blob: a221a251928ffd60ae7db8164a0819e67caad8ed [file] [log] [blame]
"""Classes for producing HTML reports about imprecision."""
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import json
import os
import shutil
import tokenize
from operator import attrgetter
from urllib.request import pathname2url
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, cast
import time
import sys
from mypy.nodes import MypyFile, Expression, FuncDef
from mypy import stats
from mypy.options import Options
from mypy.traverser import TraverserVisitor
from mypy.types import Type
from mypy.version import __version__
import lxml.etree as etree
except ImportError:
reporter_classes = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[Callable[[Reports, str], AbstractReporter], bool]]
class Reports:
def __init__(self, data_dir: str, report_dirs: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.reporters = [] # type: List[AbstractReporter]
self.named_reporters = {} # type: Dict[str, AbstractReporter]
for report_type, report_dir in sorted(report_dirs.items()):
self.add_report(report_type, report_dir)
def add_report(self, report_type: str, report_dir: str) -> 'AbstractReporter':
return self.named_reporters[report_type]
except KeyError:
reporter_cls, needs_lxml = reporter_classes[report_type]
if needs_lxml and not LXML_INSTALLED:
print(('You must install the lxml package before you can run mypy'
' with `--{}-report`.\n'
'You can do this with `python3 -m pip install lxml`.').format(report_type),
raise ImportError
reporter = reporter_cls(self, report_dir)
self.named_reporters[report_type] = reporter
return reporter
def file(self, tree: MypyFile, type_map: Dict[Expression, Type], options: Options) -> None:
for reporter in self.reporters:
reporter.on_file(tree, type_map, options)
def finish(self) -> None:
for reporter in self.reporters:
class AbstractReporter(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
self.output_dir = output_dir
def on_file(self, tree: MypyFile, type_map: Dict[Expression, Type], options: Options) -> None:
def on_finish(self) -> None:
def register_reporter(report_name: str,
reporter: Callable[[Reports, str], AbstractReporter],
needs_lxml: bool = False) -> None:
reporter_classes[report_name] = (reporter, needs_lxml)
def alias_reporter(source_reporter: str, target_reporter: str) -> None:
reporter_classes[target_reporter] = reporter_classes[source_reporter]
class FuncCounterVisitor(TraverserVisitor):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.counts = [0, 0]
def visit_func_def(self, defn: FuncDef) -> None:
self.counts[defn.type is not None] += 1
class LineCountReporter(AbstractReporter):
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
self.counts = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
# Count physical lines. This assumes the file's encoding is a
# superset of ASCII (or at least uses \n in its line endings).
with open(tree.path, 'rb') as f:
physical_lines = len(f.readlines())
func_counter = FuncCounterVisitor()
unannotated_funcs, annotated_funcs = func_counter.counts
total_funcs = annotated_funcs + unannotated_funcs
# Don't count lines or functions as annotated if they have their errors ignored.
if options.ignore_errors:
annotated_funcs = 0
imputed_annotated_lines = (physical_lines * annotated_funcs // total_funcs
if total_funcs else physical_lines)
self.counts[tree._fullname] = (imputed_annotated_lines, physical_lines,
annotated_funcs, total_funcs)
def on_finish(self) -> None:
counts = sorted(((c, p) for p, c in self.counts.items()),
reverse=True) # type: List[Tuple[tuple, str]]
total_counts = tuple(sum(c[i] for c, p in counts)
for i in range(4))
with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'linecount.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write('{:7} {:7} {:6} {:6} total\n'.format(*total_counts))
for c, p in counts:
f.write('{:7} {:7} {:6} {:6} {}\n'.format(
c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], p))
register_reporter('linecount', LineCountReporter)
class AnyExpressionsReporter(AbstractReporter):
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
self.counts = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
visitor = stats.StatisticsVisitor(inferred=True, filename=tree.fullname(),
typemap=type_map, all_nodes=True)
num_unanalyzed_lines = list(visitor.line_map.values()).count(stats.TYPE_UNANALYZED)
# count each line of dead code as one expression of type "Any"
num_any = visitor.num_any + num_unanalyzed_lines
num_total = visitor.num_imprecise + visitor.num_precise + num_any
if num_total > 0:
self.counts[tree.fullname()] = (num_any, num_total)
def on_finish(self) -> None:
total_any = sum(num_any for num_any, _ in self.counts.values())
total_expr = sum(total for _, total in self.counts.values())
total_coverage = 100.0
if total_expr > 0:
total_coverage = (float(total_expr - total_any) / float(total_expr)) * 100
any_column_name = "Anys"
total_column_name = "Exprs"
file_column_name = "Name"
total_row_name = "Total"
coverage_column_name = "Coverage"
# find the longest filename all files
name_width = max([len(file) for file in self.counts] +
