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Built-in types
This chapter introduces some commonly used built-in types. We will
cover many other kinds of types later.
Simple types
Here are examples of some common built-in types:
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Type Description
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``int`` integer
``float`` floating point number
``bool`` boolean value (subclass of ``int``)
``str`` text, sequence of unicode codepoints
``bytes`` 8-bit string, sequence of byte values
``object`` an arbitrary object (``object`` is the common base class)
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All built-in classes can be used as types.
Any type
If you can't find a good type for some value, you can always fall back
to ``Any``:
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Type Description
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``Any`` dynamically typed value with an arbitrary type
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The type ``Any`` is defined in the :py:mod:`typing` module.
See :ref:`dynamic-typing` for more details.
Generic types
In Python 3.9 and later, built-in collection type objects support
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Type Description
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``list[str]`` list of ``str`` objects
``tuple[int, int]`` tuple of two ``int`` objects (``tuple[()]`` is the empty tuple)
``tuple[int, ...]`` tuple of an arbitrary number of ``int`` objects
``dict[str, int]`` dictionary from ``str`` keys to ``int`` values
``Iterable[int]`` iterable object containing ints
``Sequence[bool]`` sequence of booleans (read-only)
``Mapping[str, int]`` mapping from ``str`` keys to ``int`` values (read-only)
``type[C]`` type object of ``C`` (``C`` is a class/type variable/union of types)
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The type ``dict`` is a *generic* class, signified by type arguments within
``[...]``. For example, ``dict[int, str]`` is a dictionary from integers to
strings and ``dict[Any, Any]`` is a dictionary of dynamically typed
(arbitrary) values and keys. ``list`` is another generic class.
``Iterable``, ``Sequence``, and ``Mapping`` are generic types that correspond to
Python protocols. For example, a ``str`` object or a ``list[str]`` object is
valid when ``Iterable[str]`` or ``Sequence[str]`` is expected.
You can import them from :py:mod:`` instead of importing from
:py:mod:`typing` in Python 3.9.
See :ref:`generic-builtins` for more details, including how you can
use these in annotations also in Python 3.7 and 3.8.
These legacy types defined in :py:mod:`typing` are needed if you need to support
Python 3.8 and earlier:
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Type Description
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``List[str]`` list of ``str`` objects
``Tuple[int, int]`` tuple of two ``int`` objects (``Tuple[()]`` is the empty tuple)
``Tuple[int, ...]`` tuple of an arbitrary number of ``int`` objects
``Dict[str, int]`` dictionary from ``str`` keys to ``int`` values
``Iterable[int]`` iterable object containing ints
``Sequence[bool]`` sequence of booleans (read-only)
``Mapping[str, int]`` mapping from ``str`` keys to ``int`` values (read-only)
``Type[C]`` type object of ``C`` (``C`` is a class/type variable/union of types)
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``List`` is an alias for the built-in type ``list`` that supports
indexing (and similarly for ``dict``/``Dict`` and
Note that even though ``Iterable``, ``Sequence`` and ``Mapping`` look
similar to abstract base classes defined in :py:mod:``
(formerly ``collections``), they are not identical, since the latter
don't support indexing prior to Python 3.9.