blob: 41bae9b263afbe3033d926ee1c461ca08e299b46 [file] [log] [blame]
-- String interpolation
-- --------------------
[case testStringInterpolationType]
from typing import Tuple
i, f, s, t = None, None, None, None # type: (int, float, str, Tuple[int])
'%d' % i
'%f' % f
'%s' % s
'%d' % (f,)
'%d' % (s,) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float, SupportsInt]")
'%d' % t
'%d' % s # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float, SupportsInt]")
'%f' % s # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float, SupportsFloat]")
'%x' % f # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "float", placeholder has type "int")
'%i' % f
'%o' % f # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "float", placeholder has type "int")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationSAcceptsAnyType]
from typing import Any
i, o, s = None, None, None # type: (int, object, str)
'%s %s %s' % (i, o, s)
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationSBytesVsStrErrorPy3]
xb: bytes
xs: str
'%s' % xs # OK
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationCount]
'%d %d' % 1 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
'%d %d' % (1, 2)
'%d %d' % (1, 2, 3) # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
t = 1, 's'
'%d %s' % t
'%s %d' % t # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float, SupportsInt]")
'%d' % t # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationWithAnyType]
from typing import Any
a = None # type: Any
'%d %d' % a
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationInvalidPlaceholder]
'%W' % 1 # E: Unsupported format character "W"
'%b' % 1 # E: Format character "b" is only supported on bytes patterns
[case testStringInterpolationWidth]
'%2f' % 3.14
'%*f' % 3.14 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
'%*f' % (4, 3.14)
'%*f' % (1.1, 3.14) # E: * wants int
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationPrecision]
'%.2f' % 3.14
'%.*f' % 3.14 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
'%.*f' % (4, 3.14)
'%.*f' % (1.1, 3.14) # E: * wants int
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationWidthAndPrecision]
'%4.2f' % 3.14
'%4.*f' % 3.14 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
'%*.2f' % 3.14 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
'%*.*f' % 3.14 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
'%*.*f' % (4, 2, 3.14)
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationFlagsAndLengthModifiers]
'%04hd' % 1
'%-.4ld' % 1
'%+*Ld' % (1, 1)
'% .*ld' % (1, 1)
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationDoublePercentage]
'%% %d' % 1
'%3% %d' % 1
'%*%' % 1
'%*% %d' % 1 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationC]
# flags: --python-version 3.6
'%c' % 1
'%c' % 1.0 # E: "%c" requires int or char (expression has type "float")
'%c' % 's'
'%c' % '' # E: "%c" requires int or char
'%c' % 'ab' # E: "%c" requires int or char
'%c' % b'a' # E: "%c" requires int or char (expression has type "bytes")
'%c' % b'' # E: "%c" requires int or char (expression has type "bytes")
'%c' % b'ab' # E: "%c" requires int or char (expression has type "bytes")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationMappingTypes]
'%(a)d %(b)s' % {'a': 1, 'b': 's'}
'%(a)d %(b)s' % {'a': 's', 'b': 1} # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder with key 'a' has type "Union[int, float, SupportsInt]")
b'%(x)s' % {b'x': b'data'}
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationMappingKeys]
'%()d' % {'': 2}
'%(a)d' % {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
'%(q)d' % {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # E: Key "q" not found in mapping
'%(a)d %%' % {'a': 1}
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationMappingDictTypes]
from typing import Any, Dict
a = None # type: Any
ds, do, di = None, None, None # type: Dict[str, int], Dict[object, int], Dict[int, int]
'%(a)' % 1 # E: Format requires a mapping (expression has type "int", expected type for mapping is "Mapping[str, Any]")
'%()d' % a
'%()d' % ds
'%()d' % do # E: Format requires a mapping (expression has type "Dict[object, int]", expected type for mapping is "Mapping[str, Any]")
b'%()d' % ds # E: Format requires a mapping (expression has type "Dict[str, int]", expected type for mapping is "Mapping[bytes, Any]")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationMappingInvalidSpecifiers]
'%(a)d %d' % 1 # E: String interpolation mixes specifier with and without mapping keys
'%(b)*d' % 1 # E: String interpolation contains both stars and mapping keys
'%(b).*d' % 1 # E: String interpolation contains both stars and mapping keys
[case testStringInterpolationMappingFlagsAndLengthModifiers]
'%(a)1d' % {'a': 1}
'%(a).1d' % {'a': 1}
'%(a)#1.1ld' % {'a': 1}
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationFloatPrecision]
'%.f' % 1.2
'%.3f' % 1.2
'%.f' % 'x'
'%.3f' % 'x'
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
main:3: error: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float, SupportsFloat]")
main:4: error: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float, SupportsFloat]")
[case testStringInterpolationSpaceKey]
'%( )s' % {' ': 'foo'}
[case testStringInterpolationStarArgs]
x = (1, 2)
"%d%d" % (*x,)
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationVariableLengthTuple]
from typing import Tuple
def f(t: Tuple[int, ...]) -> None:
'%d %d' % t
'%d %d %d' % t
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationUnionType]
from typing import Tuple, Union
a: Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[str, int]] = ('A', 1)
'%s %s' % a
'%s' % a # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
b: Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[str, int]] = ('A', 1)
'%s %s' % b
'%s %s %s' % b # E: Not enough arguments for format string
c: Union[Tuple[str, int], Tuple[str, int, str]] = ('A', 1)
'%s %s' % c # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testStringInterpolationIterableType]
from typing import Sequence, List, Tuple, Iterable
t1: Sequence[str] = ('A', 'B')
t2: List[str] = ['A', 'B']
t3: Tuple[str, ...] = ('A', 'B')
t4: Tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B')
t5: Iterable[str] = ('A', 'B')
'%s %s' % t1
'%s %s' % t2
'%s %s' % t3
'%s %s %s' % t3
'%s %s' % t4
'%s %s %s' % t4 # E: Not enough arguments for format string
'%s %s' % t5
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
-- Bytes interpolation
-- --------------------
[case testBytesInterpolationBefore35]
# flags: --python-version 3.4
b'%b' % 1 # E: Unsupported left operand type for % ("bytes")
[case testBytesInterpolation]
b'%b' % 1 # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "int", placeholder has type "bytes")
b'%b' % b'1'
b'%a' % 3
[case testBytesInterpolationC]
# flags: --python-version 3.6
b'%c' % 1
b'%c' % 1.0 # E: "%c" requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte (expression has type "float")
b'%c' % 's' # E: "%c" requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte (expression has type "str")
b'%c' % '' # E: "%c" requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte (expression has type "str")
b'%c' % 'ab' # E: "%c" requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte (expression has type "str")
b'%c' % b'a'
b'%c' % b'' # E: "%c" requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte
b'%c' % b'aa' # E: "%c" requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testByteByteInterpolation]
def foo(a: bytes, b: bytes):
b'%s:%s' % (a, b)
foo(b'a', b'b') == b'a:b'
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
[case testBytePercentInterpolationSupported]
b'%s' % (b'xyz',)
b'%(name)s' % {'name': b'jane'} # E: Dictionary keys in bytes formatting must be bytes, not strings
b'%(name)s' % {b'name': 'jane'} # E: On Python 3 b'%s' requires bytes, not string
b'%c' % (123)
[builtins fixtures/tuple.pyi]
-- str.format() calls
-- ------------------
[case testFormatCallParseErrors]
'}'.format() # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{'.format() # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unmatched {
'}}'.format() # OK
'{{'.format() # OK
'{{}}}'.format() # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{{{}}'.format() # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{}}{{}'.format() # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{{{}:{}}}'.format(0) # E: Cannot find replacement for positional format specifier 1
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallValidationErrors]
'{!}}'.format(0) # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{!x}'.format(0) # E: Invalid conversion type "x", must be one of "r", "s" or "a"
