullname': self._fullname,
'arg_names': self.arg_names,
'arg_kinds': self.arg_kinds,
'type': None if self.type is None else self.type.serialize(),
'flags': get_flags(self, FuncDef.FLAGS),
# TODO: Do we need expanded, original_def?
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'FuncDef':
assert data['.class'] == 'FuncDef'
body = Block([])
ret = FuncDef(data['name'],
(None if data['type'] is None
else mypy.types.FunctionLike.deserialize(data['type'])))
ret._fullname = data['fullname']
set_flags(ret, data['flags'])
# NOTE: is set in the fixup phase.
ret.arg_names = data['arg_names']
ret.arg_kinds = data['arg_kinds']
# Mark these as 'None' so that future uses will trigger an error
ret.arguments = None
ret.max_pos = None
ret.min_args = None
return ret
class Decorator(SymbolNode, Statement):
"""A decorated function.
A single Decorator object can include any number of function decorators.
func = None # type: FuncDef # Decorated function
decorators = None # type: List[Expression] # Decorators, at least one # XXX Not true
var = None # type: Var # Represents the decorated function obj
is_overload = False
def __init__(self, func: FuncDef, decorators: List[Expression],
var: 'Var') -> None:
self.func = func
self.decorators = decorators
self.var = var
self.is_overload = False
def name(self) -> str:
def fullname(self) -> str:
return self.func.fullname()
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_decorator(self)
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
return {'.class': 'Decorator',
'func': self.func.serialize(),
'var': self.var.serialize(),
'is_overload': self.is_overload,
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'Decorator':
assert data['.class'] == 'Decorator'
dec = Decorator(FuncDef.deserialize(data['func']),
dec.is_overload = data['is_overload']
return dec
class Var(SymbolNode):
"""A variable.
It can refer to global/local variable or a data attribute.
_name = None # type: str # Name without module prefix
_fullname = None # type: str # Name with module prefix
info = None # type: TypeInfo # Defining class (for member variables)
type = None # type: mypy.types.Type # Declared or inferred type, or None
# Is this the first argument to an ordinary method (usually "self")?
is_self = False
is_ready = False # If inferred, is the inferred type available?
# Is this initialized explicitly to a non-None value in class body?
is_inferred = False
is_initialized_in_class = False
is_staticmethod = False
is_classmethod = False
is_property = False
is_settable_property = False
# Set to true when this variable refers to a module we were unable to
# parse for some reason (eg a silenced module)
is_suppressed_import = False
'is_self', 'is_ready', 'is_initialized_in_class', 'is_staticmethod',
'is_classmethod', 'is_property', 'is_settable_property', 'is_suppressed_import'
def __init__(self, name: str, type: 'mypy.types.Type' = None) -> None:
self._name = name
self.type = type
if self.type is None:
self.is_inferred = True
self.is_self = False
self.is_ready = True
self.is_initialized_in_class = False
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def fullname(self) -> str:
return self._fullname
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_var(self)
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
# TODO: Leave default values out?
# NOTE: Sometimes self.is_ready is False here, but we don't care.
data = {'.class': 'Var',
'name': self._name,
'fullname': self._fullname,
'type': None if self.type is None else self.type.serialize(),
'flags': get_flags(self, Var.FLAGS),
} # type: JsonDict
return data
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'Var':
assert data['.class'] == 'Var'
name = data['name']
type = None if data['type'] is None else mypy.types.Type.deserialize(data['type'])
v = Var(name, type)
v._fullname = data['fullname']
set_flags(v, data['flags'])
return v
class ClassDef(Statement):
"""Class definition"""
name = None # type: str # Name of the class without module prefix
fullname = None # type: str # Fully qualified name of the class
defs = None # type: Block
type_vars = None # type: List[mypy.types.TypeVarDef]
# Base class expressions (not semantically analyzed -- can be arbitrary expressions)
base_type_exprs = None # type: List[Expression]
info = None # type: TypeInfo # Related TypeInfo
metaclass = ''
decorators = None # type: List[Expression]
has_incompatible_baseclass = False
def __init__(self,
name: str,
defs: 'Block',
type_vars: List['mypy.types.TypeVarDef'] = None,
base_type_exprs: List[Expression] = None,
metaclass: str = None) -> None: = name
self.defs = defs
self.type_vars = type_vars or []
self.base_type_exprs = base_type_exprs or []
self.metaclass = metaclass
self.decorators = []
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_class_def(self)
def is_generic(self) -> bool:
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
# Not serialized: defs, base_type_exprs, decorators
return {'.class': 'ClassDef',
'fullname': self.fullname,
'type_vars': [v.serialize() for v in self.type_vars],
'metaclass': self.metaclass,
def deserialize(self, data: JsonDict) -> 'ClassDef':
assert data['.class'] == 'ClassDef'
res = ClassDef(data['name'],
[mypy.types.TypeVarDef.deserialize(v) for v in data['type_vars']],
res.fullname = data['fullname']
return res
class GlobalDecl(Statement):
"""Declaration global x, y, ..."""
names = None # type: List[str]
def __init__(self, names: List[str]) -> None:
self.names = names
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_global_decl(self)
class NonlocalDecl(Statement):
"""Declaration nonlocal x, y, ..."""
names = None # type: List[str]
def __init__(self, names: List[str]) -> None:
self.names = names
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_nonlocal_decl(self)
class Block(Statement):
body = None # type: List[Statement]
# True if we can determine that this block is not executed. For example,
# this applies to blocks that are protected by something like "if PY3:"
# when using Python 2.
is_unreachable = False
def __init__(self, body: List[Statement]) -> None:
self.body = body
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_block(self)
# Statements
class ExpressionStmt(Statement):
"""An expression as a statement, such as print(s)."""
expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_expression_stmt(self)
class AssignmentStmt(Statement):
"""Assignment statement
The same node class is used for single assignment, multiple assignment
(e.g. x, y = z) and chained assignment (e.g. x = y = z), assignments
that define new names, and assignments with explicit types (# type).
