blob: fdb0da7e0fce4d43bbe7532a16e48c1cff29609a [file] [log] [blame]
[case testAttrsSimple]
import attr
class A:
a = attr.ib()
_b = attr.ib()
c = attr.ib(18)
_d = attr.ib(validator=None, default=18)
E = 18
def foo(self):
return self.a
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: Any, b: Any, c: Any =, d: Any =) -> __main__.A"
A(1, [2])
A(1, [2], '3', 4)
A(1, 2, 3, 4)
A(1, [2], '3', 4, 5) # E: Too many arguments for "A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsAnnotated]
import attr
from typing import List, ClassVar
class A:
a: int = attr.ib()
_b: List[int] = attr.ib()
c: str = attr.ib('18')
_d: int = attr.ib(validator=None, default=18)
E = 7
F: ClassVar[int] = 22
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.list[], c: builtins.str =, d: =) -> __main__.A"
A(1, [2])
A(1, [2], '3', 4)
A(1, 2, 3, 4) # E: Argument 2 to "A" has incompatible type "int"; expected "List[int]" # E: Argument 3 to "A" has incompatible type "int"; expected "str"
A(1, [2], '3', 4, 5) # E: Too many arguments for "A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsPython2Annotations]
import attr
from typing import List, ClassVar
class A:
a = attr.ib() # type: int
_b = attr.ib() # type: List[int]
c = attr.ib('18') # type: str
_d = attr.ib(validator=None, default=18) # type: int
E = 7
F: ClassVar[int] = 22
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.list[], c: builtins.str =, d: =) -> __main__.A"
A(1, [2])
A(1, [2], '3', 4)
A(1, 2, 3, 4) # E: Argument 2 to "A" has incompatible type "int"; expected "List[int]" # E: Argument 3 to "A" has incompatible type "int"; expected "str"
A(1, [2], '3', 4, 5) # E: Too many arguments for "A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsAutoAttribs]
import attr
from typing import List, ClassVar
class A:
a: int
_b: List[int]
c: str = '18'
_d: int = attr.ib(validator=None, default=18)
E = 7
F: ClassVar[int] = 22
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.list[], c: builtins.str =, d: =) -> __main__.A"
A(1, [2])
A(1, [2], '3', 4)
A(1, 2, 3, 4) # E: Argument 2 to "A" has incompatible type "int"; expected "List[int]" # E: Argument 3 to "A" has incompatible type "int"; expected "str"
A(1, [2], '3', 4, 5) # E: Too many arguments for "A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUntypedNoUntypedDefs]
# flags: --disallow-untyped-defs
import attr
class A:
a = attr.ib() # E: Need type annotation for "a"
_b = attr.ib() # E: Need type annotation for "_b"
c = attr.ib(18) # E: Need type annotation for "c"
_d = attr.ib(validator=None, default=18) # E: Need type annotation for "_d"
E = 18
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsWrongReturnValue]
import attr
class A:
x: int = attr.ib(8)
def foo(self) -> str:
return self.x # E: Incompatible return value type (got "int", expected "str")
class B:
x = attr.ib(8) # type: int
def foo(self) -> str:
return self.x # E: Incompatible return value type (got "int", expected "str")
class C:
x: int = 8
def foo(self) -> str:
return self.x # E: Incompatible return value type (got "int", expected "str")
class D:
x = attr.ib(8, type=int)
def foo(self) -> str:
return self.x # E: Incompatible return value type (got "int", expected "str")
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsSeriousNames]
from attr import attrib, attrs
from typing import List
class A:
a = attrib()
_b: List[int] = attrib()
c = attrib(18)
_d = attrib(validator=None, default=18)
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: Any, b: builtins.list[], c: Any =, d: Any =) -> __main__.A"
A(1, [2])
A(1, [2], '3', 4)
A(1, 2, 3, 4) # E: Argument 2 to "A" has incompatible type "int"; expected "List[int]"
A(1, [2], '3', 4, 5) # E: Too many arguments for "A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsDefaultErrors]
import attr
class A:
x = attr.ib(default=17)
y = attr.ib() # E: Non-default attributes not allowed after default attributes.
class B:
x: int = 17
y: int # E: Non-default attributes not allowed after default attributes.
class C:
x: int = attr.ib(default=17)
y: int # E: Non-default attributes not allowed after default attributes.
class D:
x = attr.ib()
y = attr.ib() # E: Non-default attributes not allowed after default attributes.
def foo(self):
return 17
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsNotBooleans]
import attr
x = True
@attr.s(cmp=x) # E: "cmp" argument must be True or False.
class A:
a = attr.ib(init=x) # E: "init" argument must be True or False.
