blob: f4b3d7c19425c8dc948faa73c9b9f84ad1e432eb [file] [log] [blame]
from mypy.messages import format_type
from mypy.plugins.common import add_method_to_class
from mypy.nodes import (
ARG_POS, Argument, Block, ClassDef, SymbolTable, TypeInfo, Var, Context
from mypy.subtypes import is_subtype
from mypy.types import (
AnyType, CallableType, Instance, NoneType, Overloaded, Type, TypeOfAny, get_proper_type,
from mypy.plugin import CheckerPluginInterface, FunctionContext, MethodContext, MethodSigContext
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union
from typing_extensions import Final
SingledispatchTypeVars = NamedTuple('SingledispatchTypeVars', [
('return_type', Type),
('fallback', CallableType),
RegisterCallableInfo = NamedTuple('RegisterCallableInfo', [
('register_type', Type),
('singledispatch_obj', Instance),
SINGLEDISPATCH_TYPE: Final = 'functools._SingleDispatchCallable'
def get_singledispatch_info(typ: Instance) -> Optional[SingledispatchTypeVars]:
if len(typ.args) == 2:
return SingledispatchTypeVars(*typ.args) # type: ignore
return None
T = TypeVar('T')
def get_first_arg(args: List[List[T]]) -> Optional[T]:
"""Get the element that corresponds to the first argument passed to the function"""
if args and args[0]:
return args[0][0]
return None
REGISTER_RETURN_CLASS: Final = '_SingleDispatchRegisterCallable'
REGISTER_CALLABLE_CALL_METHOD: Final = 'functools.{}.__call__'.format(
def make_fake_register_class_instance(api: CheckerPluginInterface, type_args: Sequence[Type]
) -> Instance:
defn = ClassDef(REGISTER_RETURN_CLASS, Block([]))
defn.fullname = 'functools.{}'.format(REGISTER_RETURN_CLASS)
info = TypeInfo(SymbolTable(), defn, "functools")
obj_type = api.named_generic_type('builtins.object', []).type
info.bases = [Instance(obj_type, [])]
info.mro = [info, obj_type] = info
func_arg = Argument(Var('name'), AnyType(TypeOfAny.implementation_artifact), None, ARG_POS)
add_method_to_class(api, defn, '__call__', [func_arg], NoneType())
return Instance(info, type_args)
PluginContext = Union[FunctionContext, MethodContext]
def fail(ctx: PluginContext, msg: str, context: Optional[Context]) -> None:
"""Emit an error message.
This tries to emit an error message at the location specified by `context`, falling back to the
location specified by `ctx.context`. This is helpful when the only context information about
where you want to put the error message may be None (like it is for `CallableType.definition`)
and falling back to the location of the calling function is fine."""
# TODO: figure out if there is some more reliable way of getting context information, so this
# function isn't necessary
if context is not None:
err_context = context
err_context = ctx.context, err_context)
def create_singledispatch_function_callback(ctx: FunctionContext) -> Type:
"""Called for functools.singledispatch"""
func_type = get_proper_type(get_first_arg(ctx.arg_types))
if isinstance(func_type, CallableType):
if len(func_type.arg_kinds) < 1:
'Singledispatch function requires at least one argument',
return ctx.default_return_type
elif not func_type.arg_kinds[0].is_positional(star=True):
'First argument to singledispatch function must be a positional argument',
return ctx.default_return_type
# singledispatch returns an instance of functools._SingleDispatchCallable according to
# typeshed
singledispatch_obj = get_proper_type(ctx.default_return_type)
assert isinstance(singledispatch_obj, Instance)
singledispatch_obj.args += (func_type,)
return ctx.default_return_type
def singledispatch_register_callback(ctx: MethodContext) -> Type:
"""Called for functools._SingleDispatchCallable.register"""
assert isinstance(ctx.type, Instance)
# TODO: check that there's only one argument
first_arg_type = get_proper_type(get_first_arg(ctx.arg_types))
if isinstance(first_arg_type, (CallableType, Overloaded)) and first_arg_type.is_type_obj():
# HACK: We received a class as an argument to register. We need to be able
# to access the function that register is being applied to, and the typeshed definition
# of register has it return a generic Callable, so we create a new
# SingleDispatchRegisterCallable class, define a __call__ method, and then add a
# plugin hook for that.
# is_subtype doesn't work when the right type is Overloaded, so we need the
# actual type
register_type = first_arg_type.items[0].ret_type
type_args = RegisterCallableInfo(register_type, ctx.type)
register_callable = make_fake_register_class_instance(
return register_callable
elif isinstance(first_arg_type, CallableType):
# TODO: do more checking for registered functions
register_function(ctx, ctx.type, first_arg_type)
# The typeshed stubs for register say that the function returned is Callable[..., T], even
# though the function returned is the same as the one passed in. We return the type of the
# function so that mypy can properly type check cases where the registered function is used
# directly (instead of through singledispatch)
return first_arg_type
# fallback in case we don't recognize the arguments
return ctx.default_return_type
def register_function(ctx: PluginContext, singledispatch_obj: Instance, func: Type,
register_arg: Optional[Type] = None) -> None:
"""Register a function"""
func = get_proper_type(func)
if not isinstance(func, CallableType):
metadata = get_singledispatch_info(singledispatch_obj)
if metadata is None:
# if we never added the fallback to the type variables, we already reported an error, so
# just don't do anything here
dispatch_type = get_dispatch_type(func, register_arg)
if dispatch_type is None:
# TODO: report an error here that singledispatch requires at least one argument
# (might want to do the error reporting in get_dispatch_type)
fallback = metadata.fallback
fallback_dispatch_type = fallback.arg_types[0]
if not is_subtype(dispatch_type, fallback_dispatch_type):
fail(ctx, 'Dispatch type {} must be subtype of fallback function first argument {}'.format(
format_type(dispatch_type), format_type(fallback_dispatch_type)
), func.definition)
def get_dispatch_type(func: CallableType, register_arg: Optional[Type]) -> Optional[Type]:
if register_arg is not None:
return register_arg
if func.arg_types:
return func.arg_types[0]
return None
def call_singledispatch_function_after_register_argument(ctx: MethodContext) -> Type:
"""Called on the function after passing a type to register"""
register_callable = ctx.type
if isinstance(register_callable, Instance):
type_args = RegisterCallableInfo(*register_callable.args) # type: ignore
func = get_first_arg(ctx.arg_types)
if func is not None:
register_function(ctx, type_args.singledispatch_obj, func, type_args.register_type)
# see call to register_function in the callback for register
return func
return ctx.default_return_type
def call_singledispatch_function_callback(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> FunctionLike:
"""Called for functools._SingleDispatchCallable.__call__"""
if not isinstance(ctx.type, Instance):
return ctx.default_signature
metadata = get_singledispatch_info(ctx.type)
if metadata is None:
return ctx.default_signature
return metadata.fallback