blob: 5cbdf38d1b4f2fe63f861dc638be0016a99cd590 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Test cases for exporting node types from the type checker.
-- Each test case consists of at least two sections.
-- The first section contains [case NAME] followed by the input code,
-- while the second section contains [out] followed by the output from the type
-- checker.
-- The first line of input code should be a regexp in comment that describes
-- the information to dump (prefix with ##). The regexp is matched against
-- the following items:
-- * each name of an expression node
-- * each type string of a node (e.g. OpExpr)
-- Lines starting with "--" in this file will be ignored.
-- Expressions
-- -----------
[case testConstructorCall]
import typing
class A: pass
class B: pass
CallExpr(2) : A
NameExpr(2) : def () -> A
CallExpr(3) : B
NameExpr(3) : def () -> B
[case testLiterals]
import typing
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
IntExpr(2) : Literal[5]?
FloatExpr(3) : builtins.float
StrExpr(4) : Literal['foo']?
[case testNameExpression]
a = None # type: A
a # node
def f(aa: 'A') -> None:
b = None # type: B
aa # node
b # node
class A:
def g(self) -> None:
self # node
class B: pass
NameExpr(3) : A
NameExpr(6) : A
NameExpr(7) : B
NameExpr(10) : A
[case testEllipsis]
import typing
EllipsisExpr(2) : builtins.ellipsis
[case testMemberAccess]
## MemberExpr|CallExpr
a = None # type: A
class A:
m = None # type: A
def f(self) -> 'B': pass
class B: pass
MemberExpr(4) : A
MemberExpr(5) : def () -> B
CallExpr(6) : B
MemberExpr(6) : def () -> B
[case testCastExpression]
## CastExpr|[a-z]
from typing import Any, cast
d = None # type: Any
b = None # type: B
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
cast(A, d)
cast(A, b)
cast(B, b)
CastExpr(7) : A
NameExpr(7) : Any
CastExpr(8) : A
NameExpr(8) : B
CastExpr(9) : B
NameExpr(9) : B
[case testAssertTypeExpr]
## AssertTypeExpr|[a-z]
from typing import Any, assert_type
d = None # type: Any
a = None # type: A
b = None # type: B
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
assert_type(d, Any)
assert_type(a, A)
assert_type(b, B)
AssertTypeExpr(8) : Any
NameExpr(8) : Any
AssertTypeExpr(9) : A
NameExpr(9) : A
AssertTypeExpr(10) : B
NameExpr(10) : B
[case testArithmeticOps]
## OpExpr
import typing
a = 1 + 2
1.2 * 3
2.2 - 3
1 / 2
class object:
def __init__(self) -> None: pass
class function: pass
class int:
def __add__(self, x: int) -> int: pass
def __truediv__(self, x: int) -> float: pass
class float:
def __mul__(self, x: int) -> float: pass
def __sub__(self, x: int) -> float: pass
class type: pass
class str: pass
OpExpr(3) :
OpExpr(4) : builtins.float
OpExpr(5) : builtins.float
OpExpr(6) : builtins.float
[case testComparisonOps]
## ComparisonExpr
import typing
1 == object()
1 == 2
2 < 3
1 < 2 < 3
8 > 3
4 < 6 > 2
class object:
def __init__(self) -> None: pass
class int:
def __eq__(self, x: object) -> bool: pass
def __lt__(self, x: int) -> bool: pass
def __gt__(self, x: int) -> int: pass
class bool: pass
class type: pass
class function: pass
class str: pass
ComparisonExpr(3) : builtins.bool
ComparisonExpr(4) : builtins.bool
ComparisonExpr(5) : builtins.bool
ComparisonExpr(6) : builtins.bool
ComparisonExpr(7) :
ComparisonExpr(8) : builtins.object
[case testBooleanOps]
## OpExpr|UnaryExpr
import typing
a = 1
a and a
a or a
not a