[len(file_column_name), len(total_row_name)])
# totals are the largest numbers in their column - no need to look at others
min_column_distance = 3 # minimum distance between numbers in two columns
any_width = max(len(str(total_any)) + min_column_distance, len(any_column_name))
exprs_width = max(len(str(total_expr)) + min_column_distance, len(total_column_name))
coverage_width = len(coverage_column_name) + min_column_distance
header = '{:{name_width}} {:>{any_width}} {:>{total_width}} {:>{coverage_width}}'.format(
file_column_name, any_column_name, total_column_name, coverage_column_name,
name_width=name_width, any_width=any_width, total_width=exprs_width,
with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'any-exprs.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write(header + '\n')
separator = '-' * len(header) + '\n'
coverage_width -= 1 # subtract one for '%'
for file in sorted(self.counts):
(num_any, num_total) = self.counts[file]
coverage = (float(num_total - num_any) / float(num_total)) * 100
f.write('{:{name_width}} {:{any_width}} {:{total_width}} '
format(file, num_any, num_total, coverage, name_width=name_width,
any_width=any_width, total_width=exprs_width,
f.write('{:{name_width}} {:{any_width}} {:{total_width}} {:>{coverage_width}.2f}%\n'
.format(total_row_name, total_any, total_expr, total_coverage,
name_width=name_width, any_width=any_width, total_width=exprs_width,
register_reporter('any-exprs', AnyExpressionsReporter)
class LineCoverageVisitor(TraverserVisitor):
def __init__(self, source: List[str]) -> None:
self.source = source
# For each line of source, we maintain a pair of
# * the indentation level of the surrounding function
# (-1 if not inside a function), and
# * whether the surrounding function is typed.
# Initially, everything is covered at indentation level -1.
self.lines_covered = [(-1, True) for l in source]
# The Python AST has position information for the starts of
# elements, but not for their ends. Fortunately the
# indentation-based syntax makes it pretty easy to find where a
# block ends without doing any real parsing.
# TODO: Handle line continuations (explicit and implicit) and
# multi-line string literals. (But at least line continuations
# are normally more indented than their surrounding block anyways,
# by PEP 8.)
def indentation_level(self, line_number: int) -> Optional[int]:
"""Return the indentation of a line of the source (specified by
zero-indexed line number). Returns None for blank lines or comments."""
line = self.source[line_number]
indent = 0
for char in list(line):
if char == ' ':
indent += 1
elif char == '\t':
indent = 8 * ((indent + 8) // 8)
elif char == '#':
# Line is a comment; ignore it
return None
elif char == '\n':
# Line is entirely whitespace; ignore it
return None
# TODO line continuation (\)
# Found a non-whitespace character
return indent
# Line is entirely whitespace, and at end of file
# with no trailing newline; ignore it
return None
def visit_func_def(self, defn: FuncDef) -> None:
start_line = defn.get_line() - 1
start_indent = self.indentation_level(start_line)
cur_line = start_line + 1
end_line = cur_line
# After this loop, function body will be lines [start_line, end_line)
while cur_line < len(self.source):
cur_indent = self.indentation_level(cur_line)
if cur_indent is None:
# Consume the line, but don't mark it as belonging to the function yet.
cur_line += 1
elif start_indent is not None and cur_indent > start_indent:
# A non-blank line that belongs to the function.
cur_line += 1
end_line = cur_line
# We reached a line outside the function definition.
is_typed = defn.type is not None
for line in range(start_line, end_line):
old_indent, _ = self.lines_covered[line]
assert start_indent is not None and start_indent > old_indent
self.lines_covered[line] = (start_indent, is_typed)
# Visit the body, in case there are nested functions
class LineCoverageReporter(AbstractReporter):
"""Exact line coverage reporter.
This reporter writes a JSON dictionary with one field 'lines' to
the file 'coverage.json' in the specified report directory. The
value of that field is a dictionary which associates to each
source file's absolute pathname the list of line numbers that
belong to typed functions in that file.
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
self.lines_covered = {} # type: Dict[str, List[int]]
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
with open(tree.path) as f:
tree_source = f.readlines()
coverage_visitor = LineCoverageVisitor(tree_source)
covered_lines = []
for line_number, (_, typed) in enumerate(coverage_visitor.lines_covered):
if typed:
covered_lines.append(line_number + 1)
self.lines_covered[os.path.abspath(tree.path)] = covered_lines
def on_finish(self) -> None:
with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'coverage.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump({'lines': self.lines_covered}, f)
register_reporter('linecoverage', LineCoverageReporter)
class OldHtmlReporter(AbstractReporter):
"""Old HTML reporter.
This just calls the old functions in `stats`, which use global
variables to preserve state for the index.