An lvalue can be NameExpr, TupleExpr, ListExpr, MemberExpr, IndexExpr.
lvalues = None # type: List[Lvalue]
rvalue = None # type: Expression
# Declared type in a comment, may be None.
type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# This indicates usage of PEP 526 type annotation syntax in assignment.
new_syntax = False # type: bool
def __init__(self, lvalues: List[Lvalue], rvalue: Expression,
type: 'mypy.types.Type' = None, new_syntax: bool = False) -> None:
self.lvalues = lvalues
self.rvalue = rvalue
self.type = type
self.new_syntax = new_syntax
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_assignment_stmt(self)
class OperatorAssignmentStmt(Statement):
"""Operator assignment statement such as x += 1"""
op = ''
lvalue = None # type: Lvalue
rvalue = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, op: str, lvalue: Lvalue, rvalue: Expression) -> None:
self.op = op
self.lvalue = lvalue
self.rvalue = rvalue
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_operator_assignment_stmt(self)
class WhileStmt(Statement):
expr = None # type: Expression
body = None # type: Block
else_body = None # type: Block
def __init__(self, expr: Expression, body: Block, else_body: Block) -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.body = body
self.else_body = else_body
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_while_stmt(self)
class ForStmt(Statement):
# Index variables
index = None # type: Lvalue
# Type given by type comments for index, can be None
index_type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# Expression to iterate
expr = None # type: Expression
body = None # type: Block
else_body = None # type: Block
is_async = False # True if `async for ...` (PEP 492, Python 3.5)
def __init__(self, index: Lvalue, expr: Expression, body: Block,
else_body: Block, index_type: 'mypy.types.Type' = None) -> None:
self.index = index
self.index_type = index_type
self.expr = expr
self.body = body
self.else_body = else_body
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_for_stmt(self)
class ReturnStmt(Statement):
expr = None # type: Optional[Expression]
def __init__(self, expr: Optional[Expression]) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_return_stmt(self)
class AssertStmt(Statement):
expr = None # type: Expression
msg = None # type: Optional[Expression]
def __init__(self, expr: Expression, msg: Expression = None) -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.msg = msg
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_assert_stmt(self)
class DelStmt(Statement):
expr = None # type: Lvalue
def __init__(self, expr: Lvalue) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_del_stmt(self)
class BreakStmt(Statement):
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_break_stmt(self)
class ContinueStmt(Statement):
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_continue_stmt(self)
class PassStmt(Statement):
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_pass_stmt(self)
class IfStmt(Statement):
expr = None # type: List[Expression]
body = None # type: List[Block]
else_body = None # type: Block
def __init__(self, expr: List[Expression], body: List[Block],
else_body: Block) -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.body = body
self.else_body = else_body
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_if_stmt(self)
class RaiseStmt(Statement):
expr = None # type: Expression
from_expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, expr: Expression, from_expr: Expression = None) -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.from_expr = from_expr
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_raise_stmt(self)
class TryStmt(Statement):
body = None # type: Block # Try body
types = None # type: List[Expression] # Except type expressions
vars = None # type: List[NameExpr] # Except variable names
handlers = None # type: List[Block] # Except bodies
else_body = None # type: Block
finally_body = None # type: Block
def __init__(self, body: Block, vars: List['NameExpr'], types: List[Expression],
handlers: List[Block], else_body: Block,
finally_body: Block) -> None:
self.body = body
self.vars = vars
self.types = types
self.handlers = handlers
self.else_body = else_body
self.finally_body = finally_body
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_try_stmt(self)
class WithStmt(Statement):
expr = None # type: List[Expression]
target = None # type: List[Lvalue]
# Type given by type comments for target, can be None
target_type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
body = None # type: Block
is_async = False # True if `async with ...` (PEP 492, Python 3.5)
def __init__(self, expr: List[Expression], target: List[Lvalue],
body: Block, target_type: 'mypy.types.Type' = None) -> None:
self.expr = expr = target
self.target_type = target_type
self.body = body
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_with_stmt(self)
class PrintStmt(Statement):
"""Python 2 print statement"""
args = None # type: List[Expression]