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
OpExpr(4) :
OpExpr(5) :
UnaryExpr(6) : builtins.bool
[case testBooleanOpsOnBools]
## OpExpr|UnaryExpr
import typing
a = bool()
a and a
a or a
not a
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
OpExpr(4) : builtins.bool
OpExpr(5) : builtins.bool
UnaryExpr(6) : builtins.bool
[case testFunctionCall]
## CallExpr
from typing import Tuple
class A: pass
class B: pass
def f(a: A, b: B) -> Tuple[A, B]: pass
[builtins fixtures/tuple-simple.pyi]
CallExpr(3) : Tuple[A, B]
CallExpr(4) : A
CallExpr(5) : B
-- Statements
-- ----------
[case testSimpleAssignment]
from typing import Any
a = None # type: A
b = a # type: Any
if b:
b = a
a = b
class A: pass
NameExpr(3) : A
NameExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(5) : A
NameExpr(5) : Any
NameExpr(6) : A
NameExpr(6) : Any
[case testMemberAssignment]
from typing import Any
class A:
a = None # type: A
b = None # type: Any
def f(self) -> None:
self.b = self.a
self.a.a = self.b
MemberExpr(6) : A
MemberExpr(6) : Any
NameExpr(6) : A
NameExpr(6) : A
MemberExpr(7) : A
MemberExpr(7) : A
MemberExpr(7) : A
NameExpr(7) : A
NameExpr(7) : A
[case testIf]
a = None # type: bool
if a:
elif not a:
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
NameExpr(3) : builtins.bool
IntExpr(4) : Literal[1]?
NameExpr(5) : Literal[False]
UnaryExpr(5) : builtins.bool
IntExpr(6) : Literal[1]?
[case testWhile]
a = None # type: bool
while a:
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
NameExpr(3) : builtins.bool
NameExpr(4) : Literal[True]
-- Simple type inference
-- ---------------------
[case testInferSingleType]
import typing
x = ()
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
NameExpr(2) : Tuple[]
TupleExpr(2) : Tuple[]
[case testInferTwoTypes]
## NameExpr
import typing
i) = 'x', 1
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
NameExpr(3) : builtins.str
NameExpr(4) :
[case testInferSingleLocalVarType]
import typing
def f() -> None:
x = ()
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
NameExpr(3) : Tuple[]
TupleExpr(3) : Tuple[]
-- Basic generics
-- --------------
[case testImplicitBoundTypeVarsForMethod]
## MemberExpr
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
class A(Generic[T]):
def f(self) -> T: pass
class B: pass
def g() -> None:
a = None # type: A[B]
f = a.f
MemberExpr(9) : def () -> B
[case testImplicitBoundTypeVarsForSelfMethodReference]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
class A(Generic[T]):
def f(self) -> T:
return self.f()
CallExpr(5) : T`1
MemberExpr(5) : def () -> T`1
NameExpr(5) : A[T`1]
[case testGenericFunctionCallWithTypeApp-skip]
## CallExpr|TypeApplication|NameExpr
from typing import Any, TypeVar, Tuple
T = TypeVar('T')
class A: pass
def f(a: T) -> Tuple[T, T]: pass
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
CallExpr(5) : A
CallExpr(5) : Tuple[A, A]
NameExpr(5) : def () -> A
NameExpr(5) : def (a: A) -> Tuple[A, A]
TypeApplication(5) : def (a: A) -> Tuple[A, A]
CallExpr(6) : A
CallExpr(6) : Tuple[Any, Any]
NameExpr(6) : def () -> A
NameExpr(6) : def (a: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Any]
TypeApplication(6) : def (a: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Any]
-- NOTE: Type applications are not supported for generic methods, so the
-- following test cases are commented out.
