blob: 5ddedbc36c5508420e709c7e4d16248e596754e5 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Tests for error codes and ignoring errors using error codes
-- These implicitly use --show-error-codes.
[case testErrorCodeNoAttribute]
import m
m.x # E: Module has no attribute "x" [attr-defined]
'x'.foobar # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
from m import xx # E: Module 'm' has no attribute 'xx' [attr-defined]
from m import think # E: Module 'm' has no attribute 'think'; maybe "thing"? [attr-defined]
for x in 1: # E: "int" has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
thing = 0
[builtins fixtures/module.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeUndefinedName]
x # E: Name 'x' is not defined [name-defined]
def f() -> None:
y # E: Name 'y' is not defined [name-defined]
[builtins fixtures/module.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeUnclassifiedError]
class A:
def __init__(self) -> int: \
# E: The return type of "__init__" must be None [misc]
[case testErrorCodeNoteHasNoCode]
reveal_type(1) # N: Revealed type is 'Literal[1]?'
[case testErrorCodeSyntaxError]
1 '' # E: invalid syntax [syntax]
[case testErrorCodeSyntaxError2]
def f(): # E: Type signature has too many arguments [syntax]
# type: (int) -> None
x = 0 # type: x y # E: syntax error in type comment 'x y' [syntax]
[case testErrorCodeSyntaxError3]
# This is a bit inconsistent -- syntax error would be more logical?
x: 'a b' # E: Invalid type comment or annotation [valid-type]
for v in x: # type: int, int # E: Syntax error in type annotation [syntax] \
# N: Suggestion: Use Tuple[T1, ..., Tn] instead of (T1, ..., Tn)
[case testErrorCodeSyntaxErrorIgnoreNote]
# This is a bit inconsistent -- syntax error would be more logical?
x: 'a b' # type: ignore[valid-type]
for v in x: # type: int, int # type: ignore[syntax]
[case testErrorCodeSyntaxError_python2]
1 '' # E: invalid syntax [syntax]
[case testErrorCodeSyntaxError2_python2]
def f(): # E: Type signature has too many arguments [syntax]
# type: (int) -> None
x = 0 # type: x y # E: syntax error in type comment 'x y' [syntax]
[case testErrorCodeSyntaxError3_python2]
def f(): pass
for v in f(): # type: int, int # E: Syntax error in type annotation [syntax] \
# N: Suggestion: Use Tuple[T1, ..., Tn] instead of (T1, ..., Tn)
[case testErrorCodeIgnore1]
'x'.foobar # type: ignore[attr-defined]
'x'.foobar # type: ignore[xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
'x'.foobar # type: ignore
[case testErrorCodeIgnore2]
a = 'x'.foobar # type: int # type: ignore[attr-defined]
b = 'x'.foobar # type: int # type: ignore[xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
c = 'x'.foobar # type: int # type: ignore
[case testErrorCodeIgnore1_python2]
'x'.foobar # type: ignore[attr-defined]
'x'.foobar # type: ignore[xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
'x'.foobar # type: ignore
[case testErrorCodeIgnore2_python2]
a = 'x'.foobar # type: int # type: ignore[attr-defined]
b = 'x'.foobar # type: int # type: ignore[xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
c = 'x'.foobar # type: int # type: ignore
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreMultiple1]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: ignore[name-defined, attr-defined]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: ignore[name-defined, xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: ignore[xyz, w, attr-defined] # E: Name 'b' is not defined [name-defined]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreMultiple2]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: int # type: ignore[name-defined, attr-defined]
b = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: int # type: ignore[name-defined, xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreMultiple1_python2]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: ignore[name-defined, attr-defined]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: ignore[name-defined, xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: ignore[xyz, w, attr-defined] # E: Name 'b' is not defined [name-defined]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreMultiple2_python2]
a = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: int # type: ignore[name-defined, attr-defined]