newline = False
# The file-like target object (given using >>).
target = None # type: Optional[Expression]
def __init__(self, args: List[Expression], newline: bool, target: Expression = None) -> None:
self.args = args
self.newline = newline = target
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_print_stmt(self)
class ExecStmt(Statement):
"""Python 2 exec statement"""
expr = None # type: Expression
variables1 = None # type: Optional[Expression]
variables2 = None # type: Optional[Expression]
def __init__(self, expr: Expression,
variables1: Optional[Expression],
variables2: Optional[Expression]) -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.variables1 = variables1
self.variables2 = variables2
def accept(self, visitor: StatementVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_exec_stmt(self)
# Expressions
class IntExpr(Expression):
"""Integer literal"""
value = 0
literal = LITERAL_YES
def __init__(self, value: int) -> None:
self.value = value
self.literal_hash = ('Literal', value)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_int_expr(self)
# How mypy uses StrExpr, BytesExpr, and UnicodeExpr:
# In Python 2 mode:
# b'x', 'x' -> StrExpr
# u'x' -> UnicodeExpr
# BytesExpr is unused
# In Python 3 mode:
# b'x' -> BytesExpr
# 'x', u'x' -> StrExpr
# UnicodeExpr is unused
class StrExpr(Expression):
"""String literal"""
value = ''
literal = LITERAL_YES
def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
self.value = value
self.literal_hash = ('Literal', value)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_str_expr(self)
class BytesExpr(Expression):
"""Bytes literal"""
value = '' # TODO use bytes
literal = LITERAL_YES
def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
self.value = value
self.literal_hash = ('Literal', value)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_bytes_expr(self)
class UnicodeExpr(Expression):
"""Unicode literal (Python 2.x)"""
value = '' # TODO use bytes
literal = LITERAL_YES
def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
self.value = value
self.literal_hash = ('Literal', value)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_unicode_expr(self)
class FloatExpr(Expression):
"""Float literal"""
value = 0.0
literal = LITERAL_YES
def __init__(self, value: float) -> None:
self.value = value
self.literal_hash = ('Literal', value)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_float_expr(self)
class ComplexExpr(Expression):
"""Complex literal"""
value = 0.0j
literal = LITERAL_YES
def __init__(self, value: complex) -> None:
self.value = value
self.literal_hash = ('Literal', value)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_complex_expr(self)
class EllipsisExpr(Expression):
"""Ellipsis (...)"""
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_ellipsis(self)
class StarExpr(Expression):
"""Star expression"""
expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.literal = self.expr.literal
self.literal_hash = ('Star', expr.literal_hash,)
# Whether this starred expression is used in a tuple/list and as lvalue
self.valid = False
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_star_expr(self)
class RefExpr(Expression):
"""Abstract base class for name-like constructs"""
kind = None # type: int # LDEF/GDEF/MDEF/... (None if not available)
node = None # type: SymbolNode # Var, FuncDef or TypeInfo that describes this
fullname = None # type: str # Fully qualified name (or name if not global)
# Does this define a new name with inferred type?
# For members, after semantic analysis, this does not take base
# classes into consideration at all; the type checker deals with these.
is_def = False
class NameExpr(RefExpr):
"""Name expression
This refers to a local name, global name or a module.
name = None # type: str # Name referred to (may be qualified)
literal = LITERAL_TYPE
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
self.literal_hash = ('Var', name,)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_name_expr(self)
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
# TODO: Find out where and why NameExpr is being serialized (if at all).
assert False, "Serializing NameExpr: %s" % (self,)
return {'.class': 'NameExpr',
'kind': self.kind,
'node': None if self.node is None else self.node.serialize(),
'fullname': self.fullname,
'is_def': self.is_def,
'literal': self.literal,
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'NameExpr':
assert data['.class'] == 'NameExpr'
ret = NameExpr(data['name'])
ret.kind = data['kind']
ret.node = None if data['node'] is None else SymbolNode.deserialize(data['node'])
ret.fullname = data['fullname']
ret.is_def = data['is_def']
ret.literal = data['literal']
return ret
class MemberExpr(RefExpr):
"""Member access expression x.y"""
expr = None # type: Expression
name = None # type: str
# The variable node related to a definition.
def_var = None # type: Var
def __init__(self, expr: Expression, name: str) -> None:
self.expr = expr = name
self.literal = self.expr.literal
self.literal_hash = ('Member', expr.literal_hash, name)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_member_expr(self)
# Kinds of arguments
# Positional argument
ARG_POS = 0 # type: int
# Positional, optional argument (functions only, not calls)
ARG_OPT = 1 # type: int
# *arg argument
ARG_STAR = 2 # type: int
# Keyword argument x=y in call, or keyword-only function arg
ARG_NAMED = 3 # type: int
# **arg argument
ARG_STAR2 = 4 # type: int
# In an argument list, keyword-only and also optional
class CallExpr(Expression):
"""Call expression.
This can also represent several special forms that are syntactically calls
such as cast(...) and None # type: ....
callee = None # type: Expression
args = None # type: List[Expression]
arg_kinds = None # type: List[int] # ARG_ constants
# Each name can be None if not a keyword argument.
arg_names = None # type: List[str]
# If not None, the node that represents the meaning of the CallExpr. For
# cast(...) this is a CastExpr.
analyzed = None # type: Optional[Expression]
def __init__(self, callee: Expression, args: List[Expression], arg_kinds: List[int],
arg_names: List[str] = None, analyzed: Expression = None) -> None:
if not arg_names:
arg_names = [None] * len(args)
self.callee = callee
self.args = args
self.arg_kinds = arg_kinds
self.arg_names = arg_names
self.analyzed = analyzed
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_call_expr(self)
class YieldFromExpr(Expression):
expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_yield_from_expr(self)
class YieldExpr(Expression):
expr = None # type: Optional[Expression]
def __init__(self, expr: Optional[Expression]) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_yield_expr(self)
class IndexExpr(Expression):
"""Index expression x[y].