'{!:}'.format(0) # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string
'{{}:s}'.format(0) # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{{}.attr}'.format(0) # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{{}[key]}'.format(0) # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{ {}:s}'.format() # E: Conversion value must not contain { or }
'{ {}.attr}'.format() # E: Conversion value must not contain { or }
'{ {}[key]}'.format() # E: Conversion value must not contain { or }
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallEscaping]
'{}'.format() # E: Cannot find replacement for positional format specifier 0
'{}'.format(0) # OK
'{{}}'.format() # OK
'{{}}'.format(0) # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
'{{{}}}'.format() # E: Cannot find replacement for positional format specifier 0
'{{{}}}'.format(0) # OK
'{{}} {} {{}}'.format(0) # OK
'{{}} {:d} {{}} {:d}'.format('a', 'b') # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
'foo({}, {}) == {{}} ({{}} expected)'.format(0) # E: Cannot find replacement for positional format specifier 1
'foo({}, {}) == {{}} ({{}} expected)'.format(0, 1) # OK
'foo({}, {}) == {{}} ({{}} expected)'.format(0, 1, 2) # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallNestedFormats]
'{:{}{}}'.format(42, '*') # E: Cannot find replacement for positional format specifier 2
'{:{}{}}'.format(42, '*', '^') # OK
'{:{}{}}'.format(42, '*', '^', 0) # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
# NOTE: we don't check format specifiers that contain { or } at all
'{:{{}}}'.format() # E: Cannot find replacement for positional format specifier 0
'{:{:{}}}'.format() # E: Formatting nesting must be at most two levels deep
'{:{{}:{}}}'.format() # E: Invalid conversion specifier in format string: unexpected }
'{!s:{fill:d}{align}}'.format(42, fill='*', align='^') # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallAutoNumbering]
'{}, {{}}, {0}'.format() # E: Cannot combine automatic field numbering and manual field specification
'{0}, {1}, {}'.format() # E: Cannot combine automatic field numbering and manual field specification
'{0}, {1}, {0}'.format(1, 2, 3) # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
'{}, {other:+d}, {}'.format(1, 2, other='no') # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
'{0}, {other}, {}'.format() # E: Cannot combine automatic field numbering and manual field specification
'{:{}}, {:{:.5d}{}}'.format(1, 2, 3, 'a', 5) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallMatchingPositional]
'{}'.format(positional='no') # E: Cannot find replacement for positional format specifier 0 \
# E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
'{.x}, {}, {}'.format(1, 'two', 'three') # E: "int" has no attribute "x"
'Reverse {2.x}, {1}, {0}'.format(1, 2, 'three') # E: "str" has no attribute "x"
''.format(1, 2) # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallMatchingNamed]
'{named}'.format(0) # E: Cannot find replacement for named format specifier "named" \
# E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
'{one.x}, {two}'.format(one=1, two='two') # E: "int" has no attribute "x"
'{one}, {two}, {.x}'.format(1, one='two', two='three') # E: "int" has no attribute "x"
''.format(stuff='yes') # E: Not all arguments converted during string formatting
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallMatchingVarArg]
from typing import List
args: List[int] = []
'{}, {}'.format(1, 2, *args) # Don't flag this because args may be empty
strings: List[str]
'{:d}, {[0].x}'.format(*strings) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int") \
# E: "str" has no attribute "x"
# TODO: this is a runtime error, but error message is confusing
'{[0][:]:d}'.format(*strings) # E: Syntax error in format specifier "0[0]["
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallMatchingKwArg]
from typing import Dict
kwargs: Dict[str, str] = {}
'{one}, {two}'.format(one=1, two=2, **kwargs) # Don't flag this because args may be empty
'{stuff:.3d}'.format(**kwargs) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
'{stuff[0]:f}, {other}'.format(**kwargs) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float]")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallCustomFormatSpec]
from typing import Union
class Bad:
class Good:
def __format__(self, spec: str) -> str: ...