b = 'x'.foobar(b) # type: int # type: ignore[name-defined, xyz] # E: "str" has no attribute "foobar" [attr-defined]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreWithExtraSpace]
x # type: ignore [name-defined]
x2 # type: ignore [ name-defined ]
x3 # type: ignore [ xyz , name-defined ]
x4 # type: ignore[xyz,name-defined]
y # type: ignore [xyz] # E: Name 'y' is not defined [name-defined]
y # type: ignore[ xyz ] # E: Name 'y' is not defined [name-defined]
y # type: ignore[ xyz , foo ] # E: Name 'y' is not defined [name-defined]
a = z # type: int # type: ignore [name-defined]
b = z2 # type: int # type: ignore [ name-defined ]
c = z2 # type: int # type: ignore [ name-defined , xyz ]
d = zz # type: int # type: ignore [xyz] # E: Name 'zz' is not defined [name-defined]
e = zz # type: int # type: ignore [ xyz ] # E: Name 'zz' is not defined [name-defined]
f = zz # type: int # type: ignore [ xyz,foo ] # E: Name 'zz' is not defined [name-defined]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreAfterArgComment]
def f(x # type: xyz # type: ignore[name-defined] # Comment
# type () -> None
def g(x # type: xyz # type: ignore # Comment
# type () -> None
def h(x # type: xyz # type: ignore[foo] # E: Name 'xyz' is not defined [name-defined]
# type () -> None
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreAfterArgComment_python2]
def f(x # type: xyz # type: ignore[name-defined] # Comment
# type () -> None
def g(x # type: xyz # type: ignore # Comment
# type () -> None
def h(x # type: xyz # type: ignore[foo] # E: Name 'xyz' is not defined [name-defined]
# type () -> None
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreWithNote]
import nostub # type: ignore[import]
from defusedxml import xyz # type: ignore[import]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreWithNote_python2]
import nostub # type: ignore[import]
from defusedxml import xyz # type: ignore[import]
[case testErrorCodeBadIgnore]
import nostub # type: ignore xyz # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
import nostub # type: ignore[ # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
import nostub # type: ignore[foo # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
import nostub # type: ignore[foo, # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
import nostub # type: ignore[foo]] # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
import nostub # type: ignore[foo][bar] # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
import nostub # type: ignore[foo] [bar] # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
x = 0 # type: ignore[ # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
def f(x, # type: int # type: ignore[ # E: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
# type: (...) -> None
[case testErrorCodeBadIgnoreNoExtraComment]
# Omit the E: ... comments, as they affect parsing
import nostub # type: ignore xyz
import nostub # type: ignore[xyz
import nostub # type: ignore[xyz][xyz]
x = 0 # type: ignore[
def f(x, # type: int # type: ignore[
# type: (...) -> None
main:2: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:3: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:4: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:5: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:6: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
[case testErrorCodeBadIgnore_python2]
import nostub # type: ignore xyz
import nostub # type: ignore[xyz # Comment [x]
import nostub # type: ignore[xyz][xyz]
x = 0 # type: ignore[
def f(x, # type: int # type: ignore[
# type: (...) -> None
main:1: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:2: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:3: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:4: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
main:5: error: Invalid "type: ignore" comment [syntax]
[case testErrorCodeArgKindAndCount]
def f(x: int) -> None: pass # N: "f" defined here
f() # E: Missing positional argument "x" in call to "f" [call-arg]
f(1, 2) # E: Too many arguments for "f" [call-arg]
f(y=1) # E: Unexpected keyword argument "y" for "f" [call-arg]
def g(*, x: int) -> None: pass
g() # E: Missing named argument "x" for "g" [call-arg]
def h(x: int, y: int, z: int) -> None: pass
h(y=1, z=1) # E: Missing positional argument "x" in call to "h" [call-arg]
h(y=1) # E: Missing positional arguments "x", "z" in call to "h" [call-arg]
