blob: 7a509e16fba0b29a438a1e690b12c4de55d5f1e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Claudiu Popa <>
# Copyright (c) 2017 Łukasz Rogalski <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 ssolanki <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Ville Skyttä <>
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Pierre Sassoulas <>
# Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo van Kemenade <>
# Copyright (c) 2020 hippo91 <>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Anthony Sottile <>
# Copyright (c) 2021 Marc Mueller <>
# Copyright (c) 2021 Mark Byrne <>
# Licensed under the GPL:
# For details:
Visitor doing some postprocessing on the astroid tree.
Try to resolve definitions (namespace) dictionary, relationship...
import collections
import os
import traceback
import astroid
from pylint.pyreverse import utils
def _iface_hdlr(_):
"""Handler used by interfaces to handle suspicious interface nodes."""
return True
def _astroid_wrapper(func, modname):
print("parsing %s..." % modname)
return func(modname)
except astroid.exceptions.AstroidBuildingException as exc:
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return None
def interfaces(node, herited=True, handler_func=_iface_hdlr):
"""Return an iterator on interfaces implemented by the given class node."""
implements = astroid.bases.Instance(node).getattr("__implements__")[0]
except astroid.exceptions.NotFoundError:
if not herited and implements.frame() is not node:
found = set()
missing = False
for iface in astroid.node_classes.unpack_infer(implements):
if iface is astroid.Uninferable:
missing = True
if iface not in found and handler_func(iface):
yield iface
if missing:
raise astroid.exceptions.InferenceError()
class IdGeneratorMixIn:
"""Mixin adding the ability to generate integer uid."""
def __init__(self, start_value=0):
self.id_count = start_value
def init_counter(self, start_value=0):
"""init the id counter"""
self.id_count = start_value
def generate_id(self):
"""generate a new identifier"""
self.id_count += 1
return self.id_count
class Linker(IdGeneratorMixIn, utils.LocalsVisitor):
"""Walk on the project tree and resolve relationships.
According to options the following attributes may be
added to visited nodes:
* uid,
a unique identifier for the node (on astroid.Project, astroid.Module,
astroid.Class and astroid.locals_type). Only if the linker
has been instantiated with tag=True parameter (False by default).
* Function
a mapping from locals names to their bounded value, which may be a
constant like a string or an integer, or an astroid node
(on astroid.Module, astroid.Class and astroid.Function).
* instance_attrs_type
as locals_type but for klass member attributes (only on astroid.Class)
* implements,
list of implemented interface _objects_ (only on astroid.Class nodes)
def __init__(self, project, inherited_interfaces=0, tag=False):
# take inherited interface in consideration or not
self.inherited_interfaces = inherited_interfaces
# tag nodes or not
self.tag = tag
# visited project
self.project = project
def visit_project(self, node):
"""visit a pyreverse.utils.Project node
* optionally tag the node with a unique id
if self.tag:
node.uid = self.generate_id()
for module in node.modules:
def visit_package(self, node):
"""visit an astroid.Package node
* optionally tag the node with a unique id
if self.tag:
node.uid = self.generate_id()
for subelmt in node.values():
def visit_module(self, node):
"""visit an astroid.Module node
* set the locals_type mapping
* set the depends mapping
* optionally tag the node with a unique id
if hasattr(node, "locals_type"):
node.locals_type = collections.defaultdict(list)
node.depends = []
if self.tag:
node.uid = self.generate_id()
def visit_classdef(self, node):
"""visit an astroid.Class node
* set the locals_type and instance_attrs_type mappings
* set the implements list and build it
* optionally tag the node with a unique id
if hasattr(node, "locals_type"):
node.locals_type = collections.defaultdict(list)
if self.tag:
node.uid = self.generate_id()
# resolve ancestors
for baseobj in node.ancestors(recurs=False):
specializations = getattr(baseobj, "specializations", [])
baseobj.specializations = specializations
# resolve instance attributes
node.instance_attrs_type = collections.defaultdict(list)
for assignattrs in node.instance_attrs.values():
for assignattr in assignattrs:
if not isinstance(assignattr, astroid.Unknown):
self.handle_assignattr_type(assignattr, node)
# resolve implemented interface
node.implements = list(interfaces(node, self.inherited_interfaces))
except astroid.InferenceError:
node.implements = ()
def visit_functiondef(self, node):
"""visit an astroid.Function node
* set the locals_type mapping
* optionally tag the node with a unique id
if hasattr(node, "locals_type"):
node.locals_type = collections.defaultdict(list)
if self.tag:
node.uid = self.generate_id()
link_project = visit_project
link_module = visit_module
link_class = visit_classdef
link_function = visit_functiondef
def visit_assignname(self, node):
"""visit an astroid.AssignName node
handle locals_type
# avoid double parsing done by different Linkers.visit
# running over the same project:
if hasattr(node, "_handled"):
node._handled = True
if in node.frame():
frame = node.frame()
