blob: da65f6f063d26132e7f6a80e91ea808af8b80e2a [file] [log] [blame]
"""Semantic analysis of named tuple definitions.
This is conceptually part of mypy.semanal.
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Union, cast, Iterator
from typing_extensions import Final
from mypy.types import (
Type, TupleType, AnyType, TypeOfAny, TypeVarDef, CallableType, TypeType, TypeVarType
from mypy.semanal_shared import (
SemanticAnalyzerInterface, set_callable_name, calculate_tuple_fallback, PRIORITY_FALLBACKS
from mypy.nodes import (
Var, EllipsisExpr, Argument, StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr, ExpressionStmt, NameExpr,
AssignmentStmt, PassStmt, Decorator, FuncBase, ClassDef, Expression, RefExpr, TypeInfo,
NamedTupleExpr, CallExpr, Context, TupleExpr, ListExpr, SymbolTableNode, FuncDef, Block,
TempNode, SymbolTable, TypeVarExpr, ARG_POS, ARG_NAMED_OPT, ARG_OPT, MDEF
from mypy.options import Options
from mypy.exprtotype import expr_to_unanalyzed_type, TypeTranslationError
from mypy.util import get_unique_redefinition_name
# Matches "_prohibited" in, but adds __annotations__, which works at runtime but can't
# easily be supported in a static checker.
NAMEDTUPLE_PROHIBITED_NAMES = ('__new__', '__init__', '__slots__', '__getnewargs__',
'_fields', '_field_defaults', '_field_types',
'_make', '_replace', '_asdict', '_source',
'__annotations__') # type: Final
NAMEDTUP_CLASS_ERROR = ('Invalid statement in NamedTuple definition; '
'expected "field_name: field_type [= default]"') # type: Final
SELF_TVAR_NAME = '_NT' # type: Final
class NamedTupleAnalyzer:
def __init__(self, options: Options, api: SemanticAnalyzerInterface) -> None:
self.options = options
self.api = api
def analyze_namedtuple_classdef(self, defn: ClassDef, is_stub_file: bool
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[TypeInfo]]:
"""Analyze if given class definition can be a named tuple definition.
Return a tuple where first item indicates whether this can possibly be a named tuple,
and the second item is the corresponding TypeInfo (may be None if not ready and should be
for base_expr in defn.base_type_exprs:
if isinstance(base_expr, RefExpr):
if base_expr.fullname == 'typing.NamedTuple':
result = self.check_namedtuple_classdef(defn, is_stub_file)
if result is None:
# This is a valid named tuple, but some types are incomplete.
return True, None
items, types, default_items = result
info = self.build_namedtuple_typeinfo(, items, types, default_items, defn.line) = info
defn.analyzed = NamedTupleExpr(info, is_typed=True)
defn.analyzed.line = defn.line
defn.analyzed.column = defn.column
# All done: this is a valid named tuple with all types known.
return True, info
# This can't be a valid named tuple.
return False, None
def check_namedtuple_classdef(self, defn: ClassDef, is_stub_file: bool
) -> Optional[Tuple[List[str],
Dict[str, Expression]]]:
"""Parse and validate fields in named tuple class definition.
Return a three tuple:
* field names
* field types
* field default values
or None, if any of the types are not ready.
if self.options.python_version < (3, 6) and not is_stub_file:'NamedTuple class syntax is only supported in Python 3.6', defn)
return [], [], {}
if len(defn.base_type_exprs) > 1:'NamedTuple should be a single base', defn)
items = [] # type: List[str]
types = [] # type: List[Type]
default_items = {} # type: Dict[str, Expression]
for stmt in defn.defs.body:
if not isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt):
# Still allow pass or ... (for empty namedtuples).
if (isinstance(stmt, PassStmt) or
(isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStmt) and
isinstance(stmt.expr, EllipsisExpr))):
# Also allow methods, including decorated ones.
if isinstance(stmt, (Decorator, FuncBase)):
# And docstrings.
if (isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStmt) and
isinstance(stmt.expr, StrExpr)):
continue, stmt)
elif len(stmt.lvalues) > 1 or not isinstance(stmt.lvalues[0], NameExpr):
# An assignment, but an invalid one., stmt)
# Append name and type in this case...
name = stmt.lvalues[0].name
if stmt.type is None:
analyzed = self.api.anal_type(stmt.type)
if analyzed is None:
# Something is incomplete. We need to defer this named tuple.
return None
# ...despite possible minor failures that allow further analyzis.
if name.startswith('_'):'NamedTuple field name cannot start with an underscore: {}'
.format(name), stmt)
if stmt.type is None or hasattr(stmt, 'new_syntax') and not stmt.new_syntax:, stmt)
elif isinstance(stmt.rvalue, TempNode):
# x: int assigns rvalue to TempNode(AnyType())
if default_items:'Non-default NamedTuple fields cannot follow default fields',
default_items[name] = stmt.rvalue
return items, types, default_items
def check_namedtuple(self,
node: Expression,
var_name: Optional[str],
is_func_scope: bool) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[TypeInfo]]:
"""Check if a call defines a namedtuple.