[case testErrorCodeSuperArgs_python2]
class A:
def f(self):
class B(A):
def f(self): # type: () -> None
super().f() # E: Too few arguments for "super" [call-arg]
[case testErrorCodeArgType]
def f(x: int) -> None: pass
f('') # E: Argument 1 to "f" has incompatible type "str"; expected "int" [arg-type]
class A:
def g(self, *, x: int) -> None: pass
A().g(x='') # E: Argument "x" to "g" of "A" has incompatible type "str"; expected "int" [arg-type]
[case testErrorCodeInvalidType]
def f(): pass
x: f # E: Function "__main__.f" is not valid as a type [valid-type] \
# N: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
import sys
y: sys # E: Module "sys" is not valid as a type [valid-type]
z: y # E: Variable "__main__.y" is not valid as a type [valid-type] \
# N: See
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeNeedTypeAnnotation]
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T')
def f() -> T: pass
x = f() # E: Need type annotation for "x" [var-annotated]
y = [] # E: Need type annotation for "y" (hint: "y: List[<type>] = ...") [var-annotated]
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeBadOverride]
from typing import overload
class A:
def f(self) -> int:
return 0
class B(A):
def f(self) -> str: # E: Return type "str" of "f" incompatible with return type "int" in supertype "A" [override]
return ''
class C(A):
def f(self, x: int) -> int: # E: Signature of "f" incompatible with supertype "A" [override]
return 0
class D:
def f(self, x: int) -> int:
return 0
class E(D):
def f(self, x: str) -> int: # E: Argument 1 of "f" is incompatible with supertype "D"; supertype defines the argument type as "int" [override] \
# N: This violates the Liskov substitution principle \
# N: See
return 0
class O:
def f(self, x: int) -> None: pass
def f(self, x: str) -> None: pass
def f(self, x):
class OO(O):
@overload # E: Signature of "f" incompatible with supertype "O" [override] \
# N: Overload variants must be defined in the same order as they are in "O"
def f(self, x: str) -> None: pass
def f(self, x: int) -> None: pass
def f(self, x):
[case testErrorCodeReturnValue]
def f() -> int:
return '' # E: Incompatible return value type (got "str", expected "int") [return-value]
[case testErrorCodeMissingReturnValueInReturnStatement]
def f() -> int:
return # E: Return value expected [return-value]
[case testErrorCodeAssignment]
x: str = 0 # E: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "int", variable has type "str") [assignment]
def f(x: str = 0) -> None: # E: Incompatible default for argument "x" (default has type "int", argument has type "str") [assignment]
class A:
x = 0
class B(A):
x = '' # E: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "A" defined the type as "int") [assignment]
a: A
a.x = '' # E: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", variable has type "int") [assignment]
[case testErrorCodeMissingTypeArg]
# flags: --disallow-any-generics
from typing import List, TypeVar
x: List # E: Missing type parameters for generic type "List" [type-arg]
y: list # E: Implicit generic "Any". Use "typing.List" and specify generic parameters [type-arg]
T = TypeVar('T')
L = List[List[T]]
z: L # E: Missing type parameters for generic type "L" [type-arg]
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeUnionAttribute]
from typing import Union
class A:
x: int
class B:
y: str
a: Union[A, B]
a.x # E: Item "B" of "Union[A, B]" has no attribute "x" [union-attr]
[case testErrorCodeFunctionHasNoAnnotation]
# flags: --disallow-untyped-defs
def f(x): # E: Function is missing a type annotation [no-untyped-def]
def g(x: int): # E: Function is missing a return type annotation [no-untyped-def]
def h(x) -> None: # E: Function is missing a type annotation for one or more arguments [no-untyped-def]
def gen(): # E: Function is missing a return type annotation [no-untyped-def]
yield 1
def gen2(x: int): # E: Function is missing a return type annotation [no-untyped-def]
yield 1
async def asyncf(): # E: Function is missing a return type annotation [no-untyped-def]
return 0
async def asyncf2(x: int): # E: Function is missing a return type annotation [no-untyped-def]
return 0
[typing fixtures/typing-async.pyi]
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeCallUntypedFunction]
# flags: --disallow-untyped-calls
def f() -> None:
g() # E: Call to untyped function "g" in typed context [no-untyped-call]
def g():
[case testErrorCodeIndexing]
from typing import Dict
x: Dict[int, int]
x[''] # E: Invalid index type "str" for "Dict[int, int]"; expected type "int" [index]
1[''] # E: Value of type "int" is not indexable [index]
1[''] = 1 # E: Unsupported target for indexed assignment ("int") [index]
[builtins fixtures/dict.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeInvalidTypeArg]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar('T', int, str)
TT = TypeVar('TT', int, None)
S = TypeVar('S', bound=str)
def f(x: T) -> T:
return x
f(object()) # E: Value of type variable "T" of "f" cannot be "object" [type-var]
def g(x: S) -> S:
return x
g(1) # E: Value of type variable "S" of "g" cannot be "int" [type-var]
class C(Generic[T]): pass
class D(Generic[S]): pass
class E(Generic[S, T]): pass
x: C[object] # E: Value of type variable "T" of "C" cannot be "object" [type-var]
y: D[int] # E: Type argument "" of "D" must be a subtype of "builtins.str" [type-var]
z: D[int, int] # E: "D" expects 1 type argument, but 2 given [type-arg]
def h(a: TT, s: S) -> None:
b: C[TT] # E: Invalid type argument value for "C" [type-var]
c: C[S] # E: Type variable "S" not valid as type argument value for "C" [type-var]
[case testErrorCodeOperators]
class A: pass
A() + 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for + ("A") [operator]
1 in A() # E: Unsupported right operand type for in ("A") [operator]
A() < 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for < ("A") [operator]
-A() # E: Unsupported operand type for unary - ("A") [operator]
+A() # E: Unsupported operand type for unary + ("A") [operator]
~A() # E: Unsupported operand type for ~ ("A") [operator]
class B:
def __add__(self, other: int) -> 'B':
return self
def __radd__(self, other: int) -> 'B':
return self
def __contains__(self, other: int) -> int:
return 0
B() + '' # E: Unsupported operand types for + ("B" and "str") [operator]
'' + B() # E: Unsupported operand types for + ("str" and "B") [operator]
'' in B() # E: Unsupported operand types for in ("str" and "B") [operator]
1() # E: "int" not callable [operator]
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeListOrDictItem]
from typing import List, Dict
x: List[int] = [''] # E: List item 0 has incompatible type "str"; expected "int" [list-item]
y: Dict[int, int] = {1: ''} # E: Dict entry 0 has incompatible type "int": "str"; expected "int": "int" [dict-item]
[builtins fixtures/dict.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeTypedDict]
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
class D(TypedDict):
x: int
class E(TypedDict):
x: int
y: int
a: D = {'x': ''} # E: Incompatible types (expression has type "str", TypedDict item "x" has type "int") [typeddict-item]
b: D = {'y': ''} # E: Extra key 'y' for TypedDict "D" [typeddict-item]
c = D(x=0) if int() else E(x=0, y=0)
c = {} # E: Expected TypedDict key 'x' but found no keys [typeddict-item]
[builtins fixtures/dict.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeCannotDetermineType]
y = x # E: Cannot determine type of 'x' [has-type]
reveal_type(y) # N: Revealed type is 'Any'
x = None # E: Need type annotation for "x" [var-annotated]
[case testErrorCodeRedundantCast]
# flags: --warn-redundant-casts
from typing import cast
x = cast(int, int()) # E: Redundant cast to "int" [redundant-cast]
[case testErrorCodeInvalidCommentSignature]
def f(x): # E: Type signature has too few arguments [syntax]
# type: () -> None
def g(x): # E: Type signature has too many arguments [syntax]
# type: (int, int) -> None
[case testErrorCodeInvalidCommentSignature_python2]
def f(x): # E: Type signature has too few arguments [syntax]
# type: () -> None
def g(x): # E: Type signature has too many arguments [syntax]
# type: (int, int) -> None
[case testErrorCodeNonOverlappingEquality]
# flags: --strict-equality
if int() == str(): # E: Non-overlapping equality check (left operand type: "int", right operand type: "str") [comparison-overlap]
if int() != str(): # E: Non-overlapping equality check (left operand type: "int", right operand type: "str") [comparison-overlap]
if int() is str(): # E: Non-overlapping identity check (left operand type: "int", right operand type: "str") [comparison-overlap]