--[case testGenericMethodCallWithTypeApp]
--## CallExpr|MemberExpr|TypeApplication
--from typing import Any, TypeVar, Tuple
--T = TypeVar('T')
--class A:
-- def f(self, a: T) -> Tuple[T, T]: pass
--a = None # type: A
--[builtins fixtures/]
--CallExpr(2) : Tuple[A, A]
--MemberExpr(2) : def (A a) -> Tuple[A, A]
--TypeApplication(2) : def (A a) -> Tuple[A, A]
--CallExpr(3) : Tuple[Any, Any]
--MemberExpr(3) : def (any a) -> Tuple[Any, Any]
--TypeApplication(3) : def (any a) -> Tuple[Any, Any]
--[case testGenericMethodCallInGenericTypeWithTypeApp]
--## CallExpr|MemberExpr|TypeApplication
--from typing import Any, TypeVar, Generic, Tuple
--T = TypeVar('T')
--S = TypeVar('S')
--class B: pass
--class C: pass
--class A(Generic[T]):
-- def f(self, a: S) -> Tuple[T, S]: pass
--a = None # type: A[C]
--b = None # type: B
--[builtins fixtures/]
--CallExpr(6) : Tuple[C, B]
--MemberExpr(6) : def (B a) -> Tuple[C, B]
--TypeApplication(6) : def (B a) -> Tuple[C, B]
--CallExpr(7) : Tuple[C, Any]
--MemberExpr(7) : def (any a) -> Tuple[C, Any]
--TypeApplication(7) : def (any a) -> Tuple[C, Any]
[case testGenericTypeVariableInference]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
class A(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, a: T) -> None: pass
class B: pass
CallExpr(6) : A[A[B]]
CallExpr(6) : A[B]
CallExpr(6) : B
NameExpr(6) : def (a: A[B]) -> A[A[B]]
NameExpr(6) : def (a: B) -> A[B]
NameExpr(6) : def () -> B
-- Generic inheritance
-- -------------------
[case testInheritedMethodReferenceWithGenericInheritance]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
class C: pass
class A(Generic[T]):
def f(self, a: T) -> None: pass
class B(A[C]):
def g(self, c: C) -> None:
CallExpr(8) : None
MemberExpr(8) : def (a: C)
NameExpr(8) : C
NameExpr(8) : B
[case testInheritedMethodReferenceWithGenericSubclass]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
S = TypeVar('S')
T = TypeVar('T')
class C: pass
class A(Generic[S, T]):
def f(self, a: C) -> None: pass
class B(A[C, T], Generic[T]):
def g(self, c: C) -> None:
CallExpr(9) : None
MemberExpr(9) : def (a: C)
NameExpr(9) : C
NameExpr(9) : B[T`1]
[case testExternalReferenceWithGenericInheritance]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
class C: pass
class A(Generic[T]):
def f(self, a: T) -> None: pass
class B(A[C]): pass
b = None # type: B
c = None # type: C
CallExpr(9) : None
MemberExpr(9) : def (a: C)
NameExpr(9) : B
NameExpr(9) : C
-- Implicit Any types
-- ------------------
[case testDynamicallyTypedFunction]
def f(x):
y = x + o
z = o
o = None # type: object
NameExpr(3) : builtins.object
NameExpr(3) : Any
NameExpr(3) : Any
OpExpr(3) : Any
NameExpr(4) : builtins.object
NameExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(5) : Any
[case testDynamicallyTypedMethod]
class A:
def f(self, x):
y = (
o) # Place y and o on separate lines
o = None # type: object
NameExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(5) : builtins.object
NameExpr(6) : Any
NameExpr(7) : Any
[case testDynamicallyTypedConstructor]
class A:
def __init__(self, x):
y = o
o = None # type: object
NameExpr(4) : builtins.object
NameExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(5) : Any
NameExpr(6) : Any
[case testCallInDynamicallyTypedFunction]
def f():
def g(a: object) -> object: pass
o = None # type: object
CallExpr(3) : Any
NameExpr(3) : def (a: builtins.object) -> builtins.object
NameExpr(3) : builtins.object
[case testExpressionInDynamicallyTypedFn]
import typing
def f():
x = None
CallExpr(4) : Any
MemberExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(4) : Any
[case testGenericCall]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
def f() -> None:
a1 = A(b) # type: A[B]
a2 = A(b) # type: A[object]
