blob: 7463b9ac201f62cff70ccdf6e1dd608e056f7de8 [file] [log] [blame]
from functools import wraps
import sys
from typing import Tuple, Union, TypeVar, Callable, Sequence, Optional, Any, cast, List
from mypy.nodes import (
MypyFile, Node, ImportBase, Import, ImportAll, ImportFrom, FuncDef, OverloadedFuncDef,
ClassDef, Decorator, Block, Var, OperatorAssignmentStmt,
ExpressionStmt, AssignmentStmt, ReturnStmt, RaiseStmt, AssertStmt,
DelStmt, BreakStmt, ContinueStmt, PassStmt, GlobalDecl,
WhileStmt, ForStmt, IfStmt, TryStmt, WithStmt,
TupleExpr, GeneratorExpr, ListComprehension, ListExpr, ConditionalExpr,
DictExpr, SetExpr, NameExpr, IntExpr, StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr,
FloatExpr, CallExpr, SuperExpr, MemberExpr, IndexExpr, SliceExpr, OpExpr,
UnaryExpr, FuncExpr, ComparisonExpr,
StarExpr, YieldFromExpr, NonlocalDecl, DictionaryComprehension,
SetComprehension, ComplexExpr, EllipsisExpr, YieldExpr, Argument,
AwaitExpr, TempNode, Expression, Statement,
from mypy.types import (
Type, CallableType, AnyType, UnboundType, TupleType, TypeList, EllipsisType,
from mypy import defaults
from mypy import experiments
from mypy.errors import Errors
from typed_ast import ast35
except ImportError:
if sys.version_info.minor > 2:
print('You must install the typed_ast package before you can run mypy'
' with `--fast-parser`.\n'
'You can do this with `python3 -m pip install typed-ast`.',
print('The typed_ast package required by --fast-parser is only compatible with'
' Python 3.3 and greater.')
T = TypeVar('T', bound=Union[ast35.expr, ast35.stmt])
U = TypeVar('U', bound=Node)
V = TypeVar('V')
TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR = 'syntax error in type comment'
TYPE_COMMENT_AST_ERROR = 'invalid type comment'
def parse(source: Union[str, bytes], fnam: str = None, errors: Errors = None,
pyversion: Tuple[int, int] = defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION,
custom_typing_module: str = None) -> MypyFile:
"""Parse a source file, without doing any semantic analysis.
Return the parse tree. If errors is not provided, raise ParseError
on failure. Otherwise, use the errors object to report parse errors.
The pyversion (major, minor) argument determines the Python syntax variant.
is_stub_file = bool(fnam) and fnam.endswith('.pyi')
assert pyversion[0] >= 3 or is_stub_file
ast = ast35.parse(source, fnam, 'exec')
tree = ASTConverter(pyversion=pyversion,
tree.path = fnam
tree.is_stub = is_stub_file
return tree
except (SyntaxError, TypeCommentParseError) as e:
if errors:
errors.set_file('<input>' if fnam is None else fnam), e.offset, e.msg)
return MypyFile([], [], False, set())
def parse_type_comment(type_comment: str, line: int) -> Type:
typ = ast35.parse(type_comment, '<type_comment>', 'eval')
except SyntaxError as e:
raise TypeCommentParseError(TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR, line, e.offset)
assert isinstance(typ, ast35.Expression)
return TypeConverter(line=line).visit(typ.body)
def with_line(f: Callable[['ASTConverter', T], U]) -> Callable[['ASTConverter', T], U]:
def wrapper(self: 'ASTConverter', ast: T) -> U:
node = f(self, ast)
node.set_line(ast.lineno, ast.col_offset)
return node
return wrapper
def find(f: Callable[[V], bool], seq: Sequence[V]) -> V:
for item in seq:
if f(item):
return item
return None
class ASTConverter(ast35.NodeTransformer):
def __init__(self,
pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
is_stub: bool,
custom_typing_module: str = None) -> None:
self.class_nesting = 0
self.imports = [] # type: List[ImportBase]
self.pyversion = pyversion
self.is_stub = is_stub
self.custom_typing_module = custom_typing_module
def generic_visit(self, node: ast35.AST) -> None:
raise RuntimeError('AST node not implemented: ' + str(type(node)))
def visit_NoneType(self, n: Any) -> Optional[Node]:
return None
def translate_expr_list(self, l: Sequence[ast35.AST]) -> List[Expression]:
res = [] # type: List[Expression]
for e in l:
exp = self.visit(e)
assert exp is None or isinstance(exp, Expression)
return res
def translate_stmt_list(self, l: Sequence[ast35.AST]) -> List[Statement]:
res = [] # type: List[Statement]
for e in l:
stmt = self.visit(e)
assert stmt is None or isinstance(stmt, Statement)
return res
op_map = {
ast35.Add: '+',
ast35.Sub: '-',
ast35.Mult: '*',
ast35.MatMult: '@',
ast35.Div: '/',
ast35.Mod: '%',
ast35.Pow: '**',
ast35.LShift: '<<',
ast35.RShift: '>>',
ast35.BitOr: '|',
ast35.BitXor: '^',
ast35.BitAnd: '&',
ast35.FloorDiv: '//'
def from_operator(self, op: ast35.operator) -> str:
op_name = ASTConverter.op_map.get(type(op))
if op_name is None:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown operator ' + str(type(op)))
return op_name
comp_op_map = {
ast35.Gt: '>',
ast35.Lt: '<',
ast35.Eq: '==',
ast35.GtE: '>=',
ast35.LtE: '<=',
ast35.NotEq: '!=',
ast35.Is: 'is',
ast35.IsNot: 'is not',
ast35.In: 'in',
ast35.NotIn: 'not in'
def from_comp_operator(self, op: ast35.cmpop) -> str:
op_name = ASTConverter.comp_op_map.get(type(op))
if op_name is None:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown comparison operator ' + str(type(op)))
return op_name
def as_block(self, stmts: List[ast35.stmt], lineno: int) -> Block:
b = None
if stmts:
b = Block(self.fix_function_overloads(self.translate_stmt_list(stmts)))
return b
def fix_function_overloads(self, stmts: List[Statement]) -> List[Statement]:
ret = [] # type: List[Statement]
current_overload = []
current_overload_name = None
# mypy doesn't actually check that the decorator is literally @overload
for stmt in stmts:
if isinstance(stmt, Decorator) and == current_overload_name:
if len(current_overload) == 1:
elif len(current_overload) > 1:
if isinstance(stmt, Decorator):
current_overload = [stmt]
current_overload_name =
current_overload = []
current_overload_name = None
if len(current_overload) == 1:
elif len(current_overload) > 1:
return ret
def in_class(self) -> bool:
return self.class_nesting > 0
def translate_module_id(self, id: str) -> str:
"""Return the actual, internal module id for a source text id.
For example, translate '__builtin__' in Python 2 to 'builtins'.
if id == self.custom_typing_module:
return 'typing'
elif id == '__builtin__' and self.pyversion[0] == 2:
# HACK: __builtin__ in Python 2 is aliases to builtins. However, the implementation
# is named (there is another layer of translation elsewhere).
return 'builtins'
return id
def visit_Module(self, mod: ast35.Module) -> MypyFile:
body = self.fix_function_overloads(self.translate_stmt_list(mod.body))
return MypyFile(body,
{ti.lineno for ti in mod.type_ignores},
# --- stmt ---
# FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args,
# stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment)
# arguments = (arg* args, arg? vararg, arg* kwonlyargs, expr* kw_defaults,
# arg? kwarg, expr* defaults)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, n: ast35.FunctionDef) -> Union[FuncDef, Decorator]:
return self.do_func_def(n)
# AsyncFunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args,
# stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment)
def visit_AsyncFunctionDef(self, n: ast35.AsyncFunctionDef) -> Union[FuncDef, Decorator]:
return self.do_func_def(n, is_coroutine=True)
def do_func_def(self, n: Union[ast35.FunctionDef, ast35.AsyncFunctionDef],
is_coroutine: bool = False) -> Union[FuncDef, Decorator]:
"""Helper shared between visit_FunctionDef and visit_AsyncFunctionDef."""