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeMissingModule]
from defusedxml import xyz # E: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "defusedxml" [import] \
# N: See
from nonexistent import foobar # E: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "nonexistent" [import]
import nonexistent2 # E: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "nonexistent2" [import]
from nonexistent3 import * # E: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "nonexistent3" [import]
from pkg import bad # E: Module 'pkg' has no attribute 'bad' [attr-defined]
from pkg.bad2 import bad3 # E: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "pkg.bad2" [import]
[file pkg/]
[case testErrorCodeAlreadyDefined]
x: int
x: str # E: Name 'x' already defined on line 1 [no-redef]
def f():
def f(): # E: Name 'f' already defined on line 4 [no-redef]
[case testErrorCodeMissingReturn]
def f() -> int: # E: Missing return statement [return]
x = 0
[case testErrorCodeReturnValueNotExpected]
def f() -> None:
return 1 # E: No return value expected [return-value]
[case testErrorCodeFunctionDoesNotReturnValue]
from typing import Callable
def f() -> None: pass
x = f() # E: "f" does not return a value [func-returns-value]
class A:
def g(self) -> None: pass
y = A().g() # E: "g" of "A" does not return a value [func-returns-value]
c: Callable[[], None]
z = c() # E: Function does not return a value [func-returns-value]
[case testErrorCodeInstantiateAbstract]
from abc import abstractmethod
class A:
def f(self): pass
class B(A):
B() # E: Cannot instantiate abstract class 'B' with abstract attribute 'f' [abstract]
[case testErrorCodeNewTypeNotSubclassable]
from typing import Union, NewType
X = NewType('X', Union[int, str]) # E: Argument 2 to NewType(...) must be subclassable (got "Union[int, str]") [valid-newtype]
[case testErrorCodeOverloadVariant]
from typing import overload
def f(x: int) -> int: ...
def f(x: str) -> str: ...
def f(x):
return x
f(object()) # E: No overload variant of "f" matches argument type "object" [call-overload] \
# N: Possible overload variants: \
# N: def f(x: int) -> int \
# N: def f(x: str) -> str
f() # E: All overload variants of "f" require at least one argument [call-overload] \
# N: Possible overload variants: \
# N: def f(x: int) -> int \
# N: def f(x: str) -> str
f(1, 1) # E: No overload variant of "f" matches argument types "int", "int" [call-overload] \
# N: Possible overload variants: \
# N: def f(x: int) -> int \
# N: def f(x: str) -> str
[case testErrorCodeOverloadVariantIgnore]
from typing import overload
def f(x: int) -> int: ...
def f(x: str) -> str: ...
def f(x):
return x
f(object()) # type: ignore[call-overload]
[case testErrorCodeAnyFromUnfollowedImport]
# flags: --disallow-any-unimported
from m import C # type: ignore
def f(x: C) -> None: # E: Argument 1 to "f" becomes "Any" due to an unfollowed import [no-any-unimported]
def g() -> C: ... # E: Return type becomes "Any" due to an unfollowed import [no-any-unimported]
[case testErrorCodeReturnAny]
# flags: --warn-return-any
def f(): pass
def g() -> int:
return f() # E: Returning Any from function declared to return "int" [no-any-return]
[case testErrorCodeFormatCall]
'{:d}'.format('no') # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int") [str-format]
'{!x}'.format('Hm...') # E: Invalid conversion type "x", must be one of "r", "s" or "a" [str-format]
'}{'.format() # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected } [str-format]
'%d' % 'no' # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float, SupportsInt]") [str-format]
'%d + %d' % (1, 2, 3) # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting [str-format]
'{}'.format(b'abc') # E: On Python 3 '{}'.format(b'abc') produces "b'abc'", not 'abc'; use '{!r}'.format(b'abc') if this is desired behavior [str-bytes-safe]
'%s' % b'abc' # E: On Python 3 '%s' % b'abc' produces "b'abc'", not 'abc'; use '%r' % b'abc' if this is desired behavior [str-bytes-safe]
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreNamedDefinedNote]
x: List[int] # type: ignore[name-defined]
[case testErrorCodeIgnoreMiscNote]
x: [int] # type: ignore[misc]
[case testErrorCodeProtocolProblemsIgnore]
from typing_extensions import Protocol
class P(Protocol):
def f(self, x: str) -> None: ...
class A:
def f(self, x: int) -> None: ...
