blob: 855d0e1b6a1d855019bb1994411ab6bebd00689c [file] [log] [blame]
"""Semantic analysis of TypedDict definitions."""
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, List, Set, Tuple
from typing_extensions import Final
from mypy.types import Type, AnyType, TypeOfAny, TypedDictType, TPDICT_NAMES
from mypy.nodes import (
CallExpr, TypedDictExpr, Expression, NameExpr, Context, StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr,
ClassDef, RefExpr, TypeInfo, AssignmentStmt, PassStmt, ExpressionStmt, EllipsisExpr, TempNode,
from mypy.semanal_shared import SemanticAnalyzerInterface
from mypy.exprtotype import expr_to_unanalyzed_type, TypeTranslationError
from mypy.options import Options
from mypy.typeanal import check_for_explicit_any, has_any_from_unimported_type
from mypy.messages import MessageBuilder
TPDICT_CLASS_ERROR = ('Invalid statement in TypedDict definition; '
'expected "field_name: field_type"') # type: Final
class TypedDictAnalyzer:
def __init__(self,
options: Options,
api: SemanticAnalyzerInterface,
msg: MessageBuilder) -> None:
self.options = options
self.api = api
self.msg = msg
def analyze_typeddict_classdef(self, defn: ClassDef) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[TypeInfo]]:
"""Analyze a class that may define a TypedDict.
Assume that base classes have been analyzed already.
Note: Unlike normal classes, we won't create a TypeInfo until
the whole definition of the TypeDict (including the body and all
key names and types) is complete. This is mostly because we
store the corresponding TypedDictType in the TypeInfo.
Return (is this a TypedDict, new TypeInfo). Specifics:
* If we couldn't finish due to incomplete reference anywhere in
the definition, return (True, None).
* If this is not a TypedDict, return (False, None).
possible = False
for base_expr in defn.base_type_exprs:
if isinstance(base_expr, RefExpr):
if base_expr.fullname in TPDICT_NAMES or self.is_typeddict(base_expr):
possible = True
if possible:
if (len(defn.base_type_exprs) == 1 and
isinstance(defn.base_type_exprs[0], RefExpr) and
defn.base_type_exprs[0].fullname in TPDICT_NAMES):
# Building a new TypedDict
fields, types, required_keys = self.analyze_typeddict_classdef_fields(defn)
if fields is None:
return True, None # Defer
info = self.build_typeddict_typeinfo(, fields, types, required_keys)
defn.analyzed = TypedDictExpr(info)
defn.analyzed.line = defn.line
defn.analyzed.column = defn.column
return True, info
# Extending/merging existing TypedDicts
if any(not isinstance(expr, RefExpr) or
expr.fullname not in TPDICT_NAMES and
not self.is_typeddict(expr) for expr in defn.base_type_exprs):"All bases of a new TypedDict must be TypedDict types", defn)
typeddict_bases = list(filter(self.is_typeddict, defn.base_type_exprs))
keys = [] # type: List[str]
types = []
required_keys = set()
for base in typeddict_bases:
assert isinstance(base, RefExpr)
assert isinstance(base.node, TypeInfo)
assert isinstance(base.node.typeddict_type, TypedDictType)
base_typed_dict = base.node.typeddict_type
base_items = base_typed_dict.items
valid_items = base_items.copy()
for key in base_items:
if key in keys:'Cannot overwrite TypedDict field "{}" while merging'
.format(key), defn)
new_keys, new_types, new_required_keys = self.analyze_typeddict_classdef_fields(defn,
if new_keys is None:
return True, None # Defer
info = self.build_typeddict_typeinfo(, keys, types, required_keys)
defn.analyzed = TypedDictExpr(info)
defn.analyzed.line = defn.line
defn.analyzed.column = defn.column
return True, info
return False, None
def analyze_typeddict_classdef_fields(
defn: ClassDef,
oldfields: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Tuple[Optional[List[str]],
"""Analyze fields defined in a TypedDict class definition.
This doesn't consider inherited fields (if any). Also consider totality,
if given.
Return tuple with these items:
* List of keys (or None if found an incomplete reference --> deferral)
* List of types for each key
* Set of required keys
fields = [] # type: List[str]
types = [] # type: List[Type]
for stmt in defn.defs.body:
if not isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt):
# Still allow pass or ... (for empty TypedDict's).
if (not isinstance(stmt, PassStmt) and
not (isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStmt) and
isinstance(stmt.expr, (EllipsisExpr, StrExpr)))):, stmt)
elif len(stmt.lvalues) > 1 or not isinstance(stmt.lvalues[0], NameExpr):
# An assignment, but an invalid one., stmt)
name = stmt.lvalues[0].name
if name in (oldfields or []):'Cannot overwrite TypedDict field "{}" while extending'
.format(name), stmt)
if name in fields:'Duplicate TypedDict field "{}"'.format(name), stmt)
# Append name and type in this case...
if stmt.type is None:
analyzed = self.api.anal_type(stmt.type)
if analyzed is None:
return None, [], set() # Need to defer
# ...despite possible minor failures that allow further analyzis.
if stmt.type is None or hasattr(stmt, 'new_syntax') and not stmt.new_syntax:, stmt)
elif not isinstance(stmt.rvalue, TempNode):
# x: int assigns rvalue to TempNode(AnyType())'Right hand side values are not supported in TypedDict', stmt)
total = True # type: Optional[bool]
if 'total' in defn.keywords:
total = self.api.parse_bool(defn.keywords['total'])
if total is None:'Value of "total" must be True or False', defn)
total = True
required_keys = set(fields) if total else set()
return fields, types, required_keys
def check_typeddict(self,
node: Expression,
var_name: Optional[str],
is_func_scope: bool) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[TypeInfo]]:
"""Check if a call defines a TypedDict.