Also wraps type application such as List[int] as a special form.
base = None # type: Expression
index = None # type: Expression
# Inferred __getitem__ method type
method_type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# If not None, this is actually semantically a type application
# Class[type, ...] or a type alias initializer.
analyzed = None # type: Union[TypeApplication, TypeAliasExpr]
def __init__(self, base: Expression, index: Expression) -> None:
self.base = base
self.index = index
self.analyzed = None
if self.index.literal == LITERAL_YES:
self.literal = self.base.literal
self.literal_hash = ('Index', base.literal_hash,
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_index_expr(self)
class UnaryExpr(Expression):
"""Unary operation"""
op = ''
expr = None # type: Expression
# Inferred operator method type
method_type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
def __init__(self, op: str, expr: Expression) -> None:
self.op = op
self.expr = expr
self.literal = self.expr.literal
self.literal_hash = ('Unary', op, expr.literal_hash)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_unary_expr(self)
# Map from binary operator id to related method name (in Python 3).
op_methods = {
'+': '__add__',
'-': '__sub__',
'*': '__mul__',
'/': '__truediv__',
'%': '__mod__',
'//': '__floordiv__',
'**': '__pow__',
'@': '__matmul__',
'&': '__and__',
'|': '__or__',
'^': '__xor__',
'<<': '__lshift__',
'>>': '__rshift__',
'==': '__eq__',
'!=': '__ne__',
'<': '__lt__',
'>=': '__ge__',
'>': '__gt__',
'<=': '__le__',
'in': '__contains__',
} # type: Dict[str, str]
comparison_fallback_method = '__cmp__'
ops_falling_back_to_cmp = {'__ne__', '__eq__',
'__lt__', '__le__',
'__gt__', '__ge__'}
ops_with_inplace_method = {
'+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '//', '**', '@', '&', '|', '^', '<<', '>>'}
inplace_operator_methods = set(
'__i' + op_methods[op][2:] for op in ops_with_inplace_method)
reverse_op_methods = {
'__add__': '__radd__',
'__sub__': '__rsub__',
'__mul__': '__rmul__',
'__truediv__': '__rtruediv__',
'__mod__': '__rmod__',
'__floordiv__': '__rfloordiv__',
'__pow__': '__rpow__',
'__matmul__': '__rmatmul__',
'__and__': '__rand__',
'__or__': '__ror__',
'__xor__': '__rxor__',
'__lshift__': '__rlshift__',
'__rshift__': '__rrshift__',
'__eq__': '__eq__',
'__ne__': '__ne__',
'__lt__': '__gt__',
'__ge__': '__le__',
'__gt__': '__lt__',
'__le__': '__ge__',
normal_from_reverse_op = dict((m, n) for n, m in reverse_op_methods.items())
reverse_op_method_set = set(reverse_op_methods.values())
class OpExpr(Expression):
"""Binary operation (other than . or [] or comparison operators,
which have specific nodes)."""
op = ''
left = None # type: Expression
right = None # type: Expression
# Inferred type for the operator method type (when relevant).
method_type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
def __init__(self, op: str, left: Expression, right: Expression) -> None:
self.op = op
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.literal = min(self.left.literal, self.right.literal)
self.literal_hash = ('Binary', op, left.literal_hash, right.literal_hash)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_op_expr(self)
class ComparisonExpr(Expression):
"""Comparison expression (e.g. a < b > c < d)."""
operators = None # type: List[str]
operands = None # type: List[Expression]
# Inferred type for the operator methods (when relevant; None for 'is').
method_types = None # type: List[mypy.types.Type]
def __init__(self, operators: List[str], operands: List[Expression]) -> None:
self.operators = operators
self.operands = operands
self.method_types = []
self.literal = min(o.literal for o in self.operands)
self.literal_hash = ((cast(Any, 'Comparison'),) + tuple(operators) +
tuple(o.literal_hash for o in operands))
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_comparison_expr(self)
class SliceExpr(Expression):
"""Slice expression (e.g. 'x:y', 'x:', '::2' or ':').
This is only valid as index in index expressions.
begin_index = None # type: Optional[Expression]
end_index = None # type: Optional[Expression]
stride = None # type: Optional[Expression]
def __init__(self, begin_index: Optional[Expression],
end_index: Optional[Expression],
stride: Optional[Expression]) -> None:
self.begin_index = begin_index
self.end_index = end_index
self.stride = stride
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_slice_expr(self)
class CastExpr(Expression):
"""Cast expression cast(type, expr)."""
expr = None # type: Expression
type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
def __init__(self, expr: Expression, typ: 'mypy.types.Type') -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.type = typ
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_cast_expr(self)
class RevealTypeExpr(Expression):
"""Reveal type expression reveal_type(expr)."""
expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_reveal_type_expr(self)
class SuperExpr(Expression):
"""Expression super().name"""
name = ''
info = None # type: TypeInfo # Type that contains this super expression
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_super_expr(self)
class FuncExpr(FuncItem, Expression):
"""Lambda expression"""
def name(self) -> str:
return '<lambda>'
def expr(self) -> Expression:
"""Return the expression (the body) of the lambda."""
ret = cast(ReturnStmt, self.body.body[-1])
return ret.expr
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_func_expr(self)
class ListExpr(Expression):
"""List literal expression [...]."""
items = None # type: List[Expression]
def __init__(self, items: List[Expression]) -> None:
self.items = items
if all(x.literal == LITERAL_YES for x in items):
self.literal = LITERAL_YES
self.literal_hash = (cast(Any, 'List'),) + tuple(x.literal_hash for x in items)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_list_expr(self)
class DictExpr(Expression):
"""Dictionary literal expression {key: value, ...}."""
items = None # type: List[Tuple[Expression, Expression]]
def __init__(self, items: List[Tuple[Expression, Expression]]) -> None:
self.items = items
# key is None for **item, e.g. {'a': 1, **x} has
# keys ['a', None] and values [1, x].
if all(x[0] and x[0].literal == LITERAL_YES and x[1].literal == LITERAL_YES
for x in items):
self.literal = LITERAL_YES
self.literal_hash = (cast(Any, 'Dict'),) + tuple(
(x[0].literal_hash, x[1].literal_hash) for x in items)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_dict_expr(self)
class TupleExpr(Expression):
"""Tuple literal expression (..., ...)"""