def g(p: P) -> None: pass
p: A
g(p) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeNoneReturnNoteIgnore]
# flags: --disallow-untyped-defs
def f(): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
[case testErrorCodeVarianceNoteIgnore]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[object]) -> None: pass
a = [1]
f(a) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[builtins fixtures/list.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeAssignToMethod]
class A:
def f(self) -> None: pass
def g(self: A) -> None: pass
A.f = g # E: Cannot assign to a method [assignment]
[case testErrorCodeDefinedHereNoteIgnore]
import m
m.f(kw=1) # type: ignore[call-arg]
def f() -> None: pass
[case testErrorCodeUnionNoteIgnore]
from typing import Union
class Foo:
def __add__(self, x: Foo) -> Foo: pass
def __radd__(self, x: Foo) -> Foo: pass
class Bar:
def __add__(self, x: Bar) -> Bar: pass
def __radd__(self, x: Bar) -> Bar: pass
a: Union[Foo, Bar]
a + a # type: ignore[operator]
a + Foo() # type: ignore[operator]
Foo() + a # type: ignore[operator]
[case testErrorCodeTypeIgnoreMisspelled1]
x = y # type: ignored[foo]
xx = y # type: ignored [foo]
main:1: error: Name 'ignored' is not defined [name-defined]
main:1: error: Name 'y' is not defined [name-defined]
main:2: error: Name 'ignored' is not defined [name-defined]
main:2: error: Name 'y' is not defined [name-defined]
[case testErrorCodeTypeIgnoreMisspelled2]
x = y # type: int # type: ignored[foo]
x = y # type: int # type: ignored [foo]
main:1: error: syntax error in type comment 'int' [syntax]
main:2: error: syntax error in type comment 'int' [syntax]
[case testErrorCode__exit__Return]
class InvalidReturn:
def __exit__(self, x, y, z) -> bool: # E: "bool" is invalid as return type for "__exit__" that always returns False [exit-return] \
# N: Use "typing_extensions.Literal[False]" as the return type or change it to "None" \
# N: If return type of "__exit__" implies that it may return True, the context manager may swallow exceptions
return False
[builtins fixtures/bool.pyi]
[case testErrorCodeOverloadedOperatorMethod]
# flags: --strict-optional
from typing import Optional, overload
class A:
def __add__(self, x: int) -> A: ...
def __add__(self, x: str) -> str: ...
def __add__(self, x): pass
class B:
x: Optional[B]
A() + x # type: ignore[operator]
class C:
def __rsub__(self, x: int) -> A: ...
def __rsub__(self, x: str) -> str: ...
def __rsub__(self, x): pass
x - C() # type: ignore[operator]
[case testErrorCodeMultiLineBinaryOperatorOperand]
# flags: --strict-optional
from typing import Optional
class C: pass
def f() -> Optional[C]:
return None
f( # type: ignore[operator]
) + C()
[case testErrorCodeSpecialArgTypeErrors]
from typing import TypedDict
class C(TypedDict):
x: int
c: C
c.setdefault('x', '1') # type: ignore[arg-type]
class A:
class B(A):
def f(self) -> None:
super(1, self).foo() # type: ignore[arg-type]
def f(**x: int) -> None:
f(**1) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[builtins fixtures/dict.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-typeddict.pyi]
[case testRedundantExpressions]
# flags: --enable-error-code redundant-expr
def foo() -> bool: ...
lst = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = False or foo() # E: Left operand of "or" is always false [redundant-expr]
c = True and foo() # E: Left operand of "and" is always true [redundant-expr]
g = 3 if True else 4 # E: If condition is always true [redundant-expr]
h = 3 if False else 4 # E: If condition is always false [redundant-expr]
i = [x for x in lst if True] # E: If condition in comprehension is always true [redundant-expr]
j = [x for x in lst if False] # E: If condition in comprehension is always false [redundant-expr]
k = [x for x in lst if isinstance(x, int) or foo()] # E: If condition in comprehension is always true [redundant-expr]
[builtins fixtures/isinstancelist.pyi]
[case testNamedTupleNameMismatch]
from typing import NamedTuple
Foo = NamedTuple("Bar", []) # E: First argument to namedtuple() should be 'Foo', not 'Bar' [name-match]
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testTypedDictNameMismatch]
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
Foo = TypedDict("Bar", {}) # E: First argument 'Bar' to TypedDict() does not match variable name 'Foo' [name-match]
[builtins fixtures/dict.pyi]