The optional var_name argument is the name of the variable to
which this is assigned, if any.
Return a pair (is it a typed dict, corresponding TypeInfo).
If the definition is invalid but looks like a TypedDict,
report errors but return (some) TypeInfo. If some type is not ready,
return (True, None).
if not isinstance(node, CallExpr):
return False, None
call = node
callee = call.callee
if not isinstance(callee, RefExpr):
return False, None
fullname = callee.fullname
if fullname not in TPDICT_NAMES:
return False, None
res = self.parse_typeddict_args(call)
if res is None:
# This is a valid typed dict, but some type is not ready.
# The caller should defer this until next iteration.
return True, None
name, items, types, total, ok = res
if not ok:
# Error. Construct dummy return value.
info = self.build_typeddict_typeinfo('TypedDict', [], [], set())
if var_name is not None and name != var_name:
"First argument '{}' to TypedDict() does not match variable name '{}'".format(
name, var_name), node)
if name != var_name or is_func_scope:
# Give it a unique name derived from the line number.
name += '@' + str(call.line)
required_keys = set(items) if total else set()
info = self.build_typeddict_typeinfo(name, items, types, required_keys)
info.line = node.line
# Store generated TypeInfo under both names, see semanal_namedtuple for more details.
if name != var_name or is_func_scope:
self.api.add_symbol_skip_local(name, info)
if var_name:
self.api.add_symbol(var_name, info, node)
call.analyzed = TypedDictExpr(info)
call.analyzed.set_line(call.line, call.column)
return True, info
def parse_typeddict_args(self, call: CallExpr) -> Optional[Tuple[str, List[str], List[Type],
bool, bool]]:
"""Parse typed dict call expression.
Return names, types, totality, was there an error during parsing.
If some type is not ready, return None.
# TODO: Share code with check_argument_count in
args = call.args
if len(args) < 2:
return self.fail_typeddict_arg("Too few arguments for TypedDict()", call)
if len(args) > 3:
return self.fail_typeddict_arg("Too many arguments for TypedDict()", call)
# TODO: Support keyword arguments
if call.arg_kinds not in ([ARG_POS, ARG_POS], [ARG_POS, ARG_POS, ARG_NAMED]):
return self.fail_typeddict_arg("Unexpected arguments to TypedDict()", call)
if len(args) == 3 and call.arg_names[2] != 'total':
return self.fail_typeddict_arg(
'Unexpected keyword argument "{}" for "TypedDict"'.format(call.arg_names[2]), call)
if not isinstance(args[0], (StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr)):
return self.fail_typeddict_arg(
"TypedDict() expects a string literal as the first argument", call)
if not isinstance(args[1], DictExpr):
return self.fail_typeddict_arg(
"TypedDict() expects a dictionary literal as the second argument", call)
total = True # type: Optional[bool]
if len(args) == 3:
total = self.api.parse_bool(call.args[2])
if total is None:
return self.fail_typeddict_arg(
'TypedDict() "total" argument must be True or False', call)
dictexpr = args[1]
res = self.parse_typeddict_fields_with_types(dictexpr.items, call)
if res is None:
# One of the types is not ready, defer.
return None
items, types, ok = res
for t in types:
check_for_explicit_any(t, self.options, self.api.is_typeshed_stub_file, self.msg,
if self.options.disallow_any_unimported:
for t in types:
if has_any_from_unimported_type(t):
self.msg.unimported_type_becomes_any("Type of a TypedDict key", t, dictexpr)
assert total is not None
return args[0].value, items, types, total, ok
def parse_typeddict_fields_with_types(
dict_items: List[Tuple[Optional[Expression], Expression]],
context: Context) -> Optional[Tuple[List[str], List[Type], bool]]:
"""Parse typed dict items passed as pairs (name expression, type expression).
Return names, types, was there an error. If some type is not ready, return None.
items = [] # type: List[str]
types = [] # type: List[Type]
for (field_name_expr, field_type_expr) in dict_items:
if isinstance(field_name_expr, (StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr)):
name_context = field_name_expr or field_type_expr
self.fail_typeddict_arg("Invalid TypedDict() field name", name_context)
return [], [], False
type = expr_to_unanalyzed_type(field_type_expr)
except TypeTranslationError:
self.fail_typeddict_arg('Invalid field type', field_type_expr)
return [], [], False
analyzed = self.api.anal_type(type)
if analyzed is None:
return None
return items, types, True
def fail_typeddict_arg(self, message: str,
context: Context) -> Tuple[str, List[str], List[Type], bool, bool]:, context)
return '', [], [], True, False
def build_typeddict_typeinfo(self, name: str, items: List[str],
types: List[Type],
required_keys: Set[str]) -> TypeInfo:
# Prefer typing then typing_extensions if available.
fallback = (self.api.named_type_or_none('typing._TypedDict', []) or
self.api.named_type_or_none('typing_extensions._TypedDict', []) or
self.api.named_type_or_none('mypy_extensions._TypedDict', []))
assert fallback is not None
info = self.api.basic_new_typeinfo(name, fallback)
info.typeddict_type = TypedDictType(OrderedDict(zip(items, types)), required_keys,
return info
# Helpers
def is_typeddict(self, expr: Expression) -> bool:
return (isinstance(expr, RefExpr) and isinstance(expr.node, TypeInfo) and
expr.node.typeddict_type is not None)
def fail(self, msg: str, ctx: Context) -> None:, ctx)