items = None # type: List[Expression]
def __init__(self, items: List[Expression]) -> None:
self.items = items
if all(x.literal == LITERAL_YES for x in items):
self.literal = LITERAL_YES
self.literal_hash = (cast(Any, 'Tuple'),) + tuple(x.literal_hash for x in items)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_tuple_expr(self)
class SetExpr(Expression):
"""Set literal expression {value, ...}."""
items = None # type: List[Expression]
def __init__(self, items: List[Expression]) -> None:
self.items = items
if all(x.literal == LITERAL_YES for x in items):
self.literal = LITERAL_YES
self.literal_hash = (cast(Any, 'Set'),) + tuple(x.literal_hash for x in items)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_set_expr(self)
class GeneratorExpr(Expression):
"""Generator expression ... for ... in ... [ for ... in ... ] [ if ... ]."""
left_expr = None # type: Expression
sequences = None # type: List[Expression]
condlists = None # type: List[List[Expression]]
indices = None # type: List[Lvalue]
def __init__(self, left_expr: Expression, indices: List[Lvalue],
sequences: List[Expression], condlists: List[List[Expression]]) -> None:
self.left_expr = left_expr
self.sequences = sequences
self.condlists = condlists
self.indices = indices
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_generator_expr(self)
class ListComprehension(Expression):
"""List comprehension (e.g. [x + 1 for x in a])"""
generator = None # type: GeneratorExpr
def __init__(self, generator: GeneratorExpr) -> None:
self.generator = generator
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_list_comprehension(self)
class SetComprehension(Expression):
"""Set comprehension (e.g. {x + 1 for x in a})"""
generator = None # type: GeneratorExpr
def __init__(self, generator: GeneratorExpr) -> None:
self.generator = generator
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_set_comprehension(self)
class DictionaryComprehension(Expression):
"""Dictionary comprehension (e.g. {k: v for k, v in a}"""
key = None # type: Expression
value = None # type: Expression
sequences = None # type: List[Expression]
condlists = None # type: List[List[Expression]]
indices = None # type: List[Lvalue]
def __init__(self, key: Expression, value: Expression, indices: List[Lvalue],
sequences: List[Expression], condlists: List[List[Expression]]) -> None:
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.sequences = sequences
self.condlists = condlists
self.indices = indices
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_dictionary_comprehension(self)
class ConditionalExpr(Expression):
"""Conditional expression (e.g. x if y else z)"""
cond = None # type: Expression
if_expr = None # type: Expression
else_expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, cond: Expression, if_expr: Expression, else_expr: Expression) -> None:
self.cond = cond
self.if_expr = if_expr
self.else_expr = else_expr
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_conditional_expr(self)
class BackquoteExpr(Expression):
"""Python 2 expression `...`."""
expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_backquote_expr(self)
class TypeApplication(Expression):
"""Type application expr[type, ...]"""
expr = None # type: Expression
types = None # type: List[mypy.types.Type]
def __init__(self, expr: Expression, types: List['mypy.types.Type']) -> None:
self.expr = expr
self.types = types
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_type_application(self)
# Variance of a type variable. For example, T in the definition of
# List[T] is invariant, so List[int] is not a subtype of List[object],
# and also List[object] is not a subtype of List[int].
# The T in Iterable[T] is covariant, so Iterable[int] is a subtype of
# Iterable[object], but not vice versa.
# If T is contravariant in Foo[T], Foo[object] is a subtype of
# Foo[int], but not vice versa.
INVARIANT = 0 # type: int
COVARIANT = 1 # type: int
CONTRAVARIANT = 2 # type: int
class TypeVarExpr(SymbolNode, Expression):
"""Type variable expression TypeVar(...)."""
_name = ''
_fullname = ''
# Value restriction: only types in the list are valid as values. If the
# list is empty, there is no restriction.
values = None # type: List[mypy.types.Type]
# Upper bound: only subtypes of upper_bound are valid as values. By default
# this is 'object', meaning no restriction.
upper_bound = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# Variance of the type variable. Invariant is the default.
# TypeVar(..., covariant=True) defines a covariant type variable.
# TypeVar(..., contravariant=True) defines a contravariant type
# variable.
variance = INVARIANT
def __init__(self, name: str, fullname: str,
values: List['mypy.types.Type'],
upper_bound: 'mypy.types.Type',
variance: int=INVARIANT) -> None:
self._name = name
self._fullname = fullname
self.values = values
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
self.variance = variance
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def fullname(self) -> str:
return self._fullname
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_type_var_expr(self)
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
return {'.class': 'TypeVarExpr',
'name': self._name,
'fullname': self._fullname,
'values': [t.serialize() for t in self.values],
'upper_bound': self.upper_bound.serialize(),
'variance': self.variance,
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'TypeVarExpr':
assert data['.class'] == 'TypeVarExpr'
return TypeVarExpr(data['name'],
[mypy.types.Type.deserialize(v) for v in data['values']],
class TypeAliasExpr(Expression):
"""Type alias expression (rvalue)."""
type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# Simple fallback type for aliases that are invalid in runtime expressions
# (for example Union, Tuple, Callable).
fallback = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# This type alias is subscripted in a runtime expression like Alias[int](42)
# (not in a type context like type annotation or base class).
in_runtime = False # type: bool
def __init__(self, type: 'mypy.types.Type', fallback: 'mypy.types.Type' = None,
in_runtime: bool = False) -> None:
self.type = type
self.fallback = fallback
self.in_runtime = in_runtime
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_type_alias_expr(self)
class NamedTupleExpr(Expression):
"""Named tuple expression namedtuple(...) or NamedTuple(...)."""