args = self.transform_args(n.args, n.lineno)
arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
arg_names = [ for arg in args]
arg_types = None # type: List[Type]
if n.type_comment is not None:
func_type_ast = ast35.parse(n.type_comment, '<func_type>', 'func_type')
except SyntaxError:
raise TypeCommentParseError(TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR, n.lineno, n.col_offset)
assert isinstance(func_type_ast, ast35.FunctionType)
# for ellipsis arg
if (len(func_type_ast.argtypes) == 1 and
isinstance(func_type_ast.argtypes[0], ast35.Ellipsis)):
arg_types = [a.type_annotation if a.type_annotation is not None else AnyType()
for a in args]
translated_args = (TypeConverter(line=n.lineno)
arg_types = [a if a is not None else AnyType()
for a in translated_args]
return_type = TypeConverter(line=n.lineno).visit(func_type_ast.returns)
# add implicit self type
if self.in_class() and len(arg_types) < len(args):
arg_types.insert(0, AnyType())
arg_types = [a.type_annotation for a in args]
return_type = TypeConverter(line=n.lineno).visit(n.returns)
for arg, arg_type in zip(args, arg_types):
self.set_type_optional(arg_type, arg.initializer)
if isinstance(return_type, UnboundType):
return_type.is_ret_type = True
func_type = None
if any(arg_types) or return_type:
if len(arg_types) > len(arg_kinds):
raise FastParserError('Type signature has too many arguments', n.lineno, offset=0)
if len(arg_types) < len(arg_kinds):
raise FastParserError('Type signature has too few arguments', n.lineno, offset=0)
func_type = CallableType([a if a is not None else AnyType() for a in arg_types],
return_type if return_type is not None else AnyType(),
func_def = FuncDef(,
self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno),
if is_coroutine:
# A coroutine is also a generator, mostly for internal reasons.
func_def.is_generator = func_def.is_coroutine = True
if func_type is not None:
func_type.definition = func_def
func_type.line = n.lineno
if n.decorator_list:
var = Var(
var.is_ready = False
func_def.is_decorated = True
func_def.set_line(n.lineno + len(n.decorator_list))
return Decorator(func_def, self.translate_expr_list(n.decorator_list), var)
return func_def
def set_type_optional(self, type: Type, initializer: Expression) -> None:
if not experiments.STRICT_OPTIONAL:
# Indicate that type should be wrapped in an Optional if arg is initialized to None.
optional = isinstance(initializer, NameExpr) and == 'None'
if isinstance(type, UnboundType):
type.optional = optional
def transform_args(self, args: ast35.arguments, line: int) -> List[Argument]:
def make_argument(arg: ast35.arg, default: Optional[ast35.expr], kind: int) -> Argument:
arg_type = TypeConverter(line=line).visit(arg.annotation)
return Argument(Var(arg.arg), arg_type, self.visit(default), kind)
new_args = []
num_no_defaults = len(args.args) - len(args.defaults)
# positional arguments without defaults
for a in args.args[:num_no_defaults]:
new_args.append(make_argument(a, None, ARG_POS))
# positional arguments with defaults
for a, d in zip(args.args[num_no_defaults:], args.defaults):
new_args.append(make_argument(a, d, ARG_OPT))
# *arg
if args.vararg is not None:
new_args.append(make_argument(args.vararg, None, ARG_STAR))
num_no_kw_defaults = len(args.kwonlyargs) - len(args.kw_defaults)
# keyword-only arguments without defaults
for a in args.kwonlyargs[:num_no_kw_defaults]:
new_args.append(make_argument(a, None, ARG_NAMED))
# keyword-only arguments with defaults
for a, d in zip(args.kwonlyargs[num_no_kw_defaults:], args.kw_defaults):
new_args.append(make_argument(a, d, ARG_NAMED))
# **kwarg
if args.kwarg is not None:
new_args.append(make_argument(args.kwarg, None, ARG_STAR2))
return new_args
def stringify_name(self, n: ast35.AST) -> str:
if isinstance(n, ast35.Name):
elif isinstance(n, ast35.Attribute):
sv = self.stringify_name(n.value)
if sv is not None:
return "{}.{}".format(sv, n.attr)
return None # Can't do it.