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsInitFalse]
from attr import attrib, attrs
@attrs(auto_attribs=True, init=False)
class A:
a: int
_b: int
c: int = 18
_d: int = attrib(validator=None, default=18)
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def () -> __main__.A"
A(1, [2]) # E: Too many arguments for "A"
A(1, [2], '3', 4) # E: Too many arguments for "A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsInitAttribFalse]
from attr import attrib, attrs
class A:
a = attrib(init=False)
b = attrib()
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (b: Any) -> __main__.A"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsCmpTrue]
from attr import attrib, attrs
class A:
a: int
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(A.__lt__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
reveal_type(A.__le__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
reveal_type(A.__gt__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
reveal_type(A.__ge__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
A(1) < A(2)
A(1) <= A(2)
A(1) > A(2)
A(1) >= A(2)
A(1) == A(2)
A(1) != A(2)
A(1) < 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for < ("A" and "int")
A(1) <= 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for <= ("A" and "int")
A(1) > 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for > ("A" and "int")
A(1) >= 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for >= ("A" and "int")
A(1) == 1
A(1) != 1
1 < A(1) # E: Unsupported operand types for > ("A" and "int")
1 <= A(1) # E: Unsupported operand types for >= ("A" and "int")
1 > A(1) # E: Unsupported operand types for < ("A" and "int")
1 >= A(1) # E: Unsupported operand types for <= ("A" and "int")
1 == A(1)
1 != A(1)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsEqFalse]
from attr import attrib, attrs
@attrs(auto_attribs=True, eq=False)
class A:
a: int
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(A.__eq__) # N: Revealed type is "def (builtins.object, builtins.object) -> builtins.bool"
reveal_type(A.__ne__) # N: Revealed type is "def (builtins.object, builtins.object) -> builtins.bool"
A(1) < A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for < ("A")
A(1) <= A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for <= ("A")
A(1) > A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for > ("A")
A(1) >= A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for >= ("A")
A(1) == A(2)
A(1) != A(2)
A(1) < 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for < ("A")
A(1) <= 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for <= ("A")
A(1) > 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for > ("A")
A(1) >= 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for >= ("A")
A(1) == 1
A(1) != 1
1 < A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for < ("int")
1 <= A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for <= ("int")
1 > A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for > ("int")
1 >= A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for >= ("int")
1 == A(1)
1 != A(1)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsOrderFalse]
from attr import attrib, attrs
@attrs(auto_attribs=True, order=False)
class A:
a: int
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: -> __main__.A"
A(1) < A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for < ("A")
A(1) <= A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for <= ("A")
A(1) > A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for > ("A")
A(1) >= A(2) # E: Unsupported left operand type for >= ("A")
A(1) == A(2)
A(1) != A(2)
A(1) < 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for < ("A")
A(1) <= 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for <= ("A")
A(1) > 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for > ("A")
A(1) >= 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for >= ("A")
A(1) == 1
A(1) != 1
1 < A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for < ("int")
1 <= A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for <= ("int")
1 > A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for > ("int")
1 >= A(1) # E: Unsupported left operand type for >= ("int")
1 == A(1)
1 != A(1)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsCmpEqOrderValues]
from attr import attrib, attrs
class DeprecatedTrue:
class DeprecatedFalse:
@attrs(cmp=False, eq=True) # E: Don't mix "cmp" with "eq" and "order"
class Mixed:
@attrs(order=True, eq=False) # E: eq must be True if order is True
class Confused:
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsInheritance]
import attr
class A:
a: int = attr.ib()
class B:
b: str = attr.ib()
class C(A, B):
c: bool = attr.ib()
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.str, c: builtins.bool) -> __main__.C"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsNestedInClasses]
import attr
class C:
y = attr.ib()
class D:
x: int = attr.ib()
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (y: Any) -> __main__.C"
reveal_type(C.D) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: -> __main__.C.D"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsInheritanceOverride]
import attr
class A:
a: int = attr.ib()
x: int = attr.ib()
class B(A):
b: str = attr.ib()
x: int = attr.ib(default=22)
class C(B):
c: bool = attr.ib() # No error here because the x below overwrites the x above.