# The class representation of this named tuple (its tuple_type attribute contains
# the tuple item types)
info = None # type: TypeInfo
def __init__(self, info: 'TypeInfo') -> None: = info
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_namedtuple_expr(self)
class TypedDictExpr(Expression):
"""Typed dict expression TypedDict(...)."""
# The class representation of this typed dict
info = None # type: TypeInfo
def __init__(self, info: 'TypeInfo') -> None: = info
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_typeddict_expr(self)
class PromoteExpr(Expression):
"""Ducktype class decorator expression _promote(...)."""
type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
def __init__(self, type: 'mypy.types.Type') -> None:
self.type = type
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit__promote_expr(self)
class NewTypeExpr(Expression):
"""NewType expression NewType(...)."""
name = None # type: str
old_type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
info = None # type: Optional[TypeInfo]
def __init__(self, name: str, old_type: 'mypy.types.Type', line: int) -> None: = name
self.old_type = old_type
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_newtype_expr(self)
class AwaitExpr(Expression):
"""Await expression (await ...)."""
expr = None # type: Expression
def __init__(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
self.expr = expr
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_await_expr(self)
# Constants
class TempNode(Expression):
"""Temporary dummy node used during type checking.
This node is not present in the original program; it is just an artifact
of the type checker implementation. It only represents an opaque node with
some fixed type.
type = None # type: mypy.types.Type
def __init__(self, typ: 'mypy.types.Type') -> None:
self.type = typ
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return 'TempNode(%s)' % str(self.type)
def accept(self, visitor: ExpressionVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_temp_node(self)
class TypeInfo(SymbolNode):
"""The type structure of a single class.
Each TypeInfo corresponds one-to-one to a ClassDef, which
represents the AST of the class.
In type-theory terms, this is a "type constructor", and if the
class is generic then it will be a type constructor of higher kind.
Where the class is used in an actual type, it's in the form of an
Instance, which amounts to a type application of the tycon to
the appropriate number of arguments.
_fullname = None # type: str # Fully qualified name
# Fully qualified name for the module this type was defined in. This
# information is also in the fullname, but is harder to extract in the
# case of nested class definitions.
module_name = None # type: str
defn = None # type: ClassDef # Corresponding ClassDef
# Method Resolution Order: the order of looking up attributes. The first
# value always to refers to this class.
mro = None # type: List[TypeInfo]
declared_metaclass = None # type: Optional[mypy.types.Instance]
metaclass_type = None # type: mypy.types.Instance
subtypes = None # type: Set[TypeInfo] # Direct subclasses encountered so far
names = None # type: SymbolTable # Names defined directly in this type
is_abstract = False # Does the class have any abstract attributes?
abstract_attributes = None # type: List[str]
# Classes inheriting from Enum shadow their true members with a __getattr__, so we
# have to treat them as a special case.
is_enum = False
# If true, any unknown attributes should have type 'Any' instead
# of generating a type error. This would be true if there is a
# base class with type 'Any', but other use cases may be
# possible. This is similar to having __getattr__ that returns Any
# (and __setattr__), but without the __getattr__ method.
fallback_to_any = False
# Information related to type annotations.
# Generic type variable names
type_vars = None # type: List[str]
# Direct base classes.
bases = None # type: List[mypy.types.Instance]
# Another type which this type will be treated as a subtype of,
# even though it's not a subclass in Python. The non-standard
# `@_promote` decorator introduces this, and there are also
# several builtin examples, in particular `int` -> `float`.
_promote = None # type: mypy.types.Type
# Representation of a Tuple[...] base class, if the class has any
# (e.g., for named tuples). If this is not None, the actual Type
# object used for this class is not an Instance but a TupleType;
# the corresponding Instance is set as the fallback type of the
# tuple type.
tuple_type = None # type: Optional[mypy.types.TupleType]
# Is this a named tuple type?
is_named_tuple = False
# If this class is defined by the TypedDict type constructor,
# then this is not None.
typeddict_type = None # type: Optional[mypy.types.TypedDictType]
# Is this a newtype type?
is_newtype = False
# Alternative to fullname() for 'anonymous' classes.
alt_fullname = None # type: Optional[str]
'is_abstract', 'is_enum', 'fallback_to_any', 'is_named_tuple',
def __init__(self, names: 'SymbolTable', defn: ClassDef, module_name: str) -> None:
"""Initialize a TypeInfo."""
self.names = names
self.defn = defn
self.module_name = module_name
self.subtypes = set()
self.type_vars = []
self.bases = []
# Leave self.mro uninitialized until we compute it for real,
# so we don't accidentally try to use it prematurely.
self._fullname = defn.fullname
self.is_abstract = False
self.abstract_attributes = []
if defn.type_vars:
for vd in defn.type_vars:
def name(self) -> str:
"""Short name."""
def fullname(self) -> str:
return self._fullname
def is_generic(self) -> bool:
"""Is the type generic (i.e. does it have type variables)?"""
return len(self.type_vars) > 0
def get(self, name: str) -> 'SymbolTableNode':
for cls in self.mro:
n = cls.names.get(name)
if n:
return n
return None
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> 'SymbolTableNode':
n = self.get(name)
if n:
return n
raise KeyError(name)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return '<TypeInfo %s>' % self.fullname()
# IDEA: Refactor the has* methods to be more consistent and document
# them.
def has_readable_member(self, name: str) -> bool:
return self.get(name) is not None
def has_method(self, name: str) -> bool:
return self.get_method(name) is not None
def get_method(self, name: str) -> FuncBase:
if self.mro is None: # Might be because of a previous error.
return None
for cls in self.mro:
if name in cls.names:
node = cls.names[name].node
if isinstance(node, FuncBase):
return node
return None
return None
def calculate_mro(self) -> None:
"""Calculate and set mro (method resolution order).