The optional var_name argument is the name of the variable to
which this is assigned, if any.
Return a tuple of two items:
* Can it be a valid named tuple?
* Corresponding TypeInfo, or None if not ready.
If the definition is invalid but looks like a namedtuple,
report errors but return (some) TypeInfo.
if not isinstance(node, CallExpr):
return False, None
call = node
callee = call.callee
if not isinstance(callee, RefExpr):
return False, None
fullname = callee.fullname
if fullname == 'collections.namedtuple':
is_typed = False
elif fullname == 'typing.NamedTuple':
is_typed = True
return False, None
result = self.parse_namedtuple_args(call, fullname)
if result:
items, types, defaults, ok = result
# This is a valid named tuple but some types are not ready.
return True, None
if not ok:
# Error. Construct dummy return value.
if var_name:
name = var_name
name = 'namedtuple@' + str(call.line)
info = self.build_namedtuple_typeinfo(name, [], [], {}, node.line)
self.store_namedtuple_info(info, name, call, is_typed)
return True, info
name = cast(Union[StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr], call.args[0]).value
if name != var_name or is_func_scope:
# There are three special cases where need to give it a unique name derived
# from the line number:
# * There is a name mismatch with l.h.s., therefore we need to disambiguate
# situations like:
# A = NamedTuple('Same', [('x', int)])
# B = NamedTuple('Same', [('y', str)])
# * This is a base class expression, since it often matches the class name:
# class NT(NamedTuple('NT', [...])):
# ...
# * This is a local (function or method level) named tuple, since
# two methods of a class can define a named tuple with the same name,
# and they will be stored in the same namespace (see below).
name += '@' + str(call.line)
if len(defaults) > 0:
default_items = {
arg_name: default
for arg_name, default in zip(items[-len(defaults):], defaults)
default_items = {}
info = self.build_namedtuple_typeinfo(name, items, types, default_items, node.line)
# If var_name is not None (i.e. this is not a base class expression), we always
# store the generated TypeInfo under var_name in the current scope, so that
# other definitions can use it.
if var_name:
self.store_namedtuple_info(info, var_name, call, is_typed)
# There are three cases where we need to store the generated TypeInfo
# second time (for the purpose of serialization):
# * If there is a name mismatch like One = NamedTuple('Other', [...])
# we also store the info under name 'Other@lineno', this is needed
# because classes are (de)serialized using their actual fullname, not
# the name of l.h.s.
# * If this is a method level named tuple. It can leak from the method
# via assignment to self attribute and therefore needs to be serialized
# (local namespaces are not serialized).
# * If it is a base class expression. It was not stored above, since
# there is no var_name (but it still needs to be serialized
# since it is in MRO of some class).
if name != var_name or is_func_scope:
# NOTE: we skip local namespaces since they are not serialized.
self.api.add_symbol_skip_local(name, info)
return True, info
def store_namedtuple_info(self, info: TypeInfo, name: str,
call: CallExpr, is_typed: bool) -> None:
self.api.add_symbol(name, info, call)
call.analyzed = NamedTupleExpr(info, is_typed=is_typed)
call.analyzed.set_line(call.line, call.column)
def parse_namedtuple_args(self, call: CallExpr, fullname: str
) -> Optional[Tuple[List[str], List[Type], List[Expression], bool]]:
"""Parse a namedtuple() call into data needed to construct a type.
Returns a 4-tuple:
- List of argument names
- List of argument types
- Number of arguments that have a default value
- Whether the definition typechecked.
Return None if at least one of the types is not ready.