# ClassDef(identifier name,
# expr* bases,
# keyword* keywords,
# stmt* body,
# expr* decorator_list)
def visit_ClassDef(self, n: ast35.ClassDef) -> ClassDef:
self.class_nesting += 1
metaclass_arg = find(lambda x: x.arg == 'metaclass', n.keywords)
metaclass = None
if metaclass_arg:
metaclass = self.stringify_name(metaclass_arg.value)
if metaclass is None:
metaclass = '<error>' # To be reported later
cdef = ClassDef(,
self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno),
cdef.decorators = self.translate_expr_list(n.decorator_list)
self.class_nesting -= 1
return cdef
# Return(expr? value)
def visit_Return(self, n: ast35.Return) -> ReturnStmt:
return ReturnStmt(self.visit(n.value))
# Delete(expr* targets)
def visit_Delete(self, n: ast35.Delete) -> DelStmt:
if len(n.targets) > 1:
tup = TupleExpr(self.translate_expr_list(n.targets))
return DelStmt(tup)
return DelStmt(self.visit(n.targets[0]))
# Assign(expr* targets, expr? value, string? type_comment, expr? annotation)
def visit_Assign(self, n: ast35.Assign) -> AssignmentStmt:
typ = None
if hasattr(n, 'annotation') and n.annotation is not None: # type: ignore
new_syntax = True
new_syntax = False
if new_syntax and self.pyversion < (3, 6):
raise TypeCommentParseError('Variable annotation syntax is only '
'suppoted in Python 3.6, use type '
'comment instead', n.lineno, n.col_offset)
# typed_ast prevents having both type_comment and annotation.
if n.type_comment is not None:
typ = parse_type_comment(n.type_comment, n.lineno)
elif new_syntax:
typ = TypeConverter(line=n.lineno).visit(n.annotation) # type: ignore
typ.column = n.annotation.col_offset
if n.value is None: # always allow 'x: int'
rvalue = TempNode(AnyType()) # type: Expression
rvalue = self.visit(n.value)
lvalues = self.translate_expr_list(n.targets)
return AssignmentStmt(lvalues,
type=typ, new_syntax=new_syntax)
# AugAssign(expr target, operator op, expr value)
def visit_AugAssign(self, n: ast35.AugAssign) -> OperatorAssignmentStmt:
return OperatorAssignmentStmt(self.from_operator(n.op),
# For(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment)
def visit_For(self, n: ast35.For) -> ForStmt:
return ForStmt(self.visit(,
self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno),
self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno))
# AsyncFor(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
def visit_AsyncFor(self, n: ast35.AsyncFor) -> ForStmt:
r = ForStmt(self.visit(,
self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno),
self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno))
r.is_async = True
return r
# While(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
def visit_While(self, n: ast35.While) -> WhileStmt:
return WhileStmt(self.visit(n.test),
self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno),
self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno))
# If(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
def visit_If(self, n: ast35.If) -> IfStmt:
return IfStmt([self.visit(n.test)],
[self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno)],
self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno))
# With(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment)
def visit_With(self, n: ast35.With) -> WithStmt:
return WithStmt([self.visit(i.context_expr) for i in n.items],
[self.visit(i.optional_vars) for i in n.items],
self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno))
# AsyncWith(withitem* items, stmt* body)
def visit_AsyncWith(self, n: ast35.AsyncWith) -> WithStmt:
r = WithStmt([self.visit(i.context_expr) for i in n.items],
[self.visit(i.optional_vars) for i in n.items],
self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno))
r.is_async = True
return r