x: int = attr.ib()
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, x: -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.str, x: =) -> __main__.B"
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.str, c: builtins.bool, x: -> __main__.C"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsTypeEquals]
import attr
class A:
a = attr.ib(type=int)
b = attr.ib(18, type=int)
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: =) -> __main__.A"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsFrozen]
import attr
class A:
a = attr.ib()
a = A(5)
a.a = 16 # E: Property "a" defined in "A" is read-only
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsNextGenFrozen]
from attr import frozen, field
class A:
a = field()
a = A(5)
a.a = 16 # E: Property "a" defined in "A" is read-only
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsNextGenDetect]
from attr import define, field
class A:
a = field()
class B:
a: int
class C:
a: int = field()
b = field()
class D:
a: int
b = field()
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: Any) -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: -> __main__.B"
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: Any) -> __main__.C"
reveal_type(D) # N: Revealed type is "def (b: Any) -> __main__.D"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsNewPackage]
import attrs
class A:
a: int = attrs.field()
b: bool
class B:
a: bool
b: int
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.bool) -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (a: builtins.bool, b: -> __main__.B"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsDataClass]
import attr
from typing import List, ClassVar
class A:
a: int
_b: List[str]
c: str = '18'
_d: int = attr.ib(validator=None, default=18)
E = 7
F: ClassVar[int] = 22
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.list[builtins.str], c: builtins.str =, d: =) -> __main__.A"
A(1, ['2'])
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsTypeAlias]
from typing import List
import attr
Alias = List[int]
class A:
Alias2 = List[str]
x: Alias
y: Alias2 = attr.ib()
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: builtins.list[], y: builtins.list[builtins.str]) -> __main__.A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsGeneric]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List
import attr
T = TypeVar('T')
class A(Generic[T]):
x: List[T]
y: T = attr.ib()
def foo(self) -> List[T]:
return [self.y]
def bar(self) -> T:
return self.x[0]
def problem(self) -> T:
return self.x # E: Incompatible return value type (got "List[T]", expected "T")
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def [T] (x: builtins.list[T`1], y: T`1) -> __main__.A[T`1]"
a = A([1], 2)
reveal_type(a) # N: Revealed type is "__main__.A[]"
reveal_type(a.x) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.list[]"
reveal_type(a.y) # N: Revealed type is ""
A(['str'], 7) # E: Cannot infer type argument 1 of "A"
A([1], '2') # E: Cannot infer type argument 1 of "A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUntypedGenericInheritance]
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
import attr
T = TypeVar("T")
class Base(Generic[T]):
attr: T
class Sub(Base):
sub = Sub(attr=1)
reveal_type(sub) # N: Revealed type is "__main__.Sub"
reveal_type(sub.attr) # N: Revealed type is "Any"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsGenericInheritance]
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
import attr
S = TypeVar("S")
T = TypeVar("T")
class Base(Generic[T]):
attr: T
class Sub(Base[S]):
sub_int = Sub[int](attr=1)
reveal_type(sub_int) # N: Revealed type is "__main__.Sub[]"
reveal_type(sub_int.attr) # N: Revealed type is ""
sub_str = Sub[str](attr='ok')
reveal_type(sub_str) # N: Revealed type is "__main__.Sub[builtins.str]"
reveal_type(sub_str.attr) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsGenericInheritance2]
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
import attr
T1 = TypeVar("T1")
T2 = TypeVar("T2")
T3 = TypeVar("T3")
class Base(Generic[T1, T2, T3]):
one: T1
two: T2
three: T3
class Sub(Base[int, str, float]):
sub = Sub(one=1, two='ok', three=3.14)
reveal_type(sub) # N: Revealed type is "__main__.Sub"
reveal_type( # N: Revealed type is ""
reveal_type(sub.two) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
reveal_type(sub.three) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.float"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsGenericInheritance3]
import attr
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, TypeVar, List
T = TypeVar("T")
S = TypeVar("S")
class Parent(Generic[T]):
f: Callable[[T], Any]
class Child(Parent[T]): ...
class A: ...
def func(obj: A) -> bool: ...