Raise MroError if cannot determine mro.
mro = linearize_hierarchy(self)
assert mro, "Could not produce a MRO at all for %s" % (self,)
self.mro = mro
self.is_enum = self._calculate_is_enum()
def calculate_metaclass_type(self) -> 'Optional[mypy.types.Instance]':
declared = self.declared_metaclass
if declared is not None and not declared.type.has_base('builtins.type'):
return declared
if self._fullname == 'builtins.type':
return mypy.types.Instance(self, [])
candidates = [s.declared_metaclass
for s in self.mro
if s.declared_metaclass is not None
and s.declared_metaclass.type is not None]
for c in candidates:
if c.type.mro is None:
if all(other.type in c.type.mro for other in candidates):
return c
return None
def is_metaclass(self) -> bool:
return (self.has_base('builtins.type') or self.fullname() == 'abc.ABCMeta' or
def _calculate_is_enum(self) -> bool:
If this is "enum.Enum" itself, then yes, it's an enum.
If the flag .is_enum has been set on anything in the MRO, it's an enum.
if self.fullname() == ENUM_BASECLASS:
return True
if self.mro:
return any(type_info.is_enum for type_info in self.mro)
return False
def has_base(self, fullname: str) -> bool:
"""Return True if type has a base type with the specified name.
This can be either via extension or via implementation.
if self.mro:
for cls in self.mro:
if cls.fullname() == fullname:
return True
return False
def direct_base_classes(self) -> 'List[TypeInfo]':
"""Return a direct base classes.
Omit base classes of other base classes.
return [base.type for base in self.bases]
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Return a string representation of the type.
This includes the most important information about the type.
base = None # type: str
if self.bases:
base = 'Bases({})'.format(', '.join(str(base)
for base in self.bases))
return dump_tagged(['Name({})'.format(self.fullname()),
('Names', sorted(self.names.keys()))],
def serialize(self) -> JsonDict:
# NOTE: This is where all ClassDefs originate, so there shouldn't be duplicates.
data = {'.class': 'TypeInfo',
'module_name': self.module_name,
'fullname': self.fullname(),
'alt_fullname': self.alt_fullname,
'names': self.names.serialize(self.alt_fullname or self.fullname()),
'defn': self.defn.serialize(),
'abstract_attributes': self.abstract_attributes,
'type_vars': self.type_vars,
'bases': [b.serialize() for b in self.bases],
'_promote': None if self._promote is None else self._promote.serialize(),
'declared_metaclass': (None if self.declared_metaclass is None
else self.declared_metaclass.serialize()),
'tuple_type': None if self.tuple_type is None else self.tuple_type.serialize(),
None if self.typeddict_type is None else self.typeddict_type.serialize(),
'flags': get_flags(self, TypeInfo.FLAGS),
return data
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'TypeInfo':
names = SymbolTable.deserialize(data['names'])
defn = ClassDef.deserialize(data['defn'])
module_name = data['module_name']
ti = TypeInfo(names, defn, module_name)
ti._fullname = data['fullname']
ti.alt_fullname = data['alt_fullname']
# TODO: Is there a reason to reconstruct ti.subtypes?
ti.abstract_attributes = data['abstract_attributes']
ti.type_vars = data['type_vars']
ti.bases = [mypy.types.Instance.deserialize(b) for b in data['bases']]
ti._promote = (None if data['_promote'] is None
else mypy.types.Type.deserialize(data['_promote']))
ti.declared_metaclass = (None if data['declared_metaclass'] is None
else mypy.types.Instance.deserialize(data['declared_metaclass']))
# NOTE: ti.metaclass_type and ti.mro will be set in the fixup phase.
ti.tuple_type = (None if data['tuple_type'] is None
else mypy.types.TupleType.deserialize(data['tuple_type']))
ti.typeddict_type = (None if data['typeddict_type'] is None
else mypy.types.TypedDictType.deserialize(data['typeddict_type']))
set_flags(ti, data['flags'])
return ti
class SymbolTableNode:
# Kind of node. Possible values:
# - LDEF: local definition (of any kind)
# - GDEF: global (module-level) definition
# - MDEF: class member definition
# - UNBOUND_TVAR: TypeVar(...) definition, not bound
# - TVAR: type variable in a bound scope (generic function / generic clas)
# - MODULE_REF: reference to a module
# - TYPE_ALIAS: type alias
# - UNBOUND_IMPORTED: temporary kind for imported names
kind = None # type: int
# AST node of definition (FuncDef/Var/TypeInfo/Decorator/TypeVarExpr,
# or None for a bound type variable).
node = None # type: Optional[SymbolNode]
# Type variable definition (for bound type variables only)
tvar_def = None # type: Optional[mypy.types.TypeVarDef]
# Module id (e.g. "") or None
mod_id = ''
# If this not None, override the type of the 'node' attribute.
type_override = None # type: Optional[mypy.types.Type]