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type], options: Options) -> None:
stats.generate_html_report(tree, tree.path, type_map, self.output_dir)
def on_finish(self) -> None:
register_reporter('old-html', OldHtmlReporter)
class FileInfo:
def __init__(self, name: str, module: str) -> None: = name
self.module = module
self.counts = [0] * len(stats.precision_names)
def total(self) -> int:
return sum(self.counts)
def attrib(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {name: str(val) for name, val in zip(stats.precision_names, self.counts)}
class MemoryXmlReporter(AbstractReporter):
"""Internal reporter that generates XML in memory.
This is used by all other XML-based reporters to avoid duplication.
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
self.xslt_html_path = os.path.join(reports.data_dir, 'xml', 'mypy-html.xslt')
self.xslt_txt_path = os.path.join(reports.data_dir, 'xml', 'mypy-txt.xslt')
self.css_html_path = os.path.join(reports.data_dir, 'xml', 'mypy-html.css')
xsd_path = os.path.join(reports.data_dir, 'xml', 'mypy.xsd')
self.schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(xsd_path))
self.last_xml = None # type: Optional[etree._ElementTree]
self.files = [] # type: List[FileInfo]
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
self.last_xml = None
path = os.path.relpath(tree.path)
if stats.is_special_module(path):
if path.startswith('..'):
if 'stubs' in path.split('/'):
visitor = stats.StatisticsVisitor(inferred=True, filename=tree.fullname(),
typemap=type_map, all_nodes=True)
root = etree.Element('mypy-report-file', name=path, module=tree._fullname)
doc = etree.ElementTree(root)
file_info = FileInfo(path, tree._fullname)
with as input_file:
for lineno, line_text in enumerate(input_file, 1):
status = visitor.line_map.get(lineno, stats.TYPE_EMPTY)
file_info.counts[status] += 1
etree.SubElement(root, 'line',
# Assumes a layout similar to what XmlReporter uses.
xslt_path = os.path.relpath('mypy-html.xslt', path)
transform_pi = etree.ProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet',
'type="text/xsl" href="%s"' % pathname2url(xslt_path))
self.last_xml = doc
def on_finish(self) -> None:
self.last_xml = None
# index_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'index.xml')
output_files = sorted(self.files, key=lambda x: x.module)
root = etree.Element('mypy-report-index', name='index')
doc = etree.ElementTree(root)
for file_info in output_files:
etree.SubElement(root, 'file',
xslt_path = os.path.relpath('mypy-html.xslt', '.')
transform_pi = etree.ProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet',
'type="text/xsl" href="%s"' % pathname2url(xslt_path))
self.last_xml = doc
register_reporter('memory-xml', MemoryXmlReporter, needs_lxml=True)
def get_line_rate(covered_lines: int, total_lines: int) -> str:
if total_lines == 0:
return str(1.0)
return '{:.4f}'.format(covered_lines / total_lines)
class CoberturaPackage(object):
"""Container for XML and statistics mapping python modules to Cobertura package
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
self.classes = {} # type: Dict[str, etree._Element]
self.packages = {} # type: Dict[str, CoberturaPackage]
self.total_lines = 0
self.covered_lines = 0
def as_xml(self) -> Any:
package_element = etree.Element('package',,
package_element.attrib['branch-rate'] = '0'
package_element.attrib['line-rate'] = get_line_rate(self.covered_lines, self.total_lines)
classes_element = etree.SubElement(package_element, 'classes')
for class_name in sorted(self.classes):
return package_element
def add_packages(self, parent_element: Any) -> None:
if self.packages:
packages_element = etree.SubElement(parent_element, 'packages')
for package in sorted(self.packages.values(), key=attrgetter('name')):
class CoberturaXmlReporter(AbstractReporter):
"""Reporter for generating Cobertura compliant XML.
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
self.root = etree.Element('coverage',
self.doc = etree.ElementTree(self.root)
self.root_package = CoberturaPackage('.')
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
path = os.path.relpath(tree.path)
visitor = stats.StatisticsVisitor(inferred=True, filename=tree.fullname(),
typemap=type_map, all_nodes=True)
class_name = os.path.basename(path)
file_info = FileInfo(path, tree._fullname)
class_element = etree.Element('class',
etree.SubElement(class_element, 'methods')
lines_element = etree.SubElement(class_element, 'lines')
with as input_file:
class_lines_covered = 0
class_total_lines = 0
for lineno, _ in enumerate(input_file, 1):
status = visitor.line_map.get(lineno, stats.TYPE_EMPTY)
hits = 0
branch = False
if status == stats.TYPE_EMPTY:
class_total_lines += 1
if status != stats.TYPE_ANY:
class_lines_covered += 1
hits = 1
if status == stats.TYPE_IMPRECISE:
branch = True
file_info.counts[status] += 1
line_element = etree.SubElement(lines_element, 'line',
if branch:
line_element.attrib['condition-coverage'] = '50% (1/2)'
class_element.attrib['branch-rate'] = '0'