reveal_type(Child[A](func).f) # N: Revealed type is "def (__main__.A) -> Any"
class Parent2(Generic[T]):
a: List[T]
class Child2(Generic[T, S], Parent2[S]):
b: List[T]
reveal_type(Child2([A()], [1]).a) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.list[__main__.A]"
reveal_type(Child2[int, A]([A()], [1]).b) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.list[]"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsMultiGenericInheritance]
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
import attr
T = TypeVar("T")
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, eq=False)
class Base(Generic[T]):
base_attr: T
S = TypeVar("S")
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, eq=False)
class Middle(Base[int], Generic[S]):
middle_attr: S
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, eq=False)
class Sub(Middle[str]):
sub = Sub(base_attr=1, middle_attr='ok')
reveal_type(sub) # N: Revealed type is "__main__.Sub"
reveal_type(sub.base_attr) # N: Revealed type is ""
reveal_type(sub.middle_attr) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsGenericClassmethod]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Optional
import attr
T = TypeVar('T')
class A(Generic[T]):
x: Optional[T]
def clsmeth(cls) -> None:
reveal_type(cls) # N: Revealed type is "Type[__main__.A[T`1]]"
[builtins fixtures/classmethod.pyi]
[case testAttrsForwardReference]
import attr
class A:
parent: 'B'
class B:
parent: A
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (parent: __main__.B) -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (parent: __main__.A) -> __main__.B"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsForwardReferenceInClass]
import attr
class A:
parent: A.B
class B:
parent: A
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (parent: __main__.A.B) -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(A.B) # N: Revealed type is "def (parent: __main__.A) -> __main__.A.B"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsImporting]
from helper import A
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.str) -> helper.A"
import attr
class A:
a: int
b: str = attr.ib()
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsOtherMethods]
import attr
class A:
a: int
b: str = attr.ib()
def new(cls) -> A:
reveal_type(cls) # N: Revealed type is "Type[__main__.A]"
return cls(6, 'hello')
def bad(cls) -> A:
return cls(17) # E: Missing positional argument "b" in call to "A"
def foo(self) -> int:
return self.a
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: builtins.str) -> __main__.A"
a =
reveal_type( # N: Revealed type is "def () ->"
[builtins fixtures/classmethod.pyi]
[case testAttrsOtherOverloads]
import attr
from typing import overload, Union
class A:
a = attr.ib()
b = attr.ib(default=3)
def other(cls) -> str:
return "..."
def foo(cls, x: int) -> int: ...
def foo(cls, x: str) -> str: ...
def foo(cls, x: Union[int, str]) -> Union[int, str]:
reveal_type(cls) # N: Revealed type is "Type[__main__.A]"
reveal_type(cls.other()) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
return x
reveal_type( # N: Revealed type is ""
reveal_type("foo")) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
[builtins fixtures/classmethod.pyi]
[case testAttrsDefaultDecorator]
import attr
class C(object):
x: int = attr.ib(default=1)
y: int = attr.ib()
def name_does_not_matter(self):
return self.x + 1
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsValidatorDecorator]
import attr
class C(object):
x = attr.ib()
def check(self, attribute, value):
if value > 42:
raise ValueError("x must be smaller or equal to 42")
[builtins fixtures/exception.pyi]
[case testAttrsLocalVariablesInClassMethod]
import attr
class A:
a: int
b: int = attr.ib()
def new(cls, foo: int) -> A:
a = foo
b = a
return cls(a, b)
[builtins fixtures/classmethod.pyi]
[case testAttrsUnionForward]
import attr
from typing import Union, List
class A:
frob: List['AOrB']
class B:
AOrB = Union[A, B]
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (frob: builtins.list[Union[__main__.A, __main__.B]]) -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def () -> __main__.B"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingConvert]
import attr
def convert(s:int) -> str:
return 'hello'
class C:
x: str = attr.ib(convert=convert) # E: convert is deprecated, use converter
# Because of the convert the __init__ takes an int, but the variable is a str.
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: -> __main__.C"
reveal_type(C(15).x) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingConverter]
import attr
import helper
def converter2(s:int) -> str:
return 'hello'
class C:
x: str = attr.ib(converter=helper.converter)
y: str = attr.ib(converter=converter2)
# Because of the converter the __init__ takes an int, but the variable is a str.
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (x:, y: -> __main__.C"
reveal_type(C(15, 16).x) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
def converter(s:int) -> str:
return 'hello'
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingConvertAndConverter]
import attr
def converter(s:int) -> str:
return 'hello'
class C:
x: str = attr.ib(converter=converter, convert=converter) # E: Can't pass both "convert" and "converter".