class A(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, a: T) -> None: pass
class B: pass
b = None # type: B
CallExpr(4) : A[B]
NameExpr(4) : def (a: B) -> A[B]
NameExpr(4) : B
CallExpr(5) : A[builtins.object]
NameExpr(5) : def (a: builtins.object) -> A[builtins.object]
NameExpr(5) : B
[case testGenericCallInDynamicallyTypedFunction]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
def f():
class A(Generic[T]): pass
CallExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(4) : def [T] () -> A[T`1]
[case testGenericCallInDynamicallyTypedFunction2]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
def f():
class A(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, x: T) -> None: pass
CallExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(4) : def [T] (x: T`1) -> A[T`1]
NameExpr(4) : def () -> Any
[case testGenericCallInDynamicallyTypedFunction3]
from typing import TypeVar
t = TypeVar('t')
def f():
def g(x: t) -> t: pass
CallExpr(4) : Any
NameExpr(4) : def [t] (x: t`-1) -> t`-1
-- Generic types and type inference
-- --------------------------------
[case testInferenceInArgumentContext]
## CallExpr
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
b = None # type: B
c = None # type: C
def f(a: 'A[B]') -> None: pass
def g() -> 'A[T]': pass
def h(a: T) -> 'A[T]': pass
class A(Generic[T]): pass
class B: pass
class C(B): pass
CallExpr(4) : None
CallExpr(4) : A[B]
CallExpr(5) : None
CallExpr(5) : A[B]
CallExpr(6) : None
CallExpr(6) : A[B]
[case testInferGenericTypeForLocalVariable]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
def f() -> None:
a = A(b)
a2, a3 = A(b), A(c)
b = None # type: B
c = None # type: C
class A(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, x: T) -> None: pass
class B: pass
class C: pass
CallExpr(4) : A[B]
NameExpr(4) : def (x: B) -> A[B]
NameExpr(4) : A[B]
NameExpr(4) : B
NameExpr(5) : A[B]
CallExpr(6) : A[B]
CallExpr(6) : A[C]
NameExpr(6) : def (x: B) -> A[B]
NameExpr(6) : def (x: C) -> A[C]
NameExpr(6) : A[B]
NameExpr(6) : A[C]
NameExpr(6) : B
NameExpr(6) : C
NameExpr(7) : A[B]
NameExpr(8) : A[C]
[case testNestedGenericCalls]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T')
S = TypeVar('S')
def h() -> None:
c = None # type: C
class A(Generic[T]): pass
class B(Generic[T]): pass
class C: pass
def f(a: T) -> A[T]: pass
def g(a: S) -> B[S]: pass
CallExpr(5) : A[C]
CallExpr(5) : B[A[C]]
NameExpr(5) : C
NameExpr(5) : def (a: C) -> A[C]
NameExpr(5) : def (a: A[C]) -> B[A[C]]
[case testInferListLiterals]
from typing import List
a = [] # type: List[A]
class A: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
ListExpr(2) : builtins.list[A]
[case testInferGenericTypeInTypeAnyContext]
from typing import Any
a = [] # type: Any
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
ListExpr(2) : builtins.list[Any]
[case testHigherOrderFunction]
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, List
t = TypeVar('t')
s = TypeVar('s')
def map(f: Callable[[t], s], a: List[t]) -> List[s]: pass
class A: pass
class B: pass
def f(a: A) -> B: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
CallExpr(4) : builtins.list[B]
NameExpr(4) : def (f: def (A) -> B, a: builtins.list[A]) -> builtins.list[B]
NameExpr(5) : def (a: A) -> B
CallExpr(6) : A
ListExpr(6) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(6) : def () -> A
-- Lambdas
-- -------
[case testLambdaWithTypeInferredFromContext]
from typing import Callable
f = lambda x: x.a # type: Callable[[B], A]
class A: pass
class B:
a = None # type: A
LambdaExpr(2) : def (B) -> A
MemberExpr(2) : A
NameExpr(2) : B
[case testLambdaWithInferredType]
## LambdaExpr|NameExpr
import typing
f = lambda: 1
LambdaExpr(3) : def () -> Literal[1]?