class_element.attrib['line-rate'] = get_line_rate(class_lines_covered,
# parent_module is set to whichever module contains this file. For most files, we want
# to simply strip the last element off of the module. But for files,
# the module == the parent module.
parent_module = file_info.module.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
parent_module = file_info.module
if parent_module not in self.root_package.packages:
self.root_package.packages[parent_module] = CoberturaPackage(parent_module)
current_package = self.root_package.packages[parent_module]
packages_to_update = [self.root_package, current_package]
for package in packages_to_update:
package.total_lines += class_total_lines
package.covered_lines += class_lines_covered
current_package.classes[class_name] = class_element
def on_finish(self) -> None:
self.root.attrib['line-rate'] = get_line_rate(self.root_package.covered_lines,
self.root.attrib['branch-rate'] = '0'
sources = etree.SubElement(self.root, 'sources')
source_element = etree.SubElement(sources, 'source')
source_element.text = os.getcwd()
out_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'cobertura.xml')
self.doc.write(out_path, encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True)
print('Generated Cobertura report:', os.path.abspath(out_path))
register_reporter('cobertura-xml', CoberturaXmlReporter, needs_lxml=True)
class AbstractXmlReporter(AbstractReporter):
"""Internal abstract class for reporters that work via XML."""
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
memory_reporter = reports.add_report('memory-xml', '<memory>')
# The dependency will be called first.
self.memory_xml = cast(MemoryXmlReporter, memory_reporter)
class XmlReporter(AbstractXmlReporter):
"""Public reporter that exports XML.
The produced XML files contain a reference to the absolute path
of the html transform, so they will be locally viewable in a browser.
However, there is a bug in Chrome and all other WebKit-based browsers
that makes it fail from file:// URLs but work on http:// URLs.
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
last_xml = self.memory_xml.last_xml
if last_xml is None:
path = os.path.relpath(tree.path)
if path.startswith('..'):
out_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'xml', path + '.xml')
last_xml.write(out_path, encoding='utf-8')
def on_finish(self) -> None:
last_xml = self.memory_xml.last_xml
assert last_xml is not None
out_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'index.xml')
out_xslt = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'mypy-html.xslt')
out_css = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'mypy-html.css')
last_xml.write(out_path, encoding='utf-8')
shutil.copyfile(self.memory_xml.xslt_html_path, out_xslt)
shutil.copyfile(self.memory_xml.css_html_path, out_css)
print('Generated XML report:', os.path.abspath(out_path))
register_reporter('xml', XmlReporter, needs_lxml=True)
class XsltHtmlReporter(AbstractXmlReporter):
"""Public reporter that exports HTML via XSLT.
This is slightly different than running `xsltproc` on the .xml files,
because it passes a parameter to rewrite the links.
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
self.xslt_html = etree.XSLT(etree.parse(self.memory_xml.xslt_html_path))
self.param_html = etree.XSLT.strparam('html')
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
last_xml = self.memory_xml.last_xml
if last_xml is None:
path = os.path.relpath(tree.path)
if path.startswith('..'):
out_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'html', path + '.html')
transformed_html = bytes(self.xslt_html(last_xml, ext=self.param_html))
with open(out_path, 'wb') as out_file:
def on_finish(self) -> None:
last_xml = self.memory_xml.last_xml
assert last_xml is not None
out_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'index.html')
out_css = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'mypy-html.css')
transformed_html = bytes(self.xslt_html(last_xml, ext=self.param_html))
with open(out_path, 'wb') as out_file:
shutil.copyfile(self.memory_xml.css_html_path, out_css)
print('Generated HTML report (via XSLT):', os.path.abspath(out_path))
register_reporter('xslt-html', XsltHtmlReporter, needs_lxml=True)
class XsltTxtReporter(AbstractXmlReporter):
"""Public reporter that exports TXT via XSLT.
Currently this only does the summary, not the individual reports.
def __init__(self, reports: Reports, output_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(reports, output_dir)
self.xslt_txt = etree.XSLT(etree.parse(self.memory_xml.xslt_txt_path))
def on_file(self,
tree: MypyFile,
type_map: Dict[Expression, Type],
options: Options) -> None:
def on_finish(self) -> None:
last_xml = self.memory_xml.last_xml
assert last_xml is not None
out_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'index.txt')
transformed_txt = bytes(self.xslt_txt(last_xml))
with open(out_path, 'wb') as out_file:
print('Generated TXT report (via XSLT):', os.path.abspath(out_path))
register_reporter('xslt-txt', XsltTxtReporter, needs_lxml=True)
alias_reporter('xslt-html', 'html')
alias_reporter('xslt-txt', 'txt')