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingBadConverter]
# flags: --no-strict-optional
import attr
from typing import overload
def bad_overloaded_converter(x: int, y: int) -> int:
def bad_overloaded_converter(x: str, y: str) -> str:
def bad_overloaded_converter(x, y=7):
return x
def bad_converter() -> str:
return ''
class A:
bad: str = attr.ib(converter=bad_converter)
bad_overloaded: int = attr.ib(converter=bad_overloaded_converter)
main:16: error: Cannot determine __init__ type from converter
main:16: error: Argument "converter" has incompatible type "Callable[[], str]"; expected "Callable[[Any], str]"
main:17: error: Cannot determine __init__ type from converter
main:17: error: Argument "converter" has incompatible type overloaded function; expected "Callable[[Any], int]"
main:18: note: Revealed type is "def (bad: Any, bad_overloaded: Any) -> __main__.A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingBadConverterReprocess]
# flags: --no-strict-optional
import attr
from typing import overload
forward: 'A'
def bad_overloaded_converter(x: int, y: int) -> int:
def bad_overloaded_converter(x: str, y: str) -> str:
def bad_overloaded_converter(x, y=7):
return x
def bad_converter() -> str:
return ''
class A:
bad: str = attr.ib(converter=bad_converter)
bad_overloaded: int = attr.ib(converter=bad_overloaded_converter)
main:17: error: Cannot determine __init__ type from converter
main:17: error: Argument "converter" has incompatible type "Callable[[], str]"; expected "Callable[[Any], str]"
main:18: error: Cannot determine __init__ type from converter
main:18: error: Argument "converter" has incompatible type overloaded function; expected "Callable[[Any], int]"
main:19: note: Revealed type is "def (bad: Any, bad_overloaded: Any) -> __main__.A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingUnsupportedConverter]
import attr
class Thing:
def do_it(self, int) -> str:
thing = Thing()
def factory(default: int):
class C:
x: str = attr.ib(converter=thing.do_it) # E: Unsupported converter, only named functions and types are currently supported
y: str = attr.ib(converter=lambda x: x) # E: Unsupported converter, only named functions and types are currently supported
z: str = attr.ib(converter=factory(8)) # E: Unsupported converter, only named functions and types are currently supported
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: Any, y: Any, z: Any) -> __main__.C"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingConverterAndSubclass]
import attr
def converter(s:int) -> str:
return 'hello'
class C:
x: str = attr.ib(converter=converter)
class A(C):
# Because of the convert the __init__ takes an int, but the variable is a str.
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: -> __main__.A"
reveal_type(A(15).x) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUsingConverterWithTypes]
from typing import overload
import attr
class A:
x: str
class C:
x: complex = attr.ib(converter=complex)
y: int = attr.ib(converter=int)
z: A = attr.ib(converter=A)
o = C("1", "2", "3")
o = C(1, 2, "3")
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsCmpWithSubclasses]
import attr
class A: pass
class B: pass
class C(A, B): pass
class D(A): pass
reveal_type(A.__lt__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
reveal_type(B.__lt__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
reveal_type(C.__lt__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
reveal_type(D.__lt__) # N: Revealed type is "def [_AT] (self: _AT`-1, other: _AT`-1) -> builtins.bool"
A() < A()
B() < B()
A() < B() # E: Unsupported operand types for < ("A" and "B")
C() > A()
C() > B()
C() > C()
C() > D() # E: Unsupported operand types for > ("C" and "D")
D() >= A()
D() >= B() # E: Unsupported operand types for >= ("D" and "B")
D() >= C() # E: Unsupported operand types for >= ("D" and "C")
D() >= D()
A() <= 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for <= ("A" and "int")
B() <= 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for <= ("B" and "int")
C() <= 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for <= ("C" and "int")
D() <= 1 # E: Unsupported operand types for <= ("D" and "int")
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsComplexSuperclass]
import attr
class C:
x: int = attr.ib(default=1)
y: int = attr.ib()
def name_does_not_matter(self):
return self.x + 1
class A(C):
z: int = attr.ib(default=18)
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: =, y: =) -> __main__.C"
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: =, y: =, z: =) -> __main__.A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsMultiAssign]
import attr
class A:
x, y, z = attr.ib(), attr.ib(type=int), attr.ib(default=17)
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: Any, y:, z: Any =) -> __main__.A"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsMultiAssign2]
import attr
class A:
x = y = z = attr.ib() # E: Too many names for one attribute
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsPrivateInit]