NameExpr(3) : def () ->
[case testLambdaWithInferredType2]
## LambdaExpr|NameExpr
import typing
f = lambda: [1]
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
LambdaExpr(3) : def () -> builtins.list[]
NameExpr(3) : def () -> builtins.list[]
[case testLambdaWithInferredType3]
from typing import List, Callable
f = lambda x: [] # type: Callable[[B], List[A]]
class A: pass
class B:
a = None # type: A
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
LambdaExpr(2) : def (B) -> builtins.list[A]
ListExpr(2) : builtins.list[A]
[case testLambdaAndHigherOrderFunction]
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, List
t = TypeVar('t')
s = TypeVar('s')
l = None # type: List[A]
lambda x: f(x), l)
def map(f: Callable[[t], s], a: List[t]) -> List[s]: pass
class A: pass
class B: pass
def f(a: A) -> B: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
CallExpr(5) : builtins.list[B]
NameExpr(5) : def (f: def (A) -> B, a: builtins.list[A]) -> builtins.list[B]
CallExpr(6) : B
LambdaExpr(6) : def (A) -> B
NameExpr(6) : def (a: A) -> B
NameExpr(6) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(6) : A
[case testLambdaAndHigherOrderFunction2]
## LambdaExpr|NameExpr|ListExpr
from typing import TypeVar, List, Callable
t = TypeVar('t')
s = TypeVar('s')
l = None # type: List[A]
lambda x: [f(x)], l)
def map(f: Callable[[t], List[s]], a: List[t]) -> List[s]: pass
class A: pass
class B: pass
def f(a: A) -> B: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
NameExpr(6) : def (f: def (A) -> builtins.list[B], a: builtins.list[A]) -> builtins.list[B]
LambdaExpr(7) : def (A) -> builtins.list[B]
ListExpr(7) : builtins.list[B]
NameExpr(7) : def (a: A) -> B
NameExpr(7) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(7) : A
[case testLambdaInListAndHigherOrderFunction]
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, List
t = TypeVar('t')
s = TypeVar('s')
l = None # type: List[A]
[lambda x: x],
def map(f: List[Callable[[t], s]], a: List[t]) -> List[s]: pass
class A: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
-- TODO We probably should not silently infer 'Any' types in statically typed
-- context. Perhaps just fail instead?
CallExpr(5) : builtins.list[Any]
NameExpr(5) : def (f: builtins.list[def (A) -> Any], a: builtins.list[A]) -> builtins.list[Any]
LambdaExpr(6) : def (A) -> A
ListExpr(6) : builtins.list[def (A) -> Any]
NameExpr(6) : A
NameExpr(7) : builtins.list[A]
[case testLambdaAndHigherOrderFunction3]
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, List
t = TypeVar('t')
s = TypeVar('s')
l = None # type: List[A]
lambda x: x.b,
def map(f: Callable[[t], s], a: List[t]) -> List[s]: pass
class A:
b = None # type: B
class B: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
CallExpr(5) : builtins.list[B]
NameExpr(5) : def (f: def (A) -> B, a: builtins.list[A]) -> builtins.list[B]
LambdaExpr(6) : def (A) -> B
MemberExpr(6) : B
NameExpr(6) : A
NameExpr(7) : builtins.list[A]
[case testLambdaAndHigherOrderFunctionAndKeywordArgs]
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, List
t = TypeVar('t')
s = TypeVar('s')
l = None # type: List[A]
f=lambda x: x.b)
def map(f: Callable[[t], s], a: List[t]) -> List[s]: pass
class A:
b = None # type: B
class B: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
CallExpr(5) : builtins.list[B]
NameExpr(5) : def (f: def (A) -> B, a: builtins.list[A]) -> builtins.list[B]
NameExpr(6) : builtins.list[A]
LambdaExpr(7) : def (A) -> B
MemberExpr(7) : B
NameExpr(7) : A
-- Boolean operations
-- ------------------
[case testBooleanOr]
from typing import List
a = None # type: List[A]
a or []
