blob: 67c389d7a28ae30e828ad46ebb86ae0e92ec7202 [file] [log] [blame]
github_url = ""
current = "2.13.2"
regex = '''
message_template = "Bump pylint to {new_version}, update changelog"
tag_template = "v{new_version}"
# For each file to patch, add a [[file]] config
# section containing the path of the file, relative to the
# tbump.toml location.
src = "pylint/"
# You can specify a list of commands to
# run after the files have been patched
# and before the git commit is made
name = "Upgrade changelog"
cmd = "python3 script/ {new_version}"
name = "Upgrade and check doc"
cmd = "tox -e docs||echo 'Hack so this command does not fail'"
name = "Normalize the contributors-txt configuration"
cmd = "contributors-txt-normalize-configuration -a script/.contributors_aliases.json -o script/.contributors_aliases.json"
name = "Upgrade the contributors list"
cmd = "python3 script/"
name = "Apply pre-commit"
cmd = "pre-commit run --all-files||echo 'Hack so this command does not fail'"
# Or run some commands after the git tag and the branch
# have been pushed:
# [[after_push]]
# name = "publish"
# cmd = "./"