# TODO: Share code with check_argument_count in
args = call.args
if len(args) < 2:
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg("Too few arguments for namedtuple()", call)
defaults = [] # type: List[Expression]
if len(args) > 2:
# Typed namedtuple doesn't support additional arguments.
if fullname == 'typing.NamedTuple':
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg("Too many arguments for NamedTuple()", call)
for i, arg_name in enumerate(call.arg_names[2:], 2):
if arg_name == 'defaults':
arg = args[i]
# We don't care what the values are, as long as the argument is an iterable
# and we can count how many defaults there are.
if isinstance(arg, (ListExpr, TupleExpr)):
defaults = list(arg.items)
"List or tuple literal expected as the defaults argument to "
if call.arg_kinds[:2] != [ARG_POS, ARG_POS]:
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg("Unexpected arguments to namedtuple()", call)
if not isinstance(args[0], (StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr)):
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg(
"namedtuple() expects a string literal as the first argument", call)
types = [] # type: List[Type]
ok = True
if not isinstance(args[1], (ListExpr, TupleExpr)):
if (fullname == 'collections.namedtuple'
and isinstance(args[1], (StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr))):
str_expr = args[1]
items = str_expr.value.replace(',', ' ').split()
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg(
"List or tuple literal expected as the second argument to namedtuple()", call)
listexpr = args[1]
if fullname == 'collections.namedtuple':
# The fields argument contains just names, with implicit Any types.
if any(not isinstance(item, (StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr))
for item in listexpr.items):
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg("String literal expected as namedtuple() item",
items = [cast(Union[StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr], item).value
for item in listexpr.items]
# The fields argument contains (name, type) tuples.
result = self.parse_namedtuple_fields_with_types(listexpr.items, call)
if result:
items, types, _, ok = result
# One of the types is not ready, defer.
return None
if not types:
types = [AnyType(TypeOfAny.unannotated) for _ in items]
underscore = [item for item in items if item.startswith('_')]
if underscore:"namedtuple() field names cannot start with an underscore: "
+ ', '.join(underscore), call)
if len(defaults) > len(items):"Too many defaults given in call to namedtuple()", call)
defaults = defaults[:len(items)]
return items, types, defaults, ok
def parse_namedtuple_fields_with_types(self, nodes: List[Expression], context: Context
) -> Optional[Tuple[List[str], List[Type],
"""Parse typed named tuple fields.
Return (names, types, defaults, error ocurred), or None if at least one of
the types is not ready.
items = [] # type: List[str]
types = [] # type: List[Type]
for item in nodes:
if isinstance(item, TupleExpr):
if len(item.items) != 2:
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg("Invalid NamedTuple field definition",
name, type_node = item.items
if isinstance(name, (StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr)):
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg("Invalid NamedTuple() field name", item)
type = expr_to_unanalyzed_type(type_node)
except TypeTranslationError:
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg('Invalid field type', type_node)
analyzed = self.api.anal_type(type)
# These should be all known, otherwise we would defer in visit_assignment_stmt().
if analyzed is None:
return None
return self.fail_namedtuple_arg("Tuple expected as NamedTuple() field", item)
return items, types, [], True
def fail_namedtuple_arg(self, message: str, context: Context
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Type], List[Expression], bool]:, context)
return [], [], [], False
def build_namedtuple_typeinfo(self,
name: str,
items: List[str],
types: List[Type],
default_items: Mapping[str, Expression],
line: int) -> TypeInfo:
strtype = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.str')
implicit_any = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
basetuple_type = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.tuple', [implicit_any])
dictype = (self.api.named_type_or_none('builtins.dict', [strtype, implicit_any])
or self.api.named_type('__builtins__.object'))
# Actual signature should return OrderedDict[str, Union[types]]
ordereddictype = (self.api.named_type_or_none('builtins.dict', [strtype, implicit_any])
or self.api.named_type('__builtins__.object'))
fallback = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.tuple', [implicit_any])
# Note: actual signature should accept an invariant version of Iterable[UnionType[types]].
# but it can't be expressed. 'new' and 'len' should be callable types.
iterable_type = self.api.named_type_or_none('typing.Iterable', [implicit_any])
function_type = self.api.named_type('__builtins__.function')
info = self.api.basic_new_typeinfo(name, fallback)
info.is_named_tuple = True
tuple_base = TupleType(types, fallback)
info.tuple_type = tuple_base
info.line = line
# We can't calculate the complete fallback type until after semantic
# analysis, since otherwise base classes might be incomplete. Postpone a
# callback function that patches the fallback.
lambda: calculate_tuple_fallback(tuple_base))
def add_field(var: Var, is_initialized_in_class: bool = False,
is_property: bool = False) -> None: = info
var.is_initialized_in_class = is_initialized_in_class
var.is_property = is_property
var._fullname = '%s.%s' % (info.fullname(),
info.names[] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, var)
fields = [Var(item, typ) for item, typ in zip(items, types)]
for var in fields:
add_field(var, is_property=True)
