blob: 20301bf64216e864f419560664882b4158c4a215 [file] [log] [blame]
requires = [
# NOTE: this needs to be kept in sync with mypy-requirements.txt
# and build-requirements.txt, because those are both needed for
# self-typechecking :/
"setuptools >= 40.6.2",
"wheel >= 0.30.0",
# the following is from mypy-requirements.txt
"typed_ast>=1.4.0,<2; python_version<'3.8'",
"tomli>=1.1.0; python_version<'3.11'",
# the following is from build-requirements.txt
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
line-length = 99
target-version = ["py37", "py38", "py39", "py310", "py311"]
skip-magic-trailing-comma = true
force-exclude = '''
profile = "black"
line_length = 99
combine_as_imports = true
skip_gitignore = true
extra_standard_library = ["typing_extensions"]
skip_glob = [