# Raise(expr? exc, expr? cause)
def visit_Raise(self, n: ast35.Raise) -> RaiseStmt:
return RaiseStmt(self.visit(n.exc), self.visit(n.cause))
# Try(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody)
def visit_Try(self, n: ast35.Try) -> TryStmt:
vs = [NameExpr( if is not None else None for h in n.handlers]
types = [self.visit(h.type) for h in n.handlers]
handlers = [self.as_block(h.body, h.lineno) for h in n.handlers]
return TryStmt(self.as_block(n.body, n.lineno),
self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno),
self.as_block(n.finalbody, n.lineno))
# Assert(expr test, expr? msg)
def visit_Assert(self, n: ast35.Assert) -> AssertStmt:
return AssertStmt(self.visit(n.test))
# Import(alias* names)
def visit_Import(self, n: ast35.Import) -> Import:
names = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
for alias in n.names:
name = self.translate_module_id(
asname = alias.asname
if asname is None and name !=
# if the module name has been translated (and it's not already
# an explicit import-as), make it an implicit import-as the
# original name
asname =
names.append((name, asname))
i = Import(names)
return i
# ImportFrom(identifier? module, alias* names, int? level)
def visit_ImportFrom(self, n: ast35.ImportFrom) -> ImportBase:
i = None # type: ImportBase
if len(n.names) == 1 and n.names[0].name == '*':
i = ImportAll(n.module, n.level)
i = ImportFrom(self.translate_module_id(n.module) if n.module is not None else '',
[(, a.asname) for a in n.names])
return i
# Global(identifier* names)
def visit_Global(self, n: ast35.Global) -> GlobalDecl:
return GlobalDecl(n.names)
# Nonlocal(identifier* names)
def visit_Nonlocal(self, n: ast35.Nonlocal) -> NonlocalDecl:
return NonlocalDecl(n.names)
# Expr(expr value)
def visit_Expr(self, n: ast35.Expr) -> ExpressionStmt:
value = self.visit(n.value)
return ExpressionStmt(value)
# Pass
def visit_Pass(self, n: ast35.Pass) -> PassStmt:
return PassStmt()
# Break
def visit_Break(self, n: ast35.Break) -> BreakStmt:
return BreakStmt()
# Continue
def visit_Continue(self, n: ast35.Continue) -> ContinueStmt:
return ContinueStmt()
# --- expr ---
# BoolOp(boolop op, expr* values)
def visit_BoolOp(self, n: ast35.BoolOp) -> OpExpr:
# mypy translates (1 and 2 and 3) as (1 and (2 and 3))
assert len(n.values) >= 2
op = None
if isinstance(n.op, ast35.And):
op = 'and'
elif isinstance(n.op, ast35.Or):
op = 'or'
raise RuntimeError('unknown BoolOp ' + str(type(n)))
# potentially inefficient!
def group(vals: List[Expression]) -> OpExpr:
if len(vals) == 2:
return OpExpr(op, vals[0], vals[1])
return OpExpr(op, vals[0], group(vals[1:]))
return group(self.translate_expr_list(n.values))
# BinOp(expr left, operator op, expr right)
def visit_BinOp(self, n: ast35.BinOp) -> OpExpr:
op = self.from_operator(n.op)
if op is None:
raise RuntimeError('cannot translate BinOp ' + str(type(n.op)))
return OpExpr(op, self.visit(n.left), self.visit(n.right))
# UnaryOp(unaryop op, expr operand)
def visit_UnaryOp(self, n: ast35.UnaryOp) -> UnaryExpr:
op = None
if isinstance(n.op, ast35.Invert):
op = '~'
elif isinstance(n.op, ast35.Not):
op = 'not'
elif isinstance(n.op, ast35.UAdd):
op = '+'
elif isinstance(n.op, ast35.USub):
op = '-'
if op is None:
raise RuntimeError('cannot translate UnaryOp ' + str(type(n.op)))
return UnaryExpr(op, self.visit(n.operand))
# Lambda(arguments args, expr body)
def visit_Lambda(self, n: ast35.Lambda) -> FuncExpr:
body = ast35.Return(n.body)
body.lineno = n.lineno
body.col_offset = n.col_offset
return FuncExpr(self.transform_args(n.args, n.lineno),
self.as_block([body], n.lineno))
# IfExp(expr test, expr body, expr orelse)
def visit_IfExp(self, n: ast35.IfExp) -> ConditionalExpr:
return ConditionalExpr(self.visit(n.test),