import attr
class C(object):
_x = attr.ib(init=False, default=42)
C(_x=42) # E: Unexpected keyword argument "_x" for "C"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsAutoMustBeAll]
import attr
class A:
a: int
b = 17
# The following forms are not allowed with auto_attribs=True
c = attr.ib() # E: Need type annotation for "c"
d, e = attr.ib(), attr.ib() # E: Need type annotation for "d" # E: Need type annotation for "e"
f = g = attr.ib() # E: Need type annotation for "f" # E: Need type annotation for "g"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsRepeatedName]
import attr
class A:
a = attr.ib(default=8)
b = attr.ib()
a = attr.ib()
reveal_type(A) # N: Revealed type is "def (b: Any, a: Any) -> __main__.A"
class B:
a: int = attr.ib(default=8)
b: int = attr.ib()
a: int = attr.ib() # E: Name "a" already defined on line 10
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (b:, a: -> __main__.B"
class C:
a: int = 8
b: int
a: int = attr.ib() # E: Name "a" already defined on line 16
reveal_type(C) # N: Revealed type is "def (a:, b: -> __main__.C"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsNewStyleClassPy2]
# flags: --py2
import attr
class Good(object):
class Bad: # E: attrs only works with new-style classes
class SubclassOfBad(Bad):
[builtins_py2 fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsAutoAttribsPy2]
# flags: --py2
import attr
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) # E: auto_attribs is not supported in Python 2
class A(object):
x = attr.ib()
[builtins_py2 fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsFrozenSubclass]
import attr
class NonFrozenBase:
a: int
class FrozenBase:
a: int
class FrozenNonFrozen(NonFrozenBase):
b: int
class FrozenFrozen(FrozenBase):
b: int
class NonFrozenFrozen(FrozenBase):
b: int
# Make sure these are untouched
non_frozen_base = NonFrozenBase(1)
non_frozen_base.a = 17
frozen_base = FrozenBase(1)
frozen_base.a = 17 # E: Property "a" defined in "FrozenBase" is read-only
a = FrozenNonFrozen(1, 2)
a.a = 17 # E: Property "a" defined in "FrozenNonFrozen" is read-only
a.b = 17 # E: Property "b" defined in "FrozenNonFrozen" is read-only
b = FrozenFrozen(1, 2)
b.a = 17 # E: Property "a" defined in "FrozenFrozen" is read-only
b.b = 17 # E: Property "b" defined in "FrozenFrozen" is read-only
c = NonFrozenFrozen(1, 2)
c.a = 17 # E: Property "a" defined in "NonFrozenFrozen" is read-only
c.b = 17 # E: Property "b" defined in "NonFrozenFrozen" is read-only
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsCallableAttributes]
from typing import Callable
import attr
def blah(a: int, b: int) -> bool:
return True
class F:
_cb: Callable[[int, int], bool] = blah
def foo(self) -> bool:
return self._cb(5, 6)
class G:
_cb: Callable[[int, int], bool] = attr.ib(blah)
def foo(self) -> bool:
return self._cb(5, 6)
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True)
class FFrozen(F):
def bar(self) -> bool:
return self._cb(5, 6)
[builtins fixtures/callable.pyi]
[case testAttrsWithFactory]
from typing import List
import attr
def my_factory() -> int:
return 7
class A:
x: List[int] = attr.ib(factory=list)
y: int = attr.ib(factory=my_factory)
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsFactoryAndDefault]
import attr
class A:
x: int = attr.ib(factory=int, default=7) # E: Can't pass both "default" and "factory".
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsFactoryBadReturn]
import attr
def my_factory() -> int:
return 7
class A:
x: int = attr.ib(factory=list) # E: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "List[T]", variable has type "int")
y: str = attr.ib(factory=my_factory) # E: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "int", variable has type "str")
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsDefaultAndInit]
import attr
class C:
a = attr.ib(init=False, default=42)
b = attr.ib() # Ok because previous attribute is init=False
c = attr.ib(default=44)
d = attr.ib(init=False) # Ok because this attribute is init=False
e = attr.ib() # E: Non-default attributes not allowed after default attributes.
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsOptionalConverter]
# flags: --strict-optional
import attr
from attr.converters import optional
from typing import Optional
def converter(s:int) -> str:
return 'hello'
class A:
y: Optional[int] = attr.ib(converter=optional(int))
z: Optional[str] = attr.ib(converter=optional(converter))
A(None, None)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsOptionalConverterNewPackage]
# flags: --strict-optional
import attrs
from attrs.converters import optional
from typing import Optional
def converter(s:int) -> str:
return 'hello'
class A:
y: Optional[int] = attrs.field(converter=optional(int))
z: Optional[str] = attrs.field(converter=optional(converter))
A(None, None)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsTypeVarNoCollision]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
import attr
T = TypeVar("T", bytes, str)