a = a or []
if int():
a = [] or a
class A: pass
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
ListExpr(3) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(3) : builtins.list[A]
OpExpr(3) : builtins.list[A]
ListExpr(4) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(4) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(4) : builtins.list[A]
OpExpr(4) : builtins.list[A]
CallExpr(5) :
NameExpr(5) : def () ->
ListExpr(6) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(6) : builtins.list[A]
NameExpr(6) : builtins.list[A]
OpExpr(6) : builtins.list[A]
-- Class attributes
-- ----------------
[case testUnboundMethod]
## MemberExpr
import typing
class A:
def f(self) -> None: pass
MemberExpr(5) : def (self: A)
[case testUnboundMethodWithImplicitSig]
## MemberExpr
import typing
class A:
def f(self): pass
MemberExpr(5) : def (self: A) -> Any
[case testOverloadedUnboundMethod]
## MemberExpr
from typing import overload
class A:
def f(self) -> None: pass
def f(self, __x: object) -> None: pass
def f(self, *args) -> None: pass
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
MemberExpr(10) : Overload(def (self: A), def (self: A, builtins.object))
[case testOverloadedUnboundMethodWithImplicitSig]
## MemberExpr
from typing import overload
class A:
def f(self): pass
def f(self, __x): pass
def f(self, *args): pass
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
MemberExpr(10) : Overload(def (self: A) -> Any, def (self: A, Any) -> Any)
[case testUnboundMethodWithInheritance]
## MemberExpr
import typing
class A:
def __init__(self) -> None: pass
def f(self) -> None: pass
class B(A):
MemberExpr(8) : def (self: A)
[case testUnboundGenericMethod]
## MemberExpr
from typing import TypeVar
t = TypeVar('t')
class B: pass
class A:
def f(self, x: t) -> None: pass
A.f(A(), B())
MemberExpr(7) : def (self: A, x: B)
[case testUnboundMethodOfGenericClass]
## MemberExpr
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
t = TypeVar('t')
class B: pass
class A(Generic[t]):
def f(self, x: t) -> None: pass
a_b = A() # type: A[B]
A.f(a_b, B())
MemberExpr(7) : def [t] (self: A[t`1], x: t`1)
MemberExpr(9) : def (self: A[B], x: B)
[case testUnboundOverloadedMethodOfGenericClass]
## CallExpr
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, overload
t = TypeVar('t')
class B: pass
class A(Generic[t]):
def f(self, x: t) -> t: pass
def f(self) -> object: pass
def f(self, *args): pass
ab, b = None, None # type: (A[B], B)
A.f(ab, b)
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
CallExpr(13) : B
[case testUnboundMethodOfGenericClassWithImplicitSig]
## MemberExpr
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
t = TypeVar('t')
class B: pass
class A(Generic[t]):
def f(self, x): pass
A.f(None, None)
MemberExpr(7) : def (self: A[t`1], x: Any) -> Any
[case testGenericMethodOfGenericClass]
## MemberExpr
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
t = TypeVar('t')
s = TypeVar('s')
class B: pass
class A(Generic[t]):
def f(self, y: s) -> None: pass
ab = None # type: A[B]
o = None # type: object
A.f(ab, o)
MemberExpr(10) : def (self: A[B], y: builtins.object)
-- Type variables with value restriction
-- -------------------------------------
[case testTypeVariableWithValueRestriction]
## NameExpr
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T', int, str)
def f(x: T) -> None: pass
NameExpr(5) : def (x:
NameExpr(6) : def (x: builtins.str)
[case testTypeVariableWithValueRestrictionAndSubtype]
## NameExpr|CallExpr
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T', int, str)
def f(x: T) -> T: pass
class S(str): pass
s = None # type: S