# the name has been defined as 'global' in the frame and belongs
# there.
frame = node.root()
if not hasattr(frame, "locals_type"):
# If the frame doesn't have a locals_type yet,
# it means it wasn't yet visited. Visit it now
# to add what's missing from it.
if isinstance(frame, astroid.ClassDef):
elif isinstance(frame, astroid.FunctionDef):
current = frame.locals_type[]
frame.locals_type[] = list(set(current) | utils.infer_node(node))
def handle_assignattr_type(node, parent):
"""handle an astroid.assignattr node
handle instance_attrs_type
current = set(parent.instance_attrs_type[node.attrname])
parent.instance_attrs_type[node.attrname] = list(
current | utils.infer_node(node)
def visit_import(self, node):
"""visit an astroid.Import node
resolve module dependencies
context_file = node.root().file
for name in node.names:
relative = astroid.modutils.is_relative(name[0], context_file)
self._imported_module(node, name[0], relative)
def visit_importfrom(self, node):
"""visit an astroid.ImportFrom node
resolve module dependencies
basename = node.modname
context_file = node.root().file
if context_file is not None:
relative = astroid.modutils.is_relative(basename, context_file)
relative = False
for name in node.names:
if name[0] == "*":
# analyze dependencies
fullname = f"{basename}.{name[0]}"
if fullname.find(".") > -1:
fullname = astroid.modutils.get_module_part(fullname, context_file)
except ImportError:
if fullname != basename:
self._imported_module(node, fullname, relative)
def compute_module(self, context_name, mod_path):
"""return true if the module should be added to dependencies"""
package_dir = os.path.dirname(self.project.path)
if context_name == mod_path:
return 0
if astroid.modutils.is_standard_module(mod_path, (package_dir,)):
return 1
return 0
def _imported_module(self, node, mod_path, relative):
"""Notify an imported module, used to analyze dependencies"""
module = node.root()
context_name =
if relative:
mod_path = "{}.{}".format(".".join(context_name.split(".")[:-1]), mod_path)
if self.compute_module(context_name, mod_path):
# handle dependencies
if not hasattr(module, "depends"):
module.depends = []
mod_paths = module.depends
if mod_path not in mod_paths:
class Project:
"""a project handle a set of modules / packages"""
def __init__(self, name=""): = name
self.path = None
self.modules = []
self.locals = {}
self.__getitem__ = self.locals.__getitem__
self.__iter__ = self.locals.__iter__
self.values = self.locals.values
self.keys = self.locals.keys
self.items = self.locals.items
def add_module(self, node):
self.locals[] = node
def get_module(self, name):
return self.locals[name]
def get_children(self):
return self.modules
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Project {!r} at {id(self)} ({len(self.modules)} modules)>"
def project_from_files(
files, func_wrapper=_astroid_wrapper, project_name="no name", black_list=("CVS",)
"""return a Project from a list of files or modules"""
# build the project representation
astroid_manager = astroid.manager.AstroidManager()
project = Project(project_name)
for something in files:
if not os.path.exists(something):
fpath = astroid.modutils.file_from_modpath(something.split("."))
elif os.path.isdir(something):
fpath = os.path.join(something, "")
fpath = something
ast = func_wrapper(astroid_manager.ast_from_file, fpath)
if ast is None:
project.path = project.path or ast.file
base_name =
# recurse in package except if __init__ was explicitly given
if ast.package and something.find("__init__") == -1:
# recurse on others packages / modules if this is a package
for fpath in astroid.modutils.get_module_files(
os.path.dirname(ast.file), black_list
ast = func_wrapper(astroid_manager.ast_from_file, fpath)
if ast is None or == base_name:
return project