# Make sure the generated __le__ (and friends) don't use T for their arguments.
class A(Generic[T]):
v: T
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsKwOnlyAttrib]
import attr
class A:
a = attr.ib(kw_only=True)
A() # E: Missing named argument "a" for "A"
A(15) # E: Too many positional arguments for "A"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsKwOnlyClass]
import attr
@attr.s(kw_only=True, auto_attribs=True)
class A:
a: int
b: bool
A() # E: Missing named argument "a" for "A" # E: Missing named argument "b" for "A"
A(b=True, a=15)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsKwOnlyClassNoInit]
import attr
class B:
a = attr.ib(init=False)
b = attr.ib()
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsKwOnlyWithDefault]
import attr
class C:
a = attr.ib(0)
b = attr.ib(kw_only=True)
c = attr.ib(16, kw_only=True)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsKwOnlyClassWithMixedDefaults]
import attr
class D:
a = attr.ib(10)
b = attr.ib()
c = attr.ib(15)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsKwOnlySubclass]
import attr
class A2:
a = attr.ib(default=0)
class B2(A2):
b = attr.ib(kw_only=True)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsNonKwOnlyAfterKwOnly]
import attr
class A:
a = attr.ib(default=0)
class B(A):
b = attr.ib()
class C:
a = attr.ib(kw_only=True)
b = attr.ib(15)
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsKwOnlyPy2]
# flags: --py2
import attr
@attr.s(kw_only=True) # E: kw_only is not supported in Python 2
class A(object):
x = attr.ib()
class B(object):
x = attr.ib(kw_only=True) # E: kw_only is not supported in Python 2
[builtins_py2 fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsDisallowUntypedWorksForward]
# flags: --disallow-untyped-defs
import attr
from typing import List
class B:
x: C = attr.ib()
class C(List[C]):
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: __main__.C) -> __main__.B"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testDisallowUntypedWorksForwardBad]
# flags: --disallow-untyped-defs
import attr
class B:
x = attr.ib() # E: Need type annotation for "x"
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (x: Any) -> __main__.B"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsDefaultDecoratorDeferred]
defer: Yes
import attr
class C(object):
x: int = attr.ib(default=1)
y: int = attr.ib()
def inc(self):
return self.x + 1
class Yes: ...
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsValidatorDecoratorDeferred]
defer: Yes
import attr
class C(object):
x = attr.ib()
def check(self, attribute, value):
if value > 42:
raise ValueError("x must be smaller or equal to 42")
class Yes: ...
[builtins fixtures/exception.pyi]
[case testTypeInAttrUndefined]
import attr
class C:
total = attr.ib(type=Bad) # E: Name "Bad" is not defined
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testTypeInAttrForwardInRuntime]
import attr
class C:
total = attr.ib(type=Forward)
reveal_type( # N: Revealed type is "__main__.Forward"
C('no') # E: Argument 1 to "C" has incompatible type "str"; expected "Forward"
class Forward: ...
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testDefaultInAttrForward]
import attr
class C:
total = attr.ib(default=func())
def func() -> int: ...
C(1, 2) # E: Too many arguments for "C"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testTypeInAttrUndefinedFrozen]
import attr
class C:
total = attr.ib(type=Bad) # E: Name "Bad" is not defined
C(0).total = 1 # E: Property "total" defined in "C" is read-only
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testTypeInAttrDeferredStar]
import lib
import attr
MYPY = False
if MYPY: # Force deferral
from other import *
class C:
total = attr.ib(type=int)
C() # E: Missing positional argument "total" in call to "C"
C('no') # E: Argument 1 to "C" has incompatible type "str"; expected "int"
import lib
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsDefaultsMroOtherFile]
import a
import attr
from b import A1, A2
class Asdf(A1, A2): # E: Non-default attributes not allowed after default attributes.
import attr
class A1:
a: str = attr.ib('test')
class A2:
b: int = attr.ib()
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsInheritanceNoAnnotation]
import attr
class A:
foo = attr.ib() # type: int
x = 0
class B(A):
foo = x
reveal_type(B) # N: Revealed type is "def (foo: -> __main__.B"
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testAttrsClassHasAttributeWithAttributes]
import attr
class A:
b: int = attr.ib()
c: str = attr.ib()
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[attr.Attribute[], attr.Attribute[builtins.str], fallback=__main__.A._AttrsAttributes]"
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__[0]) # N: Revealed type is "attr.Attribute[]"
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__.b) # N: Revealed type is "attr.Attribute[]"
A.__attrs_attrs__.x # E: "_AttrsAttributes" has no attribute "x"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsBareClassHasAttributeWithAttributes]
import attr
class A:
b = attr.ib()
c = attr.ib()
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[attr.Attribute[Any], attr.Attribute[Any], fallback=__main__.A._AttrsAttributes]"
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__[0]) # N: Revealed type is "attr.Attribute[Any]"
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__.b) # N: Revealed type is "attr.Attribute[Any]"
A.__attrs_attrs__.x # E: "_AttrsAttributes" has no attribute "x"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsNGClassHasAttributeWithAttributes]
import attr
class A:
b: int
c: str
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[attr.Attribute[], attr.Attribute[builtins.str], fallback=__main__.A._AttrsAttributes]"
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__[0]) # N: Revealed type is "attr.Attribute[]"
reveal_type(A.__attrs_attrs__.b) # N: Revealed type is "attr.Attribute[]"
A.__attrs_attrs__.x # E: "_AttrsAttributes" has no attribute "x"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsClassWithSlots]
import attr
class A:
b: int = attr.ib()
def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
self.b = 1
self.c = 2 # E: Trying to assign name "c" that is not in "__slots__" of type "__main__.A"
class B:
__slots__ = () # would be replaced
b: int
def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
self.b = 1
self.c = 2 # E: Trying to assign name "c" that is not in "__slots__" of type "__main__.B"
class C:
__slots__ = () # would not be replaced
b: int
def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
self.b = 1 # E: Trying to assign name "b" that is not in "__slots__" of type "__main__.C"
self.c = 2 # E: Trying to assign name "c" that is not in "__slots__" of type "__main__.C"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsWithMatchArgs]
# flags: --python-version 3.10
import attr
@attr.s(match_args=True, auto_attribs=True)
class ToMatch:
x: int
y: int
# Not included:
z: int = attr.field(kw_only=True)
i: int = attr.field(init=False)
reveal_type(ToMatch(x=1, y=2, z=3).__match_args__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal['x']?, Literal['y']?]"