CallExpr(7) : builtins.str
NameExpr(7) : def (x: builtins.str) -> builtins.str
NameExpr(7) : S
-- Binary operations
-- -----------------
[case testBinaryOperatorWithAnyLeftOperand]
## OpExpr
from typing import Any, cast
class B:
def __add__(self, x: int) -> str: pass
class A:
def __radd__(self, x: B) -> int: pass
cast(Any, 1) + A()
B() + A()
OpExpr(7) : Any
OpExpr(8) :
[case testBinaryOperatorWithAnyRightOperand]
## OpExpr
from typing import Any, cast
class A:
def __add__(self, x: str) -> int: pass
A() + cast(Any, 1)
OpExpr(5) : Any
-- Callable overloading
-- --------------------
[case testOverloadedFunctionType]
## CallExpr
from typing import overload
def f(x: int) -> str: pass
def f(x: str) -> int: pass
def f(x): pass
CallExpr(8) : builtins.str
CallExpr(9) :
[case testOverlappingOverloadedFunctionType]
## CallExpr
from typing import overload, Any
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
def f(x: B) -> B: pass
def f(x: A) -> A: pass
def f(x) -> Any: pass
a = None # type: A
b = None # type: B
CallExpr(14) : A
CallExpr(15) : B
[case testOverloadedErasedType]
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
from typing import overload
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T")
V = TypeVar("V")
def fun(s: int) -> int: pass
def m(fun: Callable[[T], V], iter: List[T]) -> None: pass
nums = [1] # type: List[int]
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
IntExpr(13) : Literal[1]?
ListExpr(13) : builtins.list[]
CallExpr(14) : None
NameExpr(14) : def (s: ->
NameExpr(14) : def (fun: def ( ->, iter: builtins.list[])
NameExpr(15) : builtins.list[]
-- Special cases
-- -------------
[case testImplicitDataAttributeInit]
## NameExpr
import typing
class A:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.x = (
NameExpr(5) : A
NameExpr(6) : def () -> A
[case testListMultiplicationInContext]
## ListExpr|OpExpr|IntExpr
from typing import List
a = [None] * 3 # type: List[str]
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
IntExpr(3) : Literal[3]?
ListExpr(3) : builtins.list[builtins.str]
OpExpr(3) : builtins.list[builtins.str]
[case testStringFormatting]
## IntExpr|OpExpr|StrExpr
'%d' % 1
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
IntExpr(2) : Literal[1]?
OpExpr(2) : builtins.str
StrExpr(2) : Literal['%d']?
[case testExportOverloadArgType]
## LambdaExpr|NameExpr
from typing import List, overload, Callable
def f(x: int, f: Callable[[int], int]) -> None: ...
def f(x: str, f: Callable[[str], str]) -> None: ...
def f(x): ...
1, lambda x: x)
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
NameExpr(8) : Overload(def (x:, f: def ( ->, def (x: builtins.str, f: def (builtins.str) -> builtins.str))
LambdaExpr(9) : def ( ->
NameExpr(9) :
[case testExportOverloadArgTypeNested]
## LambdaExpr
from typing import overload, Callable
def f(x: int, f: Callable[[int], int]) -> int: ...
def f(x: str, f: Callable[[str], str]) -> str: ...
def f(x): ...
f(1, lambda y: y),
lambda x: x)
f('x', lambda y: y),
lambda x: x)
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
LambdaExpr(9) : def ( ->
LambdaExpr(10) : def ( ->
LambdaExpr(12) : def (builtins.str) -> builtins.str
LambdaExpr(13) : def (builtins.str) -> builtins.str
-- test expressions
-- list literal
-- tuple literal
-- unary minus
-- indexing
-- super expression
-- more complex lambda (multiple arguments etc.)
-- list comprehension
-- generator expression
-- other things
-- type inference
-- default argument value
-- for loop variable
-- exception variable
-- varargs
-- generics
-- explicit types
-- type of 'None' (currently stripped, but sometimes we may want to dump it)