# We can't share Vars between fields and method arguments, since they
# have different full names (the latter are normally used as local variables
# in functions, so their full names are set to short names when generated methods
# are analyzed).
vars = [Var(item, typ) for item, typ in zip(items, types)]
tuple_of_strings = TupleType([strtype for _ in items], basetuple_type)
add_field(Var('_fields', tuple_of_strings), is_initialized_in_class=True)
add_field(Var('_field_types', dictype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
add_field(Var('_field_defaults', dictype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
add_field(Var('_source', strtype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
add_field(Var('__annotations__', ordereddictype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
add_field(Var('__doc__', strtype), is_initialized_in_class=True)
tvd = TypeVarDef(SELF_TVAR_NAME, info.fullname() + '.' + SELF_TVAR_NAME,
-1, [], info.tuple_type)
selftype = TypeVarType(tvd)
def add_method(funcname: str,
ret: Type,
args: List[Argument],
is_classmethod: bool = False,
is_new: bool = False,
) -> None:
if is_classmethod or is_new:
first = [Argument(Var('_cls'), TypeType.make_normalized(selftype), None, ARG_POS)]
first = [Argument(Var('_self'), selftype, None, ARG_POS)]
args = first + args
types = [arg.type_annotation for arg in args]
items = [ for arg in args]
arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
assert None not in types
signature = CallableType(cast(List[Type], types), arg_kinds, items, ret,
signature.variables = [tvd]
func = FuncDef(funcname, args, Block([])) = info
func.is_class = is_classmethod
func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
func._fullname = info.fullname() + '.' + funcname
func.line = line
if is_classmethod:
v = Var(funcname, func.type)
v.is_classmethod = True = info
v._fullname = func._fullname
func.is_decorated = True
dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr('classmethod')], v)
dec.line = line
sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, dec)
sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
sym.plugin_generated = True
info.names[funcname] = sym
add_method('_replace', ret=selftype,
args=[Argument(var, var.type, EllipsisExpr(), ARG_NAMED_OPT) for var in vars])
def make_init_arg(var: Var) -> Argument:
default = default_items.get(, None)
kind = ARG_POS if default is None else ARG_OPT
return Argument(var, var.type, default, kind)
add_method('__new__', ret=selftype,
args=[make_init_arg(var) for var in vars],
add_method('_asdict', args=[], ret=ordereddictype)
special_form_any = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
add_method('_make', ret=selftype, is_classmethod=True,
args=[Argument(Var('iterable', iterable_type), iterable_type, None, ARG_POS),
Argument(Var('new'), special_form_any, EllipsisExpr(), ARG_NAMED_OPT),
Argument(Var('len'), special_form_any, EllipsisExpr(), ARG_NAMED_OPT)])
self_tvar_expr = TypeVarExpr(SELF_TVAR_NAME, info.fullname() + '.' + SELF_TVAR_NAME,
[], info.tuple_type)
info.names[SELF_TVAR_NAME] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, self_tvar_expr)
return info
def save_namedtuple_body(self, named_tuple_info: TypeInfo) -> Iterator[None]:
"""Preserve the generated body of class-based named tuple and then restore it.
Temporarily clear the names dict so we don't get errors about duplicate names
that were already set in build_namedtuple_typeinfo (we already added the tuple
field names while generating the TypeInfo, and actual duplicates are
already reported).
nt_names = named_tuple_info.names
named_tuple_info.names = SymbolTable()
# Make sure we didn't use illegal names, then reset the names in the typeinfo.
if prohibited in named_tuple_info.names:
if nt_names.get(prohibited) is named_tuple_info.names[prohibited]:
ctx = named_tuple_info.names[prohibited].node
assert ctx is not None'Cannot overwrite NamedTuple attribute "{}"'.format(prohibited),
# Restore the names in the original symbol table. This ensures that the symbol
# table contains the field objects created by build_namedtuple_typeinfo. Exclude
# __doc__, which can legally be overwritten by the class.
for key, value in nt_names.items():
if key in named_tuple_info.names:
if key == '__doc__':
sym = named_tuple_info.names[key]
if isinstance(sym.node, (FuncBase, Decorator)) and not sym.plugin_generated:
# Keep user-defined methods as is.
# Keep existing (user-provided) definitions under mangled names, so they
# get semantically analyzed.
r_key = get_unique_redefinition_name(key, named_tuple_info.names)
named_tuple_info.names[r_key] = sym
named_tuple_info.names[key] = value
# Helpers
def fail(self, msg: str, ctx: Context) -> None:, ctx)