reveal_type(ToMatch(1, 2, z=3).__match_args__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal['x']?, Literal['y']?]"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsWithMatchArgsDefaultCase]
# flags: --python-version 3.10
import attr
class ToMatch1:
x: int
y: int
t1: ToMatch1
reveal_type(t1.__match_args__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal['x']?, Literal['y']?]"
class ToMatch2:
x: int
y: int
t2: ToMatch2
reveal_type(t2.__match_args__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal['x']?, Literal['y']?]"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsWithMatchArgsOverrideExisting]
# flags: --python-version 3.10
import attr
from typing import Final
@attr.s(match_args=True, auto_attribs=True)
class ToMatch:
__match_args__: Final = ('a', 'b')
x: int
y: int
# It works the same way runtime does:
reveal_type(ToMatch(x=1, y=2).__match_args__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal['a']?, Literal['b']?]"
class WithoutMatch:
__match_args__: Final = ('a', 'b')
x: int
y: int
reveal_type(WithoutMatch(x=1, y=2).__match_args__) # N: Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal['a']?, Literal['b']?]"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsWithMatchArgsOldVersion]
# flags: --python-version 3.9
import attr
class NoMatchArgs:
n: NoMatchArgs
reveal_type(n.__match_args__) # E: "NoMatchArgs" has no attribute "__match_args__" \
# N: Revealed type is "Any"
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsMultipleInheritance]
# flags: --python-version 3.10
import attr
class A:
x = attr.ib(type=int)
class B:
y = attr.ib(type=int)
class AB(A, B):
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testAttrsForwardReferenceInTypeVarBound]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
import attr
T = TypeVar("T", bound="C")
class D(Generic[T]):
x: int
class C:
[builtins fixtures/attr.pyi]
[case testComplexTypeInAttrIb]
import a
import attr
import b
from typing import Callable
class C:
a = attr.ib(type=Lst[int])
# Note that for this test, the 'Value of type "int" is not indexable' errors are silly,
# and a consequence of Callable etc. being set to an int in the test stub.
b = attr.ib(type=Callable[[], C])
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
import attr
import a
from typing import List as Lst, Optional
class D:
a = attr.ib(type=Lst[int])
b = attr.ib(type=Optional[int])
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
tmp/ error: Value of type "int" is not indexable
tmp/ error: Name "Lst" is not defined
tmp/ error: Value of type "int" is not indexable
[case testAttrsGenericInheritanceSpecialCase1]
import attr
from typing import Generic, TypeVar, List
T = TypeVar("T")
class Parent(Generic[T]):
x: List[T]
class Child1(Parent["Child2"]): ...
class Child2(Parent["Child1"]): ...
def f(c: Child2) -> None:
reveal_type(Child1([c]).x) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.list[__main__.Child2]"
def g(c: Child1) -> None:
reveal_type(Child2([c]).x) # N: Revealed type is "builtins.list[__main__.Child1]"
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsGenericInheritanceSpecialCase2]
import attr
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T")
# A subclass might be analyzed before base in import cycles. They are
# defined here in reversed order to simulate this.
class Child1(Parent["Child2"]):
x: int
class Child2(Parent["Child1"]):
y: int
class Parent(Generic[T]):
key: str
Child1(x=1, key='')
Child2(y=1, key='')
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testAttrsUnsupportedConverterWithDisallowUntypedDefs]
# flags: --disallow-untyped-defs
import attr
from typing import Mapping, Any, Union
def default_if_none(factory: Any) -> Any: pass
@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True)
class C:
name: Union[str, None] = attr.ib(default=None)
options: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]] = attr.ib(
default=None, converter=default_if_none(factory=dict) \
# E: Unsupported converter, only named functions and types are currently supported
[builtins fixtures/dict.pyi]