blob: 7c7f28b6eeb72b07aa6f2fc4f0416fdf7e591e7a [file] [log] [blame]
"""Generate the changelog for a mypy release."""
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
def find_all_release_branches() -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
result =["git", "branch", "-r"], text=True, capture_output=True, check=True)
versions = []
for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if m := re.match(r"origin/release-([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$", line):
major = int(
minor = int(
versions.append((major, minor))
return versions
def git_merge_base(rev1: str, rev2: str) -> str:
result =
["git", "merge-base", rev1, rev2], text=True, capture_output=True, check=True
return result.stdout.strip()
class CommitInfo:
commit: str
author: str
title: str
pr_number: int | None
def normalize_author(author: str) -> str:
# Some ad-hoc rules to get more consistent author names.
if author == "AlexWaygood":
return "Alex Waygood"
elif author == "jhance":
return "Jared Hance"
return author
def git_commit_log(rev1: str, rev2: str) -> list[CommitInfo]:
result =
["git", "log", "--pretty=%H\t%an\t%s", f"{rev1}..{rev2}"],
commits = []
for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
commit, author, title = line.strip().split("\t", 2)
pr_number = None
if m := re.match(r".*\(#([0-9]+)\) *$", title):
pr_number = int(
title = re.sub(r" *\(#[0-9]+\) *$", "", title)
author = normalize_author(author)
entry = CommitInfo(commit, author, title, pr_number)
return commits
def filter_omitted_commits(commits: list[CommitInfo]) -> list[CommitInfo]:
result = []
for c in commits:
title = c.title
keep = True
if title.startswith("Sync typeshed"):
# Typeshed syncs aren't mentioned in release notes
keep = False
if title.startswith(
"Revert sum literal integer change",
"Remove use of LiteralString in builtins",
"Revert typeshed ctypes change",
"Revert use of `ParamSpec` for `functools.wraps`",
# These are generated by a typeshed sync.
keep = False
if"(bump|update).*version.*\+dev", title.lower()):
# Version number updates aren't mentioned
keep = False
if "pre-commit autoupdate" in title:
keep = False
if title.startswith(("Update commit hashes", "Update hashes")):
# Internal tool change
keep = False
if keep:
return result
def normalize_title(title: str) -> str:
# We sometimes add a title prefix when cherry-picking commits to a
# release branch. Attempt to remove these prefixes so that we can
# match them to the corresponding master branch.
if m := re.match(r"\[release [0-9.]+\] *", title, flags=re.I):
title = title.replace(, "")
return title
def filter_out_commits_from_old_release_branch(
new_commits: list[CommitInfo], old_commits: list[CommitInfo]
) -> list[CommitInfo]:
old_titles = {normalize_title(commit.title) for commit in old_commits}
result = []
for commit in new_commits:
drop = False
if normalize_title(commit.title) in old_titles:
drop = True
if normalize_title(f"{commit.title} (#{commit.pr_number})") in old_titles:
drop = True
if not drop:
print(f'NOTE: Drop "{commit.title}", since it was in previous release branch')
return result
def find_changes_between_releases(old_branch: str, new_branch: str) -> list[CommitInfo]:
merge_base = git_merge_base(old_branch, new_branch)
print(f"Merge base: {merge_base}")
new_commits = git_commit_log(merge_base, new_branch)
old_commits = git_commit_log(merge_base, old_branch)
# Filter out some commits that won't be mentioned in release notes.
new_commits = filter_omitted_commits(new_commits)
# Filter out commits cherry-picked to old branch.
new_commits = filter_out_commits_from_old_release_branch(new_commits, old_commits)
return new_commits
def format_changelog_entry(c: CommitInfo) -> str:
s = f" * {c.commit[:9]} - {c.title}"
if c.pr_number:
s += f" (#{c.pr_number})"
s += f" ({})"
s = f" * {c.title} ({}"
if c.pr_number:
s += f", PR [{c.pr_number}]({c.pr_number})"
s += ")"
return s
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("version", help="target mypy version (form X.Y)")
parser.add_argument("--local", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
version: str = args.version
local: bool = args.local
if not re.match(r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$", version):
sys.exit(f"error: Release must be of form X.Y (not {version!r})")
major, minor = (int(component) for component in version.split("."))
if not local:
print("Running 'git fetch' to fetch all release branches...")["git", "fetch"], check=True)
if minor > 0:
prev_major = major
prev_minor = minor - 1
# For a x.0 release, the previous release is the most recent (x-1).y release.
all_releases = sorted(find_all_release_branches())
if (major, minor) not in all_releases:
sys.exit(f"error: Can't find release branch for {major}.{minor} at origin")
for i in reversed(range(len(all_releases))):
if all_releases[i][0] == major - 1:
prev_major, prev_minor = all_releases[i]
sys.exit("error: Could not determine previous release")
print(f"Generating changelog for {major}.{minor}")
print(f"Previous release was {prev_major}.{prev_minor}")
new_branch = f"origin/release-{major}.{minor}"
old_branch = f"origin/release-{prev_major}.{prev_minor}"
changes = find_changes_between_releases(old_branch, new_branch)
for c in changes:
if __name__ == "__main__":