# Dict(expr* keys, expr* values)
def visit_Dict(self, n: ast35.Dict) -> DictExpr:
return DictExpr(list(zip(self.translate_expr_list(n.keys),
# Set(expr* elts)
def visit_Set(self, n: ast35.Set) -> SetExpr:
return SetExpr(self.translate_expr_list(n.elts))
# ListComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)
def visit_ListComp(self, n: ast35.ListComp) -> ListComprehension:
return ListComprehension(self.visit_GeneratorExp(cast(ast35.GeneratorExp, n)))
# SetComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)
def visit_SetComp(self, n: ast35.SetComp) -> SetComprehension:
return SetComprehension(self.visit_GeneratorExp(cast(ast35.GeneratorExp, n)))
# DictComp(expr key, expr value, comprehension* generators)
def visit_DictComp(self, n: ast35.DictComp) -> DictionaryComprehension:
targets = [self.visit( for c in n.generators]
iters = [self.visit(c.iter) for c in n.generators]
ifs_list = [self.translate_expr_list(c.ifs) for c in n.generators]
return DictionaryComprehension(self.visit(n.key),
# GeneratorExp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)
def visit_GeneratorExp(self, n: ast35.GeneratorExp) -> GeneratorExpr:
targets = [self.visit( for c in n.generators]
iters = [self.visit(c.iter) for c in n.generators]
ifs_list = [self.translate_expr_list(c.ifs) for c in n.generators]
return GeneratorExpr(self.visit(n.elt),
# Await(expr value)
def visit_Await(self, n: ast35.Await) -> AwaitExpr:
v = self.visit(n.value)
return AwaitExpr(v)
# Yield(expr? value)
def visit_Yield(self, n: ast35.Yield) -> YieldExpr:
return YieldExpr(self.visit(n.value))
# YieldFrom(expr value)
def visit_YieldFrom(self, n: ast35.YieldFrom) -> YieldFromExpr:
return YieldFromExpr(self.visit(n.value))
# Compare(expr left, cmpop* ops, expr* comparators)
def visit_Compare(self, n: ast35.Compare) -> ComparisonExpr:
operators = [self.from_comp_operator(o) for o in n.ops]
operands = self.translate_expr_list([n.left] + n.comparators)
return ComparisonExpr(operators, operands)
# Call(expr func, expr* args, keyword* keywords)
# keyword = (identifier? arg, expr value)
def visit_Call(self, n: ast35.Call) -> CallExpr:
def is_star2arg(k: ast35.keyword) -> bool:
return k.arg is None
arg_types = self.translate_expr_list(
[a.value if isinstance(a, ast35.Starred) else a for a in n.args] +
[k.value for k in n.keywords])
arg_kinds = ([ARG_STAR if isinstance(a, ast35.Starred) else ARG_POS for a in n.args] +
[ARG_STAR2 if is_star2arg(k) else ARG_NAMED for k in n.keywords])
return CallExpr(self.visit(n.func),
cast("List[str]", [None for _ in n.args]) + [k.arg for k in n.keywords])
# Num(object n) -- a number as a PyObject.
def visit_Num(self, n: ast35.Num) -> Union[IntExpr, FloatExpr, ComplexExpr]:
if getattr(n, 'contains_underscores', None) and self.pyversion < (3, 6):
raise FastParserError('Underscores in numeric literals are only '
'supported in Python 3.6', n.lineno, n.col_offset)
if isinstance(n.n, int):
return IntExpr(n.n)
elif isinstance(n.n, float):
return FloatExpr(n.n)
elif isinstance(n.n, complex):
return ComplexExpr(n.n)
raise RuntimeError('num not implemented for ' + str(type(n.n)))
# Str(string s)
def visit_Str(self, n: ast35.Str) -> Union[UnicodeExpr, StrExpr]:
if self.pyversion[0] >= 3 or self.is_stub:
# Hack: assume all string literals in Python 2 stubs are normal
# strs (i.e. not unicode). All stubs are parsed with the Python 3
# parser, which causes unprefixed string literals to be interpreted
# as unicode instead of bytes. This hack is generally okay,
# because mypy considers str literals to be compatible with
# unicode.
return StrExpr(n.s)
return UnicodeExpr(n.s)
# Bytes(bytes s)
def visit_Bytes(self, n: ast35.Bytes) -> Union[BytesExpr, StrExpr]:
# The following line is a bit hacky, but is the best way to maintain
# compatibility with how mypy currently parses the contents of bytes literals.
contents = str(n.s)[2:-1]
if self.pyversion[0] >= 3:
return BytesExpr(contents)
return StrExpr(contents)
# NameConstant(singleton value)
def visit_NameConstant(self, n: ast35.NameConstant) -> NameExpr:
return NameExpr(str(n.value))
# Ellipsis
def visit_Ellipsis(self, n: ast35.Ellipsis) -> EllipsisExpr:
return EllipsisExpr()
# Attribute(expr value, identifier attr, expr_context ctx)
def visit_Attribute(self, n: ast35.Attribute) -> Union[MemberExpr, SuperExpr]:
if (isinstance(n.value, ast35.Call) and
isinstance(n.value.func, ast35.Name) and == 'super'):
return SuperExpr(n.attr)
return MemberExpr(self.visit(n.value), n.attr)
# Subscript(expr value, slice slice, expr_context ctx)
def visit_Subscript(self, n: ast35.Subscript) -> IndexExpr:
return IndexExpr(self.visit(n.value), self.visit(n.slice))
# Starred(expr value, expr_context ctx)
def visit_Starred(self, n: ast35.Starred) -> StarExpr:
return StarExpr(self.visit(n.value))
# Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx)
def visit_Name(self, n: ast35.Name) -> NameExpr:
return NameExpr(
# List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)
def visit_List(self, n: ast35.List) -> ListExpr:
return ListExpr([self.visit(e) for e in n.elts])
# Tuple(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)
def visit_Tuple(self, n: ast35.Tuple) -> TupleExpr:
return TupleExpr([self.visit(e) for e in n.elts])
# --- slice ---
# Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step)
def visit_Slice(self, n: ast35.Slice) -> SliceExpr:
return SliceExpr(self.visit(n.lower),
# ExtSlice(slice* dims)
def visit_ExtSlice(self, n: ast35.ExtSlice) -> TupleExpr:
return TupleExpr(self.translate_expr_list(n.dims))
# Index(expr value)
def visit_Index(self, n: ast35.Index) -> Node:
return self.visit(n.value)
class TypeConverter(ast35.NodeTransformer):
def __init__(self, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.line = line
def visit_raw_str(self, s: str) -> Type:
# An escape hatch that allows the AST walker in fastparse2 to
# directly hook into the Python 3.5 type converter in some cases
# without needing to create an intermediary `ast35.Str` object.
return parse_type_comment(s.strip(), line=self.line)
def generic_visit(self, node: ast35.AST) -> None:
raise TypeCommentParseError(TYPE_COMMENT_AST_ERROR, self.line,
getattr(node, 'col_offset', -1))
def visit_NoneType(self, n: Any) -> Type:
return None
def translate_expr_list(self, l: Sequence[ast35.AST]) -> List[Type]:
return [self.visit(e) for e in l]
def visit_Name(self, n: ast35.Name) -> Type:
return UnboundType(, line=self.line)
def visit_NameConstant(self, n: ast35.NameConstant) -> Type:
return UnboundType(str(n.value))
# Str(string s)
def visit_Str(self, n: ast35.Str) -> Type:
return parse_type_comment(n.s.strip(), line=self.line)
# Subscript(expr value, slice slice, expr_context ctx)
def visit_Subscript(self, n: ast35.Subscript) -> Type:
if not isinstance(n.slice, ast35.Index):
raise TypeCommentParseError(TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR, self.line,
getattr(n, 'col_offset', -1))
value = self.visit(n.value)
assert isinstance(value, UnboundType)
assert not value.args
empty_tuple_index = False
if isinstance(n.slice.value, ast35.Tuple):
params = self.translate_expr_list(n.slice.value.elts)
if len(n.slice.value.elts) == 0:
empty_tuple_index = True
params = [self.visit(n.slice.value)]
return UnboundType(, params, line=self.line, empty_tuple_index=empty_tuple_index)
def visit_Tuple(self, n: ast35.Tuple) -> Type:
return TupleType(self.translate_expr_list(n.elts), None, implicit=True, line=self.line)
# Attribute(expr value, identifier attr, expr_context ctx)
def visit_Attribute(self, n: ast35.Attribute) -> Type:
before_dot = self.visit(n.value)
assert isinstance(before_dot, UnboundType)
assert not before_dot.args
return UnboundType("{}.{}".format(, n.attr), line=self.line)
# Ellipsis
def visit_Ellipsis(self, n: ast35.Ellipsis) -> Type:
return EllipsisType(line=self.line)
# List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)
def visit_List(self, n: ast35.List) -> Type:
return TypeList(self.translate_expr_list(n.elts), line=self.line)
class TypeCommentParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg: str, lineno: int, offset: int) -> None:
self.msg = msg
self.lineno = lineno
self.offset = offset
class FastParserError(TypeCommentParseError):