# If False, this name won't be imported via 'from <module> import *'.
# This has no effect on names within classes.
module_public = True
# For deserialized MODULE_REF nodes, the referenced module name;
# for other nodes, optionally the name of the referenced object.
cross_ref = None # type: Optional[str]
def __init__(self, kind: int, node: Optional[SymbolNode], mod_id: str = None,
typ: 'mypy.types.Type' = None,
tvar_def: 'mypy.types.TypeVarDef' = None,
module_public: bool = True) -> None:
self.kind = kind
self.node = node
self.type_override = typ
self.mod_id = mod_id
self.tvar_def = tvar_def
self.module_public = module_public
def fullname(self) -> str:
if self.node is not None:
return self.node.fullname()
return None
def type(self) -> 'mypy.types.Type':
# IDEA: Get rid of the Any type.
node = self.node # type: Any
if self.type_override is not None:
return self.type_override
elif ((isinstance(node, Var) or isinstance(node, FuncDef))
and node.type is not None):
return node.type
elif isinstance(node, Decorator):
return node.var.type
return None
def __str__(self) -> str:
s = '{}/{}'.format(node_kinds[self.kind], short_type(self.node))
if self.mod_id is not None:
s += ' ({})'.format(self.mod_id)
# Include declared type of variables and functions.
if self.type is not None:
s += ' : {}'.format(self.type)
return s
def serialize(self, prefix: str, name: str) -> JsonDict:
"""Serialize a SymbolTableNode.
prefix: full name of the containing module or class; or None
name: name of this object relative to the containing object
data = {'.class': 'SymbolTableNode',
'kind': node_kinds[self.kind],
} # type: JsonDict
if self.tvar_def:
data['tvar_def'] = self.tvar_def.serialize()
if not self.module_public:
data['module_public'] = False
if self.kind == MODULE_REF:
assert self.node is not None, "Missing module cross ref in %s for %s" % (prefix, name)
data['cross_ref'] = self.node.fullname()
if self.node is not None:
if prefix is not None:
# Check whether this is an alias for another object.
# If the object's canonical full name differs from
# the full name computed from prefix and name,
# it's an alias, and we serialize it as a cross ref.
if isinstance(self.node, TypeInfo):
fullname = self.node.alt_fullname or self.node.fullname()
fullname = self.node.fullname()
if (fullname is not None and '.' in fullname and
fullname != prefix + '.' + name):
data['cross_ref'] = fullname
return data
data['node'] = self.node.serialize()
if self.type_override is not None:
data['type_override'] = self.type_override.serialize()
return data
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'SymbolTableNode':
assert data['.class'] == 'SymbolTableNode'
kind = inverse_node_kinds[data['kind']]
if 'cross_ref' in data:
# This will be fixed up later.
stnode = SymbolTableNode(kind, None)
stnode.cross_ref = data['cross_ref']
node = None
if 'node' in data:
node = SymbolNode.deserialize(data['node'])
typ = None
if 'type_override' in data:
typ = mypy.types.Type.deserialize(data['type_override'])
stnode = SymbolTableNode(kind, node, typ=typ)
if 'tvar_def' in data:
stnode.tvar_def = mypy.types.TypeVarDef.deserialize(data['tvar_def'])
if 'module_public' in data:
stnode.module_public = data['module_public']
return stnode
class SymbolTable(Dict[str, SymbolTableNode]):
def __str__(self) -> str:
a = [] # type: List[str]
for key, value in self.items():
# Filter out the implicit import of builtins.
if isinstance(value, SymbolTableNode):
if (value.fullname != 'builtins' and
(value.fullname or '').split('.')[-1] not in
a.append(' ' + str(key) + ' : ' + str(value))
a.append(' <invalid item>')
a = sorted(a)
a.insert(0, 'SymbolTable(')
a[-1] += ')'
return '\n'.join(a)
def serialize(self, fullname: str) -> JsonDict:
data = {'.class': 'SymbolTable'} # type: JsonDict
for key, value in self.items():
# Skip __builtins__: it's a reference to the builtins
# module that gets added to every module by
# SemanticAnalyzer.visit_file(), but it shouldn't be
# accessed by users of the module.
if key == '__builtins__':
data[key] = value.serialize(fullname, key)
return data
def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict) -> 'SymbolTable':
assert data['.class'] == 'SymbolTable'
st = SymbolTable()
for key, value in data.items():
if key != '.class':
st[key] = SymbolTableNode.deserialize(value)
return st
class MroError(Exception):
"""Raised if a consistent mro cannot be determined for a class."""
def linearize_hierarchy(info: TypeInfo) -> List[TypeInfo]:
# TODO describe
if info.mro:
return info.mro
bases = info.direct_base_classes()
lin_bases = []
for base in bases:
assert base is not None, "Cannot linearize bases for %s %s" % (info.fullname(), bases)
return [info] + merge(lin_bases)
def merge(seqs: List[List[TypeInfo]]) -> List[TypeInfo]:
seqs = [s[:] for s in seqs]
result = [] # type: List[TypeInfo]
while True:
seqs = [s for s in seqs if s]
if not seqs:
return result
for seq in seqs:
head = seq[0]
if not [s for s in seqs if head in s[1:]]:
raise MroError()
for s in seqs:
if s[0] is head:
del s[0]
def get_flags(node: Node, names: List[str]) -> List[str]:
return [name for name in names if getattr(node, name)]
def set_flags(node: Node, flags: List[str]) -> None:
for name in flags:
setattr(node, name, True)
def get_member_expr_fullname(expr: MemberExpr) -> str:
"""Return the qualified name representation of a member expression.
Return a string of form,, or similar, or None if the
argument cannot be represented in this form.
if isinstance(expr.expr, NameExpr):
initial =
elif isinstance(expr.expr, MemberExpr):
initial = get_member_expr_fullname(expr.expr)
return None
return '{}.{}'.format(initial,