'{:OMG}'.format(Bad()) # E: Unrecognized format specification "OMG"
'{!s:OMG}'.format(Good()) # E: Unrecognized format specification "OMG"
'{:{}OMG{}}'.format(Bad(), 'too', 'dynamic')
x: Union[Good, Bad]
'{:OMG}'.format(x) # E: Unrecognized format specification "OMG"
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallFormatTypes]
'{:x}'.format('no') # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
'{:E}'.format('no') # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float]")
'{:g}'.format('no') # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float]")
'{:d}'.format(3.14) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "float", placeholder has type "int")
'{:z}'.format('what') # E: Unsupported format character "z"
'{:Z}'.format('what') # E: Unsupported format character "Z"
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallFormatTypesChar]
'{:c}'.format('no') # E: ":c" requires int or char
class C:
'{:c}'.format(C()) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "C", placeholder has type "Union[int, str]")
x: str
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallFormatTypesCustomFormat]
from typing import Union
class Bad:
class Good:
def __format__(self, spec: str) -> str: ...
x: Union[Good, Bad]
y: Union[Good, int]
z: Union[Bad, int]
t: Union[Good, str]
'{:d}'.format(x) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "Bad", placeholder has type "int")
'{:d}'.format(z) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "Bad", placeholder has type "int")
'{:d}'.format(t) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallFormatTypesBytes]
from typing import Union, TypeVar, NewType, Generic
A = TypeVar('A', str, bytes)
B = TypeVar('B', bound=bytes)
x: Union[str, bytes]
a: str
b: bytes
N = NewType('N', bytes)
n: N
def func(x: A) -> A:
return x
class D(bytes):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "overrides __str__ of bytes"
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallFinal]
from typing_extensions import Final
FMT: Final = '{.x}, {:{:d}}'
FMT.format(1, 2, 'no') # E: "int" has no attribute "x" \
# E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallFinalChar]
from typing_extensions import Final
GOOD: Final = 'c'
BAD: Final = 'no'
OK: Final[str] = '...'
'{:c}'.format(BAD) # E: ":c" requires int or char
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallForcedConversions]
'{!s:d}'.format(42) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "int")
'{} and {!x}'.format(0, 1) # E: Invalid conversion type "x", must be one of "r", "s" or "a"
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallAccessorsBasic]
from typing import Any
x: Any
'{.x:{[0]}}'.format('yes', 42) # E: "str" has no attribute "x" \
# E: Value of type "int" is not indexable
'{.1+}'.format(x) # E: Syntax error in format specifier "0.1+"
'{name.x[x]()[x]:.2f}'.format(name=x) # E: Only index and member expressions are allowed in format field accessors; got "name.x[x]()[x]"
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallAccessorsIndices]
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
class User(TypedDict):
id: int
name: str
u: User
'{user[name]:.3f}'.format(user=u) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "str", placeholder has type "Union[int, float]")
def f() -> str: ...
'{[f()]}'.format(u) # E: Invalid index expression in format field accessor "[f()]"
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[case testFormatCallFlags]
from typing import Union
class Good:
def __format__(self, spec: str) -> str: ...
'{:#}'.format('no') # E: Numeric flags are only allowed for numeric types
'{!s:#}'.format(42) # E: Numeric flags are only allowed for numeric types
'{:#s}'.format(42) # E: Numeric flags are only allowed for numeric types
'{:+s}'.format(42) # E: Numeric flags are only allowed for numeric types
x: Union[float, Good]
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]
[case testFormatCallSpecialCases]
class S:
def __int__(self) -> int: ...
'{:+d}'.format(S()) # E: Incompatible types in string interpolation (expression has type "S", placeholder has type "int")
'%d' % S() # This is OK however
[builtins fixtures/primitives.pyi]
[typing fixtures/typing-medium.pyi]